BULLETIN PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY VOL. X X X II— No. 1 TACOMA, WASH. JANUARY - 1961 BU LLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society Pierce County Medical Society 1961 OFFICERS P re sid e n t................................ Chris C. Reynolds H a p - py President-Elect .............. G. Marshall Whitacre \ ice-President . Robert M. Ferguson Secretary-Treasurer _ Arnold J. Herrmann Executive Secretary......................................... Judy Gordon TRUSTEES Happy Birthday Glenn H. Brokaw Chris C. Reynolds Dale D. Doherty Cvril B. Ritchie January Robert M. Ferguson Frederick J. Schwind Arnold J. Herrmann John M. Shaw George S. Kittredge Stanley W. Tuell GEORGE KUNZ Robert W. Osborne G. Marshall Whitacre D E L E G A T E S STEVENS DIMANT Douglas P. Buttorff George S. Kittredge HILLIS GRIFFIN Arnold J. Herrmann Stanley W. Tuell Herman S. Judd Wayne W. Zimmerman BURTON BROWN ALTERNATE DELEGATES Charles R. Bogue Robert W. Florence RA LPH H U F F Glenn H. Brokaw Glenn G. McBride Robert M. Ferguson Frederick J. Schwind EDMUND KANAR COMMITTEES NORMAN MAGNUSSEN E th ics Miles Parrott, Chairman BERNARD OOTKIN Haskel L. Maier William H. Goering G rievance PA U L SM ITH Cyril B. Ritchie, Chairman J. W. Bowen, Jr. Herman S. Judd ROBERT FERGUSON Program Robert C. Johnson, Chairman GEORGE HESS Robert A. O’Connell Buel L. Sever L ibrary GEORGE RACE S. Robert Lantiere, Chairman J. Edmund Deming Haskel L. Maier CARLISLE DIETRICH Dudley W. Houtz John F. Steele Public Health MAURICE SNYDER Max S. Thomas, Chairman Public Relations 10 WILLIAM BURROWS Robert M. Ferguson, Chairman Kenneth E. Gross John M. Shaw D. M A RLA TT Arnold J. Herrmann. George A. Tanbara Arthur P. Wickstrom 11 AMALY FRESE House and Attendance William E. Avery, Chairman Eugene Hanson Haskel L. Maier 12 WILLIAM TODD Civil Disaster David T. Hellyer, Chairman 16 ROBERT GIBSON Richard B. Link T. R. Haley John M. Shaw Leo F. Sulkosky LEO SULKOSKY D iabetes Edwin J. Fairbourn, Chairman Frank W. Hennings John S. May IS R. A. N O RTON Entertainment JA M E S W A RD Samuel E. Adams, Chairman L. S. Durkin Robert M. Ferguson Robert A. Kallsen 19 THEODORE APA Geriatrics John F. Comfort, Chairman DON CUMMINGS William P. Hauser William McPhee Leonard Morley 24 RENE GAY-BALMAZ Legislative Wayne W. Zimmerman, Chairman 26 Douglas P. Buttorff Charles C. Reberger RAYMOND ELLIS John M. Shaw Medical Education 27 JOHN HAVLINA Elmer W. Wahlberg, Chairman Glenn H. Brokaw Clinton A. Piper 30 WILLIAM SPAULDING Schools R. A. Norton, Chairman Theodore Apa George S. Kittredge 31 VIRGINIA LARSEN Orvis A. Harrelson Jack W. Mandeville George A. Tanbara Traffic and Safety Albert Ehrlich, Chairman Mental Health William H. Todd, Chairman James W. Bouclwin Hugo Van Dooren Bulletin Staff E d itor__________________________________ Charles C. Reberger Business Manager----------------------- ------------------ Judy Gordon Auxiliary News Editor--------------------------Mrs. Herman S. Judd “ PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS" the choice—by acclamation! for ringworm therapy In the less than 2 years since griseofulvin —first orally effective antifungal antibiotic —was introduced, over 250 leading investigators have published over 150 clinical reports and reviews in 20 countries concerning results in over 4,500 patients with dermatomyeoses. Almost all of the patients benelited from griseofulvin. {•)«» IjIO, 1959. (2) Andrews. G. C.; Domonkos, A. N.. and Silva, A., i J.A.M A. 173:1S42, 1960. (3) Arnold, H. L„ Jr.: Straub Clin. Proc. 25 53 <#S,G. K., and L aT o u ch e. C. J Dnt. M. J. 2 1141, 1959. (5j_ ^ jj£ £ o n $ m J . 59 . I ? I , lln O . (OJ O aruM m i, A .: F a rm a c o (C',1. S< . S. Armed Fo rces M. J. I t J 0 D 1 , I'.UtO. (B) B e a re ^ Ci) Orlirrn.m, H. T.; Lubowe, I. I.. M.inc I960. (10) Bellsario, F. C , mul Dr., Child. 100:131, 1960. (12) Buff) Dermat. 81:982, 1960. (13) li.n. and Roth, F. J., Jr.: A. , J. G.. Jr.; Roth, F. J , Jr Dermat. 81-779, 19i,0. I) Borrlc, P.: Practitionei ^Cadbury, J. B.: S t. L o u is t (I al: North Carolina P 'J Ziehell, W. C : J. I« L. C.; Polbois, O. F . , j alton, J. E.: J. Ind Ott, A.: Brit. M. J . j tft, P.: Pres50 mt-d 81:849. 1960. (^ j^l33, 1959. (3D) 11:790, 1960.J ^ 8 , 19^9. (3D) 2:793, 1959.J fc.1. J . 1 1026 !9, 1959. 1 fcher, B.r C W o m on a 195- .1 Slcin^ k 11 0 13 :h, T.f ^Wulno T e x / Li ib , " 1 •• griseofulvin J , -\'e2 - p . la ' ISif Mul!;-.v. i 1 * M IS sjO. il' - i) hit'i< I Pllol D erm a;. 3 2 1 131: *: r.iron.^jstciio. v . a Trespal him It. M. j J >, p - 1 . » r. i B. S.: A. :m '-,3 ::i:i C rc c n i M. Circle^ I.-:--jr.J.- ; •nd (.offerer] n 'I'-rmst. 35 l'.» s< •i H. M., Jr., et1 , ;jnd RoL'in-.iiiii. N I9 6 0 . '5) Robinson, R.’ ■) V. A . In v Canada 1 5 :5 3 ,19i t D'.Tn- = ;. ^3 ; ■ 1 et a l.: d, B.t J, Invest. Derm, ■ 1 ; '■ ^ i s a s <#t. Dermat, 34:295, 196' -'.'jpl. *sfi3rci,n ■ Sidl, £., and Spinas^o, ecllcut Med, 24:360, I960. 'J:*10. (13») 111-I I r t Current Therop. Ror,, 1:1, Muddln, S. W.: Canad, M.A.J. 0 It. L.r lvll'1 1^ ^ ffTxill, Dermat. & Vonerool. 13il4t Bleopath, A. 59:370, 1960, (142) Vanbi Am. Podlot. A. 50:297, I960. (144) Wc Wbla 24:423,1959. (145) Welsh, A. L , and" Brit. M. J. 2:1329, 1959. (147) Williams, «, 0. P.: Practitioner 184:383, 1960. (149) Williams' _____________ TLancel 2:1212, 1950. (150) Wilson. J.W .: M. Clin. N 33:14, 2960. (152) Wronfi, N. M.j Canad. M .AJ. 00:656, 1959. (153) Wrong, N. M., and Rogers, S : A.M.A. Arch, Dermat. 81:776, 1960. (154 S.i Canad. M .AJ. 81:167,1959. (155) Yontef, R.: J. M. Soc. New Jersey 3C 738, 1959. (156) ZInzlus, J,i Deutichcs med. J. 11:121, I960. 4 BU LLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society REGULAR MEETING PIERCE COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY Tuesday, January 10 MEETING . 8:15 P.M. MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING AUDITORIUM ft ft ft ft PROGRAM MOUNTAIN CLIMBING GERHART A. DRUCKER, M.D. SCIENTIFIC ADVENTURE ON MT. RAINIER T. R. HALEY, M.D. ILLUSTRATED BY COLORED MOVIES ft ft ft A no-host social hour ancl dinner will precede the meeting Social Hour: 6:00 Dinner: 6:45 Place: Honan’s Restaurant 7391/2 St. Helens BULLETIN of the F i e r c e C o u n t y M e d ic a l S o c ie t y In 281 infection cases... more rapid response in 43 per cent of patients. In 281 patients with various infections (soft-tissue, ear, nose and throat, and intrathoracic), therapy with tetracycline - ) - novobiocin was clinically more effective—satisfactory response obtained more rapidly —than with either antibiotic alone.1 These were the responses obtained: rapid e t ~v . ~ f 90% of those given tetracycline + novobiocin pin 63% of those given novobiocin alone in 58% of those given tetracycline aione slow or i in 10% of those given tetracycline 4- novobiocin none in 3 7 % of these given novobiocin alone mmmmtmmmmmmmmm in 42% of those given tetracycline alone 1. Birkett, F. J., and others: Lancct 7:838 (April 18) 1959. Tetracycline - { - novobiocin is available for your prescription Each capsule contains: Panmycin* Phosphate (tetracycline phos­ phate complex) equiv­ alent to tetracycline hydrochloride 2 5 0 m g. Albamycin* (as (Panmycin* Phosphate - j - Albamycin*) novobiocin Panalba* sodium) . 1 2 5 mg. Your broad-spectrum antibiotic of first resort 3 7 5 mg. Supplied: In bottles of 16 and 100 _ U p jo h n THE UPJOHN COMPANY KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN 6 BU LLETIN of the P i e r c e C o u n t y M e d i c a l S o c i e t y January Calendar of Meetings MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 2 3 4 5 6 Tac. Acad, of C.P.C. of T.G. Pierce County Psych. & Neurol. Hosp.— 8:30 a.m. Pediatric Society 8 :3 0 p.m. 9 10 11 12 13 P IE R C E Stafl of COUNTY C.P.C. of T.G. Northern Pacific M ED ICA L Hosp.— 8 :3 0 a.m. Noon SO CIETY 8:15 P.M. 16 17 18 19 20 Tacoma Surgical Club—6:30 p.m. C.P.C. of T„G. P.C.M .B. Board of Hosp.— 8 :3 0 a.m. Trustees— 8 p.m. 23 24 25 26 27 Tac. Academy of Tacoma Academy Gen. Practice of Internal C.P.C. of T.G. 6:30 p.m. Medicine Hosp.— 8:30 a.m. 6 :0 0 p.m. 30 31 EVERY DROP PURE HEAT "Glasses as your eye /STflKDARD\ STANDARD physician prescribes them" \HEATIHG 0IIS/ Heating Oils Contact Lenses — Artificial Eyes Call MA. 7-3171 Columbian Optical Co. Fuel Oil Service Co. Ground Floor, Medical Arts Bldg. 816 A St., Tacoma Medical Center Mark Dolliver Jack Galbraith Western Clinic Bldg. BULLETIN of the Pierce County M edical Society Tetracycline now combined with the new, more active antifungal anti­ biotic-Fungizone- fo r broad spectrum therapy/ antimonilial prophylaxis Anew advance in broad spectrum antibiotic therapy, with such therapy.
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