Bothalia 17,2: 269-275 (1987) New taxa, new records and name changes for southern African plants G. E. GIBBS RUSSELL, C. REID. L. FISH. G. GERMISHUIZEN. M. VAN WYK. J. VAN ROOY and STAFF Keywords: name changes, new records, new taxa, PRECIS, southern Africa ABSTRACT Alterations for the year 1986 to the inventory maintained in PRECIS are reported for bryophytes, pteridophytes and monocotyledons, and for a few dicotyledons. For the cryptogams and monocots there are 77 newly described species or infraspecific taxa, 27 names brought back into use, and nine species newly reported for southern Africa, resulting in 113 additions to the total list of species. Five species were removed because they were mistakenly recorded from the area. Seventy-five names have gone into synonymy, there are 52 new combinations, and there are 35 orthographic corrections, resulting in 237 alterations to the list of species. The total of 355 additions, deletions and alterations represents about 5% of the total species and infraspecific taxa for the cryptogams and monocots. UITTREKSEL Veranderings vir die jaar 1986 aan die lys wat in PRECIS gehou word, word van briofiete, pteridofiete en monokotiele, en van n paar dikotiele vermeld. By die kriptogame en monokotiele is daar 77 nuut-beskryfde spesies of infraspesifieke taksons, 27 name wat in gebruik tefuggebring is en 9 spesies wat nuut aangeteken is in suidelike Afrika, wat gelei het tot 113 toevoegings tot die totale lys van spesies. Vyf spesies moes verwyder word omdat hulle verkeerdelik in die gebied aangeteken is. Vyf-en-sewentig name is in sinonimie geplaas, daar is 52 nuwe kombinasies en daar is 35 ortografiese regstellings, wat 237 wysigings aan die lys van spesies tot gevolg gehad het. Die totaal van 355 toevoegings, skrappings en wysigings verteenwoordig meer as 5% van die totale getal spesies en infraspesifieke taksons by die kriptogame en monokotiele. INTRODUCTION synonym, and once in its alphabetical place in the genus. New collection records are indicated by quot­ This is the third in this series that reports annual ing a specimen and its locality. Naturalized taxa are alterations to the complete inventory of southern shown by an asterisk following the name. African plants maintained in the computer system, PRECIS. The previous annual lists of changes were The length of the list is again surprising to its com­ published in Bothalia 15: 757-759 (1985) and 16: pilers. During 1986 there were additions, deletions 109-118 (1986) (Staff of the National Herbarium and alterations in about 5% of the names for crypto­ 1985, 1986). The format continues to be that of the gams and monocots, compared to about 6% for List of species of southern African plants, Edn 2, Part 1985. Additions include 77 newly described species 1 (Gibbs Russell et al. 1985). The complete and up- or infraspecific taxa, 27 names brought back into use to-date listing of names, literature and useful syno­ that were not in previous lists, and nine species nyms for all the 24 000 southern African plants is newly reported for southern Africa (all grasses, se­ continuously maintained as part of PRECIS. List­ ven of them naturalized), giving a total of 113 addi­ ings of the most recent treatment for any family or tions to the list. Deletions include five pteridophyte genus can be supplied by the Botanical Research species that were removed from the list because they Institute. had been mistakenly recorded from southern Africa. Alterations include 75 names that have been re­ The majority of changes reported here apply only duced to synonymy, 52 new combinatons, and 35 to cryptogams and monocots because changes for orthographic corrections, giving a total of 237 altera­ the dicotyledons to 30 June 1986 are included in the tions to the list. List of species of southern African plants, Edn 2, Part 2 (Gibbs Russell et al. 1987). However, a few The effort necessary to evaluate and compile the changes for dicots published in the last half of 1986 changes, to implement them curatorially in herbaria, are listed here. and to use them in conjunction with existing litera­ ture has been discussed previously (Staff of the Na­ Families and genera follow the order and number­ tional Herbarium 1986). At that time it was thought ing of the Englerian classification system, as given by that the 1985 figure of 6% changes to the overall list Dyer (1975, 1976), and species are in alphabetical for cryptogams and monocots was unusually high order. A name in current use appears in capital let­ because of many alterations in Restionaceae (Linder ters with its PRECIS number. Synonyms appear in 1985). Therefore, changes amounting to 5% of the lower case letters, and each synonym is entered list in a year, when there have been no revisions of twice, once indented below the name for which it is a large groups, is unexpected. Each contributor is acknowledged at the name of * Botanical Research Institute, Private Bag X101, Pretoria 0001. the group or family for which he is responsible. 270 Bothalia 17,2 (1987) REFERENCES AZOLLACEAE 200 DYER, R. A. 1975. The genera of southern African flowering 200 -AZ01LA LAM. 4 . ASHTON t WALMSLEY. 1984. BOT. J . L IW . plants, Vol. 1, Dicotyledons. Botanical Research Institute, SOC. 89: 239 Pretoria. A. nilotica Decne. ex Matt, does not occur in DYER, R. A. 1976. The genera of southern African flowering Southern Africa plants, Vol. 2, Monocotyledons. Botanical Research Insti­ 300 A. PINNATA R. BR. tute, Pretoria. DENNSTAEDTIACEAE 220 GIBBS RUSSELL, G. E., REID, C., VAN ROOY, J. & SMOOK, L. 1985. List of species of southern African 230 -HISTIOPTERIS (AGARDH) J. SM. plants, edn 2, part 1. Bryophyta, Pteridophyta, Gymno- 4 . SCHELPE I ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. spermae, Monocotyledonae. Memoirs o f the Botanical Sur­ (Note author change for genus) vey o f South Africa No. 51. AOIANTACEAE 280 GIBBS RUSSELL, G. E.. WELMAN, W. G., GERMISHUI- ZEN, G., RETIEF, E„ IMMELMAN, K. L., VAN 290 -ACTINIOPTERIS LIWC WYK. M., PIENAAR. B. & NICHOLAS, A. 1987. List 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 200 A. RAOIATA (KOENIG EX SWARTZ) LIW of species of southern African plants, edn 2, part 2. Dicoty- (Note author change) ledonae. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa No. 56. 300 -ADIANTUM L. LINDER, H. P. 1985. Conspectus of the African species of Res- 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 400 A. POIRETII WIKSTR. tionaceae. Bothalia 15: 387-504. 500 A. poiretii Wlkstr. var. sulphureum (Kaulf.) STAFF OF THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1985. New taxa, Tryon Is o n ly known In new records and name changes for southern African cultivation plants. Bothalia 15: 751-759. 330 -CERATOPTERIS BRONGN. STAFF OF THE NATIONAL HERBARIUM 1986. New taxa, 5 . SCHELPE * ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. new records and name changes for southern African C. cornuta sensu Jacobsen = C. THALICTROIDES plants. Bothalia 16: 109-118. 100 C. THALICTROIDES ( L .) BRONGN. (=C. cornuta sensu Jacobsen) 5 BRYOPHYTA Contributed by J. van Rooy 1000 340 -CHEILANTHES SWARTZ 5 . ANTHONY. 1984. CONTR. BOLUS HERB. 11. HEPATICAE 1480 C. QUADRIPINNATA (FORSSK.) KUHN (=Pellaea quadripinnata (Forssk.) An up-to-date systematic arrangement of southern African P r a n t l ) 5 liverwort genera in orders» families and subfamilies 1550 C. ROBUSTA (KUNZE) R. TRYON after Grolle (1983)» which is essentially that of (=Pellaea robusta (Kuntze) Hook.) 5 Schuster (1980)» will be followed in future. 1. Grolle, R. 1983. Acta Bot. Fennica 121: 1-62. 360 -PELLAEA LINK 2. Schuster, R.M. 1980. Syst. Assn. Special Vol. P. quadripinnata (Forssk.) Prantl = 14: 4 1 -8 2 . CHEILANTHES QUADRIPINNATA P. r o b u s ta (Kunze) Hook. = CHEILANTHES ROBUSTA PTERIDOPHYTA Contributed by C. Reid 370 -PITYROGRAMMA LINK 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. SELAGINELLACEAE 30 P. aurea (HI lid.) C. Chr. Southern Africao specimens accommodated in 30 -SELAGINELLA BEAUV. P. ARGENTEA 5 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. P. calomelanos (L.) Link var. calomelanos does 300 S . IMBRICATA (FORSSK.) SPRING EX DECNE. not occur in southern Africa (Note author correction) ISOETACEAE 40 LIhOSAEACEAE 390 40 -ISOETES L. 390 -LINOSAEA DRYAND. APUD J .E . SM. 5 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 4 . SCHELPE i ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. I . rh o d e sia n a A lsto n = I . SCHWEINFURTHII (Note author change for genus) 520 I . PERRIERIANA IVERSEN (Note correct spelling) GRAtfllTIDACEAE 395 550 I . SCHWEINFURTHII A. BR. (=1. rhodesiana Alston) 5 395 -GRAMMITIS SWARTZ 720 I . TRANSVAALENSIS JERMY I SCHELPE 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. (Note author change) 100 G. POEPPIGANA (METT.) PICHI-SERM. (Note author change) OPHIOGLOSSACEAE 60 -OPHIOGLOSSUM L. POLYPOOIACEAE 410 4 . SCHELPE 4 ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 400 0 . POLYPHYLLUM A. BR. IN SEUB. 450 -PLEOPELTIS H.B.K. EX WILU). (Note author change) 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. (Note author change for genus) OSHUNDACEAE 80 470 -PYRROSIA MIRB. 80 -OSMUNDA L. 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 4 . SCHELPE & ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 200 P. SCHIMPERIANA (METT. EX KUHN) ALSTON 100 O. REGALIS L. (Note spelling correction) (=0. schelpei Bobrov) 4 (=0. transvaalensis Bobrov) 4 0AVALLIACEAE 480 O. schelpei Bobrov = 0. REGALIS 0. transvaalensis Bobrov = 0. REGALIS 500 -NEPHROLEPIS SCHOTT 4 . SCHELPE i ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. N. undulata (Afzel. ex Swartz) J. Sm. does not SCHIZAEACEAE 100 occur in southern Africa. 100 -ANEMIA SWARTZ 510 -OLEANDRA CAV. 4 . SCHELPE I ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 200 A. SIMII TARDIEU (Note author correction for genus) (Note author change) ASPLENIACEAE 520 MARSILEACEAE 190 520 -ASPLENIUM L. 190 -MARSILEA L. 4 . SCHELPE t ANTHONY. 1986. FSA. 4 . LAUNERT. 1 9 8 3 -8 4 . GARCIA DE ORTA 6: 119. 200 A. ADIANTUM-NIGRUM L. VAR. SOLIDUM (KUNZE) 1000 M. NUBICA A. BR. VAR.
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