F O R E W O R D ARE 1 0 IN THERE 44 MINUTES TODAY . TAKE FIVE OF THEM AND READ THIS TAKE FIVE MORE AND READ IT AGAIN THOSE TEN MINUTES MAY SET Y OU THINKING AND T H I N K I N G MEANS MONEY . UCCESS needs no press agent t r for e n and he e e, the achi veme ts of the American Play Company n eed none. c To our own lients, the past of the American Play Company speaks for itself ! to those who must eventually become our e r nt and f r w cli nts, its p ese its utu e may, ho ever, be en n r m tio ed in ce tain salient features . The policy of the company is to make prices as n l as m rofi o reaso ab e a legiti ate p t will all w . The stock manager cannot in these times of vital compe afi ord fi a r es tition arti ci l p ic , such as some agents e n . n r d ma d To do so must i evitably cou t failure, and each failure means the elimination of at least one for the of outlet sale stock plays . The America n Play Company stands for Volume of Business at PROFITABLE but not EXCESS IVE rates ! it believes that ten weeks at $250 each e o r or m an m re to a client, buye seller, than one week at a thousand dollars . Its financial policy for e of the m r makes the succ ss anage , and success e f — ful managers m an success ul leases, and those e rofi . r r m an p ts The autho s and owne s, whom this 3 u an their judgment. We cannot do this thro gh other agent. ’ W e make our LEGITIMATE profit and we don t see why we should SPLIT that profit with a third r r are our o if ou t e pe so n . He e go ds ! y WANT h m w r to if ro o you know he e GET them, and you p p se o co n to maintain a SUCCESSFUL st ck mpa y, ’ n you ve got to have some of them in any eve t. We will not handle plays that others are i o of r ea to con han dling, because a d visi n inte est l ds n err r in to e er t fusio , to o s bookings, d lib a e cut thro at underbidding to compete with a rival of arbitrary overpricing to prevent the sale of a ’ r — a ll of r a t o ival agent s play which c e tes irrita i n, loss of time and MONEY— and OUR time 18 money . We believe in CONCENTRATION on our s n own propertie , in buildi g up of our OWN BUSI NESS and letting the other fellow worry about what we are doing. RESULTS TALK. We want YOU to have the BENEFIT of our “ ” or o o hl m z o f thc ming m nt y aga ine IN STOCK, of ur e tt r of we kly stock le e s, our special booklets, of our r r s fl shl n u p ess matte , cene plots, a ights, a d o r own r o a orr o pe s n l c esp ndence on stock . And we want on our side to have the BENEFIT of YOUR appre ’ i ion i f r c at of what WE are do ng o you. We re do in ou f r r n f g it for y and o ou selves, ot or the other r agent. We want to get in di ect CONTACT i h ou. e r w t y G tting there b ings us BUSINESS, ’ and th fli es it s for at we have the LARGEST o c , the I stafi a B GGEST , MORE pl ys and MORE clients than any other agent for stock IN THE WORLD . When we issued the catalogue two years ago no one had ever attempted anything like it - no one has n v to o si ce e en tried c py it. The answer is si IT mple , COSTS MONEY . TWO THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS goes into the making of this 5 o r edition of ONE THOUSAND c pies . The e are fift oc om an es in th n t t s today, y st k c p i e U i ed Sta e that means it costs us FORTY DOLLARS to have e r l this TALK with YOU . A l tte wou d cost TWO our el ef in our own CENTS , but we believe that b i m ods n o n er eth a d p licy, backed up by payi g lib ally for the privilege of putting our ideas before you in a permanent form of this kind is going to pay n u an us a d pay yo . RESULTS TALK d so do es ’ MONEY . W e wouldn t spend TWO THOUS ’ AND DOLLARS to advance IDEAS WE DIDN T ’ to e e o w d BELIEVE IN, adv rtis a p licy that e idn t now was and k SOUND SUCCESSFUL, and we ’ wouldn t want your business unless we expected to IT — to e it we s o KEEP and ke p Mu t Make G od. And to r o r ten on e u att act y u at ti , to g t yo START ’ ur r n ED o way, we e putti g in our income from the e t wor of n x th plays we lease . ’ W e think it s pretty good EVIDENCE of our ’ and e o th n SINCERITY we b lieve y u ll i k so too . ’ ’ e et r . L t s Get Tog he IT S UP TO YOU . Editors NOtes HE Ameri can Play Company pre sents herewith the second edi tion of its catalogue of Plays h fir edi and t eir Players . The st tion issued two years ago has become the encyclopedia of the r f ref r theatre. It is a wo k o e en i r r f in t r ce in l b a ies, or no o he publication can there be found the current and his s siIn le for t i torical information, in o p a m, hat th s r re volume presents . And it is to be emembe d that this catalogue is given with the compliments of not r r e the Company, prima ily as an adve tisem nt but rather as a compliment to our clients who have made the Company what it is— the foremost organi sation for the acquisition and leasing of produced successes for stock and road tour . From page 308 to page 34 1 will be found a partial list of certain plays now on tour and not i for c f ava lable sto k, or which when they become so, i we shall be the exclus ve agents. At the end of the catalogue are blank pages for which from time to time we shall issue loose leaf casts and data of new released stock plays that they may be inserted— thus maintaining the book as a current record of the best stock plays until the ir the al th d edition of cat ogue is issued. The system of indexes at the end of this book il b f m w l e ound especially co plete . There is l n of t or a fu l i dex plays by title, of au h s, and an in dexed i of o r d vision plays into gr ups, such as fa ce, cos e tum , comedy, drama and melodrama. This mod of cross indexing will be found extremely Additional copies of the catalogue for those who are not actively associated with the stock business or for t s r a r ho e inte ested in d ta of the theat e, may be r r p ocured at a cost of one dolla each. 7 T H E P L A Y 8 THE ADVENTURES OF LADY URSULA By D AN . ANTHONY HOPE EDWARD E ROSE. e er o Georg Sylvest E . H . S thern Earl of Hassenden Roydon Erlynne Owen S . Fawcett Dent Morton Selten o r u r Castlet n A th r R. Law ence Robert Marshall Stedmann Ward Daniel Jarrett e re eor r D ve ux G ge E . B yant Quilton Rowland Buckstone Mills C . P . Flockton Footman Norman Parr Dorothy Fenton Rebecca Warren Mr o s. Fent n Kate Pattison Selten Lady Ursula Barrington Virginia Harned SYNOPSIS OF SCENES . ’ . r Hassenden s o r o Act I Lo d H use Nea L ndon. Act ’ II . Sir Geo ge Sylvester s Home in the Same s g u urb. A ’ ct . Hassenden s N r III Lord Town Lodging, ea St. James . IV. II Act Same as Act . ALABAMA By AUGUSTUS THOMAS . Original Cast . Colo nel Preston J . H . Stoddart r . o l n Colo nel Mobe ley E M . H l a d Armstrong Edward Bell ’ Lathro p Page Harry W oodrufl Deca tur Reuben Fax r a roo M s .
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