FE \T\ I\ES ARTS INDEX Psi U Receive· Diamond Award La MaMa: An Inside Look EDITORIAL . 2 FEATURES. • . 10 Trinity College's Beta Beta Beta chapter is hon­ Teddi Curtis '10 shares her experience with the OPINIONS.. 3 ARTS ... ... 12 ored at fraternity's national convention. pg. 10 New York City-based program. pg. 13 NEWS. 7 SPORTS ..... 14 m;be \!Crinitp \!Cripob H \RTFortn, Co~:-... VoI .. CIV, No. 1 Trimti· Colleg• TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 2008 www.trinitytripod.com Trinity Music DiPietro Introduces TrinTalk.com to Campus Explored by SARAH HARVEY '11 New "Musaik" NEWS EDITOR Students at Trinity College have been provided with a new outlet in the recently-created ALEX CHAMPOUX '11 TrinTalk.com, which Boasts an COPY EDITOR Anonymous Confession Board (ACB). A student run project founded This year sees the addition of a new by Mike DiPietro '11, the Web site, is V~it TRINTALK 10 musical organization at Trinity. modeled after similar college biogs explore the Web Originally conceived by Nelson such as Wesleyan's Wesleying and site's Anonm)Ous Lassiter '09 as a cultural housing Middlebury's Midd-blog.com. Confession Boon! option, Musaik bas evolved into an In creating TrioTalk.com , and other features umbrella organization for interested DiPietro wanted to create a new Trinity musicians. The Musaik mis­ forum for student opinions. "Triruty didn't have a good sion statement (written as a proposal outlet for current, up-to-date student views other than for student themed housing) professes a commitment to "promote, endorse see TRINTALK on page 9 Founder oETrinTalk.com, Mike DiPi<tro '11 and support Trinity (and other college) musicians" and to provide the Trinity community with music festivals, shows, and workshops. CAMPUS SAFETY IMPLEMENTS CHANGES For the time being, Musaik is focus­ mg mostly on getting up and running on the Trinity campus, establishing Revised Shuttle Service Among Improvements to System relations with Trinity musicians (stu­ dents, alumni and faculty), and build­ SARAH HARVEY '11 Campus Safety Department in order to Government Association (SGA) as focus­ ing up a fan base on campus. After an NEWS EDITOR "raise their visibility." This year, there ing the attention of the College commu­ unofficial first performance this past will be new uniforms, vehicles, cameras, nity and providing legitimate sugges­ weekend at the Pi Kappa Alpha house, The Trinity College Campus Safety a phone line, and an enhanced shuttle tions for improvement. :,;"o"ik "ill be focusing 011 building U!J Department h.is responded to concen1s system. ·•r thing the most sigmficaut cL..,.,i;~ for their first workshop on Saturday, voiced last semester by instigating sig­ Alford said that it is difficult to pin­ will be the shuttle system," said Alford. Sept. 20 that will focus on basics of nificant changes to the previous system. point a specific catalyst for these Larger 21-person vehicles will act as song-writing and being a musician, as The Trinity community was informed improvements. "We are always on the shuttles and run Sunday through well as serving as an introduction to on Tuesday, Aug. 5, by Dean of Students lookout for ways to improve our safety Wednesday, from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m., and Musaik for interested musicians. The Frederick Alford via e-mail that many services," he said. However, Alford cred­ workshop will be shortly followed on improvements had been made to the ited the report made by the Student see VISIBILITY on page B Friday, Oct. 10, by the "Rumble in the Jungle," a music festival in the Concrete Jungle. The "Rumble in the 700 Trinity Students 'Get Gritty in the City' Jungle" will be a two-hour festival fea­ turing Chase Caillouette '10, Matthew JORDYN SIMS '10 end moving registration and the volun­ highly anticipated. Amarra said, Sullivan '10, and Lassiter's new band COPY CHIEF teer appreciation dinner inside made "To be honest, Sarah and I were "B 100," as well as other musical for a more efficient event. We were about to submit to the T-shirt guests and an open mic. Musaik will The 10th annual Trinity College able to handle last minute sign-ups company that just said 'I did it,' have a booth at Trinity's Activities community service day, known as "Do and problems on a case-by-case basis." and we planned for it to be a Fair on Wednesday, Sept. 10, where It Day," broke participation records One of the many motivations to green shirt with white writing. musicians can sign up to participate in despite foul weather last Saturday, But right before we sent it in, I future presentations (including the Sept. 6. Students, faculty, reminded of the upcoming "Rumble in the Jungle"). and alumns went out 'Getting Lucky Musaik is operated out of its head­ to community serv­ in Kentucky' quarters in Jarvis B Suite 100, and is ice organizations shirts, which led by Lassiter, Hillary Ladov '09, around Hartford to have the same Brian Murdock '10, and Michael perform tasks like color scheme. I Blottin '10. Lassiter is a rapper, song­ planting flowers, showed the shirt writer, and producer/owner of his own inputting data in com­ indie record label. Ladov is a three­ puter databases, and fixing arm­ and she loved it. She then came year employee of Live Nation, an rests at the Hartford Children's up with the 'Gettin' Gritty in online concert database. Other key Theater. Distributed among the City' slogan and it took off members of the group bring varied lev­ approximately 50 sites, Do It Day from there." The volunteers els of musical experience from differ­ coordinators Greg Amarra '10 and loved this year's shirt, praising ent genres and radio experience or Sarah Blanks '10 received over 700 it as a clothing item that they affiliations which they intend to use to sign-ups prior to the event, includ­ would actually wear on a regu­ help foster a more vibrant musical ing around 10 alumni. [Editors lar basis. community at Trinity. note: Amara is a member of the This year was the first In addition to organizing two music Tripod staff.] year that alumni were invited festivals, a show, and a workshop each After months of preparation, to participate as well. Several month, Musaik hopes to strengthen Amarra was pleased with the final alumni commented on how the music scene at Trinity by hosting outcome. "Considering all of the much they enjoyed the event radio talk shows on Trinity's WRTC problems and last minute cancel­ and were excited to partici­ radio, producing mixtapes and CDs for lations due to the rain, we thought pate again. Each felt that it musicians, and bringing in songwrit­ that registration went smoothly and participate in Do It Day is the T-shirt. was a great way to both make a ers and members of the music industry that the event as a whole went very With an endless array of wordplays to positive impact on Hartford and well. Some last-minute changes had to go along with the event's name, the see MUSAIK on page 12 happen due to the forecast, but in the new shirt design each year is always see STUDENTS on page 8 ----------------- PUBLlSHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COi.LEGE SINCE 1904 ------------------ 2 THE TRINITY TRIPOD '[rinittJi,'[rtpob Our Object The object of THE TRINITY TRIPOD SHALL BE TO FURTHER ALL THE Establish<'d in 1904 INTERESTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE; to arouse greater interest in athletics and EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Elizabeth Brown '09 all college organizations, by giving quick and accurate accounts of MANAGING EDITOR James Kukstis ' I 0 games, college activities and all general college news; to bring the NEWS EDITORS OPINIONS EDITORS Faculty, Graduates and Undergraduates into closer touch with one Sarah Harvey ' 11 Carver Diserens '09 another by giving them the means of expressing their opinions upon Rebecca Brown ' 11 Anne Benjamin ' 10 matters of current interest; to endeavor in every possible manner to FEATURES EDITORS ARTS EDITORS Courtney Cregan '09 Nicole Dubowitz ' 10 increase TRINITY SPIRIT and, by circulating this paper among colleges Alessandra Siraco ' 11 Elizabeth Agresta ' 11 and preparatory schools, to bring TRINITY COLLEGE into greater promi­ SPORTS EDITORS COPY CHIEF nence in the country. GregAmarra '10 Jordyn Sims ' 10 Shah Momin ' 10 COPY EDITORS The Trinity Tripod (Vol. I, No. I) PHOTO EDITOR Alexandra Masko ' I 0 Jordyn Sims ' 10 Bryce Blum ' 10 Sept. 23, 1904 Lucy Schiffman • I 0 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Josh Ephraim 'II Nathan Kirschbaum '09 Alex Champoux ' 11 Elizabeth Agresta ' 11 STAH WRITERS Tripod Editorial DESIGN EDITOR Krystal Ramirez 'J 0 Aileen McBride '09 Yuwei Xie '11 John Downes-Angus '11 ONLINE EDITORS Immediate Result of that the Tripod has suc­ part. Tim Uygungil '10 SENIOR EDITORS Ameth:yst Initiative ceeded in this original This semester, I hope Elizabeth Agresta ' I I Jackie Sparks '09 WiH Prove Detrimental endeavor. that the Tripod continues Griha Singla '09 The Trinity Tripod is to accurately r epresent BUSINESS MANAGERS Lauren Turlik '09 Trinity College is an an institution rooted in a the views expressed by Jordyn Sims ' 10 Jordyn Sims '10 institution rooted in tradi­ tradition of progress. And those at Trinity College. Sarah Harvey ' 11 tion. And proudly so. From proudly so. From its more Ultimately, this can best Elizabeth Agresta ' 11 skipping, or, sometimes, controversial pieces (yes, be acheived with the stumbling, over the I'm referring, in part, to active partipation of the­ Luther-Roosevelt Long "Around Trinity") to its members of the communi­ The Trinil)' Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays throughout the academic year Walk Inscription to brag· reviews of the latest stu· ty.
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