Turkmenistan The views expressed in this presentation are the views of the author and do not necessarily reflects the views or policies of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), or its Board of Governors, or the governments they represent. ADB does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this presentation and accepts no responsibility for any consequences of their use. Terminology used may not necessarily be consistent with ADB official terms. Turkmenistan TotalTotal AreaArea –– 488,1488,1 thousandthousand kmkm2 PopulationPopulation –– 66 968,5968,5 thousandthousand personspersons FormForm ofof GovernmentGovernment –– RepublicRepublic HeadHead ofof StateState –– PresidentPresident NationalNational HolidayHoliday –– DayDay ofof IndependenceIndependence ofof Turkmenistan,Turkmenistan, OctoberOctober 27,27, 19911991 GrowthGrowth RateRate ofof GrossGross DomesticDomestic ProductProduct ofof Turkmenistan,Turkmenistan, in%in% (2000 = 100%) 450 404,8 400 350 342 300 282,7 250 227,5 200 173 138 150 100 50 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Foreign Trade Turnover of Turkmenistan for 2000 – 2006, in % 67,2 70 58,4 57,4 59,1 57,6 60 52,7 53,4 47,3 46,6 50 41,6 42,6 40,9 42,4 40 32,8 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Export Import Trading Structure of Export and Import of Turkmenistan Trading Structure of Export: ¾ Natural gas, oil, oil products, lubricants, polypropylene, liquefied gas, electric power, textile, ginned cotton; Trading Structure of Import: ¾ Technological equipment, transport facilities, raw materials and stuffs. Regional Cooperation with Countries of Central Asian Region, in % for 2000 – 2006 (2000 = 100%) 284 222 191 137,2 100 100 104,5 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Foreign Trade Turnover Export Import Гистограмма 4 Priority Fields for Regional Cooperation: ¾ OilOil andand GasGas;; ¾ ChemicalChemical;; ¾ TextileTextile;; ¾ ElectricElectric PowerPower;; ¾ TransportTransport;; ¾ TradeTrade.. Export of Natural Gas RussiaRussia –– 89,889,8 %% ofof totaltotal exportexport;; IranIran –– 10,210,2 %% ofof totaltotal exportexport.. Main Gas Export Routs : ¾ ToTo RussianRussian FederationFederation andand thethe UkraineUkraine:: ¾ Deryalyk – Europe gas pipeline; ¾ Garabogaz – Europe gas pipeline; ¾ ToTo IslamicIslamic RepublicRepublic ofof IranIran:: ¾ Korpedje – Kurtkum gas pipeline. Preliminary Parameters of Turkmenistan- Afghanistan-Pakistan Gas Pipeline CarryingCarrying CapacityCapacity –– 3030 billionbillion.. mm3 perper yearyear;; OperatingOperating pressurepressure –– 1010 MPaMPa;; PipelinePipeline diameterdiameter –– 11,,420420 mmmm;; LengthLength –– 11,,680680 kmkm.. Gas Pipeline Planned to be Constructed GasGas pipelinepipeline toto thethe Ukraine,Ukraine, volumevolume-- 3535 billionbillion..mm33 GasGas pipelinepipeline toto China,China, volumevolume-- 3300 billionbillion..mm33 Oil Production and Export VolumeVolume ofof oiloil productionproduction:: 99--1010 millionmillion tonstons perper yearyear;; ExportExport:: 1313--1818 %% ofof totaltotal productionproduction volumevolume.. Oil Transporting System Consists of Following Pipelines: Vyshka-Belek, length 90,6 km., capacity 4 million tons per year; Goturdepe-Belek, length 64,3 km., capacity 4 million tons per year; Belek-Turkmenbashi, respectively 82 km., capacity 10 million tons per year; Cheleken-Goturdepe, 45,5 km., capacity 1,5 million tons per year; Korpedje-Balkanabat, 172 km., capacity 3 million tons per year; Turkmen part of Omsk-Pavlodar-Shymkent-Seidi oil pipeline, 183,6 km., capacity 7 million tons per year. Oil Products Export ItaliaItalia –– 5050 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume;; IranIran –– 19,519,5 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume;; IraqIraq –– 1010 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume.. Turkmenbashi Oil Refinery Plant CapacityCapacity:: 66 millionmillion tonstons ofof materialsmaterials perper yearyear;; DepthDepth ofof oiloil refineryrefinery:: overover 8585 %;%; OilOil ProductProduct OutputOutput:: overover 2020 typestypes (gasoline,(gasoline, kerosene,kerosene, dieseldiesel fuel,fuel, fuelfuel oil,oil, coke,coke, lubricants,lubricants, polypropylene,polypropylene, liquefiedliquefied gasgas andand soso on)on) Seidi Oil Refinery Plant CapacityCapacity:: 66 millionmillion tonstons materialsmaterials perper yearyear;; DepthDepth ofof oiloil refineryrefinery:: overover 6060 %;%; OilOil productproduct outputoutput:: virginvirgin gasoline,gasoline, extractingextracting gasoline,gasoline, dieseldiesel fuel,fuel, fuelfuel oil.oil. Electric Power Export, in % (2000 = 100%) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Value volume Physical volume Electric Power Export IranIran –– 4646 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume;; TurkeyTurkey –– 43,843,8 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume;; AfghanistanAfghanistan –– 10,210,2 %% ofof totaltotal volumevolume.. Transport System of Turkmenistan, in % Ttransport of Goods Conveyance of Passengers 86,0 98,0 10,0 4,0 1,0 1,0 Motor Railway Pipeline Motor Railway Aviation Planning Projects for Construction of Motor Roads ¾ SerdarSerdar--EtrekEtrek--GudriolumGudriolum (265(265kmkm.);.); ¾ MaryMary--SerhetabatSerhetabat (330(330kmkm.);.); ¾ TedjenTedjen –– SerakhsSerakhs (107(107kmkm.);.); ¾ TurkmenbashiTurkmenbashi –– GarabogazGarabogaz –– StateState boundaryboundary ((KazakhstanKazakhstan)) (240(240kmkm.)..). Priority Eurasian Directions: ¾ NorthNorth CoridorCoridor ofof TransAsianTransAsian trunktrunk--railwayrailway ((TransibTransib);); ¾ RailwayRailway corridorcorridor EuropeEurope--SouthSouth andand SouthSouth--EastEast AsiaAsia (Turkmenistan(Turkmenistan--UzbekistanUzbekistan--Kazakhstan)Kazakhstan) -- ChinaChina;; ¾ EuropeEurope --thethe CaucasusCaucasus –– AsiaAsia (through(through BlackBlack Sea,Sea, thethe Caucasus,Caucasus, CaspianCaspian Sea,Sea, Turkmenistan,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan,Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan)Kazakhstan) ““TRASECATRASECA””;; ¾ CorridorCorridor ““NorthNorth--SouthSouth”” –– NorthNorth Europe,Europe, Russia,Russia, CentralCentral Asia,Asia, PersianPersian Gulf.Gulf. Trunk-Railways ¾ NewNew railwaysrailways constructedconstructed:: ¾ Tedjen - Serakhs; ¾ Turkmenabat - Atamurat; ¾ Dashoguz – Kunia-Urgench; ¾ Ashgabat – Garagum - Dashoguz, Total length over 1,200 km. After 2010 new railway lines of internal and international communications – of “North-South” transport corridor will be put into operation (at the boundary of Kazakhstan – Turkmenbashi and Bereket-Etrek) (498km.). .
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