![1934-02-20 [P B-6]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
= — Comfort and Economy KI fCOALPurchase the Best g ^ Penn. Anthracite r ^ I R. S. MILLER COAL MERCHANT 5 Gunman Testifies He Led N805 Third St. N.W. NA. 5178 $ F**" "• 1 iiniT.1 II ■ , Touhy Gang to Locate Here's HowJ Family Joyful-Dad’s i Victim. IOO Famous j Has Years in Correct RHEUMATISM for Specialized Costuming of Has Left Him By the Associated Press. Cocktails CHICAGO, February 30.—An al- When a man so crippled with By Omcar of in the $70,000 John I rheumatism cannot go to his dally leged accomplice the Waldorf Factor was as I< and a kidnaping sought today work suddenly finds swift, a result of a dramatic "inside” story —The world's great- powerful yet safe prescription that the abduction told $ Tennessee est authority on wines, drives out pam and agony in 48 of by j | who turned gang- liquors and cocktails, ; hours you can imagine the jubilant gunman, big-city ster. presents his authentic j happiness of the whole family as Silvers, owner of the book, which tells you Dad brings home his pay envelope Joseph part road house In Morton Grove, how to mix drinks LARGER Dells The WOMAN regularly again. [ near which Factor was snatched successfully and how Peoples Drug 8tores and leading 111., cor- druggists evervn-here call this grand last July 1, was the man hunted on to serve them prescription ALLENRU and think so an accusation by Isaac Costner, young rectly. much of its mighty power to drive ex- cess uric acid from the system that Tennessee gangster, that it was Sil- i 75c they guarantee one 85-cent vers who helped members of the Copy We Invite You to See the 1934 Fashions bottle to overcome rheu- j matic pain and conquer Roger Touhy gang locate Factor the ; Kann's—Downstairs backache sciatica, neuritis morning he was kidnaped. \ and lumbago just as this Bookstore. Silvers be j notice sta:es or money back Prosecutors said might | _■ I —a square deal to all suf- charged with being an accessory to wimmmit ferers—Advertisement. j —We ve built a the abduction. He is somewhere in up quite rep- Florida. State's attorney's police said utation for better propor- they were informed. tioned, better fitting, better arrested in Balti- Costner, recently dresses, in sizes 40^4 more with Basil Hugh Banghart, told looking his story as a witness yesterday for to 52^4—at moderate prices. the State at the second trial of Roger A So tomorrow—when we pre- Touhy. Albert Kator and Gus Schae- Flattering a of new fer, thereby violating the traditional sent large collection gangland law by talking In a court of dresses for Spring — every justice. Pedaline large woman in Washington Identifies Gang. j will want to see them. They’re But Costner talked for hours, and new, youthfully slenderizing, when he had finished he had not only and flattering! The four mod- identified Touhy. Kator and Schaefer MI had terribly inflamed eyas,*' els sketched are writes Mrs. Mary Moore of as members of the gang that kidnaped typical. Chicago.“ Used LAVOPTIK—tod at one# Factor, but frankly confessed that he 95 I had relief! Next day all inflammation waa had been with them, accepting later gone." Every day 6000 eyesight specialists from Banghart the comparatively $1 smart- endorse LAVOPTIK for sore, itchy, nominal sum of $2,300 as his share red 20 ing, tired, strained, or eyes. For years. in the snatch. He named Charles LAVOPTIK has made sad eyes glad. (Ice Connors and Andy Mc- / Soothes, refreshes, healsl No harmful Wagon) Fadden as other members of the gang. / —The hat is the draft. Get a bottle today (with free eye ; pedaline logical "The he testified, "had emp) at any drug store—and banish eye Touhys,” choice of those who like to “rush several places where they met—one troubles for good. the season.” It Is smart and in Park Ridge, one in Glenview and other places. I was in bed in one of flattering to nearly every one— the places. About 11 p.m. one of the Here's the to the miss and the youthful boys—maybe it was Gus Schaefer, older woman. The model maybe it was Roger Touhy. came out Katherine -— — — — — — — and a a and woke me Banghart up.” ; sketched has becoming dipped Q Did he say anything1 > brim with a becoming little veil y A. Yes, that they were going to \ and two-tone bow. grab Factor Hepburn j patent I' Ar» 0\rienial After that the witness said he went —Black, brown, beige, navy. Head to a "little beer near tha Collarl garden” sixes 22 to 24 inches. flT KesfeuteTii j Dells, from which there appeared a man of stocky buUd who was ad- Kann's—Second Floor. cn 1 I B Vcuk* dressed as "Silvers.'' ; SWf 1 Q. Did you hear what this man [ PenfFy I said? r Can pou imagine a more agreeable A A. Yes. He said that Factor was at ■ —it s lovely and new • change in jtour menu than a lunch- the Dells and that he might stay an t and becoming L eon or dinner of chop sue>\ cooked i hour or more. He talked some more, vastly Made of soft celanese the real Oriental way, wrVed either | but I didn't near what he said. taffeta in white, pink True Value in With Oriental Chow Mein Noodles 1 l Gives Details of Abduction. or blue. The price is I 1 or with rice? If you serve Oriental | very special, too! I Show-You Sauce, it is sure to add Thereafter the Tennessee hill-billy Y the true Oriental flavor. A related details of the abduction, of Kann s—Street Floor. how Factor was held prisoner and of L Oriental Chop Suey comes to you 1 his subsequent release In La Grange, in cans, all to heat and serve; after the ransom had been Matching ready | money I also. Oriental Chow Mein Noodles L paid. Cross examination by the de- 1 in cans. And they are so inexpensive. 4 fendants' attorney, William Scott Stewart, failed to shake his story, Ask Oriental nt Lenten L for J although he admitted he expected to * Show.You Foods j Sweaters J get some consideration from the pros- L At your Grocers. ecution for State's witness. ' turning ; Foods 1 He also contradicted one statement made in Factor's at the —Tuna Fish, 7-oz. tins, testimony ( first trial of the Touhy men, which I 25c; 13-oz. tins, 39c. i ended in a disagreement. Factor Jury's —Gulf Kist Shrimp, said that Co6tner. while guarding i 534-oz. tin. 18c. 4 j him. had been so moved by the bru- L Write us for Book containing recipes j I tality of the kidnapers that he whis- —1-lb. jar Peanut But- I for Oriental dishes. pered in Factor’s ear: ter and a package “I feel like taking you and putting Keeblrrs Cheese Wal- Oriental ShonJ-You Ox 1 you In a car and taking you home ters. 39c. j' —All-wool sweaters — Columbia City, Indiana right now.” pull- —Kellogg’s Spaghetti overs. and in a ‘‘I didn't say that,” the witness said. cardigans, £ with mushrooms and knit stitch -•- novelty, lacy ^ tomato sauce. 19c jar. | We've sold hundreds of these *19.75 Tot Bom Before Great-Uncle. never so a —D I p 1 o m a t Wfclcbi but at low price for —A swagger ensemble of navy Raaha When a woman, her daughter and Rarebit, lOVoz. jar, this fine quality, in orange, crepe, with becoming revere in tuple j Your her all birth to 39c. and rust tones of the Empty granddaughter gave blue, green, maize, of blue, the short sleeve* husky babies in Kruszyna, Poland, in Sizes 34 to 42. dress edged to match revers. Size Call Bladder the same night recently, complications Kann's—Street Floor. 464. Other model* la the group of relationship were threatened. The : Kann’s—Second Floor. In sizes 404 to 524. first child bom was that of Mrs. M. And You'll Feel Like a Wisiewska, the granddaughter, aged Billion Dollars! 17. The birth of this child’s uncle followed, and his great-uncle arrived Sleepless night*, dog-tired flay*, headache*. stUl later. p»ln.« In all pant of the Iwly-lnltgenton— > ■ gaa. Do you suffer from one or all? And have you tried every medicine under the sun. only to find yourself back where Deaths you started? Reported. No wonder, for you. like thousands of Elizabeth's MONOGRAMMED Elbert Topper. 89. £>t. Hospital. others have probably been treating yourself John Hoaxy. 85. U S Soldiers’ Home. j for everything but the right thing. Get at the Ella G. Blaisdell. 78, 1 763 Euclid st. ! unsuspected cause—your gall Madder. If Mary L Evans. 73. 315 11th st s.w. It won't Into small In- sluggish, pour your Minnie S Willis. 70. 416 ?th st. n.e testines the most important digestive Juice Annie Me Clifton st. for acid, Davis. 68. 1301 necessary neutralizing gastric quick- D Gaskill 63. I and the intestinal Loring Sibley Hospital. ening digestion disinfecting Marie Cecelia. 61. Trinity Ir this doesn't flow then College. ; tract. Juice freely, Walter tal. Writing Paper Manuel. 60. Gallinger Hosp 516.95 food sours, stomach becomes j your putr.flea, and Ailed with gas and Pauline Saylor, 60. Masonic Eastern —The navy acidity, Star Home Indispensable i From the world s greatest chemists comes ; Charles T. Lyddane. 56.
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