University of Mississippi eGrove Telegrams to Media Outlets Western Union Telegram Collection 9-27-1962 Unknown to London Daily Telegraph, 27 September 1962 Author Unknown Follow this and additional works at: https://egrove.olemiss.edu/west_union_med Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the United States History Commons Recommended Citation Unknown, Author, "Unknown to London Daily Telegraph, 27 September 1962" (1962). Telegrams to Media Outlets. 30. https://egrove.olemiss.edu/west_union_med/30 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Union Telegram Collection at eGrove. It has been accepted for inclusion in Telegrams to Media Outlets by an authorized administrator of eGrove. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 1595 (R-11-52) EDITION C HE C K At~ PM __ .. __a------ 62 SEP 27 PM II 44 .- TIME FILED DEAD LINE W P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT transferred account london daily telegraph fleet street london ec4 • • ~e~n=g~l:..:· a:.:n=d:..--=n.:.:u=m::..::b~t--...=:~:.:::.15 92 Ec"l{' -PRESS COLLECT TELENEWS LONDON (Via WU Cables) --::;:::'::: ' :::======--------- . 4J 272245 meredith ne brackets attentin cBet following m.ay • • ake usable feature under oxford mississippi date unbrackets para quote dont write nasty things ab :ut he people of mississippi are the nicest in so emma in her rich raw! comma pleaded the air hostess of the aging ~~u brought m.e the short h p from memphis to oxfo~ obviously desperately , sincere stop eye to the facts para he f ets querymark what sort of people , ~ are the ...... ~ ve challenged the entire federa~ gover ....... .uI~" unistates comma who have embarked upon nething less tha ition in their effort to » maintain race segregation querymark do they honestly thin}-' they can win querymark para • arriving at oxford ene is struck by poverty ,f rural mississippi stop here are none of the bountiful midwestern prairies semicolon n ·ne of the rich pennsylvania ja dairy farms stop northern mississippi is mostly scrub and woodland comma with tumbledawn .shacks and squalid farms para mere shears 1595 (R-11-52) EDITION C HE C K , At~ PM __ T I ME FILE D DEAD LINE W P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT transferred account london daily telegraoh fleet street london • ec4 england no. 21592 £c,,1f • PRESS COLLECT TFLENE S LONDON via WU Cables) ru. c,ec Xl 17r+ T/,.} u r' 272255 A Oxford- itself is typical of many small american towns stop although it boasts only sixthousandfeurhundre people it cannot be called aye village stop villages onl new england stGp only the rounded w'hite courthou· iddle . f ' d .p b· · h d d o f the square saves ox or ~rom e1ng spaV 0 gep~ ge f ~ectangular facades af sho~~ pOGl roams para , two scruffy cinemas redo ~ t provide an alternative recreation to billiards ste is currently billing aye film with quote -.-..... ons brackets yes comma . thats our jean s stop seats are effered to whites at twentyfive ce 1 cents st.p negroes are admitted but only i seats pans everything af course is segr~ga e _ stop but you will · no~ find prominent quote white unquote and quote colored unquote s'igns in evidence stop . doubtless in' . 'xford} everyone knows his place para drive aut - tG university f ac mississippi and youre in aye different • . world stop for here at quote ole miss brackets caps unbrackets as tis cal.led ~ are lawns and trees comma modern redbrick / buildings full 'of light and airconditioning step and here ab ·ve all , are the students comma as lively and attractive aye crowd as yeull find on any american campus pa~a more shears • 1595 (R-11-52) EOITION. C HE C K A~1 PM __ DEAD LINE w . P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT TIME FILED transferred account london daily telegraph fleet street london ec4 england no. 21592 £C"tf PRESS COLLECT TFLENEWS LONDON I(via WU cables) '"",EflEJ); ~ t c ) 272~o ye british newspaper colleague observed that he hod unseen aye girl yet at qute ole miss unquote ~ . wasnt pretty step talk te these boys and girls them. friendly frank and inquisi tive_ ~a theyll ask comma do the ..x english ,feel meredith querymark , r is the case getting much PUe)iC' > querymark para ask them for their views a aye surprising variety of answers at op there· is ard c ore of JI:lIix. student segregationists · their elders stop theyre the - ones wh wherever he goes • and w th ~~ ate flag para but at ·ther extreme are aye few uate~ who make no secret of their oppoaitien to the governors course stop finally tlleres aye sizable middle group who have their private doubts paba one of these aye mississippian put it this way colon para quote when youv~ been • b.r~ ·· ught up all yOl1r life to regard the negro brackets he pronounced it quote nigra unquote whe'n his parents would doubtless say qu . te nigger unquote unbrackets as an inferi r tis hard to change stop the negro has always done · the menial jobs unquote para -more shears 1595 (R-ll-52) EDITION, C HE C K A.t~ PM __ DEAD LINE W P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT TIME FILED transferred account london daily telegraph fleet street • lDndon ec4 england no. -21592 £t!,Lf: PRESS COLLECT TELENEWS LONllONj Cvia WU cables) 272305 meredith four para requ te ~ but eye cant see how this business will end stop there has to be aye showdown stop the g overnors left himself no Dom for • manoeuvre stop both sides h e gone too mise stop and eye cant see the kennedys giving way the vJhole ~ A~A-r N~"- south t them in ne time unquote on to say he personally did not mind at ~ negro comma or tW8 or three comma were brou ~t Ilni versi ty para quate ./ eye . bjec t to.lB! unqu · requote is having the fed.ral governmen on us like this stop dont 'the individual states s any more ' unquote para since we were frie s _ · me eye reminded him. gently tllSt the supreme court h far , back, as nineteenfiftyfour that segregat·on· schools and colleges was unconstitutional stop yet eight years later n t aye single mississippi school or college had admitted negroes para did he believe in the federal system querymark did he believe in the rule of law querymark and how • else but by force comma in the last resort comma c uld the unistates secure compliance with federal court orders querymark , para ne smiled and shrugged stop quote eye suppose youre right unq-uote he said stop requote but eye dont like it stop its destroying our southern way of life unquote stop and he was gone • para more shears • 1595 (R-11-52) EDITION, C HE C K A~~. PM __ TIME FILED Dt:AD LINE W P. MARSHALL. PRESIDENT , I . transferrea account london daily telegraph fleet street london ·ec4 england no. 21592 PRESS COLLECT TFLENEWS LONDON FC4 272320 " eredith five para his two parting E sallies were slogans straight aut of the southern politicians book stop except amang the real diehards brackets and there __ j in mississippi but fewer elsewhere unbracke ts ....--t:hLl gationist avoids public denigration of the negro e his argument on c~nstitutiQnal grounds semicolo on by federal authority f state prerogat t5e~ o the ordinary citizen this is meaningless unless (:) fects occur in the process step ~ to the mississ p -s ~ many other 's outherners the tangible effec destruction of the southern way G)f life 1 .,Lis phrase ofcourse is largely aye euph6m· u d exploitation of the negro para what is ha p pen ~l"""''''' __ oxford this week must be seen i~ perspective stop out sf the fifty states of the union brackets cap un"brackets, only two or three are nearly 8S intrac table -as mississippi para progress toward integration is necessarily slow comma agonisingly ~slow in some areas stop the significance of the meredith case is not so much the resistance af the mississippians . comma distressing and anachronistic though this may be stop more important is the fact that this is simply reaction to an unrelenting .federal drive for more equa lity and justice in this polyglot nation of high ideals para ends shears .
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