Stories, photos of ordination and installation of Bishop James F. Checchio, pages 11-22 THE CTHEatholic OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF METUCHENSpirit MAY 12, 2016 • VOL. 21 NO. 8 • $2.00 New shepherd is installed By Chris Donahue Associate Editor SOUTH PLAINFIELD — Vatican rep- resentatives, cardinals, bishops, priests and people throughout the world wit- nessed the ordination and installation of Bishop James Francis Checchio May 3. Twelve hundred gathered in the Church of the Sacred Heart and others were able to watch on television, computers and mobile devices as Bishop Checchio became the fifth shepherd of the Dio- cese of Metuchen. The three-hour service began as the strains of “Be Reconciled to God,” a song written especially for the occa- sion, were sounded and representatives of the Knights and Dames of Malta and Knights and Ladies of the Holy Sepul- chre processed into the church. A half hour later, the last to enter was Arch- bishop John J. Myers of the Archdiocese of Newark, who served as consecrating bishop. The diocese’s fourth shepherd, Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski, and Bishop Continued on page 14 This issue was mailed on May 10 Your next issue will be May 26 Bishop James F. Checchio, right, listens to applause after being ordained and installed as the fi fth bishop of the diocese at the Church of the Sacred Heart, South Plainfi eld, as Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Papal Nuncio to the United States, watches. Archbishop Viganò read the Apostolic Mandate from Pope Francis during the Rite of Ordination. —Mike Ehrmann photo Perspectives 4 Polish Pride Our Faith 26-27 Visiting bishop helps faithful in diocese Around the Diocese 28-29 celebrate anniversary Diocesan Events 30 Special Feature…3,6-7 Classifi eds 31 catholicspirit.com Retired priest from diocese mourned at funeral Mass By Deacon Patrick Cline He was ordained May 26, 1956, in of his ordination. Correspondent Trenton by Bishop George W. Ahr. Msgr. Perini was the son of the late Over his decades of ministry he Gino and Maria Perini. He once said his Msgr. Armando J. Pcrini, a retired served at St. Ami Parish, Browns Mills; mother prayed every day and took him to priest of the diocese, was remembered St. Paul Parish, Princeton; St. Joachim church where he was an altar server. as a “good and faithful servant” by his Parish, Trenton; St. Ann Parish, Raritan He was also inlluenced to become a longtime friend. Father Joseph Murphy, Borough; St. Joseph Parish. Keyport; priest by the pastor of St. Mary Parish. at a funeral Mass April 26 at St. Mary and St. Philip and St. James Parish. Franciscan Father Jaczak Bcncvcnuto. Church in his hometown of Alpha. Philipsburg. He is survived by two brothers Msgr. Pcrini died April 1, two days In 1972, Msgr. Perini was appoint­ and sisiers-in law and a number of shy of his 86th birthday. ed pastor at St Helena Parish. Edison, nieces, nephews, grandnieces and Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski, apos­ where he served for 36 years. grandncphews. tolic administrator of the dioccse served He was known as a very strong and a principal celebrant; Msgr. Terrance M. active advocate for the poor because he Lawler, pastor, St. Mary Parish, priests believed helping the less fortunate was a from the diocese and priest friends and cemral tenet of the Catholic faith. While classmates of Msgr. Pcrini from his al Si. Helena, Msgr. Perini established seminary years concelebrated. a very successful weekly Lenten col­ Msgr. Lawler noted. “Msgr. Perini lection for the poor. The money raised celebrated his first Mass ill this parish provided significant assistance to the 60 years ago this June. He was baptized, diocese’s Operation Rice Bowl program received first Eucharist and confirma­ in support of Catholic Relief Sendees. tion here and will be buried here, next For their efforts, in 2008, the Cath­ to his parents.” olic Charities Solidarity Team awarded In his homily. Father Murphy, a Msgr. Perini and St. Helena Parish the retired priest of the Archdiocese of Global Herald Award. Newark, and a brother priest of Msgr. During his tenure, he made im­ Perini from the Immaculate Concep­ provements to the church, and was tion Seminary, said, “After leaving the responsible for the construction of sci­ seminary, Msgr. Perini gave 60 years of ence. art, music and pre-kindergarten service to the people of the Diocese of classrooms in St. Helena School as well Robert Perini lays the cremains of his brother, Msg. Armando J. Perini, in Trenton and then Mctuchen. He was a as enlarging the school’s library. a grave with his parents at St. Mary Cemetery in Alpha. Msgr. Perini had good and faithful servant.” At the forefront in using solar celebrated his first Mass at St. Mary Parish nearly 60 years ago. He added that, “As we thank Ar­ technology, in early 2005 Msgr. Pcrini mando and thank God for the life and had solar panels installed on the roof ministry he had. we should also thank of St. Helena’s rectory and the adjacent The Bishop's Schedule his family for sharing him with us." school. As he ended his homily, Father In an interview with The Catholic May 5 Mass and May Crowning Mount Saint Mary Murphy addressed the deceased in Spirit, he said, “Social justice is helping Academy. Watchung words from the Gospel of Matthew the environment and making sure that (25:23), “Well done good and faithful energy is being conserved. That’s our May 7Mass St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish. Fleinington servant,” a sentiment that was echoed duly to preserve the earth and keep the by many of the people at the Mass. air clean.” May 8 Mass at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Msgr. Perini studied at Alpha Pub­ After his retirement in 2008. Msgr. Metuchen lic Grammar School and Philipsburg Perini continued to serve as a weekend High School. He attended St. Charles assistant at St. Lucy Parish in Newark. May 10Deanery Mass at Our Lady of Mount Virgin Parish. Middlesex Seminary and College in Catonsville, Memorial Masses were celebrat­ Md„ and Immaculate Conception Semi­ ed April 17 at St. Lucy Church and al May 11Deanery Mass at St. Mary Parish. Alpha nary in Malnvah. St. Helena Church on the anniversary May 13 Installation of the Most Rev. Bernard A. Hebda as Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis (Catholic Spirit $ May17 7:30 p.m. Deanery Mass al St. Bartholomew Parish. East Brunswick THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF METUCHENI Serving the Catholic community in Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Coun ties SAVE THE DATE! June 2, 2016 - "¡OO pm UPFRONT Our Lady of Peace Church The Catholic Spirit e-Mail: new5#catholte>pinicom GoticeAjfr26 Maple Avenue • Edison P.O. Box 191 Subscription and advertising deadlines: Tuesday, 1 p.m. Metuchen, NJ 08840 PHONE: (732) 562-2424. FAX: (732) 562-0969 The acceptance of advertising by The Catholic Spirit for print or online publication, does not constitute an Director of Music, St. Patrick's Cathedral, NYC endorsement of any product or service. The Catholic PUBLISHER Spirit reserves the right to rejectany advertising it OLP is pleased to be hosting an organ concert by the internationally renowned Bishop James F. Checchio considers objectionable organist, Dr. Jennifer Pascual. In 2008, Dr. Pascual had the privilege of conducting ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER ASSOCIATE EDITOR The Catholic Spirit is a member of the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Chris Donahue Catholic Press Association and the the music for the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to New York City. New Jersey Catholic Advertising Network Joanne Ward (732) 529-7935 The Catholic Spirit (U.S.PSJ 14-804) is THE CATHOLIC SPIRIT (732) 562-2461 GRAPHIC DESIGNER OIcuiA u, tooco the many OLP parishioners and friends who financially supported I published every other week, by the Roman BUSINESS MANAGER Jill Gray Catholic Church, Diocese of Metuchen, 146Metlars the purchase of om new organ. The concert will last approximately one hour and will feature Judy Leviton (732) 529-7956 Lane, Piscataway, Nl 08854. Subscription price is $30 per year. Periodicals postage paid at Philadelphia, PA pieces that show off the versatility of our new organ. There is a festive reception to follow. (732) 529-7934 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT and additional mailing office. ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE Laura Ferreras (732) 529-7932 POSTMASTER: Send change of address notice to The THERE IS NO CHARGE TO ATTEND THE CONCERT. Nanette M. Kubian Catholic Spirit, 146 Metiars Lane, (732) 765-6444 Piscataway, NJ 08854. MAY 12,2016 Attendees are invited to mnke a freehill offering 3 SPECIAL FEATURE of the Where in the diocese can it be found? Catholics of Polish descent celebrate historic spiritual event By Marianne Zanko Komek Above, Bishop Emeritus Jozef Wysocki of the Diocese of Elblag, Poland, PERTH AMBOY — Polish pride and blesses children dressed in traditional feelings of heartfelt gratitude to God Polish garb at Mass at St. John Paul II Last issue's image... ¿OOHGWKHDLUDW6W-RKQ3DXO,,3DULVK Parish, St. Stephen worship site. Right, 6W6WHSKHQZRUVKLSVLWH$SULO3RO Bishop Wysocki served as principal LVK LPPLJUDQWV IURP WKURXJKRXW 1HZ celebrant and homilist of the Mass. -HUVH\ 1HZ <RUN DQG 3HQQV\OYDQLD JDWKHUHGWKHUHWRFHOHEUDWHWKHWK ]DWLRQVFDUU\LQJÀDJVDQGEDQQHUVOHG DQQLYHUVDU\ RI WKH HVWDEOLVKPHQW RI the procession at the beginning of the &KULVWLDQLW\LQ3RODQG 0DVV 5RVHVOLOLHVJODGLRODVDQGFDUQD %LVKRS(PHULWXV-R]HI:\VRFNLRI VDLG³:HDUHZLWQHVVLQJDQLPSRUWDQW WLRQVLQUHGDQGZKLWHWKHFRORUVRIWKH WKH'LRFHVHRI(OEODJ3RODQGVHUYHG KLVWRULFDOPRPHQWWKHWK$QQLYHU 3ROLVKÀDJDGRUQHGWKHPDLQDOWDU DV SULQFLSDO FHOHEUDQW DQG KRPLOLVW VDU\RIWKH%DSWLVPRI3RODQG$QGDW 7KH 3XODVNL
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