Index Page numbers in italic denote figures. Page numbers in bold denote tables. achondrites Near-Earth 379, 386, 497 angrite, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, fall 174, as origin of meteorites 63 209, 211 reflectance spectroscopy 390-396 Chassigny, France (1815) 55, 405 S-class 391,393, 396, 396, 398 HED 348, 350, 352, 374, 388 spacecraft missions 397-400, 398-399 lunar 55 astrobleme 455 Martian, SNC's 55, 210, 215, 405-414, 497, 502 astronomy, Specola Vaticana 205-208 Stannern, Moravia (1808) 54-55 astrophysics 430-431,434-435 Agen, France (1790) fireball and fall 30-31 Atacama Desert, Chile, meteorite finds 330-332 Ahnighito see Cape York ataxite 56, 272, 312 Ahnighito iron 271,272, 279, 280 atmosphere, origin of meteors 43, 51, 61-62, 76-77 Aire-sur-la-Lys, France (1769) fall 27, 35 aubrite 143, 156, 347, 374 Alais, France (1806) carbonaceous chondrite Aurora Borealis, in classical meteorology 92, fall 53, 171 93, 94, 96 Albareto, Italy (1766) L4 chondrite fall 22, australite, flanged-button 472, 473, 477, 479, 481 24-26, 35, 206-207 Alfvrn, Hannes (1908-1995) 397, 422 Baillou, Johann von (1684-1758), natural history ALH 84001 261,410, 411, 412, 413, 502 collection 123, 124 ALH A81005 7, 256, 257, 261,406 Banks, Sir Joseph (1743-1820) 36, 38, 39, All-Sky Network see European Fireball Network 43-44, 48, 95, 153 Allende, Mexico (1969) meteorite shower 188, Barbotan, France (1790) fireball and fall 30-31, 255-256 42, 48, 81 calcium-aluminium inclusions (CAIs) 255, Barringer Crater see Meteor Crater 351, 353, 426, 427, 429 Barringer, Daniel Moreau (1860-1829) 60-61, solar system formation age 355, 356, 370 244, 452 presotar diamond 355, 356 Barthold, Charles, chemical analysis of Ensisheim stone American Museum of Natural History see New York, 43, 47 American Museum of Natural History Baudin, Nicolas (d. 1798) 42 analysis Beccaria, Giambattista ( 1716-1781), letter to Benjamin chemical Franklin 25 Alais carbonaceous chondrite 53 Bement, Clarence Sweet (1843-1923), meteorite early 43-45, 47-48, 76-77 collection 268-270 Ensisheim stone 43 Benares, India (1798) fireball 36, 42, 43, 44, Kaba carbonaceous chondrite 53 47, 168, 346 Luc6 chondrite 26 Bencubbin, Australia (1930) carbonaceous chondrite Orgueil carbonaceous chondrite 54 find 310 Weston stones 52 Bendego iron, Brazil 39 metallographical, irons 56-58 Benzenberg, Johann Friedrich (1777-1846) 43, 381 Angra dos Reis, Brazil (1869) angrite achondrite Berlin, Museum fiir Naturkunde, meteorite collection, fall 174, 209, 211 history 135-150, 146, 148 Antarctica Berthelot, Pierre Eugbne Marcellin (1827-1907) Japanese meteorites 291-303, 325, 336-337 54, 169 ANSMET programme 259-262 Berwerth, Friedrich (1850-1918) 129-130, 130 classification 299, 300, 301-303 Berzelius, J/Sns Jacob (1779-1848) 53, 137 concentration mechanism 298-299 Bewitched Burgrave see Elbogen iron Apollo (asteroid) 388, 391 Bibliothbque Britannique (1796) 40, 41, 47, 48, Aristotle 50, 57, 58 atmospheric origin of falling stones 32, 43 Biot, Jean Baptiste (1774-1862) 76, 168 Meteorologica 91-93 importance of travel 78-79, 81 asiderites 105, 106, 173-174 literary style 80-81 asmanite 156 report of trip to L'Aigle 49-50, 74, 76-80, 85, 104, asteroids 139, 153, 163, 168 classification 388, 389 Bingley, William 41 discovery 45-46, 52-53, 63 Bitburg, Germany (1805) iron find 140, 142 Earth-crossing orbits 387-390 Blagden, Sir Charles (1748-1820) 40, 41, 96 and meteorite types 352-353, 379-400 Blumenbach, Johann F. (1752-1840) 36, 44 From: MCCALL, G. J. H., BOWDEN, A. J. • HOWARTH, R. J. (eds) 2006. The History of Meteoritics and Key Meteorite Collections: Fireballs, Falls and Finds. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 256, 505-514. 0305-8719/06/$15.00 The Geological Society of London 2006. 506 INDEX Bobrovnikoff, Nicholas T. (1896-1988) 390, 391 China Bode, Johann Elert (1747-1826) 45-46 scarcity of meteorites 24-25 Bode's Law see Titius-Bode Law tektites 472, 476 Boguslavka iron fall (1916) 233, 235 Chladni, Ernst Florenz Friedrich (1756-1827) 26, Boisse, Adolph Andr6 (1810-96) meteorite 33-37, 33, 53, 139, 222 model 63, 64 Eisenmassen 33-35, 33, 44, 47, 73-74, Bonapartism, influence on scientific thought 81-84, 138, 223 85-86 responses 35-36, 41, 47 Bonderoy, August-Denis Fougeroux de (1732-1789) extraterrestrial origin of meteorites 34, 35, 36, 26-27, 47, 167 42-43, 48, 49, 50, 62, 103-104, 138, Bonnet, Charles Etienne (1720-93) 45 168, 223, 380, 381 Born, Ignaz von (1742-1791) 44, 123 failure to travel 78 Borodino chondrite fall (1812) 231,233 meteorite collection 138-140, 141 Bournon, Jacques-Louis Comte de (1751-1825), Uber Feuer-Meteore 50, 55, 126, 139 chemical analysis of fallen stones 44-45, chladnite 143, 347 47-48, 167 chondrites 44, 106, 108, 142, 347, 348, 348, 349, Bourot-Denise, Michrle Mathilde 189, 190 350, 352, 499 Boznemcova (asteroid) 397 brecciated 163, 167, 177, 178 Brandes, Heinrich Wilhelm (1777-1834)43 carbonaceous 53-54, 110, 172, 347, 348, 352, Brant, Sebastian (1457-1521), On the thunderstone 353,428 fallen in the year'92 before Ensisheim 17, Alais, France 53, 171-173 18, 19, 20, 22, 166 Bencubbin 310 Braunau, Bohemia (1847) iron fall 56, 127 CH 334, 348, 352 breccia, bunte 457, 460, 484 CI 348, 352, 428 Brezina, Aristides (1848-1909) 55, 56, 128-130, CK 334, 347, 348, 352 129, 347 CM 348, 352 British Museum (Natural History) see London, Natural CM2 Murchison 255, 257-258, 348 History Museum CO 348, 352 British Museum, Catalogue of Meteorites 24-25, 26, Cold Bokkeveld 53, 172 159-160 CR 334, 347, 348, 352 Appendix to the Catalogue 26 CV 347, 348, 352 Bruhn, Ingeborg, Mars globe 214 Japanese Antarctic collection 300, 303 Bustee, India (1852) stony meteorite 156 Kaba, Hungary 53, 172 Orgueil, France 54, 163, 172 classification of George Prior 159 Cabin Creek, Arkansas (1886) iron fall 129 desert regions 333-334, 335-339 Cabinet Royal d'Histoire Naturelle 165 H5, Eichst~idt 31, 32 Caille, France (1828) iron find 164, 172, 176-178 H6, Peekskill 281 calcium-aluminium inclusions (CAIs) 255, 350, Japanese Antarctic collection 299, 300 353, 368, 370 K3 352 Camel Donga eucrite 9, 317, 320, 329 L4, Albareto 22, 24-26 Cameron, Alastair Graham Walter 425,426, 427 L6 Campo del Cielo, Argentina Luc6 26-27, 167 E1 Mes6n de Fierro (1576) iron find Nogata 15-16, 16 28-31, 29, 30, 44-45, 272 LL6 brecciated, Ensisheim 163, 167 Otumpa iron 57-58 R 334, 348, 352 canali, Martian 214-215 Chondritic Earth Model 353, 427-428 Canyon Diablo, Arizona (1891) iron chondrules 44, 106, 142, 145, 153, 182, 345-348, find 59-60, 244, 280, 367 350, 351 see also Meteor Crater and CAIs 354-355 Cape York, Greenland (1894-1897) iron finds 154, formation age 355, 356 271-272, 272 origin 59, 157, 283, 348, 350, 356-360, Celis, Lieutenant Don Rubin de 28-29, 30, 44 428, 499 Ceres 46-47, 392 Clap, Thomas (1703-1767) 52 Chaco, iron 29, 30 Clarke, Frank Wigglesworth (1847-1931) Chamberlin, Thomas Chrowder (1843-1928) 420 242-243, 243 planetesimal hypothesis 419-422 classification see meteorites, classification Chaptal, Jean-Antoine (1756-1832) 49, 81-82, 82, Clayton, Donald D., presolar grains 427, 431 84-86 coesite 456, 457, 481 chassignite 55, 143,347, 406, 409, 410 Cold Bokkeveld, South Africa (1838) carbonaceous Chassigny, France (1815) achondrite fall 55, chondrite fall 53, 172 163, 178, 178, 215, 405 comets Chesapeake Bay structure 482-483 as origin of fireballs 52 Chicxulub impact structure 462-464, 486, 487 as origin of meteorites 380 INDEX 507 Coon Butte see Meteor Crater Ensisheim, Alsace (1492) H chondrite fall 16-22, Cooper, G. Arthur (1902-2000) 253, 254 16, 18, 20, 21, 35, 41, 166, 167, 345 Cordier, Pierre-Louis Antoine (1777-1861) 168 analysis 43, 47 first catalogue of meteorites 168, 170, 171 enstatite 156, 159, 177, 313, 347, 348 Cranbourne iron found 1854 127 Eros (asteroid) 379, 397, 398, 400 craters Estherville mesosiderite 129, 268 impact 60-61,443-466, 447-451, 465 eucrite 55, 142, 171, 172, 178, 302, 317, 347 Campo del Cielo 30, 444 see also meteorites, HED and Vesta Dalgaranga 311,452 EUROMET 9, 161,317, 328, 353 lunar 60, 444 European Fireball Network 381,383-386, 385 Mars 500-501 t~vora Monte, Portugal (1796) meteorite 36, 42 Veevers 311 exhalation theory 92-94 Wolfe Creek 310- 311 exposure, cosmic ray, age determination volcanic 60, 465 371-375, 390 Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary see K/T boundary extinctions 462-464, 486 Crumlin, County Antrim (1902) fall 157 eyewitnesses, trustworthiness 54, 78-79, 81 cryptosiderite 105, 106, 107, 110 FabriCs, Jacques Louis (1932-2000), work at Dalgaranga Crater 311,452 MNHN 186, 187 Daubr~e, Gabriel August (1814-96) 54, 63, 101-117, fireballs 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 30, 32, 36, 50, 52 102, 170 behaviour during flight 53-54 career 101 - 103 Melun, France (1771) 34 experimental work on meteorites photographic network surveys 381-387 composition 106-112, 170 Western Australia 314, 315 physical appearance 112-113, 170 Weston, Connecticut (1807) 51-52 meteorite classification 103-106, 105, 170, 171 work of Ernst F.F. Chladni 33-35, 43, 50 work at MNHN, Paris 169-175 fission tracks, work of Paul Pellas 189 catalogue of meteorites 170, 172, 174 Fletcher, Sir Lazarus (1854-1921) 129, work on 'native' iron 113-117 156-158, 156 daubrrelite 103, 116, 174, 177 Flora (asteroid) 390, 393 deformation features, planar 456 Fogliani, Giuseppe, Bishop of Modena 25, 26 Denise, Mich~le Mathilde Bourot- see Bourot-Denise, Foshag, William F.
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