Federal Communications Commission § 80.5 (a) Part 0. This part describes the ice relating to point-to-point commu- Commission’s organization and delega- nication requirements. tions of authority. Part 0 also lists available Commission publications, [51 FR 31213, Sept. 2, 1986, as amended at 55 FR 20398, May 16, 1990; 59 FR 18499, Apr. 19, standards and procedures for access to 1994; 63 FR 40062, July 27, 1998; 63 FR 68955, Commission records and location on Dec. 14, 1998] Commission monitoring stations. (b) Part 1. This part includes rules of § 80.5 Definitions. practice and procedure for license ap- Alaska—public fixed station. A fixed plications, adjudicatory proceedings, station in Alaska which is open to pub- procedures for reconsideration and re- lic correspondence and is licensed by view of Commission actions; provisions the Commission for radio communica- concerning violation notices and for- tion with Alaska-Private fixed stations feiture proceedings; and the environ- on paired channels. mental processing requirements that, if applicable, must be complied with Alaska—private fixed station. A fixed prior to the initiation of construction. station in Alaska which is licensed by Subpart Q of part 1 contains rules gov- the Commission for radio communica- erning competitive bidding procedures tion within Alaska and with associated for resolving mutually exclusive appli- ship stations, on single frequency chan- cations for certain initial licenses. nels. Alaska-private fixed stations are (c) Part 2. This part contains the also eligible to communicate with Table of Frequency Allocations and Alaska-public fixed stations on paired special requirements in international channels. regulations, recommendations, agree- Associated ship unit. A portable VHF ments, and treaties. This part also con- transmitter for use in the vicinity of tain standards and procedures con- the ship station with which it is associ- cerning marketing of radio frequency ated. devices, and for obtaining equipment Automated maritime telecommunications authorization. system (AMTS). An automatic maritime (d) Part 13. This part contains infor- communications system. mation and rules for the licensing of Automated mutual-assistance vessel res- commercial radio operators. cue system (AMVER). An international (e) Part 17. This part contains re- system, operated by the U.S. Coast quirements for construction, marking Guard, which provides aid to the devel- and lighting of antenna towers. opment and coordination of search and (f) Part 20 of this chapter which gov- rescue (SAR) efforts. Data is made erns commercial mobile radio services available to recognized SAR agencies which include subpart J of this part or vessels of any nation for reasons re- (public coast stations). lated to marine safety. (g) Part 21. This part contains rules Automatic Identification Systems (AIS). concerning point-to-point microwave A maritime navigation safety commu- service authority relating to commu- nications system standardized by the nication common carriers. International Telecommunication (h) Part 64. This part contains mis- Union (ITU) and adopted by the Inter- cellaneous rules relating to commu- national Maritime Organization (IMO) nication common carriers. that provides vessel information, in- (i) Part 68. This part contains tech- cluding the vessel’s identity, type, po- nical standards for connection of ter- sition, course, speed, navigational sta- minal equipment to the telephone net- tus and other safety-related informa- work. tion automatically to appropriately (j) Part 87. This part contains rules equipped shore stations, other ships, for the aviation services. Some mari- and aircraft; receives automatically time frequencies are authorized for use such information from similarly fitted by aircraft stations for safety and dis- ships; monitors and tracks ships; and tress, public correpondence and for exchanges data with shore-based facili- operational communications. ties. (k) Part 101. This part contains rules Bridge-to-bridge station. A radio sta- concerning the private microwave serv- tion located on a ship’s navigational 11 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:40 Dec 15, 2011 Jkt 223206 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5 ofr150 PsN: PC150 § 80.5 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–11 Edition) bridge or main control station oper- order to comply with the radio or ating on a specified frequency which is radio-navigation provisions of a treaty used only for navigational communica- or statute to which the vessel is sub- tions, in the 156–162 MHz band. ject. Cargo ship safety radio certificate. A (7) Voluntary ship. Any ship which is certificate issued after a ship passes an not required by treaty or statute to be inspection of the required radio- equipped with radiotelecommunication telegraph, radiotelephone or GMDSS equipment. radio installation. Issuance of this cer- Coast station. A land station in the tificate indicates that the vessel com- maritime mobile service. plies with the Communications Act and Commercial communications. Commu- the Safety Convention. nications between coast stations and Cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy cer- ship stations aboard commercial trans- tificate. A certificate issued after a ship port vessels, or between ship stations passes an inspection of a radio- aboard commercial transport vessels, telegraph installation. Issuance of this which relate directly to the purposes certificate indicates that the vessel for which the ship is used including the complies with the Communications Act piloting of vessels, movements of ves- and the Safety Convention. sels, obtaining vessel supplies, and Cargo ship safety radiotelephony cer- scheduling of repairs. tificate. A certificate issued after a ship Day. (1) Where the word day is ap- passes an inspection of a radio- plied to the use of a specific frequency telephone installation. Issuance of this assignment or to a specific authorized certificate indicates that the vessel transmitter power, its use means complies with the Communications Act transmission on the frequency assign- and the Safety Convention. ment or with the authorized trans- Categories of ships. (1) When ref- mitter power during that period of erenced in Part II of Title III of the time included between one hour after Communications Act or the radio pro- local sunrise and one hour before local visions of the Safety Convention, a sunset. ship is a passenger ship if it carries or is (2) Where the word day occurs in ref- licensed or certificated to carry more erence to watch requirements, or to than twelve passengers. A cargo ship is equipment testing, its use means the any ship not a passenger ship. calendar day, from midnight to mid- (2) A commercial transport vessel is any night, local time. ship which is used primarily in com- Digital selective calling (DSC). A syn- merce (i) for transporting persons or chronous system developed by the goods to or from any harbor(s) or International Telecommunication port(s) or between places within a har- Union Radiocommunication (ITU–R) bor or port area, or (ii) in connection Sector, used to establish contact with with the construction, change in con- a station or group of stations auto- struction, servicing, maintenance, re- matically by means of radio. The oper- pair, loading, unloading, movement, pi- ational and technical characteristics of loting, or salvaging of any other ship this system are contained in Rec- or vessel. ommendations ITU–R M.493–11, ‘‘Dig- (3) The term passenger carrying vessel, ital Selective-calling System for Use in when used in reference to Part III, the Maritime Mobile Service,’’ with Title III of the Communications Act of Annexes 1 and 2, 2004, and ITU–R M.541– the Great Lakes Radio Agreement, 9, ‘‘Operational Procedures for the Use means any ship transporting more than of Digital Selective-Calling Equipment six passengers for hire. in the Maritime Mobile Service,’’ with (4) Power-driven vessel. Any ship pro- Annexes 1 through 5, 2004. (see subpart pelled by machinery. W of this part.) ITU–R Recommenda- (5) Towing vessel. Any commercial tions M.493–11 with Annexes 1 and 2 and ship engaged in towing another ship M.541–9 with Annexes 1 through 5 are astern, alongside or by pushing ahead. incorporated by reference. The Direc- (6) Compulsory ship. Any ship which is tor of the Federal Register approves required to be equipped with this incorporation by reference in ac- radiotelecommunication equipment in cordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR 12 VerDate Mar<15>2010 17:40 Dec 15, 2011 Jkt 223206 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5 ofr150 PsN: PC150 Federal Communications Commission § 80.5 part 51. Copies of these standards can Distress traffic. Distress traffic con- be inspected at the Federal Commu- sists of all messages relating to the im- nications Commission, 445 12th Street, mediate assistance required by a per- SW., Washington, DC (Reference Infor- son, ship, aircraft, or other vehicle in mation Center) or at the National Ar- distress, including search and rescue chives and Records Administration communications and on-scene commu- (NARA). For information on the avail- nications. ability of this material at NARA, call Emergency position indicating radio- 202–741–6030, or go to: http:// beacon (EPIRB) station. A station in the www.archives.gov/federallregister/ maritime mobile service the emissions codeloflfederallregulations/ of which are intended to facilitate ibrllocations.html. The ITU–R Rec- search and rescue operations. ommendations can be purchased from Environmental communications. Broad- the International Telecommunication casts of information about the environ- Union (ITU), Place des Nations, CH– mental conditions in which vessels op- 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland. erate, i.e., weather, sea conditions, Direction finder (radio compass). Appa- time signals adequate for practical ratus capable of receiving radio signals navigation, notices to mariners, and and taking bearings on these signals hazards to navigation. from which the true bearing and direc- Fleet radio station license. An author- tion of the point of origin may be de- ization issued by the Commission for termined.
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