Sr, 4' 1956 Vol. 5, No. 15 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, July 27, 1956 110014110.1101111 Big Island and Kauai Are Sites For Two-Month Brigade Exercises Elements of the 1st Marine Brigade, FMF, will stretch their muscles and sharpen their combat skills in a two-month training exercise on two islands starting about August 2, it was announced here Monday by Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell, commanding general of the Brigade. Giving full vent to its versatile air-ground coordination and fighting potential. highlights of the Brigade training will include battalion size assaults in the Barking Sands area Deputy Comdr. of Kauai. a live firing exercise for the artillery battalion and the 4.2 Mortar Co. in the Pohakuloa train- For FMF Pacific ing area of Hawaii. infantry com- pany problems on the Big Island followed by an umpired battalion Arriving Monday problem. and a tactical airlift of Maj. Gen. Sam S. Jack, who has the 4th Marines (Reinf) from Hilo fought with Leatherneck air units to the Kaneohe Marine Corps Air Station. Aerial support both on in Nicaragua, WW :II and Korea, Kauai and Hawaii will be provided is arriving Monday aboard the Lur- by Marine Aircraft Group 13. line to assume his new duties as The advance base camp for the Deputy Commander, Fleet Marine exercise will settle into the saddle Force, Pacific. section of Hawaii starting about Filling the slot vacated by Maj. August 2. Late in the month, and 3en. James P. Riseley, who has been in early September the 75mm pack Director of Personnel, HQMC since howitzers and the 105 mm howit- June 2. Gen. Jack holds the Navy zers of the 3rd En.. 12th Marines Cross and three Legion of Merit will open fire in the Pohakuloa. decorations. area. He was awarded the Navy Cross During this period, the Navy's for distinguished service in Nicara- RAINY REVIEW-tation youngsters shared the reviewing stand with Brig. Gen. George R. E. Shell last 12 and LST Transport Division gua on April 12-13, 1931, during Saturday at the 1st Marine Brigade, FMF, parade all review for dependents. Gen. Shell and his young 12. one APA, one LSD, three flights against rebel bandits. Gen. friends stood erectly at attention in the rain as the 7, '00 men the Brigade passed in review. Saluting as of LSTs, one APD and three DDEs, Jack earned his first Legion of to the Brigade colors pass are, from left to Gen. Shell, Brigade Commander; Frederic Lenn, Senior Ex- will arrive at Pearl Harbor Merit as commander of all Army, plorer Scout; Clyde Munsell, Boy Scout; Tommy Myslek. Cub Scout, and Little League team captains, transport the 4th Marines flteinfi Navy and Marine Corps fighter Mike Smock, Brigade Giants; Barry Kander, MAG-I3 Skyraiders; Jerry Grubbs, MCAS Myers and Mike assault battalions, in sequence, to planes operating from Guadalcanal exercise on DeGraw, 4th Marines Dragons. a three-day landing bet ween November, 1942, and Janu- Barking Sands. Kauai, and then ary, 1943. on to the Big Island for more de- Born Aug. 9. 1905 tailed training. The battalion land- in Flagstaff, Parade Viewers Defy Pelting Rain To Watch Ariz. he graduated from high school ing teams are presently scheduled the Kauai beach on at Phoenix and entered the U. S. to assault Naval Academy, graduating from Combat-Clad Marines Pass In Review Saturday August 29, September 6 and Sep- there on June 2, 1927. tember R. Brigade, FMF, parade and review here last Saturday a heavy down- Midway through the 1st Marine Each battalion landing will re- Receiving his wings in November rev iew pour scattered about 2,000 spectators, but the continued without hesitation. ceive general air support by heli- 1929, he was a major commanding While the majority made their way to cars, ma ny hardy souls continued to crowd the line of march copters and close air support, as Marine Fighter Squadron 121 at with camera shutters clicking as the air and ground components of the Brigade, Marine Aircraft Group needed. by attack aircraft of the Quantico. Va., when America en- tered WW II. 13 and the 4th Marines (Reinf), numbering about 7,000, steadfastly passed the reviewing stand. Brigade's air arm, Marine Aircraft This parade was for the benefit Group 13 This aerial support will Having colorful and varied du- cf dependents and guests of mili- be furnished after the troops have ties from the early days of WW II tary personnel at Kaneohe. For the Twenty-Four Hr. Tversharp' 13 landed. to 1951, he was again at the Ma- occasion. Brig. Gen. George R. E. There will be no liberty for the rine Corps Air Station, Quantico, Shell. Brigade commander and re- Excellent Test battalions but a few small Marine this time as commanding officer, viewing officer. invited seven Regimental CPX units and the crews of the Navy when he was ordered to Korea in youngsters to accompany him. For ABC Teams ships will have liberty. according August, 1952. Riding in the reviewing jeeps Ends Here Today to present plans. and standing rigidly at attention "Eversharp 13" designation for Their three-day landing exercise the Air Station part in the biggest completed. the battalions will em- with the general in the reviewing From Bellows Field to Kaneohe stand were: senior Explorer Scout. civil defense exercise ever held in bark for Hilo where they will be be lot of Frederic Lenn: senior Boy Scout. by "Shanks Mare" will the the C. S. and its territories, was transported into the Pohakuloa Clyde 1VIunsell: senior Cub Scout. 4th Marines (Reinf) staff officers completes here last week-end. training area where companies and Tommy Myslek: and the captains at the conclusion of the regimen- A simulated nuclear explosion oc- battalions will be exercised and of the four Little League teams on tal CPX today. curred at 8:30 a.m. last Friday in evaluated. the area of Building 13. according A battalion problem will culmin- the station. Brigade Giants. Mike The 24-hour exercise was de- Smock: 4th Marines Dragons. Mike to Ensign David 0. Smart. ABC ate the training exercises in the staff in DeGraw: MAG-13 Sky-raiders. Bar- signed to test procedures control officer. saddle area. It will be divided into 17' Kander: and MCAS Flyers. communications, and was primarily ABC monitor teams, personnel two phases for each battalion. Phase Jerry Grubbs. a map maneuver. No movement of decontamination units, area and will consist of an attack and de- Part of the regular training pro- troops was contemplated. field decontamination units and fense situation in a blank firing dosimetery teams were dispatched exercise against aggressors. tram of the 1st Marine Brigade. Also the problem involved con- the review to the area immediately to simulate Phase IT will be a live firing ex- was concluded with a duct of offensive and defensive fly-hy of aircraft of Marine Air- their assigned tasks. ercise. including supporting artil- craft operations within an established The area and lery fire. Both phases will have a Group 13. Because of the beachhead. Final phase, after the field group de- weather, contaminated "G" street. A decon- comprehensive umpire and safety the jets were cancelled "walk-back", will be a critique un- out but AD-4 tamination station was set-up on officer system to evaluat. the per- Skyraiders and hell- der the direction of 4th Marines ()eters came roaring out of the Mokapu Road and simulated read- formance of all battalion units over (Reinf) commanding officer, Col. ta'ssness to pass directly over the ings were taken of personnel. the two-day problem. The problem stand. Bryghte D. Godbold. Ensign Smart. in commenting a- director will be Col. Bryghte D. Another squall rapidly approach- Command post personnel of the bout "Eversharp-13" said. "I felt Godbold. commanding officer of ing at the and of the review failed following units are participating: the training was excellent in ac- the 4th Marines (Rent). GEN. to deter many spectators who ac- headquarters of the three infantry tually setting up stations ready to Throughout the training on the MAJ. JACK Big observation aircraft of CePted an invitation to inspect and battalions. 4.2 AT 'tactical air, na- operate. 'Naturally some difficulty Island After Korea, in May 1953, the tak questions about the weapons val gunfire and the fire direction is expected in simulating a prob- MAG-13 will furnish spotting and general was appointed Assistant liaison fcr the artillery battalion and equipment of the 4th Marines center of the artillery battalion. lem of this magnitude." Commander of the 2d Marine Air- (Reinf) drawn up on the parade An Air Station spokesman said and the Group's helicopters will craft Wing at Cherry Point and a Bold. general support. Close air that. in general. the overall con- furnish short time later took command of R1SO provided in- Starting at 10 a.m and drawine Flash Bulletin duct was very satisfactory. Those support will be the Marine Corps Air Station and one during Pohakuloa of the biggest crowds ever at- certain descrepancies were fantry units the Corps Air Bases there. tending Effective M o nal a y mornins that no- Marine such an event at Kaneohe. ted will be corrected and security training phases. as required. the trunk lines from Kallua Tele- In July 1954 he was named as- parade was led by Col. Bryghte will be even tighter in During the Big Island training phone exchange direct to the future alerts. period. will sistant Director of Aviation and ri Godbold.
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