THE ECOLOGY OF SAND BUBBLER CRAB AT PUGU BEACH, LUNDU, SARAWAK Haleeda Natasya binti Ahmad Zawawi (36167) Bachelor of Science with Honours (Aquatic Resource Science and Management) 2015 UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK Grade: Please tick (..J) Final Year Project. Report [Z] Masters D PhD D DECLARATION OF ORIGINAL WORK /"I C I This decla ra tioo IS made 00 the .....2j.hbday of.. .. ;).~ .NJ.... year .. .'f. ..';- .. Student's D eclaration: I .. :lV: .~.~. ~. DJ'!..... ~~~~f)? ~f)....§~.....~..f.\(\Il.fl .il... .1. ~ .~. ~ .~!..:..~ . 6.1.1> J.'...~ . ~ .~ . L .............. (PLEASE INDICATE NAME, iYIA1'RIC NO. AND FACULTY) hereby declare that t.he work entitl~d , .l?t··.. {~~~ J:)·c;:-:I."f.. · f% · · i ·,~~~il?··O..'V·,"~1-~lw ·A{I?..IlJ3, .... is my original work. 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(PLEASE INDICATE THE DEGREE TITLE), and the aforementioned work, to the best of my knowledge , is the said student's \vork Dr. SiIllIl.mllf Knofij'" A• . Rahim Ptl\!i}.nIh K.nan J~ 'a.iJl~ AkuaLl'" Received for examination by: ~ "",!.I11I ~Ub .,In T"li.l'Rdu~ i Sl.lm~r 1ll\1'\I £ RJ.)X~\\A[A"I SI.. ,)Ak ,\ WI\~ \Name . 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Student's signature _____~tJ____-= __.__ _ Supervisor's sigua ture: 9C~<~ (Date) (Date) ;x,IS! UJ iS ("2 G I 6 / h) Current Address: "2-~4 · P.... y~ l.L 8. t; PI t\ l.\J ~ N C4 i 32.00 P E (1.111 \A1f\ f1-" r f' ~ LI1 VI "INi\ NC, Notes: * If the Projectrrhesis is CONFIDENTIAL or RESTRICTED, please attach together as annexure a letter from the organisation with the date of restriction indicated, and the reasons for the co nfidentiality and restriction. [The instrume nt was prepared by The Ce ntre for Acade mic Information Se rvices] The Ecology of Sand Bubbler Crab at Pugu Beach, Lundu, Sarawak Haleeda Natasya binti Ahmad Zawawi (36167) This project report is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science with Honours (Aquatic Resource Science and Management) Faculty of Resource Science and Technology UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK 2015 Acknowledgements Firstly, I want to express my gratitute to Allah for his blessings throughout the duration of my research and completion of this project. Special thanks to Dr. Siti Akmar Khadijah bt Ab. Rahim as my Supervisor who give me guide, advice and expertise. Not to forget my examiner, Dr. Samsur Mohamad for the comments given to improve my project. Next, I would like to thank my beloved mother, Norhayati binti Abu Hassan and families and friend for all the supports and beliefs. Special thanks to the lab assistant Mr Richard Toh and Mr Mustafa Kamal for spending their times to help during sampling. Thanks also to postgraduate students, Norhakimi Muhammad for all the advices to improve this report. I DECLARATION I hereby declare that the work in this project is my own except for quotations and summaries which have been duly acknowledged. No portion of the work referred to in this dissertation has been submitted in support of an application for another degree qualification of this or any other university or institution of higher learning. ....................................................... Haleeda Natasya binti Ahmad Zawawi Aquatic Resource Science and Management Department of Aquatic Science Faculty of Resource Science and Technology University Malaysia Sarawak II Table of Contents Acknowledgement I Declaration II Table of content III – IV List of figures V – VI List of tables VII – VIII List of abbreviation IX Abstract 1 1.0 Introduction 2 – 3 2.0 Literature Review 4 2.1Taxonomy Classification 4 2.2 Recent Status 5 2.3 Habitat Influences 6 2.4 Behavior of Sand Bubbler Crab 6 2.5 Species Identification 7 – 9 2.6 Habitat Preferance 9 – 10 2.7 Importants to the ecosystem 10 3.0 Material and Method 11 3.1 Study Site 11 3.2 Sampling Method 12 3.2.1 Sampling Station 12 3.2.2 Sampling of Sand Bubbler Crab 13 3.2.3 Physico-chemical Parameter 13 3.3 Laboratory Work 13 3.3.1 Carapace Measurement 13 3.3.2 Species identification 14 3.3.3 Sediment Analysis 14 Particle Size Analysis 14 Total Organic Matter 15 3.4 Data Analysis 15 3.4.1 The Density of Crabs 15 3.4.2 Correlation Analysis 16 III 4.0 Results 16 4.1 Community Structure 16-17 4.2 Crabs Density 18 - 19 4.3 Carapace Measurement 19 - 21 4.4 CW and CL Classes of D. intermedia 22 - 24 4.5 Physico-chemical Parameter 24 - 29 4.6 Sediment Particle Size Analysis 30 - 31 4.7 Total Organic Matter 32 4.8 Correlation Analysis 33 5.0 Discussion 34 5.1 Sand Bubbler Crab, D. intermedia 34 5.2 The Distribution of D. intermedia 34 - 37 5.3 Total Organic Matter Availability 37 6.0 Conclusion 38 7.0 References 39 - 40 Appendixe 41 - 45 IV List of Figures Figure 1 The varies shape of carapace posses by different species under 7 genus Scopimera (a,b.c). Figure 2 The varies formation of tooth at the middle of dactyl possess by 8 different species under genus Scopimera (a, c, e) Figure 3 Varies groove pattern of carapace posses by the species under 8 genus Dotilla. Figure 4 The map showing the location of the sampling site. 11 Figure 5 Illustration of sampling design by using line transect across the 12 intertidal area from high tide to low tide. Figure 6 The dorsal view of Dotilla intermedia. 17 Figure 7 The ventral view of Dotilla intermedia. 18 Figure 8 The present of setae on the abdomen part was used to 18 distinguish between two genus of sand bubbler crab, Dotilla and Scopimera. Figure 9 Male and female abdomen of D. intermedia. 18 Figure 10 Mean density of crabs (ind/m2) collected across the intertidal 19 area of Pugu Beach on November 2014. Figure 11 Mean density of crabs (ind/m2) collected across the intertidal 20 area of Pugu Beach on February 2015. Figure 12 Mean size of carapace width (mm) of D. intermedia across the 20 intertidal area of Pugu Beach on November 2014. Figure 13 Mean carapace lenght (mm) of D. intermedia across the 20 intertidal area of Pugu Beach on November 2014 Figure 14 Mean carapace width (mm) of D. intermedia across the 21 intertidal area of Pugu Beach on February 2015. Figure 15 Mean carapace lenght (mm) of D. intermedia across the 21 intertidal area of Pugu Beach on February 2015. Figure 16 Number of individual of D. intermedia based on carapace width 22 class size at Pugu Beach on November 2014. Figure 17 Number of individual of D. intermedia based on carapace 23 length class size at Pugu Beach on November 2014. V Figure 18 Number of individual of D. intermedia based on carapace width 23 class size at Pugu Beach on February 2015. Figure 19 Number of individual of D. intermedia based on carapace width 24 class size at Pugu Beach on February 2015. Figure 20 Mean salinity (PSU) of pore water across the intertidal area of 25 Pugu Beach on November 2014.
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