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We are now offering free consultations! better 5302 New Utrecht Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11219 health Phone: 718-436-480 l f you were one of the 70,000 participants at the Tenth Siyum HaShas of j:!::(i 1111 IDaf Yomi in Madison Square Garden, The Nassau Coliseum, or in any . ~ tr1111S111tkm #II Ylddfsh tpfteb of the thirty.five other sites via satellite throughout the world... ~· "' t~1w~11111s i~MISllll ~lllll!r 011rd• ... here is your chance. to relive that unforgettable experience throu9h a coi-.e­ ·····-- C@llmmi ~Ml 11111j tion. of audio cassettes1 .capturing aHof. the. inspiring mom•nis of.the .Siyulll• lllly.l;y: (in alJ>h•b<&l!l ..!'1) ·.• ..:.: ~~~brAllari>l\ D~~~~'. (T.,., not to .. atfe11cl1 •.Rabbi Simcha. B,·Ehrenfeld ·1··1',Y~U})I/!'!. "rtu~~te y~u tan.11~\o!•f!t•t :(Matt¢sdorfet Rav) that ... a~.UOllle e~~rlence by hearing the ·· inspirl~~ .~a,(,b.iYissocher•·fr~nd. ..•1-'!~!~~;!'··~ur .. f#J.!'{'!'~••·••d .. c~P!".~.ll.... ,t.~e·•ll,ci~".l,•nt/· 'Rabb; Shmuel. DiH~lb~i~tam ~-·~'"Ill' \Viln1JsMdia1tc:I ~I ·. ·· ···· -:ryer; ~e~-~\ ·~s~ft'lararicRaful •·s1·~·1· .i~i~IJ .•...... , j•~~bllX(~hielso) olr•nt•disttlbut1td ai~ • Rabbr'l';'~~\lori>Pam • Rabbi Yaakov Perlow ·• .. 1~.commJ~~r~tiv~····~·~~~·i1tl·~,~n··:~~" (N~Orti1~~- :R¢bbe) duced by popular request and is available' • Rabbi Moshe Sherer '·••\~,Rabbi·Mechel Silber. for .,. $36.00 contribution pern•!* (pf!'f.!l• . ttlsyo~tl Solomon $4.00 per set postage and haltdllng). lya Svei ORDER MOW! YOll'LL TIH:~SURE fHtJ ~~~k~y.Weinberg HISTORIC EVENT FOR YEARS TO COM!. An excellent gift it!m. Order extra sets fot,friends and family! To: DAF YoM1 COMMISSION • AGUDATH lsRAEL or AMERICA 84 WILLIAM STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10038 Please send me set(s) of the Tenth Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi Commemorative Cassette Album. I am enclosing a contribution of $36.00 for each set ordered (plus $400 per stt lor postage and hanclkng). o Enclosed is my chttk Name (Make check payable to: Agudath Israel of America) ------------- Address ____________ D Charge my o VISA o MasterCard City ______ State __ Zip ___ Exp. LmLJ ~.,~,,. Td, (D.y} (Ew,} ----- For foreign orders, payment must be made in U.S. Dollars, either by check drawn on a bank in the U.S.A. or by VISA or MasterCard. Credit card orders may also be sent via FAX to: (212) 269-2843 Cheshvan 5758 •November 1997 U.S.A.$3.50/Foreign $4.50 •VOL XXX/NO. 9 THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid in New York, N.Y. Subscription $24.00 per year; two years, $44.00; three yeais, $60.00. Outskle of the Untteo States (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $12.00 surcharge per year. Single copy $3.50; foreign $4.50. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Observer, 84 Wilftam Street, 6 The Many Roads to the Mountain N.Y., N.Y. 10038. Tel: 212-797-9000, Fax: 212-269-2843. including quotations from Rabbi Nasson Scherman, Rabbi Avrohom Chaim Feuer, Printed in the U.S.A. Rabbi Mattisyahu Solomon, Rabbi Moshe Sherer, Rabbi Shmuel Halberstam (Klausenberger Rebbe), and Rabbi Yaakov Perlow (Novominsker Rebbe) N"WW. RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR EDITORIAL BOARD OR. ERNST L BODENHEIMER I 0 The Messages From the Event Chairman Rabbi Chaskel Besser; Rabbi Yaakov Perlow N"1"7"': A Fusion of the Jew andToroh RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Rabbi Michel Silber N"1.?>7"': Fiery Enthusiasm, Uninterrupted Dedication JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Rabbi Simcha Bunim Ehrenfeld (Mattesdorfer Rav) w1.?"nl: From Many Stones.A United Platform For Divine Service MANAGEMENT BOARD AVI FISHOF Rabbi Levi Yitzchok Horowitz (Botoner Rebbe) N"\?>7'11; A Golden Frame For Diverse Gems NAFTOLI HIRSCH Rabbi Yaakov Weinberg N'1.?"nl: Underscoring the Purpose of Our Peoplehood ISAAC KIRZNEA RABBI SHLOMO LESIN Rabbi Yosef Harari Raful w1.?"nl: Gilding Onesel(With Strength and Glory NACHUM STEIN Rabbi Elya Svei N"1"7v: As Reb Meir Simcha Would Have Appreciated This Gathering Rabbi Avrohom Pam N"P>?v: The Radiance of Resolution to Learn RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING Business Manager Rabbi Shmuel Halberstam (Klausenberger Rebbe) N"1.?"nl; ATorah Scroll of Dedicated Jews Rabbi Yissochar Frand: The Legacy of Rabbi Meir Shapiro '?"Jlr Published by Agudath Israel of America Rabbi Mattisyahu Solomon N"1.?>7"': Wiping Away Hashem's Tear RABBI MOSHE SHERER PRESIDENT 10 Reports From Other Places U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR !SRAELI DISTRIBUTOR Feldl!eim P11blisllers Necllemia Rosenberg Boston, Dr. Yitzchok Perle I Chicago, Rabbi Berish Cardash I Pittsburgh, Yisroel 200 Airport Execu1ive Park Kiryat Telshe Stone, 108A Pfeffer I Montreal, Rabbi Nasson Guggenheim I Los Angeles, Rabbi Chaim Spring Valley, N_Y. 10977 O.N. Hare1 Yehuda. ISRAEL Fasman I Portland, Rabbi Leonard Oppenheimer I Melbourne, Rabbi Moshe Yud­ EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR kowsky I Baltimore, Dr. Bartha Nelkin I Cleveland: AView from the Other Side, Sarah M.T. Bibelman Gold's Book & Gift Co. Grosvenor Works 36 William Street Spero I Columbus: At the Garden, Dr. Charles Libicki Mount Pleasant Hill Balaclava 3183. Vic .. London ES 9NE, ENGLAND AUSTRALIA 3 9 Thoughts the Day After THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not Yours Truly, A Maggid Shiur assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service Same Night, Another Venue, Anonymous advertised in its pages Report From a Man of Enhanced Vision, Dr. Leslie Bennett ©Copyright 1997 42 The Other DafYomi•.. RabbiYasefGavriel Bechhofer NOVEMBER 1997 VOLUME XXX/NO. 9 44 BOOKS IN REVIEW Shaarei Orah:A Definitive Rendition of HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman's Classic Commentary on the Weekly Sidrah, reviewed by Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett 4S READERS' FORUM More on "Jewish" Music hey arrived by subway cars with Leora Tawil of Deal, NJ, wrote in a let­ The trip started with the distinctive letters for names - the"/\.' train, ter to JO: mix of Aggadatta and ha/acha discussion Tthe "B," and the "F"... trains with The excitement began a few days before, unique to Mesechta Berachos, on through numbers-the"l,"the"4;'the"7': .. the when all the arrangements for my family the deceptive familiarity of Moed, the Long Island Rail Road, and Amtrak. .. and myself were settled. We could talk about checkerboard remembered - unknowned limousines and jalopies, school buses nothing else. - vaguely recalled - strange terrain of packed with Yeshiva, Bais Yaakov and We were on the road by 3:00 on Sunday Nashim-Nezikin ... through the hum­ day school students ... mini-vans full of afternoon. Never 1nind traditional lack of bling experience of navigating the final families from surrounding suburbs and punctuality. To this event we could not be tractate in Shas, in Seder Taharos. It was from distant metropolises. late. As we approached the Southern State a road that offered sweeping overviews They flew in from American mid­ Parkway, the traffic beg&n to thicken with of sugyos, both familiar and forgotten, land, from the West Coast, from Cana­ cars all noticably streaming in the same and detours that beckoned the learner to da, from Texas and other Gulf states. direction. We didn't even mind the conges­ slow down, delve deeply, follow the Pouring out of subway exits and hur­ tion because it was all our friends and neigh­ signposts through Rishonim, Acharonim rying along Midtown Manhattan's bors on their way to the same simcha. and Roshei Yeshiva's analytical insights, broad avenues, they converged on or poskim's definitive conclusions. Madison Square Garden. Men, women *** All these roads lead to the Siyum. and children. Some in distinctive Chas­ any roads traveled to the sidic garb, others wearing the generic Siyum Hashas. Some began *** attire of yeshiva men, yet others in the M with a 5:20 a.m. "Modeh Ani," ome people stayed close to home. uniforms of the corporate world, punc­ leading to a 6 a.m. shiur. Others were In the Baltimore Convention Cen­ tuated with a splash of sporty types. The launched by nocturnal chavrusa ses­ Ster and Toronto's Metro Conven­ sense of purpose, the sense of joy, the sions. Some traveled the Internet, oth­ tion Center, in Cleveland Heights High, excitement of anticipation, the eupho­ ers did Dial-a-Daf, and yet others rode Chicago's Northeastern University Com­ ria of achievement, all wrapped with a the LIRR.
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