1 GLOSSARY Compiled by P.P.J. Herman This list is based on the glossary in Leistner (2005). The Latin and Greek terminology was obtained from Stearn (1966), the German terminology from Launert (1998) and the Afrikaans terminology mainly from Goossens (1972). Additional information sources are listed in the list of literature consulted. In the definitions, words in bold are cross referenced. The Latin, German and Afrikaans words are in italics and the abbreviations referring to the different languages are in brackets ( ) and in bold. Words in square brackets [ ] represent translations which do not necessarily have the same meaning than the Latin. At the end of the list, three tables are given, summarising pollination and seed/fruit dispersal vectors (Table 1), specific habitats (Table 2) and terms describing consistency of organs (Table 3). Abbreviations: A – Afrikaans G – German Greek L – Latin adj. = adjective pl. = plural sing. = singular syn. = synonym A a- (prefix): without, lacking, not. See also e-, ex-, -less. a- (Greek); -los, -frei, un-, ohne (G); -loos, -vry (A) abaxial: applied to the side or surface facing away from the axis or stem, dorsal. Compare adaxial. abaxialis (L); abaxial, achsenentfernt (G); abaksiaal, onderkant (A) abbreviated: shortened. abbreviatus (L); abkürzen, heben, kürzen (G); verkort (A) aberrant: departing from the usual, abnormal. aberrans, abnormalis, anomalus, atypicus (L); irrend, irrig (G); abnormaal, afwykend (A) abnormal: exceptional, irregular, deviating from the normal, anomolous. abnormalis, abnormis, anomalus, atypicus, aberrans (L); abartig, aberrant, abnorm (G); abnormaal (A) abortion: suppression of parts which are usually present. abortus, -tio (L); Abort, Abortus, Abtreibung (G); aborsie, onderdrukking van vorming, staking van ontwikkeling (A) about: approximately, more or less, plus-minus, ±. circa, circum, circiter, c., ca., fere (L); fast beinahe, ungefähr, nahezu, etwa, zirka (G); min of meer, ongeveer, plus-minus (A) above: at a higher point, on the upper side, in addition, more than, earlier in a book or article. supra, supra-, super- (L); ana-, ano-, hyper, hyper- (Greek); über (G); bo, bokant (A) 2 above and below: both sides. utrinque, utrimque (L); oben und unten, beidenseits, beiderseitig, beiderseits (G); beide kante, bo en onder, bokant en onderkant (A) above-ground: supraterraneus (L); epigäisch, oberirdisch, überirdisch (G); bogronds (A). See also epigeal, epigeous. abrupt, -ly: sudden, suddenly. abruptus, abrupte (L); abgebrochen, abrupt, schroff (G); abrup, skielik, stompaf (A) abscission: the normal shedding from a plant of an organ that is mature or aged. abscissus (L); Abstossung, Abszission, Abtrennung, Abwerfen (G); abstiksie, afsnoering, afgooi, onthegting, verloor (A) absent: wanting, lacking, not present, not existing. carens, absens (L); Abwesenheit (G); afwesig, sonder, weg (A) absolutely wanting: nullus (L); ganz fehlend (G); totaal afwesig (A) absurdly: ingongruous, ridiculous, silly. putide (L); absurd (G); ongerymdheid, onsinnig (A) abundant, abundantly: more than sufficient, plentiful, rich. abundans, abundus, abundanter, copiose (L); ergiebig, reichlich (G); baie, oorvloedig, oorvloediglik, ryk, ryklik, volop, voorkomsdigtheid (A) acanthaceous: prickly, aculeate. igelborstig, igelig, igelstachelig (G); Acanthus- agtig, doringdraend, stekelrig (A) acanthocarpous: with prickly fruit. igelfrüchtig, stachelfrüchtig (G); akantokarp, akantokarpies, doringvrugtig (A) acanthocladous: with prickly shoots. stachelästig (G); doringtakkig (A) acarodomatium, -a: a small cavity of very varying form, found on almost any vegetative part of the plant, which is inhabited, or thought to be inhabited, by mites; commonest types are small pockets or pits in axils of main veins with midrib on lower leaf surface; domatium. acarodomatium (L); Domatium (G); akarodomatium, domatium (A) acarpous: without fruits, not producing fruits. akarp, akarpies, nie-vrugdraend, vrugloos (A) acaudal, acaudate: without tail or basal appendage, tailless. schwanzlos (G); stertloos (A) acaulescent/acauline: stemless or seemingly so. acaulescens, acaulis (L); stengellos (G); gedronge stingel, stingelloos (A) accessory: additional. accessorius (L); akzessorisch, beigefügt (G); by-, bykomend(e), aanhangsel (A) according to: apud, juxta, secundum, fide, f., secus, secundum, sec., teste (L); gemäss, zufolge, nach, laut (G); volgens (A) according to the description: e/ex descriptione, e descr. (L); volgens die beskrywing (A) accrescent: increasing in size, e.g. the calyx of some plants in the fruiting stage. accrescens, auctus, increscens (L); fortwachsend, Wachstum, Zunahme, Zuwachs (G); groterwordend, uitgroeiend, vergroot (A) accumbent: lying along or against another body. accumbens (L); gegen, nahe an (G); leunend, teenaan (A) acephalous: without a head, without capitulum. acephal, acephalisch, kopflos (G); asefaal, asefalies, hofieloos, koploos (A) acerose, acerous: needle-shaped, like leaves of Pinus; acicular. acerosus (L); nadelartig, nadelförmig, nadelig (G); naaldagtig, naaldvormig, skerppuntig (A) acetabuliform: saucer-shaped. acetabuliformis (L); pfannenartig, pfannenförmig (G); pieringvormig (A) 3 achene: (misapplied to the Asteraceae, see cypsela) small dry fruit, not splitting when ripe, formed from a superior ovary of 1 carpel, containing 1 seed and the seed coat (testa) is free from the fruit wall. See caryopsis. achenium (L); Achäne(-n), Doldenfrucht (G); acheen, [dopvrug, kapsella—Asteraceae vruggie] (A) achlamydeous: without perianth. achlamydeus (L); apochlamydeisch (G); blomdekloos (A) acicular: very narrow, stiff and pointed, needle-like, needle-shaped; linear, rigid, tapering to a fine point from a narrow base; acerose, acerous. acerosus, acicularis (L); nadelartig, nadelförmig, nadelig (G); naaldagtig, naaldvormig, skerppuntig (A) acid: sour, sour substance. acidum (L); oxys (Greek); säurehaltig, sauer (G); suur (A) acinaciform: scimitar-shaped; shaped like a short, curved, single-edged sword. acinaciformis (L); säbelformig (G); kromsabelvormig (A) acrid: bitterly pungent, irritating corrosive. ätzend, beissend, scharf (G); bytend, skerp (smaak of reuk), vretend (A) acrodromous: veins (nerves) entering the blade at the base and running parallel to the margin without branching from the base to the tip, but veins curved. acrodromus (L); akrodrom, spitzläufig (G); akrodroom, toparig (A). Compare actinodromous, brochidodrome/ -ous, campylodromous, craspedodromous, parallelodromous. acropetal: arising or developing in a longitudinal sequence towards the apex. Compare basipetal. acropetus (L); akropetal (G); akropetaal, ontwikkel na die bopunt (groeipunt), ontwikkel na die punt, topsoekend (A) across: trans, trans- (L); dia- (Greek); kreuzweise, quer hinüber, quer herüber (G); dwarsoor, oorkant, teenoor (A) actinocarpous: fruits radiating from the centre. aktinokarp, aktinokarpies (A) actinodromous: with veins radiating from a centre. actinodromus (L); aktinodroom, handarig, straalarig (A). Compare acrodromous, brochidodrome/ -ous, campylodromous, craspedodromous, parallelodromous. actinomorphic: regular, applied to flowers which are radially symmetrical, i.e. capable of being bisected into similar halves in more than one vertical plane, forming mirror images. See zygomorphic, irregular. actinomorphus (L); aktinomorph, aktinomorphe Blüte, regelmässige Blüte, strahlige Blüte (G); aktinomorf, aktinomorfies, radiaalsimmetries (A) actually: real, in reality. reapse (L); wirklich (G); in werklikheid (A) aculeate: armed with prickles, prickly, spine-like; acanthaceous. aculeatus (L); igelborstig, igelig, igelstachelig, stechend (G); doringrig, gestekel(d), stekelhuidig (A) aculeolate: with small prickles. kleinstachelig (G); met dorinkies (A) acumen: a long, tapering point. acumen (L); Scharfsinn (G); spitspunt (A) acuminate: having a long, slender, sharp point with a terminal angle less than 45°. acuminatus (L); spitz zulaufend, zugespitzt, Träufelspitze (G); toegespits (A) acute: sharp-pointed, with a terminal angle between 45° and 90°. acutatus, acutus (L); akut, scharf, spitz, spitzig (G); skerp, skerppuntig, spits (A) acutely: sharply. argute (L); skerppuntig (A) adaxial: applied to the side facing the stem or axis; ventral. Compare abaxial. adaxialis (L); adaxial (G); adaksiaal, bokant (A) adenophorous: with glands, glandular. aden- (L); Drüsen-, drüsig (G); geklier, klierdraend (A) 4 adenose, adenous: glandular. aden- (Greek); Drüsen-, drüsig (G); geklier (A) adhere/adhering: united laterally by the whole surface with another organ. Compare adnate. adhaerens, adligans, alligans (L); ankleben, anwachsen, haften, kleben (G); aanklewend, vasgegroei, vasgeheg, vaskleef, vasklewend (A) adjoining to: bordering on, neighbouring, next to, contiguous. confinis, contiguus, juxta (L); angrenzend, benachbart (G); aangrensend, langsaan (A) adnate: fused to an organ of a different kind. Compare adhere/adhering. adnatus (L); adnat, angewachsen, anwachsen, verwachsen (G); aangegroei, vasgegroei, vergroei (A) adorned: decorated. decoratus, ornatus (L); geschmückt (G); versier (A) adpressed: see appressed. adpressus, appressus (L); anliegend, angedrückt, angepresst (G), aangedruk (A) adscendent: see ascending. adscendens (L); aufsteigend, aufstrebend (G); opstygend (A) adult: mature. Compare immature. adultus, maturus (L); adult, ausgewachsen, erwachsen (G); volwasse, uitgegroei (A) adventitious: applied to plant organs produced in an unusual or irregular position or at an unusual time
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