376 HOUSE OF KEYS, MARCH 21, 1939. have to pay a pound on each route in Highway Board and one from every addition to the fee already paid to the local authority through whose district local authority'? he passes. That is obviously quite The Speaker: We cannot go into a redundant, and I take it that what this point which has already been debated Bill seeks to do is to abolish that and settled. redundancy." I think we have to leave the matter in that position at the Mr McArd: It not only eliminates the moment. control, but it eliminates the fee. Mr Craine: We are giving them a Mr Norris: it is clear from that that monopoly. the question of the fees was not men- tioned at the time, and some members The Speaker: Broadly speaking, there may not have realised that this question were two matters before the House. was to be altered. First of all, hackney vehicles which ply for hire and ate licensed by the local The Speaker: This would not bind the authority; and ' secondly, Road Service House in any future action, but it could vehicles which run to a time-table only be undone in a future amending throughout the whole Island. It was in- Bill. tended by the clause and approved by The House agreed not to proceed with the House that certain powers should be the proposed amendment. taken away frOrn the local authorities. They were to dome extent redundant, and were taken away by this clause. I PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE HOUSE. am reported to have said, when the matter was considered, "It is un- The Speaker intimated that photo- fortunate perhaps that all the clauses graphers were desirous of obtaining were not read. There is a section deal- pictures of the House, and the House, ing with route, fares, and time-tables, on the motion of Mr Norris, agreed to and it is quite clear to what it refers. meet at 2-15 p.m. to have a photograph taken. The driver of a Road Service vehicle has to have a driving licence from the The House then adjourned to Tynwald YMINIINIVEL TYNWALD COURT. Wednesday, March 22, 1939. Present: The Governor (Vice-Admiral J. J. McArd, Mrs Shimmin, Messrs W. the Hon. W. S. Leveson Gower, C.B., H. Alcock, S. Norris, A. E. Kitto, R. Q. D.S.0.). In the ,Council: Deemsters Far- Hampton, A. J. Teare, and W. C. Craine, rant and Cowley, the Attorney-General, with Mr F. B. Johnson, Secretary and Messrs R. B. Quirk, J. R. Corrin, W. C. Clerk to Tynwald. Southward, F. S. Dalgleish, and R. C. Cain (Receiver-General), with Mr B. E. Sargeaunt, Government Secretary and GRANT FOR REORGANISATION OF Clerk to the Council. In the Keys: The SCHOOLS. Speaker (Mr J. D. Qualtrough, J.P.), The Court resumed consideration of Messrs T. A. Quayle, Robert Kneen, J. the following resolution, moved at the Clinton, J. F. Crellin, D. J. Teare, E. B. previous sitting by the Attorney- C. Farrant, A. J. Cottier, W. K. Cowin, General:— T. Callow, J. H. L. Cowin, T. Clucas, E. Whereas Tynwald on the 2nd March, 1937, by W. Fargher, Richard Kneen, W. A. Kelly, resolution, approved in principle a scheme, Photographs of the House.--Grant for Re-organisation of Schools. TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 22, 1939. 377 estimated to cost 180,000, prepared by the Isle glas; there was the provision of a school of Man Education Authority in '1936 for the re- at Ramsey, of the same general char- organisation of elementary schools involving the provision of additional school accommoda- acter, for the North of the Island. tion and the raising of the school-leaving age Rushen had already boen provided with to 15 years. a new school; the Castletown school had And whereas by the said resolution Tynwald been adapted, and is now ready for the declared it desirable that the Government new scheme. The question of reorgani- should make a special contribution not exceed- sation in Peel has been left over, and the ing £80,000 towards the capital cost of the scheme. estimates were made on the basis of the And whereas the Council of Education has regulations which were in operation in reported that the capital cost of the said 1936. It is perhaps unfortunate for us scheme, due to amendment of the scheme as that, through circumstances over wnich to the distriet of Peel, the increased costs of we have no control, it was not possible to materials and wages, as well as the additional have that scheme carried out at the provision of school facilities required by amendments of the regulations of the Board ( f date when it was submitted. Because, Education, etc., is now estimated to cost between that date, January, 1936, 1157,609, made up as follows :— and the present time, a very drastic Douglas £94,834 change has taken place. The Court Ramsey 31,000 will be aware that in that interval the Peel 31,775 question of physical fitness came very £157,609 much before the British public, and the And whereas it is desirable that Tynwald campaign for the improvement of the should make a special contribution towards nation's physical fitness found its ex- the cost of the amended scheme. pression in connection with the training Resolved, that in lieu of the special contribu- tion of 180,000 above referred to, the Insular of children. The result was that six Government should be responsible for 75 per months after our scheme was formulated, cent, of the increased capital cost (£157,609). in July, 1936, the Board of Education Providing always that in the event of income issued its new regulations for schools not being available to meet expenditure in any year, the Education Authority will borrow under the reorganisation scheme. These from time to time such sums as may be neces- regulations are drastic. They require sary, until income is available, to discharge every school to have a gymnasium, such loans, including charges connected there- properly fitted up; the classroom accom- with. modation is to be larger; and together Further resolved, that the balance of the capital cost shall be borrowed by the Educa- with the increase in labour costs and tion Authority, the loan charges thereon being the price of materials that had been apportioned between the lnsulai (,:overnment going on in the meantime, the result and the Education Authority on the basis pre- was that within a period of 12 months scribed by the Education Acts. the costs in England in connection with The Attorney-General: The matter these new central schools increased by which was before us when we ad- 50 per cent. The figure was given in an journed related to the decision of the answer which the President of the Education Authority in the provision of Board of Education gave in Parliament schools under the reorganisation scheme. to a question addressed to him in April, The main portion of the scheme has 1937. He was asked how the average already been considered and approved cost per place in these schools had by this Court, when, in March, 1937, it changed as between the first three voted £80,000 to carry the scheme months in 1936 (which was the period through. Changes have taken place when our scheme was formulated), and which have increased the cost from the first three months of 1937. His reply £80,000 to £157,000, calling for an ex- is recorded in Hansard, and show, that planation which I would like to give as the average cost per place was £62 2s, briefly as possible, because the whole facts have been explored publicly in the as compared with £41 14s in 1936. That statements of the Education Authority, increase was in no- small measure due to and I think are well known to members the change in the standard of provision of this Court. The original scheme con- required in the senior schools. You will sisted, really, of two parts. There was see that from £41 to £62 is exactly the provision of schools for boys and 50 per cent. of an increase. That is a girls, under the reorganisation of edu- very serious matter, and it is the first cation after the age of eleven, in Dou- and largest item in the increased cost of Grant for Re-organisation of Schools, 378 TYNWALD COURT, MARCH 22, 1939. our scheme in the Isle of Man. Since to escort them down, and it was im- the Minister of Education spcke in 1937, possible to do all that is desirable. there has been a further rise in wages What is more, it costs a good deal. and the cost of materials, which has in- Adding things up, the Authority came creased this proportion of 50 per cent., to the conclusion that it would be an but taking the 50 per cent, as a basis, actual economy, as well as a much you will see that a scheme which was greater contribution to physical fitness, estimated at £80,000 would now cost if they installed a bath in the school £120,000. In addition to this, the Educa- premises, and if all the children, as a tion Authority has explained two fur- matter of routine, took their share in ther items which have increased the learning to swim. The cost was £8,000, cost. They submitted their plans of the which of course is a substantial sum. I Ballakermeen school to the Douglas Cor- commend it to the Court; I think it is poration, for the opinion of the Borough worth it.
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