The Weather Forecast of V. S. Weather Bursae addltidn in 1950. In fact,.he aatd, there were several ahoveU in hie Not M -cold tonight. Vow le-te. About T omu garage from various ground break­ Tneaday cloudy, warmer followed Heard Along Main Street ings. b^ snow chani^g to rmlii. High hi One of the other board members Th* Buckley School PTA will And on Some of Manchester*s Side Streets, Too low 99a. have a meetlnf at the achool Mon­ turned to the assembled dignitaries Manohaitar Smblam Club, No. day at 8 p.m.r , following which I and commented that there wee no 261, will hold g, oharltabla card they will be entertained by Bob need to welt two weeks Until the party at Uie Elka Horns on Blaacll ■. Steele of radio fame. One Opinion '*• Grand Central ’ ground breaking ceremony to use at. at 8 o’clock Thuraday evening. MANCHESTER, CONN.,‘MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1958 (Classified Advertlaing oa Page 12) the gold shoVels. PRICE FIVE CENTS Following a Center St. accident An ad for a "Room withMt Each year the cltib holds a egra recently several persons were mill­ Board” which appeared recently "The snow Is two feet deep right party for the benefit of come wor­ Another of the popular Britiah- ing around the area where a stated that the shower was in the out tn front of the hospital now. American Club Saturday night thy cMiee. In previous yeara funds cruiser was parked. basement and the telephone was We caii start getting some use out raised In thia way have been used daneea will be held at the Maple One of the persons pointed to in the room. ' of them." -TEL. Ml 8-6SU Purtell Leads S t home tonight. Tony O'Bright'a several scratches on the cruiser's to'purchase a specially built wheel­ 87 BAST CENTER 8T. Senators Checking This conjures up all kinds of pic­ chair for the hospital and to buy ereheatra will furnish music fo r ' roof, and asked the policeman, tures. First of all, why not put the Buildup for Letdown AMBULANCE SERVICE dancing. ■’How'd your cruiser get scratched a bed for cancer patients at the Drive for Unity telephone booth In the basement A shapely Manchester coed at Cancer CUntc. ' r up?” and the shower stall In the room? UConn was walking across campus But before he could answer, an­ Chairman of the committaa ie U.S. Can Lick Navy Ens. Edmund J. Peresluha, Both take up the same amount of one day last week when she no­ Navy’s Submarine, other person remarked, "That's lira. Toeter Wllllama. Other mem- In State’s GOP son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. space. ticed a good looking athlete ap­ bera of the committee are Mre. Peresluha. Rt. 2, is serving aboard from hiding in the bushes waiting Second, for purposes of modesty proaching her with an interested to nab somebody." RolUe 'niompaon and Mra. Wil­ the destroyer USS Leonard F. on that dash between the bedroom look in his eye. liams, ttdeeta; Mre. Donald Jorgan- H artford, Jan, 26 (/P)— Mason with the U.S. Seventh and the basement, would the ten­ "You don’t know me,” the ath­ Wrong Answer aan, itrs. Joseph Reynolds and Missiles Programs U.S. Sen, William A. Purtell Fleet ant have to be a track star? lete said. "But I’ve seen you around Mra. John Tierney, tablet: Mrs. The morning after the snow­ Third, can we stand In that hall­ a lot.” today announced that he has storm the switchboard at Police Junes McVeighs Mrs. Charles La- called for meetings of state Patrlotie Instructor Mrs. Oglore way to see what happens when the "Yes, and I’ve noticed you, too,” throp Jr. and Mra. Uoyd Alcoa, Headquarters was jammed with the Manchester girl replied. Wuhinffton, J*n. 20 {/P)—^tmontha" to send a payload rocket Republican leaders to resolve White of the Auxiliary to Ander­ phone rings? table prlaea; Mra. Edmund H. to the moon, and said the Army Avoid Inflation calls from mothers requesting "Well, what are you doing to­ The Senate Preparedness sub- what he called “minor dif- son Shea pest No. 2046. VFW, school information. The word of Hindis, publicity; and Mrs, Ray­ will teat nuclear cxploalons up to yesterday presented a flag to Den Explanation on Ban night? -^Anything special?” the mond Beauregard, Mra. Samuel comiliittee looks into the ade­ SO miiea above the Earth In ex­ ferencie and misunderstand­ the day was that there was no Dr. Mr. D. D.: handsome one asked. quacy of the Navy’s sub­ 5 df Cub Pack 112 at the home of school and Sgt. Walter Ferguson, Vacant!, Mrs. Napoleon Pitcher, periments this summer in the mid- ings in our rank.®.’’ Den Mother Mrs. Walter Wiese, We'd like to clear up the matter "Well, what have you got In Mrs. Stanley Juroa, Mrs. Anthony PINE marine and missile pronrams Paclflc testing grounds: There was iSirtell’a statement came as par­ 197 High St. The flag was accept­ on duty that morning, was "snow'ed of the water ban for you. mind?” the aroused coed queried under” relaying this Information LapoUa, Mra. Harold Burnett, Mrs. today as it opens the final no ofltciat confirmation of either ty leaders were preps ring for to­ Ike Starts 6th ed by James Krause. As you may know, we have two The aOiIete’s answer: "I thought Donald ' Cagenellp, Mrs. Kenneth report. night's anniiaf fund-raising din­ Production to the inquirers. water .departments in town. One maybe you’d be free to sit with out Hodge, Mrs. George BhigUsh and PHARMACY week of its current phase of 5. Censored testimony of de­ ner. j "Ferg” began connecting and Is owned by the Town ot Manches­ baby while my wife and I go to a Mrs. Chulea Lathrop Sr., refresh- SS4 center SL-TeL 80 SMM14 hearings. fense contractors, released by the "My main interest is the suc­ The Polish Women's Alliance, disconnecting lines as rapidly as ter. The other is the privately movie." Adm. Arleigh A. Burke, chief Year with Talk Oroup 518, will meet tomorrow menta. Senate subcommittee, reported cess of the complete Republlcsn' possible along with a blurted, owned Manchester Wa'.*r Co. The of Naval Operations, and Rear. that the Air Force has ordered ticket iri November," Purtell said; Off Sharply afternoon at 2 o’clock at 77 North "There's no school today.” As he former ^erves, in general, the Duck!!! PINE LENOX Adm. W. F. Rabom, who la super­ development on "a limited llasls” St. in a statement. At GOP Dinner was about to pull one connection, a South End of town: the latter Children generally love to see it I vising development of the Navy’s^ of "large scale aatellite vehicles” "For that reason I have s'ug- j voice shouted out, "Wait a min­ serves the North End. snow but there was one group that Card Parly Set PHARMACY Polaris missile, were among wit­ for reconnaissance. gested meetings with party lead­ Richard V. Pagani. son of Mrs. ute!'' The sergeant hesitated and Yes, there was a water ban this wasn't too happy about the'recent m E. OMter MISS I nesses called for closed-door testi­ Four Major Breaks ers. Such meetings are liot de-1 By MARVIN L ARROW8MITH» For Nation Pauline Pagani. 105 Doming St., replaced the wire. The voice at the summer. It affected those custom­ storm. They’d ridden to school on By Church Unit mony. 6. Dr. Ralph Swann, an Army signed for the purpose of selecting j Wa.shington, ,Jan. 20 {IP)— was .pnmnoted to marine corporal other end continued, "You've told ers of the Town Water Depart­ their bikes that morning. One im­ While Cengr^ha members argued rocket fuel expert at Huntsville. a gubernatorial candidate." President Ei.senhower starts By STERLING F. GREEN Dec. .1. He is' serving as a security me three times that there’s no ment. The private company did not patient lad tried Hding up a hill Mrs. Harold F. Wall Jr., 20 variously that.more money, more Ala., dlaclosed in an interview that Purtell's statement followed pub Washington, Jan. 20 — MSrd at the Marine Detachment, school. I don't care. I only want to And it necessary to establish a bsm in Center Park while the others Femdale Rd., president. of the clearly define authority and more in laboratory tests, solid fuels for llshed reports that he was le a d in g | ” 18 Sixth year in office today President Eisenhower said to­ Neva] Air Station^ Chincoteaque, know where my car has been towed pushed their bicycles through the creative thinking are needed to rockets are showing almost as a drive to achieve agreement on a i— and kicks off a new Reoul).- on the outside use of water. Ladles of the Assumption, an­ day the country can lick the Va. to?” So, you see, the recent ad" 'n our slippery white stuff. He made quite nounces a midwinter card party for spur United States defenses much thrust as liquid fuels. Four candidate for governor. Mean drive for Control o f Con- paper were not contradict a crash when he hit the ground. Monday, Jan. 27, at 8 p'.m. in the against Russian scientific gains, major scientific break-throughs in "We have many fine Republi- recession this year, pay in You certainly don't have to go to the weekend brought these devel­ four years have aided the solid cans available whose names have,** full the cost of meeting Rus- a horror movie to build up sus Assumption hall.
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