Electrical Review, July 20th, 1945 HAMS HALL “ B” STATION Vol. CXXXVII. No. 3530 JULY 20, 1945 9d. WEEKLY FM80a ii E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 20, 1945 REDUCED PRICES -------------- for --------------- SÎEMÈRS ELECTRIC LAMPS BRITISH MADE Millions of Siemens Lamps for war lit the way to Victory—and to these new low prices for the Public. M ILLIONS and millions of Siemens Lamps were supplied to the Services and to vital industries. Siemens carried manufacturing skill and efficiency to such a point that, to-day, a genuine Siemens household lamp can be offered to the public for no more than one shilling and three pence. N E W LIST PRICES exclusive of Purchase Tax SINGLECOIL “ COILED-COIL ” CLEAR OR PEARL PEARL W A T T S 2SV 50V 100/130V 200/260V WATTS 200/260V 15 1/9 1/9 1/3 1/3 __ __ 25 1/9 1/9 1/3 1/3 -- — 40 V- V- I/ 3 1/3 40 1/6 60 2/6 2 6 1/3 1/3 60 * 1/6 75 — — 1/7 1/7 7 5 * 1/8 ; 100 — 4/- 1/9 1/9 100* 1 1 0 150 —— 2/9 2/9 — — Particulars of other price reductions on application * W ill be supplied as soon as available SIEMENS ELECTRIC LAMPS AND SUPPLIES LTD., 38/9 UPPER THAMES ST., LONDON, E.C.4 July 20, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R ev ie w Bull Industrial Motors By courtesy of Messrs. fitted to Centreless Motor Gear & Engineering Grinder. Co. Ltd., Chadwelt Heatk "BULL' Industrial Motors are the outcome of nearly 50 years' research, development and improvement. "BULL" Motors were selected for many of the most vital of wartime installations because YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON . BULL MOTORS E. R. & F. TURNER LTD., IPSWICH AI«o; London, Manchester, Birmingham. Sheffield, Newcastle and Clasgow 2 Electrical Review July 2 0 , 1945 A N C 1 E M T C O M P A S S E S This pocket compass and sundial in solid silver (early 18th cent.) was made by Baradelle of Paris for the architect to Louis XIV. Darwins permanent magnets serve more precise instruments for sterner purposes. DARWINS-TOLEDO DARWINS PERMANENT MAGNETS DARWINS LIM ITED • FITZWILLIAM WORKS • SHEFFIELD Export Division : DARWINS-TOLEDO OVERSEAS LIMITED, SHEFFIELD. M 10 / m , D korouqklt/ fou nd Job fo r O utdoo/fem ce 0 All-Steel Weatherproof Cubicle with re­ inforced under-carriage combines excep­ tional strength with lightness. 150 K.w. Outdoor Weatherproof 0 Transportable—easily installed. Glass Bulb Rectifier. 0 Sloping roof prevents accumulation of w ater. RECTI F I sj^ Manufactured by the Pioneers in Electrical Conversion. BRUCE PEEBLES & CO. LTD., ENGINEERS. EDINBURGH. 362 E l e c t r i c a l R e v i e w V IlfR _ Mode for 30.60.100.l60.200.300 liffgd V ■ \ \ \ & 500 Amps. 600 Volfs; Double, „/ajgh H l | U rriple and four pole and ajith M L jU aW neutral links 0 i Fitted for Conduit, busbar chamber _ flange or cable glands. & a £ y W iring, ttUnimum maintenance LONDON: A W ZELLEY MANCHESTER GLASGOW- 7 3 , G R E A T P E T E R ST., BEL FAST- BURTON-OH-TRENT WE ST M IN ST E R-.SMI BILL SWITCHGEAR LTD EXETER SOUTHAMPTON B/RCHFTELDS ■ SOII (4 LIN ES) BIRMINGHAM -20 AICHO BIRMINGHAM s moolfta R unning a s s u re d b y ---------- HOFFMANN BALL AND ROLLER BEARSNGS They are also durable and of high efficiency THE HOFFMANN MFG. CO. LTD. CHELMSFORD ESSEX 4 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 20, 19^5 July 20, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 TRADITIONAL RELIABILITY TU RBO-ALTERNATORS TURBINE OR MOTOR-DRIVEN COMPRESSORS AND BLOWERS WATER-POWER OR ENGINE-DRIVEN ALTERNATORS AND GENERATORS CONVERTING MACHINERY SWITCHGEAR, TRANSFORMERS. RECTIFIERS AUTOMATIC SUBSTATIONS POWER FACTOR IMPROVEMENT PLANT ELECTRIC WINDERS. ROLLING MILLS ALL KINDS OF HEAVY ELECTRIC PLANT MOTORS AND CONTROL GEAR FOR ANY INDUSTRIAL APPUCATION (large or small) MAGNETOS, AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR AIRCRAFT REGENERATIVE DYNAMOMETER EQUIPMENTS FOR ENGINE TESTING ELECTRIC SHIP PROPULSION ELECTRIC TRACTION (Road or Rail) INDUSTRIAL HEATING EQUIPMENT CINEMA PROJECTOR EQUIPMENT MAZDA LAMPS. AND MAZDALUX LIGHTING EQUIPMENT ELECTRON VALVES of every description • • • SPECIFY BTH ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT B T H R U G B Y THE BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON COMPANY LIMITED. RUGBY. ENGLAND A3494 6 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 20, 19*5 ANNOUNCEMENT O x Metrovick Cosmos General Service Lamps are now reduced in price, as follows : — Type Wattage Price Clear 15 1/3 99 25 1/3 Clear or Pearl 40 1/3 19 60 1/3 99 100 . 1/» 99 150 2/9 METROVICK These prices do not include purchase tax. COSMOS LAMPS July 20, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 7 IkM M IO T ALL INDUSTRIES H\S>^e DRILLS :K:A , ; '■ w-L/„,Vffo c t l if W\cyG.e Drills and Reamers with their ■"* r [ j simplicity of design combine power with lightweight, freedom from break­ down and exceptionally low operating costs. Greater production is obtained at a fraction of the power costs of compressed air tools. The machine illustrated is the “ 505 ” W^y€\e Drill and Reamer—capacity drilling lj" , reaming 1". f $ > % j p ^ f C The V\\cy£\e range of machines also includes drilling machines from ” W M t k m II fe capacity, Tappers, Screwdrivers, Nutrunners, Grinders, Sanders and Buffers, etc. COMPRESSORS • PNEUMATIC TOOLS * ELECTRIC TOOLS v DIESEL ENGINES - VACUUM PUMPS CONTRACTORS’ EQUIPMENT - ROCK DRILLS • DIAMOND DRILLS • OIL WELL "TOOLS ' ^ 9ober> ‘ihoro A Partner* C 34 8 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 20, 1945 ARDING i n a t i o n Electric POWER is a mighty sinew of the nation's effort. It must be GUARDED against leakage. Tullis Russell Rothmill Cable Insulating Papers are called upon by leading cable manu­ facturers to perform this task, and it is carried out admirably by these renowned, uniformly high-quality insulating papers. Rothmill Papers are guaran- ed free from metals and grit. Write for details of the com R O T H m i L L CABLE INSULATING PAPER T uU it^utuU rC o.iiJ. Auchmuty & Rothes Paper Mills, Markinch, July 20, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 REDUCED PRICES LAMPS From JULY 16^ 1945 GENERAL LIGHTING SERVICE LAMPS COILED-COIL p e a r l Standard Voltages (200-260) s. d. 40 watt 1 6 *60 watt .......................... 1 6 *75 watt ......................... 1 8 *100 watt ......................... 1 10 * A vailable shortly SINGLE COIL PEARL & CLEAR Standard Voltages (10 0 -130 & 2 0 0 - 2 6 0 ) s. d. 15 and 25 w att.................. 1 3 40 and 60 w att.................. 1 3 75 watt .......................... 1 7 100 watt ......................... 1 9 150 watt ......................... 2 9 CLEAR 200 watt ......................... 4 6 300 watt .......................... 8 0 500 watt .......................... 1 0 6 Prices do not include Purchase Tax. Write for Price List 9763 which gives full particulars of all price reductions. Announcement of Pope’s Electric Lamp Co., Ltd., 5 Earnshaw Street, London, W .C.2 Branches at : Manchester, Leeds, Birmingham, Leicester, Bristol and Belfast 2 0 , E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July T H E EMPIRE STORY OF MOFFATS |NEW ZEALAND j ^ O h r o u q h ¿Em pire ^Oracle (^liann& L O N T H E SEVEN SEAS KENYA The pioneering spirit and a firm belief in the value of reciprocal trade between the countries of the British Commonwealth of Nations prompted Mr. T. L. Moffat, the present head of Moffats Limited, to seek abroad in Empire countries a new market for his products. [ so uth AFRICA Í i FIJI islandsI Starting with shipments to Bermuda, the company has over a period of years developed an export trade which includes a steady and ever increasing market in New Zealand, South Africa, Australia, Kenya, Fiji, India, China. Rhodesia, Newfoundland, and other countries— where Moffats form a high percentage of all the electric'cookers in use. Meeting world-wide competition in the export field, Moffat electric cookers have established and maintained a proud record for high quality, intrinsic value and efficient service. MOFFATS LIMITED BLACKBURN LANCS MOFFAT ELECTRIC COOKERS AND REFRIGERATORS — SOLD THE WORLD OVER July 20, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 11 a n d n o w . t h l CLIP-ON MMETER The Ferranti Dual-Range C lip - o n A m m eter — for some /ears the leading in­ strum ent for easy ‘clip-on* current measurement — has now a big brother! T he ‘7-Range* has grown up in the midst of busy war-time production and is now ready to establish a new lead in the quick and easy measurement of currents in A.C. con­ ductors. Fully Insulated Takes tables up to 2*4 in. diameter. Atturaty-3% of lull stale W e ig h t- } lbs. FERRANTI LTD., HOLLINWOOD, LANCS. London Office: KERM HOUSE. KINGSWAY, W.C. I. 12 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w July 20, 1945 I f N 1924 Bullers made the first Vbig bushing of 66 kV capacity.
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