Minutes Thursday 27 February 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting UNCONFIRMED COPY PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER BEFORE PROCEEDING Any plans or documents in agendas and minutes may be subject to copyright. The express permission of the copyright owner must be obtained before copying any copyright material. Any statement, comment or decision made at a Council meeting regarding any application for an approval, consent or licence, including a resolution of approval, is not effective as an approval of any application and must not be relied upon as such. Any person or entity who has an application before the Shire of Nannup must obtain, and should only rely on, written notice of the Shire of Nannup’s decision and any conditions attaching to the decision, and cannot treat as an approval anything said or done at a Council meeting. Any advice provided by an employee of the Shire of Nannup on the operation of a written law, or the performance of a function by the Shire of Nannup, is provided in the capacity of an employee, and to the best of that person’s knowledge and ability. It does not constitute, and should not be relied upon, as a legal advice or representation by the Shire of Nannup. Any advice on a matter of law, or anything sought to be relied upon as a representation by the Shire of Nannup should be sought in writing and should make clear the purpose of the request. Any plans or documents in Agendas and Minutes may be subject to copyright. Contents Item Minute Title Page 1 Declaration of Opening/Announcement of Visitors 1 2 Record of Attendance/Apologies/Leave of Absence 1 (Previously Approved) 3 Response to Previous Public Questions Taken on Notice 1 4 Public Question Time 1 5 Applications For Leave of Absence 3 6 20015 Petitions/Deputations/Presentations 3 7 Declarations of Interest 3 8 Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meetings 3 20016 Confirmation of Previous Council Meeting Minutes 3 9 Minutes Of Council Committees 3 20017 Receive the Minutes of Local Drug Action Group Committee 3 and Audit Advisory Committee 10 Announcements By Presiding Member Without Discussion 4 11 Reports By Members Attending Committees 4 12 Reports of Officers 12.1 20018 Delegated Planning Decisions for January 2020 5 12.2 20019 Development Application – Proposed microbrewery 7 12.3 20020 Request for Financial Assistance – 3 Tier Youth Mental Health 22 Program 12.4 20021 Visitor Servicing – Blackwood Café Proposal 26 12.5 20022 Upgrade of Chairs at Recreation Centre 28 12.6 20023 Request to Support Lions Cancer Institute Event 30 12.7 20024 Request to Revision of funding request received 19/20 32 20025 Community Grants 12.8 20026 Fees and Charges Amendment - Hire of Temporary Fencing 35 12.9 20027 Budget Monitoring – December 2019 38 i 12.10 20028 Monthly Accounts for Payment - December 2019 40 13 New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision 42 Of Meeting 20029 Procedural Motion 42 13.1 20030 Change to Council Meeting Times 42 14 Meeting Closed To The Public 43 15 Elected Members Motions Of Which Previous Notice Has 44 Been Given 16 Question By Members Of Which Due Notice Has Been 44 Given 17 Closure Of Meeting 44 ii Minutes 1. DECLARATION OF OPENING / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY / ANNOUNCEMENT OF VISITORS: The Shire President declared the meeting open at 4.30pm. 2. RECORD OF ATTENDANCE/APOLOGIES/LEAVE OF ABSENCE: ATTENDANCE: Shire President: Cr A Dean Deputy Shire President: R Mellema Councillors: C Buckland, C Brown, V Corlett, C Stevenson, P Fraser. Tracie Bishop – Acting Chief Executive Officer Jon Jones – Manager Infrastructure Jane Buckland – Development Services Officer APOLOGIES: David Taylor Leave of Absence: Cr V Hansen VISITORS: Rita Stallard, Kerri Firth, Julie Kay, Len Gilchrist, Geoff Spragg, Robert Marshall, Ian Gibb, Paul Jeffrey. 3. RESPONSE TO PREVIOUS PUBLIC QUESTIONS TAKEN ON NOTICE: Nil. 4. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME: Mrs Rita Stallard Q 1 Given that there have been no water restrictions in place within the Shire is it ethical to accept the drought relief funding? A 1 Shire President responded that he wasn’t in the position to give a personal opinion on the ethics of such a payment. The drought funding was given to the Shire of Nannup as they met the two main prerequisites; being number of employees in agriculture industry must be more than 15% and also the Page | 1 rainfall must be 60% of the annual average for the Shire. There are 34 Shires where this funding has been allocated; it is up to each individual Shire to apply. The public consultation process is currently underway. Q 2 Is it true that thirty-five trees have been felled at the caravan park? A 2 Manager Infrastructure responded that not as far as he is aware. Shire President responded that he too had heard the rumours circulating regarding this issue however it isn’t true. The caravan park lessees will need permission from the Shire of Nannup before any tree felling is commenced. Q 3 What happens to contaminated recyclables? Is it true that one plastic bag is considered contamination? Why isn’t there a facility at the tip to put the clean plastic bags in? A 3 Manager Infrastructure responded that contaminated recyclables are buried in landfill. Q 4 Are you aware of the destruction at Jocks Road reserve? I consider it a diverse wildflower hot spot and I believe there has been a lack of consideration to the environment in the fire mitigation activity performed there. A 4 Manager Infrastructure explained that the Jocks Road reserve is the Council road reserve on Vasse Highway. The fire mitigation activity undertaken in the area was a necessary operation to mitigate the risk of bush fire in that area. We will continue work to keep this area open for access in the case of a bush fire in the area. Mrs Kerri Firth Q 1 Why isn’t there a seven day tourist information centre? A 1 The Shire President responded that on the Agenda this evening is an item that seeks to address this very issue. Q 2 Is there 5 extra staff in the office at the moment? A 2 Acting Chief Executive Officer advised Mrs Firth that particular rumour is untrue. Q 3 The Recreation Centre is leaking and I get wet when I play badminton. The shade cloth has moved and I am being blinded by the sun whilst playing badminton. Can something be done about this? Page | 2 A 3 The Manager Infrastructure acknowledged that the Recreation Centre roof is aging and in need of repair. The Acting Chief Executive Officer advised that maintenance of Shire buildings is included in budget deliberations each year and then implemented on a priority basis. 5. APPLICATIONS FOR LEAVE OF ABSENCE: Nil 6. PETITIONS/DEPUTATIONS/PRESENTATIONS: Cr Brown read aloud a petition on behalf of Mr Brian Pears: 20015 BROWN/MELLEMA That a park bench be built to commemorate Mrs Myrtle Pears and be placed half way down Kearney Street. CARRIED (7/0) 7. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Cr Brown declared an Impartiality Interest in agenda item 12.9 - Request to revision of funding as she is a member of a committee (Nannup Arts Council Inc.) that finds itself in the same situation regarding community grant funding as the South West Food Bowl. 8. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS: 20016 BUCKLAND/FRASER That the Minutes of the Ordinary Council Meeting of the Shire of Nannup held in Council Chambers on 23 January 2020 be confirmed as a true and correct record. CARRIED (7/0) 9. MINUTES OF COUNCIL COMMITTEES: 20017 MELLEMA/STEVENSON That the Minutes of the Bush Fire Advisory Committee meeting held 3 February 2020 be received. That the Minutes of the Local Drug Action Group Committee meeting held 12 February 2020 be received. CARRIED EN BLOC (7/0) Page | 3 10. ANNOUNCEMENTS BY PRESIDING MEMBER WITHOUT DISCUSSION: Nil. 11. REPORTS BY MEMBERS ATTENDING COMMITTEES: Date Meeting Councillor 3 February Bush Fire Advisory Committee Mellema, Stevenson, 12 February Local Drug Action Group Brown 19 February Local Emergency Management Committee Brown 12. REPORTS BY OFFICERS: Page | 4 AGENDA NUMBER: 12.1 SUBJECT: Delegated Planning Decisions for January 2020 LOCATION/ADDRESS: Various NAME OF APPLICANT: Various FILE REFERENCE: TPL18 AUTHOR: Jane Buckland – Development Services Officer REPORTING OFFICER: David Taylor – Chief Executive Officer DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: Nil DATE OF REPORT: 4 February 2020 PREVIOUS MEETING Nil REFERENCE: ATTACHMENT: 12.1.1 – Register of Delegated Development Approvals BACKGROUND: To ensure the efficient and timely processing of planning related applications, Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to conditionally approve Applications for Development Approval that meet the requirements of both Local Planning Scheme No.3 (LPS3) and adopted Council policy. Delegated planning decisions are reported to Council on a monthly basis to ensure that Council has an appropriate level of oversight on the use of this delegation. A Register of Delegated Development Approvals, detailing those decisions made under delegated authority in January 2020 is presented in Attachment 12.1.1. COMMENT: As shown in the attachment, each application has been advertised in accordance with LPS3 and Council’s adopted Local Planning Policy LPP5 Consultation as detailed in the Policy Implications section of this report. During January 2020, one (1) development application was determined under delegated authority. The table below shows the number and value of development applications determined under both delegated authority and by Council for January 2020 compared to January 2019: January 2019 January 2020 Delegated Decisions 5 ($49,500) 1 ($8,000) Council Decisions 0 0 Total 5 ($49,500) 1 ($8,000) 100% of all approvals issued in the month of January were completed within the statutory timeframes of either 60 or 90 days.
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