Aid Sought for Reansburg Fire SEE STORY PAGE 17 the Weather Partly cloudy and windy Ke<l Hank, Freehold FINAL today, winds diminishing tonight. Partly cloudy tomor- I l-ong Brancli 7 EDITION row. BEGISTER M oninouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 32 PAGES. VOL ?5 NO. 118 RED BANK, NJ. MONDAY, DECEMBER 18,1972 TEN CENTS Hopes for Early Peace Dim An AP News Analysis clear that the two parts of allel is not a permanent inter- Both sides say the October "decent interval" between the can continue its' military sup- By KENNETH J. FREED Vietnam would live in peace national boundary but only a agreement was final on this end of the fighting and any re- port of its Viet Cong ally. with each other and that nei- tempVary truce marker. point, and now each accuses sumption of conflict. Kissinger said, "We cannot WASHINGTON (AP) - The ther side would impose its so- In the first of the. nine the other of recanting. accept the proposition that disagreements Henry A. Kis- lution on the other by force." This decent interval would points outlined in the tentative Who changed position is un- give South Vietnam time to North Vietnam has a right of singer says are holding up a North Vietnam has always agreement, the United States certain. What is clear is that establish itself in the coun- instant intervention in the Vietnam settlement are more insisted there is only one Viet- agreed to language that neither Kissinger nor his tryside and the United States South." than problems of semantics. nam and the Saigon regime seemed to support this view: Hanoi counterpart, Le Due time to escape blame for a Thus, when Kissinger said, They go to the heart of what has subverted the Geneva "The United States respects Tho, had the same concept sellout of its ally if and when "We have an agreement that the war is about and make it agreement ending the war the independence, sover- about the meaning of the ten- the conflict resumes. is 99 per cent com- unlikely there will be peace with France by insisting on a eignty, unity and territorial, tative accord. pleted ... we are onljujne de- any time. soon. separate life. integrity of Vietnam as recog- The United States is seeking Hanoi wants a cease-fire cision away from a settle- For the remaining two is- In Hanoi's eyes, the demi- nized by the 1954 Geneva a settlement with enough po- with a loose understanding of ment," he was talking only of sues concern the political con- litarized zone at the 17th par- agreements." litical stability to provide a the political agreement so it a quantity. trol of the South. In other words, should South Vietnam be guaranteed the right of an existence independent of North Vietnam. Kissinger, in his first public Apollo on Splashdown Course discussion of the negotiations was watching at home: "Hey, with the North Vietnamese SPACE CENTER, Houston and bring them to the safety bright. That's a beautiful suit and a helmet, Evans (AP) — With the major space of America's cabin. moon down there. A full moved with hesitant grace honey, don't fall!" since his Oct. 26 statement "Hot diggity dog. Wow!" that "peace is at hand," re- exploits behind them, the With the moon behind, the moon." and obvious relish. He Apollo 17 astronauts per- earth ahead and black, star- The film contained data and laughed and sang and called Evans said as he began the fused to discuss the substance space walk. of the troublesome details. formed last-minute packing spangled space around him, photgraphs gathered by an ar- out to his family on earth and housekeeping chores Evans floated out of the ray of electronic instruments 180,000 miles away who "When you get out there • ' AP Wlnptioto But he inched close on sev- take it nice and slow arid eral-occasions in his Saturday today in preparation for their spacecraft and inched his way ' and cameras during more watched the walk by tele- OFF TO SOUTHEAST ASIA — Gen. Alexander A/t. vision. easy. You've got all day," • Haig Jr., deputy to Henry Kissinger, walks to the news conference. "We want- homecoming. back to an outside storage than six days of orbiting the Astronauts Eugene A. Cer- compartment. moon. For Evans, three of the "Hi, Jan. Hi, Jaime. HI, said Ceman, the mission com- plane which will fly him to Southeast Asia last ed," he said, "som'e reference mander and a veteran of a night at Andrews Air Force Base near Washing- in the agreement, somehow, nan, Harrison H. Schmitt and "Hey, there's the earth days were spent out of the li- Jon," he said, waving with Ronald E. Evans were right right out of the hatch!" said melight while Cernan and one hand while holding to a space walk on Gemini 9 In ton. Haig will brief leaders of four countries there however elusive, however in- 1966. "You're a long way from on the peace negotiations. direct, which would make on course for a splashdown in Evans as he glided into space Schmitt walked the lunar sur- rail with the other. the South Pacific at 2:24 p.m. at the end of a 25-foot lifeline. face. His wife, Janet, shouted home, We don't want to lose EST tomorrow. Their ship "Beautiful. Hey, that sun is Bundled in a white space back to the telvision set she you." America was operating per- fectly. Apollo 17 passes the halfway Haig Takes Dismal mark in its journey from the moon to earth at 3:26 p.m. EST today. At that time, the last planned mission to the moon will be 120,138 miles Message to Saigon from both earth and moon. Ahead of the astronauts, on WASHINGTON (AF) - ities north of the 20th parallel' detail soon. Kissinger's oppo- their last full day in space and President Nixon is sending in late October while the ne- site number, Le Due Tho, is after a night's rest, was the Gen. Alexander Haig to South- gotiations seemed to be prog- returning from Paris to task of stowing equipment, re- east Asia witt^a somber re- ressing. Hanoi. viewing checklists and clean- port of setbacks in the secret In the news conference Sat- Calling on the North Viet- ing up the command ship. negotiations to end the war. urday, Kissinger accused the namese to return, to "serious" The spacemen also had to Haig, who left last night and North Vietnamese of delaying negotiating, Kissinger said secure their record cargo of is due in Saigon tomorrow, the negotiations, backtracking "we are one decision away" moon rocks, three canisters will go also to Cambodia; on points previously agreed on' from a settlement. of film and other science trea- Laos and Thailand in his as- and making new demands But "we have not yet sure gathered during the 13- signment "to bring the lead* during the 3% weeks of re- reached an agreement that day mission to the moon. ers of those countries abreast sumed secret talks that ended the President considers fair Dec. 13. In the last major exploit of of the status of the Paris ne- and just" and Nixon believes the mission, Evans made a 44- gotiations." •' / The North Vietnamese continuing the secret sessions minute walk in deep space The White House announced promptly denied they caused would be "a charade with the yesterday to retrieve the film the mission of Haig,, top depu- delay. They are expected to American people" by im- plying imminent peace. canisters from a part of the ty to presidential adviser Hen- give their account in greater ship won't return to earth ry A. Kissinger, yesterday af- ter Kissinger's, disclosure the previous day of a series of breakdowns in the Paris par- ley. 14 More Towns Get Contrasting with his opti- mistic "peace is at hand" ac- »P Wlrtpholo count Oct. 26 of near-agree- GETS MESSAGE FROM SPACE — Mrs. Jan Evans, second from left/wife of Apollo 17 command mod- ment with Hanoi, Kissinger's ule pilot reacts to her husband's "Hello Jan" as he made his walk in space yesterday. Watching the version of the bargaining Subpoenas on Sludge television of the space walk at the Evans home near the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Tex., are since then made it seem cer- NEWARK (AP) — Records miles out to sea. Prior to the ing the traditional practice. from left, Jaime Evans, 11; Mrs. Evans; Jack Swlgert of Apollo 13 crew; Mrs. Eugene A. Cernan, wife tain that no settlement will be concerning sewage sludge order many communities had The grand jury first subpoe- of Apollo 17 commander; Jon Evans, 11; and Tracy Cernan, 9. reached before pext year. dumping in an additional 14 traditionally stored the sludge naed the records of Lavallette Adding to the gloomy pros- New Jersey shore commu- during the summer swimming and Ortley Beach. pects was today's Radio nities have been subpoenaed season and flushed it into the Hanoi broadcast accusing the Stern said the additional in connection with a federal ocean directly offshore during subpoenas were issued be- United States of resuming the investigation of illegal flush- winter months. air war north \>f the 20th par- cause of continued reports of Truman's Condition Weakens ing of sludge into the Atlantic A federal grand jury opened allel. sludge being flushed into the KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - last Wednesday both in was hoped the reduction in president was described as in Ocean, according to U.S.
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