DECEMBER 17, 1«61 THE TORRANCE HERALD ^ wa LIFE'S LIKE THAT By FRED NEHER FOR THE MEN rPnwrSMwitkCMck PeWEIHOUSE Ma«. depth of cut 2 7/16", man. cut at 45* is 2 1/16". Heavy duty sole 44 QA plate. 3 conduction cord. £0.09 '/."Pfrtafclc Drill 25* Tissue Piper SitiiRibbM PtWf PJOVSE - Heavy duty. Pak of 25 20x30" 44e >4" wide-total | industrially rated drill with sheets ZJ :ol 102'. Colors. 4 14 v extra power. Geared clutch. Keg 1J JC 38'Roll Box Bet. Ul 1.10 ! 'with holder. 3 conduction cord. I't.Hv Bet it 12 - Gay, faxy 1 1A Continuous rolls. Fancy Piper decoratioos. 1.19 ?6" wide, 279'' Large 20x216". As- JQe total sorted designs tj 100'; black and grey natural Trn OreMNts 1.41 Kelly Tie bristles. Smart-fc)okingSmart-looking,t kighlyhighly Btt If 12 - Miniature sin. CeRtiiiois Roll polished satinwood finish. MILITARY 4 JA Colors._________ 19" Box of 12 rolls. 1 i /'Black magic" 2Gx or CLUB style. MHH« Z.49 180* of ribbon I. 84"rolls. Ass't de JAe signs *Vr MTV wNW CurliRfRilbM DnsserVafet 5/16"x75' - As­ SteiiiTissM 1 Smart styled case with two end "Then Ralph said, Why pay all that money for a sofa'!" 10 V. Aerosol sorsv can. sorted colors. 3 Rott Pak - 20x CAe I compartments. One compartment leg. Me 144". Ass't colors | with divided sections, change scoop 4 AA VTAA I center. 4.U9 'Christmas in Many Lands' TmT.1 SO* Tip -11" high. te.^ Strung cards, tegs J4c Large assortment TiiWrieKIt Due Today at Disneyland and seats. 200 pcs. *W "mc*W»,23c large sin kag made of deep butt cowhide with carrying strip. Cluster A daylight fireworks display during a Candlelight Proces* Icicles opening, brass zipper. with an international good-will sion of 900 choir singers, vo­ ninjipnf - Box of 4{4Ce theme, the unveiling of "the calizing yuletide carols. The 3001 Hands. Z'OX world's largest bass drum." Candlelight Procession will Faacr Idea: FraHs - teadi for BWIiif CifintliLitlrter and the appearance of five also follow the second "Parade BENIU-Exttar* "tbrow-away" stars from Walt Disney's new of the Toys" on Dec. 18. 19,' Astfll nani AA. ASKfT MSB! tank holds thousands of lights. motion picture -Babes in Toy- 21. 22, and 23. TUoMareai-WMeotry. l/f Select assortment of Circular rattes con Ultra smart jewelry styled models. __ land" have been added to the superb Calif, dried hasket coia>iiin line-up for Disneyland's and glace' fruits in- Tigs, prunes, nuts, HFsUS...7lt fUJUfJM 4.95 "Christmas in Many Lands" O'BrienGets c Wing candad citrus dates, apricots, parade beginning at 1:30 p.m. peel. cherries 1 pineapple. 7tfB.MO.leTS today. Poisstltia I belly. 12' bng. 79° The fireworks display will Retail Post dividual, coated focusing tens, Torrance resident Ronald J. Itts. 149 in, 1.49 complete with plastic lens pro­ mark the beginning of the tectors, leather carrying case 44* AC parade. Flags of 100 nations O'Brien has been appointed WI-O-SUW will be shot into the air and supervisor of Los Angeles AA,. ad rtjustaole strap._____40.99 zone control and operations, flaMproot ctttos - 20x30". «NT each will unfurl as It floats to CANDY the ground. retail, for B. F. Goodrich Tire Ed Wynn, Annette. Kevin Co., It Is announced by A. R. 2l/riBitaUeillaplK Large assortment of wide and wr Coreoran, Gene Sheldon and Laret, tone manager, retail IMCH3 Mvry Cfcristms row width in many colors and de Me Henry Calvin all appearing sales. Red satin with green 4 [ signs. Bow ties i "ready mades." 09 in the new Disney film will O'Brien resides at 21917 La- leaves. ll Assorted center with a I 4 QA S 4 AA ride in the "Parade of the deene St. He was born in l»s dei'Cious chocolate cover. M. 1 .09 Pa. 4.90 Toys" sequence of today's , Angeles and attended San Jose IlltS procession. 'State College. MAWS "Qtaiiw lii»*n$M Asserted colors and designs node i He joined B. F. Goodrich at Assorted centers, all nulk chocolate coverings. et Steertiide. matching buckles. Long Beach in 1954. He then CARDS THEY'LL PASS in review became credit and operating .i.* "tint »*r... down Main Street along with manager for the company's re­ Attractive, designs, dec- nearly 3.000 performers, dress­ tail store in Burbank and ontioM in goM eotor. fAc ed in the colorful clothing of later held the same post at BoiefN /T BMOTS 1krs«s|iUi" - Odialed in creme. I«if2- UXftayta except 30 nations and presenting holi­ BFG stores in East Los An* 1IH. tar decoratiest. Asserted colors day songs, dances and toy cus­ geles and Torrance. Following MISS. Ml bond is i Tier toms from countries on five those assignments he was ty Christmas" colorful box. 1.1 continent*. manager of BFG stores in Tor­ - Atsl ce^eri mt hud coverings. Disneyland visitors will also rance and Long Beach. view "The Big Baas Drum," O'Brien now headquarters AssflW Sicks largest IB the world, standing at the company's Los Angelea Beautiful, f>r/decmtetf IQe Bet of I - Assorted colors aid 10 and one-half feet high, play- cards.- ''Mastetpiicis li CteoUitt' one offices at 3525 S. Gar. taUM 19 desins to acetate hoi with -Ik*, ed by Mickey Mouse seated on field Ave. - Asst centers, chocolate cov­ ry Christmas" theme, luxurious top; tad the release of 800 2.51 "Special Kitae" ~ ered, in. taUs]«Wistafih;. SJBVMN Assorted skapes t sim. pigeons at the start of the pa- rewnio Troop 2461 Designed to please. ndo> and 10,000 balloons at Its Members of Brownie Scout lea el M MfLMstTiiLUr conclusion. Troop 2461, sponsored by the AssortMrteJ design in folder Music will be supplied by 223rd St School PTA. held toSM'S (TNtJIfSOne desJp-Bti ef a 59* EUCTRK RAZORS sttvor color. Each aad every set 1 AC IS marching bands, and 23 their annual Christmas party Qfttosi 1.90 floats depicting Christmas toys Thursday at the Normandle OneOen'fi- Baetn 1.50 representative of participating Park. FORHIR FOR HIM nations will be OB view. Along The troop has been making foil the) line of march, parade per- Christmas gifts for parents of SCWCR Rugged SHMWod leather cover­ formers will toss 1.000 small the members during recent "3-Spw.f' ing. Polished asd durable kindle. stuffed toys and more than meeting, according to Mrs. Play-Dot Psrtitiosod paper bolder ea inside AM 10.000 flowers and pieces of Kenneth Marshall, publicity . - Box of 4 solid candy to the crowd. chairman for the group. colors, each in a separate cat. Mb them UstttMB ActivitlM at* under the dir­ together for i raiaeew ei colon, Hon-Ionc. 2.1.0Q 12.88 TUB FAKADE la the kick- ection of Mrs. Robert Doawy, 14.88 PAKEI PN I Pndl Sit off of two special holiday en- troop loader. -1-Ball Jotter tertainroent at Disneyland Shift the speed... set the bead. through December 31. Featur­ ' Hooded golden head st a«ei gently Tailor the shave to fit your face. pen t "Writetine" Pencil. Choice'- ot 4 points: extra line, line, mod- ed dally events during the USE CHMSTMtt SEALS rooiFud Center ... eliminates nicks I scratches. Complete wilt handsome travel period Slim, sculptured shape. Jewel box. case. tan er breed. Gsarantstd 1 year 4 AC are "Parade of the Haodsome replica of mothers modern multi-function 0.93 Toys" at 1:30 and 5:15 p.m., food center that realty works. Openttd ta "0" the lighting of the 24-foot star cell batteries (not included). SMMAM atop Matterborn Mountain, "11° Stawr" IM Mifii fttjidir and a new attraction, the MM "fro**"-Threads "Babes In Toyland Village." HuN «kMMticell« ... ntjrt Following the parade. Den­ Ik Back Telephone Uftlt.71 into the take* reel Holds nis Morgan will narrate "The Designed lor preschool play, Christmas Story" at 5 p.nr. pulled "Voice" sounds "taks-a-tHk", t/es"l fA 15.88 loUepand down, (totumcolored. I./9 Exclusive "Guardian RoUers" I "Built in ligtit lor extra conven­ CROSSWORD PUZZLE Specially designed comfort zones ience." Eicloive new honing pro­ BSBSBsMi BBBBS^BfissI II MlSBBSBsl'4 assure grooiring comfort. Pastel cess for extra keen cutter edges. I" - F/1.9 7UNSA6UM Race-A-Car colors. Boxed. Cm included. lens...preset-Notacuwg IWrtaaid KtiM for 2 to 4 player* » the tone* rMifei OptKaTtyie Iksttr bill action nca eg anand tj* track. Bitten operated "flash 0-Matic" ftank sounds buuer ta umui 25.95 r* tf-j anaounee winner. CompletelynsesBled. UttllJI ALUM PvtiNl Mi »|U- 12" Jr. VelKipede -Pitta tiittoa 8:Su U BOM frame witi Hi" tubular sleet backbone. system, 4" DytMic speaker. flr^Sr-,. Swept-wing rear step deck. Mawy guage steel with 2 siiclMsr ajafiitic ear- M.EuM n-l«.taadl« 41-Mu'i spoke wheels, semi-pneumatic puncture proof tires. A AA uSUfl.)J!!*.- _ <f-B»miM«» lu a'%SS*SSSiimt "* Adjustable large saddle. Red desk, white trim. 9.90 Adjusts separately tor top and underarms! Smooth, broad shaving " WSR ^;H-taaiMOMta»-»- ""ZSJ1 *"** ] >* »I Will surface ... Fist - efficient. II-IWI.IWU ** < F»ttyae1ntaWedHlkeadc«- Pirate & Traveler GAME M...Adp*t to tit years** ItAltfY - Exciting game of adventure, played 3spearfc*«ttCaMiacMsd. w i large colorful world imp. Trips designated Iw 4 M uttaje tteeVawofcarde.fer7tal4yT.oW*. IkjtUi 1.09 Nlf .• wrm "FnHilT Sit" IBSBOll ISalllxBBBt lYlllBSBBBl AlBSBBBBt BSfJlM Set teludes! Shooter Shell Wiactiesttf rifle, Fanner cemfertekk) shorn CeneMe 1A AA cap pistol with holster, cartridges and bullet noses wittk«ktiomicase.UstlUe 19.00 for rifle.___________UstUe 5020 W.
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