European Council of Civil N E W S FROM: Engineers Italy E - J O U R N A L 6 J U L Y 2 0 1 4 Latvia Lithuania Two years of work Poland by ECCE President Prof. Fernando Branco position in Brussels, and after the ECCE international positions and success of the 1st Engineers their coordination was also reor- INSIDE THIS Day in 2011, ECCE is now co- ganized to optimize their results. ISSUE: organizing in Brussels the 2nd All these activities were illustrat- Engineers Day, next 20th of 2nd European 2 ed in several contacts with Euro- November, with the participation Engineers’ pean Engineering Associations, of EU experts. Day: “Mobile still outside ECCE, trying to bring Engineers At international level, cooperation them to our cluster, and showing agreements were signed with the importance of having a build an Inno- ASCE, KSCE and JSCE and strong network of European Civil vative Europe” recently ECCE was involved in Engineer Associations. the cooperation with the Arab Two years passed and a new 1st Conference 3 Countries through the creation of ExBo will soon take care of EC- of the Mediter- the Association of the Mediterra- CE. Some ideas were not able to ranean Engi- nean Countries. After two years, this will be the become finalized during this neers Cooper- last ECCE e-Journal to be issued Internally, to make ECCE more period, like the “ECCE Civil Engi- ation under the present Executive attractive to our members, we neering Card” or the UNESCO began the publication of the “International Day of Civil Engi- Know your EU: 4 Committee, so it is the moment to make a summary of this ECCE ECCE Newsletter, now the e- neering”. Nevertheless, passing Directorate – period. Journal, with the description of the testimony, I am sure that the General Inter- our activities, information about new members will go on trying to During these years, Europe nal Market & what is going on in Brussels and achieve a bigger ECCE, always faced the continuation of an Services publishing member countries in the first line of representing the economic crisis that was particu- activities and their major civil European Civil Engineers. News from EU 5 larly felt in the Construction Sec- works. The e-Journal is sent to a tor and among our Civil Engi- & other Asso- multitude of members and is neers members. It was a period ciations already a success. Also the EC- Fernando Branco of discussion of how Construc- CE website was renovated and ECCE Stand- 7 tion should evolve and ECCE all activities are there permanent- clearly defined the direction with ing Committee ly displayed. A new ECCE book its moto to pass the crisis: “The on Environ- on “Pedestrian Bridges” is also 3Is - Investment, Innovation and expected for next October, repre- ment & Sus- Internationalization”. This posi- senting an important editorial tainability tion allowed ECCE for the first effort for our members. time to have a seat in the “High News from 11 level Tripartite Strategic Forum” The internal discussion of the ECCE Mem- where the investments and the major European Civil Engineer- bers innovation of the Construction in ing problems was implemented Europe were discussed, leading with a new agenda format, asso- ciating one International Confer- 60th ECCE 17 to proposals submitted directly to ence to each ECCE General Meeting and EU Commission. Assembly. We discussed in Lis- Conference Besides this important position in bon the “Changes in Civil Engi- Brussels, ECCE also participated neering”, the “Water Shortage” in in meetings with associated Eu- Conferences & 18 Cyprus, the “Seismic Design and ropean organizations developing Events Rehabilitation” in Tbilisi and the the discussion of the main issues “Innovation in Bridges” will be from education, to the application dealt with in our next meeting in of EU Directives (Mobility, Pro- Warsaw. The work of the Stand- curement, etc.). Strengthening its ing Committees is the basis of E - J O U R N A L 6 P A G E 2 2nd European Engineers’ Day: "Mobile Engineers build an Innovative Europe" 20 November 2014, Sofitel Brussels Europe, 1 Place Jourdan, Brussels On 14th June 2014, the Meeting of society. Professional Engineers solutions. Meeting many of to- the Organizing Committee of the design and operate large pro- day’s challenges associated to 2nd European Engineers’ Day was jects and make society a better present society and environmen- held in Vienna, hosted by ECEC – place to live: their solutions are tal changes will also require Arch+Ing. In this Meeting ECCE always designed with economic, unprecedented levels of public was represented by ECCE Presi- safety and functionality consid- funding. As they have done dent, ECCE Vice President/ Presi- erations in mind. Sustainability throughout history, engineers REGISTRAITION dent Elect Mr. Wlodzimierz of the environment and aging will have to integrate their meth- Szymczak and ECCE Past Presi- infrastructures, deployment of ods and solutions with the goals For registrations dent Mr. Vassilis Economopoulos. innovative renewable sources of and desires of all society’s mem- please follow the link During this Meeting all the matters energy, increased quality of life, bers in Europe. here through FEANI regarding the 2nd European Engi- website. economic growth: they all await neers’ Day were finalised. The and expect engineering solu- The “2nd European Engineers’ ACCOMMODATION scope of the event and the prelimi- tions. Therefore, in this global- Day” on 20 November 2014 will For accommodation nary agenda were agreed as well ized world, internationalization analyze those challenges and options please visit as the common online registration and cross-border recognition of offer opinions and presentations the ECCE webpage through FEANI website. engineering qualifications are of expert speakers. The Europe- important and vital to forge a an Engineers’ Day will offer a better future for society. forum for critical dialogue and participation and will focus The European Engineers’ Feder- amongst others on ations ECEC, FEANI, ECCE, to- how engineers are gether with EFCA, ENAEE, CLGE educated and en- and CLAIU wish to extend the gaged in continu- public knowledge and apprecia- ing professional Participants in the meeting of tion of the engineering profes- development to the 2nd EED Organizing Com- sion, their education and profes- better prepare mittee in Vienna sional concerns and the capacity them for the chal- to solve the arising problems in lenges ahead in Scope of the event a changing world, on this unique building the com- From left to right: Mr. Remec, Mr. Engineers’ impact is visible in event. Public understanding of ing new world. Szymczak, Ms. Hammerschlag, Mr. every aspect of human life: the engineering profession and Students, re- its underlying science are im- searchers, entre- Branco, Mr. Thürriedl, Mr. Economo- through increasingly more so- portant to support the calls for preneurs, scien- poulos, Mr. Brandi phisticated inventions, tech- funding, as well as to enhance tists and policy niques and equipment they en- hance and irrevocably change the prospect for successful decision makers are invited to adoption of innovative technical take part in this unique event. Preliminary Agenda of the 2nd European Engineers’ Day “Mobile Engineers build an innovative Europe” 20 November 2014 Sofitel Brussels Europe, 1 Place Jourdan, Brussels 9.00 – 10.00 Registration 10.00 - 10.30 Welcome Greetings by the Presidents of ECEC, FEANI and ECCE 10.30 – 10.45 Welcome Speech by a Representative of the EU Institutions Morning session “Mobility and Regulation” 10:45 – 11:00 Representative of EU Commission DG Markt 11:00 – 11:15 The public interest in professional regulation, MEP RA Dr. Andreas Schwab (GE) 11:15 – 11:30 The status of the engineer in society and the importance of mobility, Mr Alan Stilwell CEng MICE (UK) 11:30 – 11:45 Engineering Challenges for a future Europe, Prof. Dr. Fernando Branco (PT) 12.00 Round Table 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch + Networking Afternoon Session “Delivering Client Value” 14:15 – 14:30 Representative of EU Commission DG Markt 14:30 – 14:45 Accreditation of Continued Engineering Education, Prof. Dr. José Vieira (PT) 14:45 – 15:00 The Relationship between price and quality of engineering services, Prof. Dr. Hans Lechner (AT) 15:00 – 15:15 Internationalization of Engineering Activities, CivEng NTUA Vassilis Economopoulos (GR) 15.30 Round Table 16.30 Conclusions by the Presidents of ECEC, FEANI and ECCE 17.00 End E - J O U R N A L 6 P A G E 3 1st Conference of the Mediterranean Engineers Cooperation The 1st Conference of the Mediter- Exchanging Information on na- area, full of potentialities and op- ranean Engineers Cooperation was tional engineering education and portunities, may represent a com- held with a great success on 8-10 professional systems, contribu- prehensive resource for both Italy May 2014, in Lecce (Salento, Italy) tions to International surveys and and Europe itself. organized by the Conisglio Na- reports including the UNESCO The European Council of Civil En- zionale degli Ingegneri (CNI) with Global Engineering Assessment gineers (ECCE) was represented the collaboration of the Regional project by Mr. Vassilis Economopoulos, Council of the “Order of Engineers ECCE Past President and Chair- Establishment of Technical of Puglia “and the “Order of Engi- man of the Standing Committee on neers of Lecce” under the patron- Committees on thematic topics Associate Membership who had a age of WFEO (World Federation of of interest to the Mediterranean greeting speech in the ceremony
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