/ 1 1 ■» THUMOAT, AUGUST IT, 1966 1 . Th* W*ntlMr riwiMt a< V. a. Waalhav Bonm MattfljgBlgr Cppnttifl ^pralb AvniaGt Daily Not Prsss Ron For the Mooth of ftidy. 168* ToniGht, ahowera am4 tiwadir It !«■ ■howora auly, elearinG aikl aaolav. tional parka. The youa» women, Mlaa Naomi Featar 8T Acad­ r r i ’n > Edwin road. Invaatlgation both employees at thd Municipal emy Balled from Nei^ York thia 1 WO l% € C IllC StS •howed thara waa no conflict ax- 9,723 Sutordny, flair partly doudjri About Town noon on the Italian liiter, “ Saturn- Important ona that the fcHTttittg ioTrala hiGh mmt 7S. MMaher eC Audit bulldtnf, were granted a four 1 ’ r i e - Jarvis location waa within 1,000 to weeks’ leave of absence.- la,” en route foiy Italy. Mlaa EIEIJ rEPPIR BwrcM of OliasluMaM - - ..... • .....................- Foater la retum inf to lamlr, Tur­ 1 1 1 Brown location. This UomehMdmr^A O ty of VUIogo C h o ^ O W ii w crtw d Iv frlMidi from .>.#« regulation, would IbriaaiM Brooktaca and • ■ key, where ahe la a teacher In the MiH nortaoe Oordncr, who left Lt. (Jg)l Walter H. Olftord, American acho^ there. make one or the oUier of the altaa Inoperable for package liquor pUr- PRICE FOUR CENTS Vtlday. Jifly S®, for the North- USN, of 23 Lilac street. Is serving Seek Liquor Permit AUverlhtoG aa raGe it) MANCHESTER, CONN„ FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1950 WMt. iBdlcaU that they are hav- In the Far East Theater aboard Both b o y ^ n d girl* may enter poaea since such establishments ROASTING CHICKENS laar a wonderful trfp. They recent­ the flagship of Vice Admiral Ar­ the hobby mow to be held at Me­ Within 1,000 . Feet cannot be leaa than that distance IHILE^ UUUQiT ly M j o ^ a (Hrenlay ateamcr thur D. Struble, USN. commander morial Field at two o’clock tomor­ apart. crutaa aad hay® made^xhtope at of the Navy's Seventh Fleet, which row afte^oon.. Entries should be Restriction Ruling Since the tevm dark had certi- Timtan and flkacway, Alaska, is spearheadli>g naval attacks made ^ contacting Mlaa Judy fled Brown’s application flrat, ha ROGER OLCOTT II aad aefveral of the Canadian na­ agsinat Korean Communist forces. Handl^, playground aupervlaor. noted on the Jarvla document, \! How many. If any,^ package which Hats Robert E. Noren as 408 West Gcnter Street ' Telephone 7858 mlmBfni o Mr. and Mra, tsalah Ramaey of stores there may be on Middle the buaineaa operator, that the lat­ \\ M/TKlnney, Virginia, Snd Mrs. J. turnpike Weat In the area west of ter would not meet local restric­ W. Buckner and two children of the Broad street Intersection, U tions if Brown'a store waa set up. l \ Norfolk, have returned home aft­ Whether the Liquor Control U. N. Forces Stall Red Drive on to be the subject for a public hear­ er a visit with Mr. and Mra. Floyd Commiaaion will give precedence ing, called by the State Liquor W. Mitchell of 11 Edward street. to the first cleared application It ; Mra. Ramaey Is Mr. Mitchelt'a Control Commiaaion for August 28 receives may be part of the busi­ 3 mother and Mra. Buckner la hia at 11 a.m„ In Room 214, State Of- ness of the coming hearing. Men O f The Another condition, but one evi­ Germany’s “ Nature Boy” Say America slater. The vlaitora frdm Virginia flee Building, Hartford. were also entertained by Mr. and dently aatlsfactorily met by both A couple of weeks ago, faat- GLADIOLI BOUQUETS South Methodist Church Mariners, DouGhboys Mra. Leslie C. Burnett at their applicants la the restriction ' of FBI Agents Nab Readies War Columbia Lake cottage. movtng eventa in the bottle trade package atorea from areas within were Indicated on the turnpike 200 feet of school property. Al­ Hnve Planned A Picnic la Rev. Carl A. and Mra. Hanaen when two persons appeared who though no Broad street school now Freshly Cut Finest Colors PERTAINING TO PRIDE wanted to sell liquor In the section. exists. It Is a potential school site For ]Men on AuGust 26 On Russians reAd rw n tly about a mIddle-WMt farmer wbo wi^ Ihe have been In Toronto, Ontario, at­ On a Saturday, counsel for Wilbur Ex-Navy Civilian tending the World Convention on and might govern permit granting Give Crack Division proud poBeesRor of a cucumber pickle he had pre*er%*ed foi* fifty C. Brown asked Towh Cle.rk Sam­ close by. However, the Brown lo­ To BriGhten The Home For Remembrance They wOl leave the church at yaara. Chiiitlan Education, August 10-16, uel J. Turklngton to certify that where Mr. Hanaen led a forum. cation la aald to be about 270 feet 1:18 P. M. A baU game aad Soviet Army Newspaper Honest pride comes from having somethfaig the other fellow If a package store was set up at from the school property, and the baant goL It’a pardonable. Prominent In the work with young 276-278 Middle turnpike west. It Jarvis holding Js much farther To Cheer The III For Anniversariies other aporta have been planned. :ineer as Spy Charges Yanks Are Now we haven’t any preserved pickles, of 50-year vintage, people at Center Congregational would not conflict with local nilea. away. around our store, but we have o.ie product of which wo too, church here, while asaiatant su­ After Investigation to ace If there Various town officiala have been If you have a set of horse ahoea Training Norwegians, A^^Hell of a LickinG” are particularly proud . PINEHl'BST MEAT. perintendent of the Connecticut were any violations, the town please donate them. iSapper Is notified of the hearing, and some A Take Robart Farm FreahvTurkeyi . Morrell’s Ready ®o Council of Congregational church­ clerk certlfled the application and may attend. ptanned. Reeervations are necea- Constructing ^Airstrips es, he transferred to the post of Morton Sobell ^ Fled to Eat Ham . Plnehumt Farm Frenh BroHers, Fryers or Fowl It waa on the following Mqnday aary. Call the Church ofHce or GanGs Muscle . Tendercure Corned Beef, to say nothhtg of PInehurst Oov- youth director for .the Protestant morning carried In to the State R. Ralph Harliow, professor in Mexico From U. S. in Moscow, Aug. 18 (/Pi , - The Allirs ('.ounter Attack Council of Greater New York, No­ Martin Kelderllng, Adralssida amment Inspected Western Dressed Reef Oits In I’.' S. Oood Liquor Control Commiaaion. the Department of Religion and Soviet Army newspaper Red Star Maiiiina'H Hotiip or CTolce Oradrs. tVhere ran you get flner meat f vember 1, 1948. He is returning to Within 1,000 Feet Biblical Literature .at Spilth Col­ WOODLAND GARDENS la 78 cents. June After Arrest of In on Valid 30,0(10 Eiieiny Troops today pictured Scandinavian coun­ hi# former position with Superin­ Later Monday morning, Alex­ lege, Northampton, will occupy 168 WOODLAND STREET TEL. 8474 Greenglaas in Fuchs twinging at Taegu; Vic­ ->HURT SHANKED, LEA.N, SMOKED tendent James F. English, and he ander Jarvla and counsel asked the pulpit at the Sunday morning tries as preparing (or war against Snd Mrs. Hansen will live in the the town clerk to certify for liquor service at the Center Congrega­ OPEN ALL DAY AND EVENING Espionage Qean-Up; Business Field the Soviet Union with the backing tories on Three Fronts Okrden Apartments on St. James sale purposes, a location at the tional church at 9:15. His topic Read Herald Advs. of the United States. h Shoulders Lb.59c I atr^t. comer of Middle turnpike west will be, “ Atheists May Be Wrong.’’ Aided Soviet Spy Ring In a lengthy editorial the news, Give United Nations GENITINE SPRING LAMB CUTS paper charged that Norwegian Adeline Dtk, Nancy Slover and Crime Problem* Say Un Warriors Best Day’ s fH B Washington, Aug. 18 — ytmthsXare being given military I Holly smith have been spending derworld Rims Banks, training under American obserya- RIB LAMB CHOPS several Weeks at Camp Klwania, (/p>.— The Justice Depart­ W'iiinings; INu’shing South Hfliiaon, Mass. Mary Ann ment today announced the tlqu. and Norwegian airstrips are OR SHOULDER Hotels, Meat Compan being equipped by Americana. Tanks lA'ad Attack B t f and JoAnn Handley are atill at arrest of a former U. S. Navy I the camp. les. Steel Concerns CVHIeJam Stepped Up LAMB CHOPS Lb. B9c civilian engineer on charges i rhe Soviet press ha* stepped By The .\8Nodated Press The Hartford District Luther of giving national defense Washington, Aug. 18—-(.C) —The up its criticism of the governments United Nations troops, LAMB PATTIES uh. 53c League will hold Its annual outing secrets to Russia. It said FBI of Scandinavian countries in the Senate Crime CJommittee told Con last few daya. Scandinavian na­ tanks and planes stalled and IHESHLV SUCED at Memorial Field, this town, on agents took Morton Sobell, then counterattacked a men­ Sunday. The program will open grata today that organized crim' tions, particularly Sweden, have 33, New York electrical en­ been protesting to the Soviet acing drive of 30,000 Relis V EA L LO A F or at two o’clock and close with a gineer Into custody at Laredo, inala not only have a strong grip vesper aervlce. LeSguera. are on gambling and related illegal ac- Union its extension of Soviet ter­ from the northwest on Taegu Tex., thia morning. ritorial waters limit to 12. miles in M INCED HAM Lh. asked to bring their box lunches. tivitiea but alao are feat moving today. Southwest of Tftegu, 59c He waa taken to the Webb the Baltic sea and the seizure of I Ice cream and soda will be on sale.
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