r './ ■J;'.-iiV-V'^1 ■ r. rr.-'." .■ ■ , \ ■■ ■■ --» Averace Dally. Circulation Th« W nthcr For the Month of March, 1641 Fereeaol of O. A WeaMM Fair toalght and Smiday; 6,717 ly wanner Sunday; geatte Member of Iho Aodit . east winds. ^ .Bnreeu of OIrenlatlona V ■■ ‘ S, ' Manchester— A City of Village Charm ^ ^ (HaIslam Adverttalsg O* Page tt) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, APRIL 12, 1941 {•OURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C ^ VOL. LX., NO. 165 ^ I ece; ^ on Toward Be In a World Confoiirtded by War, Easter Sunday Offers Hope athway to Suez G ree ks Say G er m Raises Questions #d to Cimrcli Casiter Reach P h lori n a A r^ On Ship Seizures Resistance American Vessels May New Glass Be Searched and Seized Nazi Troops Pen Or Even Attacked by German, Add ‘Serbmn g^y PresHgC To Improve Northern Army- Dis- e' : ^ Further on East Flanks Axis Submarine or Air- Fail to Reach Ma; plane Raiders Operat- Air l^hotos solving' Bpfore Over- Of Roosevelt ing* in, African Fringe.. whelming A^lvance; Defenses; British ers Keep Up Stea Mtule Without Vise of Sil Town on Hungarian. Hurt Heavily Washington, April 12.—(A>) Border Occupied as I Pounding of Germ; —President Roosevelt’s open- ica. Fact Strange as In Southern Yugosla' ing of a pathway to Suez to Making Steel Without Brigad/Surrenders to jv«gig Declare No States- American ships carrying war Iron; Bends Light. NaziA^dvancing South man in Century Has ia and Norfhem G; cargoes raised serious ques- ^ . ■ ■ (I tions today concerning their Bmin, April 12.—( ^ —The Misjudged Situation Athens, Greece, April 12.- Rochester, N. Y., April 12—(/P)— (jp)_Nazi Panzer units, cl possible search and seizure— Discovery of a new kind of glass G 6 ^aii high command an- As in Yugoslav Case. or even attack—^by Axis sub- iOunced today that Nazi ing with Greek forces^ on which Is giving American military west flank of ths Allied H4 marinie or airplane raiders aviation improved - aerial photo- units are advancing “from Berlin, April 12—(S>)—Authoriz- which might operate in that graph* was announced today by several sides” towards Bel- ed German sources said today that lenic defense line and ti African fringe of the war. By The Eastman Kodak Co. grade, Yugoslavia’s capital, not within a century has a states- ipg steadily toward the eliminating from the combat; Thf flaas is made without silica, and in a march from the man so completely niiajudged a flank, appear^ today to a fact aa strange as steel made situation aa President Roosevelt forcing a climactic straggly zone-a narrow watery strip without iron. The result is glass south have “broken enemy re- did regarding Yugoslavia. between Italian Somaliland which bends light more than has sistance in hard fighting.” They declared the American the Battle for Greece. hitherto been possible. and the 'Arabian coast, the Yugoslav resistance in Cro- presldent’a prestige had suffered a Greek high command Will Give Sharper Ptefur* tremendous blow. nounced that German fore president open^ a gateway Applied to a camera lens, this atia has “collapsed under the Regarding Roosevelt's arrange- for American vessels into the means that without “reducing Attendance at some church on Easter Sunday can best reiterate the faith the C hr^lan world holds pressure of the overwhelming smashing through fr in the symbol of the cross. ments with the Danish minister at Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea, apeedr the new “eye” will photo- and rapid advance of German Washington for bases on Green- Bitolj, Yugoslavia, had graph a wider area and at the “T forces,” the high command land, these sources commented: ed the G r^k lines in and the Suez Canal.\AU have same time give a sharper picture been closed to United States over the entire area. declared, adding that the “That Roosevelt shrinks from no Phlorina sector on the we violation of law ia well kndwh. flank, while on the east commerce since Italy's en- Substituting for allica are three Desert Army “Serbian Northern Army is According to information, we have, trance into the'wat'; • "'7“ elements, tungsten, tantahrm,*"^ N o rris A d v ise ^ L a b o r dissolving'.” , his arrangement with tm Danish an Athens gover metal much used in electrical and While the are** touched by tk*t acld-resiatant ihstrumenta; and Varazdln, Yugoslav town on minister is illegal. Until the. Dan- spokesman said, Nazi water route have been freed of a ^ lanthanum, a rare metallic sub- Makes Stand the Hungarian border, has been ish government, however, has an- have penetrate fhrther’JB \ tual warfare by Britlah victories stance. D rastic Actio n Loo ms occupied, the war bulletin said, and nounced its position Oerionany will over the Italians, or are. neutral a Serb brigade aurrendered with not make known its own. It will but without .reacjdng tli Th<’ new glass was perfected a and non-belligerent. It wa# pointed yfsr ago, and kept secret, but the lU commander to Germans advanc- then, however, react kt the man- main defenses. out In Informed quarters here Against Axis ing aoiithwarJ from thfere. ner deemed best and by measures With the land f m ^ po|sad news aiim>ed out today in the an- Asserts Congress Wi there nevertheles# would be ele- nual, stockholders report. Aerial Bridges’ Union RMch Sava River deemed expedient.”. the big' battle, Jaio R. A. F. ments of danger for any Ameri- lenses for the government have Engaged West of To- Act Unless Unjust led Mountain troops and Infantry President Ro6sevelt’s proclama- nounc^ its bomraer* had can vessels plying that course, divisions we-e reported to have a steady pounmng of the Ger particularly If they carried war (ConttBued On Page Two) Strikes and *La *»»*• reached the Sava river at several (Contlnaed Oa Pnge Twelve) In southern Yugoslavia and : suppUes for Britain. Yugoslavia or bruk; Reinforced by Condemns FDR em Greece^ points northwest of Zagreb after Greece. Battle-Wise Veterans of Racketeering' $loppe<l fighU with Serbs in the pathless Particularly heavy stacks Naal Warsbln4n Indlsn poeaa Croatian mountains. reporte^agunst the south Yv Adolf Hltle^has warned that East Africa Drive. By The A€MOc|ated Pretw | Defense Plea Fast Nazi units have advanced Italians Join Slav tow&s of Veles and every ship, with or without'con- Bombers Hit to KarlovBC in northwestern Yugp-. M viUage of Ktlkis, in Prospective owning of The ; /Greece. voy, attempting to c a i^ arm# and Cairo, Egypt, April 12— — slavia by way of Zagreb, the Croat munitions to aid the British would Ford Motor ^ m p an y ’s River Ali^n Leader Threatens capital, the communique said. Blake Repeated Attacks . be aunk./At least one German Patrol yessel British desert troops in Libya, re- Reich Forces Despite bad weather, the Rj , inforced by a ilocd of battle'-wiae Rouge plapt—largest indus- Karlovac is on the railroad some pocket battleahlp ha* been report- trial unit/ in the world— ToxThrow Out Seat- 30 miles southwest of 2iagreb. F. airmen ma^e repeated 1« ec raiding in the Indian Ocean, on veterans of the. ebbing Ekmt Afri- tle IMficers of Long- Linking of German and Italian In Yugoslavs attacks on the Germans Th’ one pfthe route*- from the United In North Sea can campaign, were reported en- brightened the labor-defense lines in southern Yugoslavia nortlt between Bitolj and Prilep, StatM to Suez. Axis planes re- gaged west of Tobruk today ^ th picture today, but Senator S hore\ CIO Groups, of Lake Ohrid w a*' announced communique said, resulting ia- rtedly have bombed ships in the Axis dlvisiotu which Prime Norris (Ind., Nebr.), .still earlier by the high command. ie Suez Canal. Sritish Also Attack Fprt' Minister Churchill has termed a Radios blared the Deutschland Occupy Debar, € irid; .^(CcMtlaned Oa Page ElgM) While the 1636 neutrality act threat to Egypt. > viewed the general problem LoS A n g e l^ April 12— — hymn and the.“EngIand Song” this prohibita American ships from ified Buildings on Throughput . the 400-mile ad- seriously enough to warn that Harry Bridges, already victor in a morning. (Capture a, Su* c a n in g auppUes to belligerent vance of Axis forces in the past “drastic action” will come out battle for a new Constitution for German and Italian troops, after North Frisian Coais^; three weeks the British have in- ghak and Zii Fliers countries it does not specifically of Congres.s unless “unjusti- the International. Lbngshoremen's Joining their lines also in north- forbid transport of cargoes which aisted they were merely withdraw- western Yugoslavia, have started Destroy Eii Planes. Flashes! may be destined for transship- Supply Ship Is Snink.^ ing light covering fofees to a con- fied” strikes and “labor profi- and Warehousemen’s Upion, crack- mopping up the Ljubljana basin, ment to a belligerent from a neu- centration point where they could teering” are stopped. ed down on the Seattle chapter it waa said. (Late Bolletlas ot tha (ffi fight with “assurance of success.” with accusations of “lying, ■ sabo- tral c^ntry. London, April 12.—C^P)—British Norris, co-autbor, with Mayor Hungarian troops, the high comJ Yet informed aourcea said that boihbers were officially credited Today it appeared this second Fiorello LaGuardia of New York,' tage and union-basting,” mand announced, cross^ the Rome, 12—4A>—U*U** Fl»c Overcome by Fume* BatUe' of Clrenaica would be At the height of a surprise if American ahlpa carry war sup- today with direct hits on a Ger- of the. Norrls-LaGuardla act limit- ' /f Wa a*s- Yugoslav border, between the troops Jofned forces with the New Brltaia, April 1»—(S5 plies to Egypt—for use there, .or fougbton the rolling tableland be- ing the right of the Federal courts name-calling outbreak iiv^thc an Drava and Theisa (Tiaa) rivers.
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