QUESTIONS RELATING TO ASIA AND THE FAR EAST 175 commitments to the Council to observe the cease-fire; CONSIDERATION BY SECURITY COUNCIL and further calls upon the parties promptly to with- (25 OCTOBER-5 NOVEMBER 1965) draw all armed personnel as necessary steps in the full implementation of the resolution of 20 September." SECURITY COUNCIL, meetings 1247-1249, 1251. COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERIOD S/6699/Add.6-9, Add.9/Corr.l. Addenda to report by 28 SEPTEMBER-24 OCTOBER Secretary-General dated 1-14 October 1965, on his efforts to give effect to Security Council resolutions CHARGES OF CEASE-FIRE VIOLATION 210 of 6 September 1965 and 211 of 20 September S/6722, S/6725, S/6730, S/6736, S/6740, S/6744, 1965. S/6746, S/6752, S/6755, S/6764, S/6768, S/6772, S/6710/Add.3, Add.S/Corr.l, Add.4-6. Addenda to S/6773, S/6777, S/6778, S/6781, S/6788, S/6794, report by Secretary-General, dated 7-30 October S/6805, S/6808 and Corr.1, S/6812, S/6813, 1965 on observance of cease-fire under Security S/6819, S/6826, S/6827. Letters of 28 Septem- Council resolution 211 of 20 September 1965. ber-24 October 1965 from India. S/6719/Add.l-3. Addenda to report by Secretary- S/6727, S/6737, S/6745, S/6750, S/6753, S/6759, General, dated 5-22 October 1965, on compliance S/6760, S/6765-S/6767, S/6770, S/6771, S/6779, with withdrawal provision of Security Council reso- S/6784, S/6785, S/6789, S/6792, S/6793, S/6795, lution 211 of 20 September 1965. S/6796, S/6799, S/6800, S/6811, S/6815, S/6816. S/6821. Letter of 22 October 1965 from Pakistan re- Letters of 29 September-21 October 1965 from questing meeting of Security Council. Pakistan. S/6823, S/6829. Letters of 24 and 25 October 1965 from India. COMMUNICATIONS ON OTHER MATTERS S/6825, S/6828, S/6834. Letters of 25 and 26 Oc- S/6720. Letter of 28 September 1965 from India. tober 1965 from Pakistan. S/6726, S/6727. Letters of 29 September 1965 from S/6833, S/6835, S/6836. Letters of 26 and 27 Oc- Pakistan. tober 1965 from India. S/6735. Letter of 30 September 1965 from India. S/6839, S/6845, S/6855 and Corr.1, S/6857, S/6858, S/6737. Letters of 1 October 1965 from Pakistan. S/6864, S/6865. Letters of 2 and 29 October and S/6738. Aide-memoire of 25 September and letters of 1 and 2 November 1965 from Pakistan. 30 September and 2 October 1965 from Secretary- S/6876. Bolivia, Ivory Coast, Malaysia, Netherlands, General to representative of India with reference Uruguay: draft resolution. to letters of 28 and 30 September 1965 from India S/6878. Letter of 4 November 1965 from Secretary- (S/6720, S/6735). General to representative of Pakistan. S/6739. Letter of 2 October 1965 from Pakistan. S/6879. Letter of 4 November 1965 from Pakistan. S/6742. Aide-memoire of 24 September 1965 from RESOLUTION 215(1965), as proposed by 5 powers, India circulated at oral request of Permanent Mis- S/6876, adopted by Council on 5 November 1965, sion of India, made on 4 October 1965. meeting 1251, by 9 votes to 0, with 2 abstentions S/6747. Letter of 5 October 1965 from India. (Jordan, USSR). S/6751, S/6754. Letters of 5 and 6 October 1965 from Pakistan. "The Security Council, S/6756. Letter of 7 October 1965 from India. "Regretting the delay in the full achievement of a S/6757. Letter of 7 October 1965 from Pakistan. complete and effective cease-fire and a prompt with- S/6761, S/6762, S/6774, S/6775. Letters of 8 and 11 drawal of armed personnel to the positions held by October 1965 from India. them before 5 August 1965, as called for in its reso- S/6763, S/6776. Letters of 8 and 11 October 1965 lutions 209(1965) of 4 September, 210(1965) of 6 from India enclosing copies of notes dated 2 and 1 September, 211(1965) of 20 September and 214 October 1965 respectively from Indian Ministry of (1965) of 27 September 1965, External Affairs to Embassy of People's Republic of "1. Reaffirms its resolution 211(1965) of 20 Sep- China in New Delhi. tember 1965 in all its parts; S/6782. Letter of 11 October 1965 from Secretary- "2. Requests the Governments of India and Paki- General to representative of Pakistan in reply to stan to co-operate towards a full implementation of message of 7 October 1965 (S/6757) and letters of paragraph 1 of resolution 211(1965) ; calls upon them 11, 12 and 13 October 1965 from Secretary-General to instruct their armed personnel to co-operate with to representative of India in reply to messages of the United Nations and cease all military activity; and 7 and 8 October 1965 (S/6756, S/6761, S/6762). insists that there be an end to violations of the cease- S/6790. Letter of 14 October 1965 from India. fire; S/6801, S/6804. Letters of 18 October 1965 from "3. Demands the prompt and unconditional execu- Pakistan. tion of the proposal already agreed to in principle by S/6810, S/6814. Letters of 19 and 21 October 1965 the Governments of India and Pakistan that their from India. representatives meet with a suitable representative of.
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