Jobless?'A-B can help ~ .- • ; ,., . • I Community Newspaper Company • allstonbrightontab,com FRIDAY, JULY 7, Vol. 10, No. 47 • 34 Pages . 3 Sections 75¢ MAKING WAY FOR UND NOT Cops seek would-be panty thief By Meghann Ackerman STAFf WRITER olice are looking for a Tlps from suspect who stole a BOIiton Police woman's wallet and then for her underwear on June for staying safe: • Stick It} well-lit, ACI:orcling to the 30-year-old well-traveled streets. she was getting the mail Avoid slloncuts through of her building on . wooded Ilreas, parking qh"s"'ick Road around 8:30 p.m. lots and hIleys. unknown man came up her and put his arm • Don't !lash large amowlts her neck. The suspect, of cash <lr other tempting tar was described as a white gets sucn as jewehy or in his 30s, 5 feet 9 inches expensiVe clothing. pounds, wearing a gray • Carry a purse close to George Cook of Allston shops at Kmart du~ng the stora'A closing sale. Kmart wtll be closing Its doors for and khaki shorts, asked ROBBERY, page 6 TIPS, page 6 Closing gets Kmart s loppers' '-4.""''''''''''''' E CLAIM By Meghann Ackerman STAFF WRITER , ofdeab. , Allston resident George Cook.' n't happy about the im­ tole pending closing of the Brighton Kmarl But with Com Pops down to S2.50 per box, he can't stay away from the going-<iut­ all stuff we don't need, car of-business sale, either. was only a dollar," she The store, at 400 Western By Meghann Acl(emu lice were able to recover pans resident Laura STAFf WRITER Ave. in the Brighton MiIJs of the ctlt in a Framingham Shopping Center, will he clos­ Lrul1llJl said she usually doesn't Police cracked a chop shop and discovered that ing its doors for good on Mon­ sbod ~t Kmart, but couldn't re­ theft last week the igniti ()l1 had not been tam­ day after Harvard University, on everytillng from a possible pered with, leaving them to nainll'n1"he. • to notebooks. which owns the lot Kman is on, t~~~~!!!! the vehicle's di!;ap~lr. wonder now the vehicle had did not renew their lease . the sign," she said of been driven away. At the time, Whether shoppers were unhap- The Kman on WOfitem Avenue Is clo"", to make way for ho'wltlhe learned about Kman's Police will he seeking ctIIni­ Chang denied any involvement py about Harvard's decision or develo pm@ nt related to H.""inI University. cJc)sij,g .. ''Cosmetics were really complaints against J,",h in the th ft of his car, police not, they have heen 'flocking to r--U;.UK, said. ted that the sale W3!l welcome. The s~)re was the only big-box 28, of 1079 Comlnon­ Kman to take advantage of the Harvard Allston Task Ave., who reponecl tus A check of Chang's phone c1ose-out sale. "Every little bit hel",," retailer in Allston-Brighton. and ible by three bus lines. ~,::~~f~ the university Ivehicle mOssing in August 1#l4. records led police to a Boston "It's not very good. H3(Vard Kman moved inld the West­ acces ~ to work out a ern Avenue site after Caldor's, M .y of the shoppers com­ to police, after the man, who said Chang was al­ will do whatever they want," deal with the missing, Chang iesti­ legedly going to pay him to said Cook. But, after saving which had previously occupied ing t of KmaIt on Wednesday the spot, declared 1I11DkrupICY· afternoon were not longtime KMART, page 6 to his insurance company steal his car, but that the man $1.44 per box of cereal, admit- he had all sets of keys, Po- was never paid. Co [lie writ r taekl s the ible By Lois Welnblatt CORRESPONDENT "" bothered me all the When most peopl think of different ways the story comOcs, the Bible docon't imme­ diately come to mind, but for a could be told and how it local graphic novelist, the two go wasn't being told." hand in hand. •1 Allston-Brighton .dent A. A. David Lewis , David Lewis, 28, puplisbed his first full-length graphic novel, '''The Lone and Level Sands," in being brought up, even if he was 2005 and has heell receiving on the other side of it." praise from the comlc book in- The graphic novel has also dustry ever since. heen nOnlinated for three Harvey The novel tells the Iliblical tale Kurtzman Awards, which are Dwelling of the Jewish Exlldus from judged by cOmOc-book profes­ l ~ Egypt, but in a nontraditional sionals. 'The Lone and Level on art at '- way, humanizing th characters Sands" is up for "Best Original instead of glorifying them, and Graphic Novel," and Jenn Forest Hills taking a controversiullook at the Rodger~, the woman who added story through the eyes of the color to the piece's illustrations, Egyptians instead of the Jews. is a contender for ''Best Col­ Most recently, th novel won orist." Lewis himself is compet­ ing forthe title of ''Best New Tal­ the Howard E. Day I'rize, award­ ent." The winners will he ed every year for outstanding . announced in Septemher. 8 achievement in self-publishing. STAFF PIiOTO BY OIMO GOROOH "It's very exciting for us," Dave Sim, an author, artist and CommunIty Notes 10 A.D ..1d lewis, author of "The Lone In New England Comics on Lewis said. "We're up against publisher of graphl ~ novels, as T..... d8y afternoon, June 10. The award~llnnll,g author's work. Marvel omOcs, DC COmOcs; the ' CrIme 11 well as co-creator ond judge of he's working past his acted so positively toward '''The big guys." the Day Prize, said Lewis' novel ga ." A nntive of Framingham, 18 is "a very impres", ve achieve­ "David's a little old to he a experience." Lofle and Level Sands" because Lewis saJd he thinks Sim "he liked that a discussiofl was COMIC, page 7 20 ment for someone ri jlht out of the ct-jld prodigy," he said. ''But it's 19 Call For a Free \I~EL AVTOMOBUE 23 Market Analysisl CIIIIWI'H \CHC BORE \1 COMMERCIAL Political Notebook 3 LOW RATES Sports IE fllJl!) Insurance Experienced a~wers, ~~2t \i. Auto Sh INmut Properties Agency 134 Tremont Street · Brighton , Work Injuries Peoples Oak Square YMCA ph 1317-787-7877 Federal Savings Bank 615 Washington SL Your NeiglJborhood Realto,ql) ilfighlon, MA 02135 1317-787-7876 fa" Allston 229 Nonh Han.rd Sum 556 Cambridge Sf-, Brighton 60 A Brighton Ave. BrighlOO 435 Market Sum • .....""",'_ 617·782·3535 Tel. 617-787-2121 Allston, MA 02134 ~ www.ymcaboston.org <:> (617) 25+<>107' wwwpfsb.oom Y Wltf m C2lshawlnul.com (617) 781 8'"lG9 I ... _FDIC 1 .' TAB eather soaks Have strong opinions? Do yon want veyed for o(Ii.~1 a part of the Reader's Net- your voice to be heard? Would you like to feedback onIIbe p or Menino's be part of the Allston-Brighton TAB? From All we IJI!ed is e-mails, from new or renlll1lin~IA(lvi­ , chiming in on the neighborhood's worst dress. members, should be garden contest:; potholes to picking where we get the best. Some of you htj participaled ill or al- slice of pizza. you can help this paper be­ reody ezpressft illterest in bei/lg part of address will be kel)tlconii- May's and June's 40 days of wet Only gardens planted 1)y ama~iir'~ oome more reader-oriented .• rhe Reader's Advl ry' Networlc. Since the . ilP.T,fbHiiid not shared with am/one elise. weather has made it' a challenge gardeners are eligible to take part: The Allston-Brighton TAB is looldng for TAB has recmtly Jlllder new ediror- readers for Boston's green thumbs to in the contest. No professionally­ residents to be part of our Readers Adviso­ ship. we are tUlcil that you please e-mail spruce up their gardens for Mayor contracted work will be allowed to' ry Network. Readers who join will be sur- us again. recon) 'ng your interest i/l Menino's annual Garden Contest. enter. Entrants must submit php." Gardeners had until July 14 to tographs of their garden with aD( register for the competition pre- official entry form. Judges will US<\­ sented by the Boston Parks and the photos to narrow the entrants We want your news! Recreation Department and spon- to five finalists per category. S~ , sors Comeast and visits by contest. ..........•• valentina lie (781) 43JH!:l165 Welcome to the Allston-Brighton the Boston Her- judges will delltx", • • • • • • • • • • • j • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , ald. However, "We are proud to mine the winners...' TAB! We are eager to serve as a · . •... Meghann Ackerman The Hyde Park (781) 433/8333 Menino and Parks honor our city's Fir s t -P I a c.e forom for the community. Please • . ...... .... ....... mackel1T1a@<>nllcom at 58 Dana Ave. closed on Saturday, Commissioner winners in 0$1;1" send us calendar listings, social · .......... Greg Reibman (781) 43$l~ Antonia Pol)alc gardeners who category will re-. and any other items of community due to hazardous announced that work SO hard to ceive the "Golden, interest Please mail the information . ens Warren (781) 4nl«n in West Roxbury . used motor oil, as they would ex- Trower' aw~ to Editor, Valentina Zic, Allston­ ~u.r , I . .... .. .. Harlie! Steinberg (781) mll865 tend the deadline add color and from Menina", Brighton TAB, P.O. Box 9112, II1II_ III • . ... ..... Marl< R.
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