regardless of the video mode. I still can only configuration difference besides the that LA'" wa.~ costing me. It was more shrink their windows and scroll around, CPU and operating system was that the than jU.'1 lht' l2HK of memory -it's the but I can't see the whole thing. Mac was not on our network. This should use I could have been making of that have tipped me off to something, but the 128K. Graph Plus will put whatever it can The Mac II and MultiFinder computers are so dissimilar that I chalked in memory. When the memory runs out, But I was becoming a bit flustered it up to differences in user interfaces or it goes to disk for that storage. When I with Graph Plus by this point. (I really CPU capahilities. had only ~'iK free, I was hitting the disk wasn't mad at Graph Plus, I just thought I I had ohviously underestimated the with every operation. With 220K free, I was -kind of like blaming the map when power of the Macintosh for graphical ap­ could do most of the work in memory. you make a wrong turn. I'll get to that in a plications. While I might never recom­ Whilc Graph Plus on the 386 is still not little while.) Even with 4 Mbytes of mem­ mend one to an engineer, for my line of quite as lightning fast as Cricket Graph ory, simple operations like drawing a leg­ work it is actually a very advanced com­ on the Mac, with enough memory it is no end on the screen were still taking a long puter. We have a large monitor on it, so I longer the slow, lumbering beast I had time. When I needed to print eight can see several applications at a time. But been putting up with. graphs that I'd already created, it took me most of my work has to do with 386's and Unfortunately, in order to take advan­ all morning. their applications, so I really can't trans­ tage of this extra memory, I have to re­ One day my managing editor passed fer to the Mac. When DOS operating sys­ boot the computer without the LAN. And along the pronouncement from our pro­ tems can use mega pixel screens for regu­ when I want to print my file, I have to duction department that Cricket Graph lar use, perhaps OS/2 PM will offer me reboot with the LAN. All this rebooting files from a Macintosh would have to be what the Mac can. takes far too long, but the LAN is what supplied for all graphs due to problems makes the printing take 5 to 7 minutes. with importing Graph Plus files. I didn't The Network I am stuck in this catch-22, which is not want to change the way I did business I've hinted several times that there's making me fond of the 3Com network. I again, and I especially didn't want to go another problem with my configuration just don't want to lose the time. Perhaps to a Mac. I know the difference between that took me a while to discover. In fact, I'll dive into exactly how many of those preemptive schedulers and the scheduler I've hit up against one last bottleneck device drivers I really need to do my for MultiFinder, and I laughed at the idea that's both big and, at the moment, insur­ usual work. that MultiFinder was a multitasking oper­ mountable. It's also the reason lowe an ating system. apology to Micrografix and Microsoft for What I'd Really Like To my chagrin, however, Cricket Graph thinking badly of their software. So what's next? Well, I've looked at on the Mac was lightning fast! The long­ In a recent review of the 33-MHz Ze­ VM/386, which I'm told can have one est part of the process was importing my nith computer, I tried to get a feel for how screen running DOS with the LAN in­ data files from the Pc. I had to print my day would improve if I swapped my stalled and one screen running DOS with­ Quattro files to a disk file, transfer them 20-MHz for a 33-MHz 386 AT. (Unfortu­ out. But VM/386 supports multiple to a Mac disk, read those into the Cricket nately, I wasn't allowed to make the swap screens, not multiple windows on one Graph worksheet, move the titles to the permanent, but I did get pretty high on screen, so I'm not crazy about the idea. appropriate places, and reformat the col­ the power.) In the course of experiment­ I'm told it's very robust, but I want the umns. This took about half an hour. But ing, I discovered that Graph Plus on my windows. drawing graphs from the data was nearly computer was being cheated. Graph Plus SCO is about to release Open Desktop instantaneous. Compare this to Graph Plus, was getting over 220 Kbytes of memory for its 386 Unix. That will offer a GUI which imported Quattro files directly but on the Zenith with nearly the same con­ called Motif and will run multiple DOS could take 3 minutes to draw each graph. figuration as my computer. But on my windows. In addition, I'm told that Printing was even more impressive. On computer, Graph Plus was getting only mega pixel screens and larger will be eas­ the Mac, I could get control and start the 75K. The configuration difference? My ily supported. If Open Desktop gives me next graph within 10 seconds. Under computer was linked with the 3Com LAN access to my LAN, it may just be the Graph Plus, it was more like 5 minutes. to give me access to printers and a file answer to all my needs._ What a difference on comparably config­ server. ured machines (4 Mbytes of RAM). The I finally paid attention to how much William L. Rinko-Gay is a MIPS technical editor. EPluribus Unix? lion computers across the country, and the source code for the operating system Will OSF and Unix Unix variants run on nearly every com­ was made available to universities at a puter in existence, from lowly IBM PC low cost. International fix Unix or XTs to Cray supercomputers. But ever since 197 9, when the Univer­ Much of Unix's popularity, in fact, has sity of California at Berkeley took Unix fracture it? been attributed to the ease with which it Version 7 release 32V for the DEC VAX is ported from one hardware base to an­ and modified the operating system to use other. This is possible because only a tiny paging for virtual memory instead of swap­ ping, there have been two major versions BY SIMSON L. GARFINKEL portion of the operating system is written in assembly language -the native lan­ of Unix. Berkeley'S hackers set about al­ guage specific to each computer system. tering and improving Version 7, adding t all started at Bell Labs in 1969 on a The rest of Unix is written in C -the such features as job control, a faster file Digital Equipment Corp. PDP-7, a com­ high-level language whose popularity has system, and TCPI IP networking support. I puter few people have ever heard of, grown hand-in-hand with the growth of In the meantime, AT&T released Unix let alone used. Today the Unix operating the operating system. Unix's popularity System III and System V. system is running on more than 1.2 mil- has also been attributed to the fact Ihat Meanwhile, Microsoft had been ship­ 98 .lfll"i ping a ver..ion o( t 'nL'C l';llk'tl Xenlx. (lng!­ had been haVing with AT&T. nally basc..'d on AT&T S)'lI1Cm III in II)li(J. Many observers and "We, along with another number of Microsoft also followed the AT&T addi­ participants in the major computer companies, felt that to tions to Unix and merged them into XenLx. respond to market demand, we needed, By the beginning of 1987. there were field believe that at least for system software, a single inde­ three major Unix variants -and more than OSF may simply be a pendent software company to provide 225 flavors, according to one estimate - technology in a real open manner that is running throughout the world. ploy to introduce accessible to everybody," says Donald AT&T is now in the process of bringing confusion into the McInnis, DEC's vice president of engi­ together those three principal Unix efforts to create a neering systems. strains into one newall-encompassing OSF is supposed to become a self­ operating system that will be upwardly single Unix standard. sufficient software house, employing up­ compatible with each of its roots, says wards of 400 -it hired 75 people in just Dick Muldoon, a spokesman for AT&T its first three months of operation. Its pro­ Data Systems. Muldoon calls this the "re­ been rewritten to provide several new ducts are to be sold to its members, who unification of Unix." features such as real-time support. Being will in turn sell them to end users, each When people buy an operating system brand-new, McKusick says, the sched­ sale generating a royalty payment to OSF. labeled Unix, Muldoon says, "We want uler is "untested." Many observers and participants in the [them] ... to know that it is going to have field, however, believe that OSF may sim­ the kind of continuity that has come to be The Open Software Foundation ply be a ploy to introduce confusion into the hallmark of the Unix system." People For a group of major vendors of work­ the efforts to create a single Unix stan­ have to be assured, he says, that the stations, the growing acceptance of Unix dard.
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