Of?!l 1 3 r mental Instruction System How to put your finger on one item out of 36,000 A division of H. K. Porter recorded on magnetic tape and and safety stocks. Company, Inc., does it fed into the computer. Replenishment orders are auto­ by dialing a computer center. I n a matter of milliseconds, matically produced when needed. Anyone of 36,000 items could be the computer tells the production The result has been a cut in at any of seven warehouses and status or inventory location inventories. And customer eight plants across the nation. of the product. And the entire service is at its best. When a product is sold, the order is processed for shipment We can help you put your finger information on punched cards in one working day. (It formerly on the way to move information is sent via Bell System took up to fourteen days.) quickly and efficiently. Data-Phone* service over regular As ordering information flows in, Just call your Bell Telephone telephone lines to the Porter the computer updates the Business Office. Ask to computer center in Pittsburgh. average monthly demand, have our Communications The information is instantly economical production quantities, Consultant contact you. T. T® Bell System I. & a American Telephone & Telegraph *Service mark of the Bell System A • and Associated Companies These 9ifts girst For those dreaming of computers for Christmas, or instru­ friendly, approachable, creatively adaptable ... Prices begin mentation using digital techniques, we have two free gifts at $10,000 for a complete computer. for you - that really should be opened first. The 330-page Digital Logic Handbook describes four series Just published is a 540-page Handbook of Small Computers, of Flip ChipT .. modules, which are not only ideal for interfacing which begins with a primer (or, what everyone should know with the computers, but from which most digital instrumen­ about small computers), and goes on to describe, in detail, tation can be made. The handbook describes the logic in three of the most exciting small computers in the industry. detail, as well as applications. The PDP-SIS, the PDP-S, and the L1NC-S are general pur­ pose, on-line, real time, Fortran-speaking machines that are Write for you r presents. COMPUTERS' MODULES DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION, Maynard, Massachusetts 01754. Telephone: (617) 897-8821 • Cambridge, Mass. • New Haven. Washington, D. C.• Parsippany, N. J .• Rochester, N. Y.• Philadelphia. Huntsville. Pittsburgh. Chicago. Denver. Ann Arbor. Houston. Los Angeles. Palo Alto· Seattle. Carleton Place and Toronto, Ont. • Reading, England • Paris, France • Munich and Cologne, Germany • Sydney and West Perth, Australia • Modules distributed also thraun11 Allied Radio Designate No. 4 on Readers Service Card When it comes to wrapping a everyone uses Computape either. of course, are familiar, not only package or patching a cut or re­ There are still tape users who with the quick delivery, the fine cording a symphony there is usu­ have not discovered {hat, if they performance, and the convenience ally one brand of tape that does buy Computape, they get far more features, but also with extras such the job a little better than anything than a certified reel of reliable, as Computron's unique applica­ else ... but people being what they quality recording tape. They still tions engineering service - avail­ are, not everyone uses it. haven't found that the tape itself is able without charge, on short no­ Likewise, in critical data pro­ only half the story ... that unlike tice, in all parts of the country. cessing applications, there is one many other tape manufacturers, Perhaps you should be using precision tape that stands above the Computron follows through. Computape. Find out. Write today rest in terms of value ... but not Those who do use Computape, for the complete story. aLEBJ CCMPUTRCN. INC Designate No. 3 on Readers Service Card 122 CALVARY STREET. WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS 02154 The front cover shows an experimental instruction system designed for an educational research classroom in Stanford University, Calif. For more information, see page 42. ©CQ)[flFQCQ)LSof0~~@ (EJ o=u cQ] CEJ~~'G;@OlfU<EJ'lt a(Q) [(U DECEMBER, 1966 Vol. 15, No. 12 Special Featttre: editor and publisher 1966 Pictorial Report on the C01npttter Field EDMUND C. BERKELEY 22 Digital Computers 28 Analog Computers associate publisher 30 Data Transmitters and Converters PATRICK J. MCGOVERN 32 Memories 40 Input-Output Equipment assistant editors 48 Components MOSES M. BERLIN 52 Miscellany LINDA LADD LOVETT NEIL D. MACDONALD In This Issue 14 THE COMPUTER'S ROLE IN MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY contributing editors by Booz, Allen, and Hamilton, Inc. JOHN BENNETT What the well-known management consulting firm itself said about the results of 189 interviews in 33 companies in regard to the use of compu­ ANDREW D. BOOTH ters in manufacturing industry. DICK H. BRANDON JOHN W. CARR, III In Every Issue NED CHAPIN IMPORTA:'-JT l'\OTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS IN ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER THE U:'-JITED STATES: Please look at your across the editor's desk address label on this copy. IF YOUR PETER KUGEL 55 COMPUTING AND DATA PROCESSING NEWSLETTER ZIP CODE IS MISSII\G OR IS INCORRECT, please Cl) attach your label to a reply ROD E. PACKER card from this magazine, (2) write on the editorial card your correct zip code, and (3) mai 1 Honey From Numbers the postage paid reply card to us at 7 once. Please note that your zip code advisory committee must be for your street address or your post office box, whichever appears T. E. CHEATHAM, JR. world report - Great Britain on your label. by Ted Schoeters JAMES J. CRYAN 54 RICHARD W. HAMMING ALSTON S. HOUSEHOLDER multi-access foruln 8 Computer Policeman Decreasing Bad Checks, by Ellis Charles HERBERT F. MITCHELL, JR. 8 International Federation for Information Processing - News, by IFIP Congress 68 VICTOR PASCHKIS 9 Kiberneti ka, by Bakhtiyar Vagabazade 9 Vacancy, The International Computation Centre art director 10 Copyright Law Revision: A Recent Amendment Favors Information Storage and RAY W. HASS Retrieval - by John F. Banzhaf fulfilment manager II Searching For and Recognizing Life on Mars, by Roger K. Field WILLIAM J. MCMILLAN, 815 Washington St. II "Perspective" - Comments, by R. L. Lansche Newtonville, Mass. 02160, 617-DEcatur 2-5453 12 "The Thirst for Computer Knowledge" - Comments, by H. C. Price 12 Automation of Population Register Systems - International Symposium, Jerusalem, advertising representatives Israel - Call for Papers Computer Personnel Research Group Conference - Call for Papers, by Dr. Charles New York 10018, BERNARD LANE 13 37 West 39 St., 212-BRyant 9-7281 D. Lothridge 13 Collected Algorithms - Service, by Association for Computing Machinery Chicago 60611, COLE, MASON AND DEMING 737 N. Michigan Ave., 312-SU 7-6558 13 Computer Art - Copyright Notice - Correction Los Angeles 90005, WENTWORTH F. GREEN 300 S. Kenmore Ave., 213-DUnkirk 7-8135 reference information 64 Computer Census San Francisco 94105, A. S. BABCOCK 66 Books and Other Publications, by Neil Macdonald 605 Market St., 415-YUkon 2-3954 69 Calendar of Coming Events Elsewhere, THE PUBLISHER 815 Washington St., 617-DEcatur 2-5453 index of notices Newtonville, Mass. 02160 70 Advertising Index O~" COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION IS PUBLISHED MONTHLY AT 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 02160, BY BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC. PRINTED IN U.S.A. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: UNITED : ~: STATES. $15.00 FOR 1 YEAR, $29.00 FOR 2 YEARS, INCLUDING THE JUNE DIRECTORY ISSUE; CANADA, ADD SOc A YEAR FOR POSTAGE; FOREIGN, ADD $3.50 A YEAR FOR POSTAGE. ADDRESS' ALL -"0 ",,0 EDITORIAL AND SUBSCRIPTION MAIL TO BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC., 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS., 02160. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT BOSTON, MASS. POSTMASTER: PLEASE SEND ALL FORMS 3579 TO BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC., 815 WASHINGTON ST., NEWTONVILLE, MASS. 02160. © COPYRIGHT, 1966. BY BERKELEY ENTERPRISES, INC. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: IF YOUR ADDRESS CHANGES, PLEASE SEND US BOTH YOUR NEW ADDRESS AND YOUR OLD ADDRESS (AS IT APPEARS ON THE MAGAZINE ADDRESS IMPRINT), AND ALLOW THREE WEEKS FOR THE CHANGE TO BE MADE. COMPUTERS AND AUTOMATION, FOR DECEMBER, 1966 5 The NCR 500 Computer System. It grows as you grow. The NCR 500 is the logical com· You also save by buying the choice of any of these computer in· puter for any small or medium size most efficient system of its kind for put media-or combinations thereof: business that wants to grow. use in your business. punched card, punched paper tape, It's built on the principle of mod· As a complete system, nothing in magnetic ledger card, machine ularity; a building-block concept its price range can touch it for elec· readable tape and console key· that permits you to buy or rent only tronic data processing flexibility board entry. as much data processing capacity and throughput. Ask your NCR man about the as you need now. Then you simply And only the NCR 500 Series in low cost 500 Series. add to it later as your needs expand. the low-price field offers you your It will grow on you . .. -.~--.- ....... ---....•.•... - ~~~--~1i!1!'!!m1 THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER COMPANY, DAYTON, OHIO 45409 Designate No. 11 on Readers Service Card 6 COMPUTERS and AUTOMATION for December, 1966 c&a EDITORIAL Honey From Numbers In the Mainichi Daily News, Osaka, Japan, on May 21, for classifications. 4 and its relatives stand for mathematics 1966, appeared an article "Numbers" by Andre Maurois, and its branches. Many years ago 4-11 in my system stood for member of the Academie Francaise. Here is some of it: Boolean algebra, but nowadays 411 is the number for Boolean algebra. 52 is the "largest" of all numbers in our office, for Yesterday, a foreign friend of mine said to me: "This it labels "Computers and Automation"; 52E is editorial, 52A summer I shall come to see you in Dordognc.
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