24th lnfontry Division Associction FIRStt TC)FICH丁 Tlaro Lea VOL.54 No,3 Korean War Annlversary ― ― i≦三二轟 1縫義 ■■■■■由 二:彗 11圭14」 二≦曇‐ ==■ =三 $larshall cFielct 9,ay 6,2000 ″乃ο 妙動″″二月bS′θ′たちMD.リ `ο 24th Division Association Prcident Harold(Corky) Petes (Co. G2lst) 14030 Xanthrs Aventre TARO LEAF, the official publication of the 24th Infantry Division Association rs Rogen, MN 5537+9332 Tel. 612427-2433 published quarterly by and for its members. Opinions expressed or implied are not Fu<.612427-5944 necessarily those of the Department of the Army, the 24th Infantry Division, the WePraifuw 24th Infantry Division Association or the Editor of the Taro Leaf. Robert Smith (BTRY A I lth FABN 49-'5r) 7721DerrLn Articles Submissions Wisconsin Rapids, WI 5549,1-91 19 To improve speed and accuracy and readability in editing, manuscripts and articles Tel. 715-325-5057 should be originals or clear copies, with either typed or printed out double-spaced in Secraatyheosurcr near letter quality printer mode. Articles are to be received by the Editor not later than Ellswoth@utch) Nelsen the deadline established by the President and Editor and as published in the Taro Leaf. 812 Orion DR C-olorado Springs, CO 809061152 TeI.719475-749 Deadline to the lEditor Publication Date E-mail [email protected] October 15,2000 December 2000 E働レ CT 聯猥蛍寝翌WSしヵl ′Vり S′・υチ Rl '2‐2903 Fいなピ∠´υ 40しYκス ・θ″ ¨ VOLUME 54 NO.3 AUGUST 2000 Glen Carpenter Qts/.aa-t/@). 503 Michigan Steet Buchamn, MI49107 IN THIS ISST]E TeL6lG695-2934 Hisadan Letter from the Editor Page 3 JosephJ. McKeon (l9th 49-'51) Letter from the President Page 4 12733 Muscatine Steet Secy/Treas - Nominating Committee Page 5 Al]€ta-CA913314245 Page 6 Tel. 818-768-1704 Korean War Commemorative Events 2000 E-mail: [email protected] Fort Riley News Release Pagc 7,8,39,50,54,58-60 Membenhip Chairman 65-67,69 WallaceF. Kuhner Scholarship Pagc 9 (24th Recn Co. 43-45) Page 12 1637 Falmouth Steet Contributions Charlestor\ SC 29407 -3926 24thlD{Reunion Forms for 2000 Page 13-22 Tel. 843-7668890 General McCaffiey Responds to the Quoilennoser New Yorker Pagc 23-30 Harry L. Wttnan, Jr. New Association Members Page 31-32 (G Co. 2lst Inf '51-'52) 1385 Terri Steet Taro LeafNotes Page 35-38 Keyser, WV 2672G2119 Pictures by Page 40-41 Tel. 304.788-0465 Dr Philip Hostetter Articles by Members Page 42,44,51,62,63,73 Reunion Cootdinator Excerpts from Letters Page 43,61 Wes Morrison to the Editor 2lst(F) 9/50-l/sl Classic Reunions Pictures Page 55 452 Gloria Circle WWII Memorial Ballot Page 72 Marin4 CA 939334027 Tel. 831-384-0139 TAPS Pagc 75-76 Quartermaster Page 77¨ 78 Membership Application Page 79 272θθθ R′ ″ 恥 “"あ 7‐ 3599 24th lnfan Division Association Pruibt Haold(Corlqy) Peters (Co. G2lst) 12()30 Xanthus Avenue Rogers, MN 5537+9332 June 20, 2000 TfUL612427-2433 Fax.612427-5944 Letter from the Editor: WePrunda RobertSmitr (BTRY A I lth FABN 49-'51) Reunion 2000 is just around the corner and what a joy it will be 772lDqLn. to see many friends again. It has been tremendous serving in the Wiscorsin Rapids, WI 55494-91 Tel. 71 5-325-5057 capacity as Editor ofthe Taro Leaf and I count it a privilege to be a member of our great association. SuraatyTtusurcr Ellsworth (Durch) Nelsen 812 Orion DR The Taro Leaf is your magtvine, I print what is sent to me. Colodo S"叩 ,∞ 86勝 1152 Tel.719‐ 475‐ 7499 Thank you for all of your help in keeping the Taro Leaf ffirmative and E‐mil neL躙@ieX.na interesting as well. We are happy to be receiving input from the Fort E勘 Riley Public Affairs Office. We welcome these young soldiers to be Yvonnewbnnie)Mullins members of our Association. 31150象 鸞Vlew改、 Rocky Mount M0 65072‐ 2903 Tel. 573-365‐ 1007 I would like to take this opportunity to point out the General Fax.573‐ 365‐ 7872 published in this issue and encourage all E‐ma‖ :[email protected] Barry McCaffiey article that is of you to read it. It is evident that his hard work and military service has made the United States a much healthier and safer place to live. I …Glen Carpenter (21飩 2/62‐ 1/64) am proud that he is a member of the 24th Infantry Division Association 503 Michigan Smt Buchanan,M149107 as I am sure that all of you are. Tel.616‐ 695‐ 2934 written books based ¨ There are many of our members who have JOnhJ.MCKeon on their service with the 24th Infantry Division. If you have written a (19649‐51) on the list that I keep :2733M― tlne Smet book and/or papers, and want your book, etc., AII軸へCA 91331‐ 4245 available for our membership, please send the title and authors name to Tel. 818‐ 768‐ 1704 people read what others have taken the time E‐ma‖ :JMckeon827()olcOm me. Many are happy to and expense to write. We are proud of the many books written by our ノ睦痢レ働夕0励m“ preserving and handing Wallacc E Kuhner own members and this is an excellent way of (24ul Recn Co.43-45) down our Division's rich history. Anyone desiring a copy of the 1637 Falrnoum Stet Charlaon,SC 29407‐ 3926 booklist, please contact me. Tel.843‐ 7αゝ8890 The Open House at Fort Riley on May 6th was extremely Hany L.Wltnan,J■ successful with over 30,000 people in attendance. The plans are already ― lGCo.21飩 I正 51」52) plans attend - you will 1385 TmiStet underway for Open House 2001. Make now to 噛 W26726‐ 2!19 greatly enjoy the experience. Tel. 3眸 788‐ 0465 &“励 銅 ′ along with other veterans, was ・ My husband, Rodolph Mullins, W∝ M面 son"“ `り honored in a Memorial Day Service held at the Waynesville Memorial 21飩 )9/50‐ 1/51 452「 Glaia Circle Cemetery. Rudy's long time friend and my son-in-law's father, Judge Mttn、 CA 939334027 remembered Rudy Tel.831-3840139 Douglas E. Long of Missouri's 25th Judicial Circuit in this ceremony. C 9 3 Toll Free‐ 800-354‐ 9193 24th ln加 Division Association haident Harold (Codcy) Paem (Co. G 2lst) 1,1030 Xanthus Avenue June 20, 2000 Rogers, MN 5537+9332 Tel. 612427-2433 Fax.612427-5944 Dear Members: This will be my last letter I write as your president. It has Deen a Wehaidcttt Association. Robert Smitlr privilege and an honor to serve our great 24th Infantry Division (BTRY A I lth FABN'49-'5 l) It is with sadness that I have to report the resignation cf 'ilill 772lDwLn. have a son with a Wisconsin Rapids, WI 55494-91 Schumaker, our secretary/treasurer. Will and his wife Carla Tel. 715-325-5057 developmental disability and this has forced him to relinquish his position. Will pray your family and SecrelotyTrcosurur and Carla the members of the Association hope and for Ellsworth (Dutch) Nelsen wish all the best for each of you. Thank you! 812 Orion DR card. ColoMo Sprins,∞ 809Ctl152 I know that many of you have been waiting for your membership Tel.719‐ 475-7499 Please be patient a little longer! In the interim I have appointed Ellsworth E■ oJI [email protected] "Dutch" Nelsen to finish out the term. Dutch and Margo are working very Ettr hard to get caught up, giving each letter their undivided attention. Yvonrlewbniel M口 1詭 6th along with a 31150 Sa‐ VI♂Ⅳ歓、 i attended the Open House at Fort Riley on May Rocky Mount M0 65072‐ 2903 number of other 24th Aisociation members. We met and talked with many of Te1 573-365‐ i007 they were very Fax.573‐ 365‐ 7S72 our active duty soldiers about joining our Association, E‐mal rudyVO面 OlakeOZark.net receptive. About 40,000 people attended the event. I was ffirmed that Major will assume command of the 24th Infantry G餞″滋 General Robert St. Onge Jr. Glen Carpenter Division and Fort Riley on August 4th at 9 a.m. I will always be grateful for 2/62‐ 1/64) 21試 from Commanding General Freddy McFarren and his staff. 503 MicI〕 igan Stet the support- Buchanan,ヽ 4149107 I would like to recognize the following people, without their love, Tel.61("695‐ 2934 dedication and support these last two years it would have been impossible for ¨ this president to perform his duties. Joseph J.McKeon Roben Smittr, Vice President. Robert has worked very close with me (19th 49」 51) 12733M噸 ine Stet and has been a tremendous help as has all of the other officers. Jim Hill, Andヽ CA 91331‐ 4245 Nelsen, Past Presidents, when asked Tel. 818‐ 768‐ 1704 Warren Avery, Tom Cochran and Dutch E―mail JMckeon827()d.cOm for anything, were more than willing to advise me, lend an ear and support been invaluable! Last but not least to my wife, Diane, what 姥 ″¨ 働 勧 me. You have Wallace E Kuhner “ would I do without her? She is my inspiration. With her by my side, nothing is (24h Rccn Co.43‐ 45) 1637 Falmou」lStet impossible! Charleston,SC 29407‐3926 These last twg years have gone bv'.,ery fast. t have met, talked and Tel. 843‐ 766‐ 8890 became friends with so rnany of you. You are truly the finest members of any Army Association and I fe'el very fortunate to have been a part of your group. -酔Hany L.WImlan,J■ God bless each anci everyone of you. Diane and I hope to see all of (G Co.21st lnf'51-152) :385T面 Stet you in Covington this Septcmber.
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