Eastern Illinois University The Keep The Post Amerikan (1972-2004) The Post Amerikan Project 9-1972 Volume 1, Number 8 Post Amerikan Follow this and additional works at: https://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan Part of the Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Ethnicity in Communication Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Recommended Citation Post Amerikan, "Volume 1, Number 8" (1972). The Post Amerikan (1972-2004). 8. https://thekeep.eiu.edu/post_amerikan/8 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Post Amerikan Project at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Post Amerikan (1972-2004) by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Nd 8 Grow up ~et Qn educa+·ron becorvie o.. svcces.s 9row up 3ef a"' educ.'\.f io11 bee.om~ a. suc.c.ess ~row vp ge.f °'., educo..+ioti be.c.om-e. o.. Success ~row ~p 3e.+ 0.11 educ~-fio., bec.otne. o. ~ucces.s ••. HO_TJ:.LASH--(Mvthic.al Ne.wa_Se.rvice )--PAT AND TRICIA NIXON TWO DAU GHT~RS OF TRE"CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES TODAY TOOK PART IN A DEMONSTRATION PROTESTING U.S. INVOLVEMENT IN S.E.ASIA •••••••• FREAKED OUT AT THE DISPLAY OF PLASTICITY AT THE REPUBLIC AN CONVENTION THE TWO ISSUED FORMAL CHARGES OF WAR CRIMINALITY A T THEIR FATHER ........... THE PRESIDENT WAS UNAVAILABLE FOR COMMEN ~e'f\':f\o f<'o; • v~, \¢ BAtk-TO- SCl-IOOL ~UPPLEM£NT * *(I. S.U.) II The Commission on the University purpose-defeatins or purposeless, or sta:ted happening sometime last otherwise ob,iectionable, Why was COMMISSION spring, The basic idea of the it like that? ~ouldn't it be fun to Commission's actions is that students see it all in print and really show can study the classrooms of the how ridiculous it is and maybe make on University better than anyone else, a lot of trouble about it with the since after all the classroom is our help of your fellow disgusted, bored, THE environment, We know what goes on in or whatever, students? ·The commission each of our classes, and we know that doesn't believe in administrative or lots of timesJit's scandalous, and bureaucratic "solutions" to students' we ~et together with our friends and problems, These "solutions" are UNIVERSITY tell each other how scandalous it is, stuff like low pay or firinei: the but so far it's pretty private and we teacher altoaether, which leaves him haven't got the w: .role crew of scanda­ to go to another university and inflict lized ISU students to come up with the same stupid classroom routine on a single loud whopping University­ different st~dents, who will hate it wide public scandal, How many of .iust like we do, What we can do is your teachers do you think would be to put our power as students to work embarrassed if other students knew, to chan~e our teachers right here in if other teachers knew, if the commu­ our classrooms, That way, we get the nity knew, if EVERYBODY '<-:. :w, some benefit of our work, and we don't of the stuff they pull in that secure push anybody off on students else­ little classroom with the door where, .and we don't get a replacement shut? That little classroom isn't that's just as bad or worse. And so secure, and we can prove it. there's a small suspicion in my mind All we have to do is tell everybody that some teachers would be glad to about the stuff we tell our friends, know how thev could interact.with and the Commission on the University their students a little more comfort­ is the place to go to get the word ably. It must be pretty cold up out to everybody! there facing the stubborn, silent, un­ fathomable hostility of 30 students, What you should do now is really So if you've had any particularly think about some teacher you had or inspiring or exemplary classroom some class you went through that experiences, we want to hear those was disgustin¥, irritating, boring, too, How we're still goint; to be ~ useless, intimidating, lifeless, stubborn, but we're not going to ~ for <;) I 1 I 1 'I t I . • • I ~ tl ~ a r ~(!:------------~~~-~-~~~~ The stalwart hearing board is comprised of :.111' '~i:1m'·• r. ~~··(~.r CU)~J,,'1 .•"~'.1@t~·i~·· r studentsiously, itand being faculty. probably They the take only it ego very found- ser- ation they have. Imagine being in court charged 11 with a traffic offense, but with no laws that say what the sentence for such an offense would by Perry Noyes Mason be. You could get, imagine, anything from a five dollar fine to the guilotine. That's the same judicial principal SCERB works on. Nobody really knows what SCERB is. ISU's the hall? Usually their testimony is down on Student Code Enforcement Review Board is a transcript, also, with no chance for further Your panel of judges gets to deliberate on mess of unwritten rules, and the student caught questionning or cross-examination. The only what your sentence will be -- anything from in it always has difficulty fUguring out one who gets questionned further is you. dismissal to a letter to your parents (if where he is. At its best, the maze of bur­ they haven't gotten one yet) to various forms eaucratic complications and ambiguities allow Now this may not so1D1d fair, because it isn't. of disciplinary probation, all with various a student to successfUlly get himself lost. But here the law presumes everbody innocent lengths. At its worse, it is a kangarood court. until caught. Your job is to basically hit upon extrenuating circumstances. Disciplinary probation is a sort of limbo Let us suppose that you have been caught state where the student is told to watch it for some insiduous act of illlDlorality like It's no use trying to argue them out of for several months. What it means is if you're drinking in the dorms or wanting to live charging you by mentioning trivialities such caught doing something wrong during a period where you want to (and you're not 21.) Chances as human rights. ("Wait a minute, I've got of disciplinary pro and have to go before SCERB are unknowable whether the board will call you the right to live where I damn well please!" again, the sentence is heavier. down. Suppose they do. You get a letter in or "I'm 211 Why shouldn't I be allowed to the mail informing you that --surprisel--you•ve drink in the dorm. Berlo drinks in his office!") Heavier sentence means suspension or violated a university regulation according to Their argument is the law is the law. expulsion: kicked out of the IDliversity for Student Life, ISU, and you have to appear be­ a short period of time or for good, Most fore some SCERB administrator. _Usually some What you have to argue is some form of students get pretty paranoid during their time is given for an appointment with him. innocence and naivete, ("Shucks, I didn't period of disciplinary pro. know I was doing anything wrong. I won't do Stories vary as to what will happen, usually it again.") You're allowed to bring one charac­ SCERB is used for everything from a drink­ depending on the administrator. He may approach ter witness to verify on your good nature. ing violation to damage to property (say, during the interview as if he wen merely asking you Bring, if you can, a department head or some­ a riot--if one ever happened on ISU.) That, why you committed your act (say drinking) one high up enough to impress them. This works presumably, is where expulsion on the first and what were the circumstances. He may out wonders. appearance would come in. Dope busts enjoy a and out tell you that you're to appear before peculiar status where the Normal police might a SCERB hearing and conduct an interogation. One nice thing SCERB does before it even come barging in your dorm door or Security He may slap your wrists. sees you on the hearing is send a letter to might. If Normal does, you get the town's jus­ your parents. If your parents freak out easily tice. Be carefUl. Anything you say will be held by terrifying sounding officialese (and it SCERB's arm of justice is, at times, rather against you. All the way. If you do (and does sound scary) better talk to them first. arthritic, if steady. There have been instances you usually do) appear before the hearing board, Keep telling them the whole thing is blown out where people have been charged for crimes several what you've said will be written down in tr&J.­ of proportion (which it is) and that the letter years after the fact, when even they don't re­ script and used as the basic testimony against they'll receive is merely form (which it often member them. One woman student, 22 years old, you. In effect, you're accusing yourself. isn't.) found herself appearing before the board for housing violation -- when she was 20, She was No wait a minute, you say, what about the By the way, SCERB can expell you from the able to talk them out of it with a lot of people who saw me do it? What about the R.A.
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