r Page 28 CRANFORD CHRONICLE Thursday, November 20, 1986 Where else but Kings? Cranf orb Chronicle SERVING CRANFORD, GARWOOD and KENILWORTH Vol. 93 No. 48 Published Every Thursday The store that was born Wednesday, November 26, 1986 USPS 136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J. 30 CENTS In brief School board poses for Thanksgiving. Worship service The annual community inter- 11% budget hike to November 20, 1936 was a special day in the life of Bea and Joseph Bildner. them processed at the last possible moment. Finally, we ensure their quality by faith Thanksgiving Eve worship service will at 8 p.m. today at the Together, they opened a store in Summit. The first Kings Super Market, it following them through the packing process, and inspecting them on three United Methodist Church. It's arrived on the scene only six days before Thanksgiving. separate occasions. sponsored by the Cranford Clergy What better time, the Bildners thought, than Thanksgiving to introduce To order your Kings Country Farm Fresh Young Turkey, just come to our Council. record $18 million shoppers to their idea of a clean, friendly store brimming with freshness? Butcher's Corner. And, if you like, enter our Thanksgiving Drawing for a turkey By ROSALIE GROSS million increase goes for higher The first Summit shoppers to try Kings not only agreed with the Bildners, they up to 14 pounds and a S25 Kings Gift Certificate. Tree lightings Taking advantage of a record-high wages for the 500 school employes. encouraged their friends to come to Kings, too. And before long, it was plain Speaking of Thanksgiving a Kings Pilgrim is ready to give you a helping hand , "cap" -on increased school spending All salary accounts total $12.7 The annual Chantbert of Com- statewide, vthe. Cranford* Board of million, an increase of $1,254 million that Kings was here to stay. at our World of Holiday Gifts display. From meats and cheeses to boxes, jars and merce holiday tree lighting ^Education is proposing an 11 percent or 10.9 percent. Tomorrow, 50 years to the day after we opened our doors in Summit, we invite tins of cookies, cakes and caviar, it's filled with special gift ideas ceremony will be 7:30 p.nl. Fri- 'increase in the: 1987-88 current ex- The next major area of increase is day at the Mayor's Square a> Spr- pense budget.' The proposed budget maintenance which includes con: you to set the stage for your Thanksgiving celebration with a visit to Kings. And for some valuable Thanksgiving ideas and recipes, just come to our ! Courtesy Corner for our free folder on A Few Facts About Wild Rice, another on ingfield and N. Union aVenues. stands at $18- million',- art increase of traded services and equipment, Farmers who raise Kings Country Farm Fresh Young Turkeys know that only The Cranfoi-d_yigli School $1.79 million over the current budget Apart from custodial salaries, tfie best-fed,-broades^breasted turkeys satify us. Holiday, Turkey Talk and still another on Turkey Carving Made Easy. Madrigals and Brass Ensemble of $16.2 million. $813,700 is budgeted for maintenance Unlike other supermarkets, we reserve our turkeys one by one, just the way Along with our heartfelt thanks to you and all of our legions of loyal shoppers, will perform and Santa Claus will Cranford, according to the state projects, an increase of $324,400 or 66 you and other shoppers order them. Then we guarantee their freshness by having they're yours With love from Kings. make his first appearance. The ' formula for computing the annual percent. The proposed projects in- tree at South and Centennial will "cap" or permitted percentage of in- clude $20,000 each for new boilers at also be lit this year. The rain date crease, could raise the upcoming Orange and Hillside Avenue Schools is Dec. 5. budget by 11.95 percent. The and $60,000 to rebuild two The Grocers Corner : The Butcher's Corner The Farmers Corner The Deli Corner The Freezer Corner statewide average cap is 14.5 per deteriorating lavatories at Cranford cent. This compares to an 8 percent High School. cap for Cranford's 1986-87 budget and Insurance continues to be a major Kings Country Farm Jet Fresh—Red Ripe Kings Homemade Minute Maid Onamia Nordstrom on tv a state average of 9.7 percent for the source of budget increases for 95 current school year. schools and municipalities. The total New Zealand Fruited Baked " $119 $3 Mayor Doug Nordstrom will Wild Rice ib. bag Cranford's proposed budget is insurance bill in the proposed budget Fresh Orange Juice ajjpear on the "Meet the Mayors" Strawberrie Turkey Breast Regular or Country Style (12 oz,) or ;—$1387600 under-its permitted-cap -is-estimated-at-$l,2-million, an in- Turkeys ib ,/2 Berrier Vfoter pt, 7 oz. btl, 79° television program on crease of $101,000 or 9 percent,. ^_; y 12 oz. pkg. Reduced Acid (10 oz.) WOR-TV(Ch. 9)"Sunday:Scenes —..The formula lor computing the an- 1013 lb i Kahn's Honey Cured Vanity Fair Dinner . nual cap is based on the statewide in- Other areas with significant in- 10-13 lb. sizes or 18-22 lb. sizes C Birds Eye Vegetables Poly Bag of the township will be included in Large Western Anjou Pears lb. 89 Ham W \b.-*2 JS9- Napkins pkg. of 40 79* the half hour show which is crease in property values. creases are teaching supplies, pro- e jected at $365,890, up $51,240 and Large Extra Fancy Grade Kings Homemade USDA Choice Oven Garden Peas, Cut Corn or Princclla Cut Yams. 2 lb. 8 oz. can 89 scheduled to be aired at 10:30 Repayment of debt in the 1987-88 FVozen Grade A C C budget year will be $675,000, a equipment for sports and clubs, Washington State Apples Roasted Roast Beef _'/2 lb. $3.69 Cut Beans 16 oz. 99 Flako Pie Crust MixlO oz. pkg. 49 p.m. Page! * Red Delicious, Golden Delicious Birds Eye Chopped Broccoli or decrease of $101,000 due to the com- $267,890, up $33,640. Honeycomb Panicle Boneless Prosciutto'/2 lb. *549 C B&B Mushrooms pletion of bond payments on renova- Accounts which show decreases ( or Criterion lb. 89* Cauliflower 10 oz. 69 C Turkeys ib. Daniele Sopressata or Sliced or Crown 3 oz. can 79 tions to Roosevelt and Lincoln are: heat, $156,000, down$61,000; text 79 Extra Large 27 Size Indian River Abbruzese '/?. lb. M.29 Birds Eye \fegetablcs with Near goal schools. The debt service brings the books, $69,300, down $58,900, and tui- White Seedless Grapefruit _2/89< Cheese Sauce Broccoli or Broccoli, Vintage Regular total projected budget to $18.7 tion to other districts, $336,900, down Hormel Rosa Grande or $ David Springer, campaign 10-13 lb. sizes or 18-22 lb. sizes Florida Juice Oranges Leoni Pepperoni Vi lb. *2.19> Cauliflower and Carrots 10 oz. 1.19 million, an increase of $1.69 million $32,600. The money budgeted for text $ Seltzer ur. bti. chairman, announced that United or a net increase of 9.9 percent. books is reduced because entire new • 125 Si?e 10 in bag 1.00 Importedmpoted fromfm SSi^ Green Giant Individually Frozen 4/99 Way has reached 82 percent of its $ series were bought this year for King's Ruby Red Broccoli Spears 16 oz. L69 campaign goal of $165,000. A list Early estimates at the township Swift Butterball Withih llove ffrom Kings Smoked White Rose tax office indicate the school budget social studies and science. Tuition is $ V.I.P. White Asparagus of member agencies is on page 19 Seedless Grapes lh *1.69 Scottish Salmon lb. 23.95 Apple Oder Vi gal. btl. *1.19 Joe Ling Howe, Cranford artist, frequently after seeing his self portrait is on page 5 along would result in a 33-point tax in- down because more handicapped Turkeys ib Extra Fancy Western Holiday Pears Imported from France Spears 8 oz. *1.99 Marta Stuffed Manzanilla uses his wife Darla Stevens as a model for his with other photos by Greg Price of Lowe's crease or $165 more on a house with students are attending special educa- 10-13 lb. sizes or 18-22 lb. sizes Cornice lb. *1.29 French Crepettes Stouffer's Yams 'N Apples 10 oz. M..19 Olives 5.75 oz. jar 69C paintings. The story of how Stevens met Lowe paintings. an assessed value of $50,000. The cur- tion classes in district rather than be- J C C ing sent to specialized schools. Empire Kosher Forelle lb. 1.69 All Varieties 2.5 oz., each 99 Stouffer's Creamed Heinz Turkey Gravy 12 oz. jar 79 Garwood rent market value is approximately \h. Desserts Holiday Specialty Pies: Spinach ... _. Q o/. *1.19 B&G Sweet Gherkins_ pt. btl. 99C four times as much. The tax increase Robert D. Paul, superintendent of Turkeys Extra i.tir^c iii Si/fc Stoul'fer's Potatoes e A second mugging in as many would be spread over two years with schools, said that in preparing the 10 inch Old Fashioned Mueller Lasagne lb. box 79 weeks occurred in daylight this $85 added in 1987 and $80 added in budget he had trimmed nearly Au Gratin ,• . 11'A m »1.1Q $ 10-13 lb. sizes lb. Dominican Republic Apple Pie each *15.99 Wisk Detergent qt. btl. 1.89 time. The police have issued a U.S.
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