/ . -r. ·_,:· ,, . ,MOllrn 'R&bbi Shatzkes- ~ore than 1800 people Torah scholar who passed Geht <!tommtn.tiltor·. filled Lamport Auditorium away Monday, December . Tuesday, December 30, to 29. At M. T. J., others · Official Undergraduate Newspaper. of Yeshiva C~llege hear Dr. Sa~m.tel Belkin, • listened to Rabbi Moshe - Rabbi Dr. Joseph Soloveit­ Feinstein, its rosh yeshifJa VOLUME XL VIII NEW YQRK CITY, MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1959 NO. 7 chik, Rabbi David Lifschitz Rabbi Henkin of the Ezrat Torah Fund, and Rabbi Kai- , manowitz of the Mir Ye- . Dr. Seflcin Is • Host shiva, eulogize the ·sage. To Student Council S. C. Unanimously Votes Rabbi Shatzkes, known as the Lom.za Rav., was with At Tea, Discus~ion the Yeshiva since 1941 · and 'Dr. Samuel Belk.in, president Student Activities fund! was a member of the ord ina­ of Yeshiva Univel1iity, was host of a tion board. Student Council unanimously approved the enactment five­ to a tea for Student Council dollar student activities fee, effective next year, at a meeting held That same day, Tuesday, Tuesday, January 6; at 8 o'clock. Monday, January 5. December 30, Rabbi Shatz­ Dr. Belkin, m answer to Establishment of the fee 1 w=-s k:es' body was tak:en to Id­ questions posed by the Student necessitated by the increasing lewild Airport g.11d flown to Makes High Score Council expenditures ,such as Israel. He was buried near See Editorial on Page 2 THE COMMENTATOR, Masmid, the the graves of Rav Isser Zal­ Dean's Reception, senior awards, man Meltzer, the Slutzker Council, stated that he was aware and films for clubs. The cost of Rav, and his brother-in-law of the need of a Religious Guid­ these activities has gone up in Rabbi Korb, former rosh ye­ ance Program in Yeshiva, which Rabbi Moshe Sbatzkes recent years while Student Coun- s.hiva in Chicago. Rabbi Nis­ would help solve the religious and Rabbi Aaron Shatzk:es sim and Rabbi Isaac Herzog, problems of the Yeshiva College See _Editorial on Page 2. pay tribute to Rabbi Moshe Chief Rabbis of Israel, par­ student. Shatzk.es, world-renowned ticipated at the funeral. cil's · income has remained fairly The President of the U niver­ constant. As a consequence, Stu­ sity expressed his hopes for the dent Council's budget has oper­ establishment of a new program ated at a deficit. whereby Yeshiva students will be Better Student Servieetl T. I. Student Council Resolution able to spend some time in Is­ Student Council members ex­ rael. pressed · the,, hope that the fee Praise Given Protests Israel Program Ban Saul Berman would usher in. a new era of High regard for this year's Stu­ service for students, including ex­ A resolution which "vehemently" i#rotested the discontinuance of dent Council was expressed in On the Law School Aptitude the Teachers Institute Study program in Israel, was drawn up at a panded club programs and dor­ that the relationship between the Test, given Sunday, November 9, mitory film shows. The films had special T. I. Student Council meeting, December 24. The university administration and the students ,Saul Berman '559, placed in the was urged to reinstate the aban­ been discontinued last term be­ had been so far one of co-opera­ top 2 % of Aptitude Test winners cause of a lack: of funds. doned trips to Israel. Committee Named tion. in the United States during the This petition was drawn up In addition, it was felt that The members of Student Coun­ past ten years. on the basis of a firm conviction To Probe Activities be<Zause of the new source of cil found the gathering informa­ of T.l.S.C. that "the experience revenue, the burden •. on Co-op Committees to study THE tive and ~ressed the hope that of an undergraduate Yeshiva U. Saphire Boasts .would be l~ened and prices CoMMENTATOR, and Co-op Stores future Councils would have the Dr. student studying in Israel is of thereby reduced, thus affording and "their' functions and a Reli- opportunity of meeting with Dr. the highest religious and cultural Of Pre Med Record students further benefits. Belkin. "Although Council will not value to the student and thereby See Editorial on Page 2 93 % of Yeshiva College's pre­ enter into· any wild spending ' to Yeshiva University." It was medical and pre-dental majors sprees, we are confident that every also felt that "such a student gious Guidance program . commit­ Playday have been accepted by professional student will be greatly benefited returns to America further im­ tee have been appointed by Stu- The Dean's Reception will graduate schools, revealed Dr. dent Council , by this fee," stated Raphael Wein­ bued with the ideah of Judaism take place on February 8, Shelley R. Saphire, chairman of berg '59, President of Student and with a better understanding The Committee for THE CoM­ in the Joan of Arc High the Pre-Medical Committee. MENTATOR consists of Benjamin Council. of the Jew in Israel and in galut. School Auditorium on 93rd Commenting on an article in Hirsch '60, chairman, Joel Daner Resolution Seni St. in Manhattan, announced the "Harvard Crimson" which '60 and Yehuda Sorscher '59. This protest was passed una­ Stanley Harrison '60, chair­ boasted that 90 of Harvard's "For many years, doubt has ex­ % Rav Delivers. Shiur nimously by T.I.S.C. Copies of man of the Student Activi­ pre-meds and pre-dents reached isted as to the philosophy of these the resolution were sent to Dr. ties Committee. It will begin graduate school, Dr. Saphire ToOverflowC{owd Samuel Belkin, president of Y.U., activities and their exact connec­ -at 7 :30 P.M. stated, "Yeshiva has outdone Har­ The sanctity of the Sefer Tor­ Dr. S. Sar, dean of Men, Dr. tion with Student Council These Hyam W assennan '60 and vard in this matter." "Since my_ ah., Tephillin, and Mezuza were H. B. Grinstein, director of committees will attempt to clar­ Joseph Lifschitz '61 are in appointment as chairman of the discussed by Rabbi Dr. Joseph B. ify their relationships and make charge of tick:ets a_nd reserva­ T. I., Dr. S. L. Guterman, Pre-Medical Committee," he con­ Soloveitchik at the annual Y ahr­ clear precisely what their roles tions. dean of the College, and Dr. tinued, "88 out of 94 applicants zeit Shiur., January 11. M. D. Tendler, asst. dean of are," stated Mr. Hirsch. for medical and dental schools The Shiur, commemorating· the Y. C. haye ~ep accepted. annivel1iary of the death l 8 years A meeting of the executive "This achievement has been ago of hjs father, Rabbi Moshe council-Bob Schectman, Albie Yeshiva U. To Lose Uniqueness realized to a great extent Because Soloveitchik: of blessed memory, Hornblass, and Harvey Gold­ of the untiring efforts of the was delivered to an overflow scheider-of T.I.S.C. with Dr. committee," concluded Dr. Sa­ crowd at Lamport Auditorium. Belkin will be held the first week. phire. The assembled throng included of the new term to discuss the many of the Torah world's out­ reinstatement of the Israel study standing luminaries, Yeshiva Uni­ program. Cafeteria In Red; versity alumni and present stu­ Prices May Go Up dents of Y.U. and other Yeshi­ ~/an Second Part 'OOt. Food prices · .will be increased ' Y.U.Blood Drive · Rabbi SoJoveitchik, deicended bf unless more students patronize the from one o1 Judaism's greatest The final segment of the An­ College Cafeteria. families, · was granted the degree "The Cafeteria has a dencit of nual Yeshiva College Blood Dr_ive ' of Doctor of Philosophy by the take place on March 17, at Artists conception of Jewish University of· America. From left to forty thousand dollars a year,,, University of Berlin in .1930. will right: Dormitory (already built) with cafeteria and classrooms. the Red Cross Blood Bank in Behind H is women's liberal arts building. Center: Yeshiva building, said Mr. Alfred Parker, director Upon entry into the U.S., Rab­ l\1anhattan. Right: Liberal Aris College for men and fieldhouse. In rear are of Yeshiva University · Cafeterias. bi Soloveitchik founded the Ram­ athletic fields. At that time transportation will "The deficit has ·been too large," ham Yeshiva of Boston, Mass., by Bernard ff. Kaplan be provided for those students he continued, "and the only an­ which he now heads. He is also who were unable to donate blood The Hebrew Theological Col- The proposed Jewish Uriiver- swer to the problem is to have Chairman of the . Halacha Com­ December- 24 to the Red Cross. lege of Chicago has recently de- sity of America will occupy a 16 100 to 150 more students coming mittee of the Rabbinical Council Over 17 5 students gave blood cided to expand its facilities to acre plot in Skokie, Illinois, a for breakfast and luncheon meals." of America. in December, reported Kalman include a Liberal Arts College. suburb of Chicago. The Theolo­ In addition to his duties here, . At present ;:Rabbi Soloveitchik Low '59, Chairman of the Drive. Thus, within a few short years gical College consists of a Rab­ Mr. Park:er directs the opera­ conducts the - advanced Col- Mr. Low urged all students yeshiva College will not be the binical division, a Graduate school tions of the Stem College restaur­ . lege 81,iur in Tractate Sanhedrin who signed up for donations at only American coll~ under Or- which offers a courses leading to ant and the College Inn, the and a class in Tractate Shatibat · the earlier date to give blood thodox Jewish auspices.
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