I1??? '2‘ t, H’,3 or JQIFIL Issue $2.1 THE I,i‘~iDit’it’ii;iTl3IA SHEET October 208?’ -; _'_ ,-. a Bypass the corporate media * get yourw no.5W d‘ree'1 I it‘ om the etteel to M '*wow .7tooym.dia.org,okWe ._I_:,_-‘I-I -_:_. _ . _;.:. 57-. _.-:.__- .__:_-_- ._ .. _- I ..' -__. _-;: I, ‘-.- ._' __ -|__.. -._. .__ __ _-_. -:_ . _: __:_ . _. __ __ _ -_ ._ I _ ._- _ _. .____.;-;;. _. __|_ __ :_._-:___ _ .__ _-, _ -_ :- - - .- , I . I This yew a wmgmtoe of 2. YE.%S OF NOBORDES UK ai’m" filfi I-loom Ofioe fioid Nomrder wraps around me wood; ’We'l1clowem;nto eastward mansion of fize EU IIEEHS Itwm before the G8 mesa SEn1jwmiKnnEqIfl5 tteiiagye file wafis of Fomw Etmope’ now wfiaand ea ixaoaaves med to ampali fiom Carnpsfigd, armld to file wwmn borda‘ of network around ate issues of %&lom foflowiog days of tats otwas Uloaine, where a camp was held Of Movawt in filfi UK awn. A Make filfi lafit episorg? in fllfi miwtts in zmdfltwst, Another will Bordas Hie demo wok plaoe in muge inetde detattion afm file happen in earlg November on Glasgow dming fl‘i€ 2005 G8 mmiit Haxmonmmfl-1 nee last bimbo the US/Mexico order, and this in Swfland, wlling at sevaai Relendm promos, bofia inside and Se%tember saw the first instimfioos and oompanies involved in mtside detmfion, have m No order eampin the UK. 'd1e Border ' e. put many detmmon and d tmtioo Despite a last "minute Dufmg fie fofiowingnyeas; Iii Bordos change of location due to weeks tee Wm set up t ova anaaea°eai,iQte"a of constant police harraasment i“Hi ndon, Brifiaoo, .1ii Aawa , in Qawley to aghast of local farmers, hundreds of No mais aod other aao. me cgrter airlines toga in fomful geople attended the Gatwick fgttlar _ dononspaaoiis mm tmtionson bdfi of flte Home ioBorcier Camp in ‘West Sussex, lmmaganoo oepormg oetmw as wefi Iitoe. Sevoal demmuafions hm south of Crowley. The camp as detenoon oenom. _ Egfinod planned claw souFht to try to halt the 20066 saw_ the figet Ul(~vv1de1aNo K) Ifififlfiil aflflmm bui ding of a new detentton Bottles afiqa. year no; to DR 85 o. centre neat-1:32 and to gather anofltm" was in No Beige‘ Camp was ideas for ea fight against €l.éaés1gow_ mmaoves dfiolmt by No gov? from migration control systems. f Pena, fiom flame flaeosr lF I‘lgl'.lIOI’l, fiofi The camtp programme dawn _ra1§ls, ann;dmmi1on_ amons Leeds, Lo on, N0 ' S consisted of our days of and Cardifi am stm rted ivy mm workshops, discussion, and oameneee,ee e.,it°e,eei,,,, protest, with various actions woxkos (eg, cleaome) and, asea,ee towe announced for the week of g coarse, _dE111011S%;:1110gSlas at Wm Union, Vama includiogr a ‘Transnational amrm non t ns. at oéammojvementtgoupca tn Demo‘ om Crowley to the peo amtionbyangnfor mlan , tw Brook House site. Brook House asyigrn seekats. In London, Campsfield, No fig‘Is ‘fllegaé Fght will be Britains largest Harrnondsworth bwme azjotha" Racislni Figtt lzn@ialis111‘-3, an many detention centre for migrants. mote. i There were several other actions including a solidarity eaee,eae,ee,,eaZigpoNetwork a delemfimbofiaorg match in Newcastle, the donmoafion in London as part ofthe occupation of Virgin Atlanta: Transnational Day Of Amen for NOBORDRORG tour operator Dff'1C8S and a rnigano’ riots. I-Iowevo; whm the bloekade outside Group 4 near Horoe_ Ofioe plans aoGbuilgiC12 nobotdo<s,org.ul</ Crowley, and demonstrations new 1mgat1on P115-GI’! at atwt outside Lunar and Electric, the new Brook House bewme a focus oobotdaelondonblogmtmnv houses reporting centres in for the whoie network. Croydoo. NOONE IS H.,LE(-EAL noii.o1g.ult Gro such as No mrdas and Nafional (Ioalifion of and-Depormfion Campaigws (NGEIFJC) fiwfivdy I in owe snuggle minst bottle‘ oonaols, Inigant and refuw exploitao'0n, detenfioo mtg depormtion. Cal‘: to Action - No mrdezrs Camp Medea-U.S. border Novemba 511, 2.007 nobo:nclersm1n.p.org ..-1.. --_---- -I, - -.-1-'-v---_-_-. .,- .,---- --.. -. , In. ,' _...._. _ _. ‘__v_.-'._._| I.._;_,. ..-._|: _I____|..- ._;1“__l‘r.' . .;,...-_.__: __<_-_ .lg-_ ._It 2 ."-,'..-," __ __' J. _-. F EHZGUF: AWEH(OFACIIONAGAE~1ST1I-EARMSERADE Tllfi 4th Defmm Syswms 81 ‘panmt Inmznafional (DSEi) at T118 ExCeI.. Cmtxe .inFLllgpdoo's Docldands was due focus of a oonqerted mlmga In 1@po11setot‘hec:-glloutfora\)Vee1gofAc:i1o11. _ Some aouons took glace m advanoe of_fl1e omamg, Wifi1A11‘IIy’t‘B('Ii'l11HT1BI1jI _ mQ®@a l0d(-011 and wee1po11s__1r1sp0c§@t1on at M51 1n Norwnch, and file g:vio11s_ dfinacnons mcluded a pxcket of a defence eon noe an tr-31 London, and an action at AWE Nd TheILo ' g da3;'I@da llflismmbecsawflae muaity com“-la11JLu1‘_c:1_ DSE? ishoxgzmafner 7.30am, by aboufc 20 acnvlsts. Latm‘ a solldmity bl _ _ e of BAE took place 1n Mandmsom; about 80 people Jomed a %P§.I‘marcl1a11d1'a113;_m1dab0ut§Q§Icl1stsamve<:l_at Cusmm House DLR swoon from a qm mass style nde. Two people were ofied after ‘megs of blood‘ woe Snred‘1@OAm1Camp poulw onto the_§amparts ofthe Arms Fawvmue. _Fo§ over 3 years, Brigmon rmfimm have bwa Space I-I1]ad<m's managfi no get a sound m to close down loml amns nmanufamnm E0 sysmn1tothenmi11entranoeofExCeLafta'drve1'bngfl1e MB1\/_I,as"ubs1d1aIyofED§)_Co1p,aU$_-besefianns police with anofl1er decoy mnk. They aucnoned ofi mnk mulunauonal EDO 1‘vBl"vTs mflrmry mdude bomb d muted‘ ' the 200 stro uowci to a L 1 me rode release and anning for warpiana glnnas bit to let filfi his mowpalwi?at &mk like five R16 Apfldlfi helimtfls. They have connects about . _ 61 dwl wifl1fi1eUI(l§./1i11isoyofDefe11eeandUS‘anns(}fgfiant 'Ihursda1K evenxrg e arms eats Raytheon reiatmg to the release m fl_1e aoend& dwelt Dirm of th' at e Dordawm" Hotel. A Pavewaybombsystem,fl1emostusedm1ssflemfl1eaena1 h&3V'll¥K§J0liC€(l mt noisy took plaoe, while a Crlfical bombandment of Iraq. EC} D/§BM also seI_l _weapons Mass ‘eofabout50cy was;_:n'evem:&fi*omread1i1}g the hotel Emlierin the dag flue Pnnms o_fVfJ'al% foumam °°mP°%;°3‘;“§?£’s€“m% lam was dyed blood 1% to commemorate vzcuxns of clusw in me Md Park,A£e to Mouslmmb Station ‘m bombs. _ g-!n1i§L’mnTheoampaimedtobea@1*emholda~eafive DISARM DSEI: dsmorg diI6ClI3Clli0IlS%iDStfl1€3ITTlSH‘£1d€fl1(l3f0flIIHtDdiSClE the__anti-am1s trade mover_na1t', but on mday DAYOF ACTIONS AGAINST ROYN. BANKOF SCU1"I_AI\@ police forcibly _moved_1n and removed the camps 1 1_1s1ng a nmeteenth oent11ry_ by-law D$p1te ()n15fl1()<:toberm1@1psfonnedmm1'fisefor1:l1is pol1o_e_ repzesslon most mmpws p\_1t, new yea1’sClimareCanm to0kac1imt1agai11stfl1eRoya1Banl<of provxsnons were 1n,_and mnstsimammmed the Soofland,an1aj0rbM<eroffl1eavimionirsdLm}'andfl1ewo1‘d’s mmpv\rlrn1i_L’tca113/1ngc>~utase;1esofdai1yact1or1s. ‘ sel:f%1lr1ed‘0ila11dGasBa11k’.Over25pmt&"isa11dacfions ca1r}pa1g1 has mchdm rooftop om, mkphmmm1m11, §fieflNmvfi1, @@dmmhm§LB¢wL mfifimmB1whfi b1a no1se €é<eo esPmfi outs1a“d~3‘“3l@%‘<?"~§"Me ea“ andStAmi1'ewS,\~'itl1P v:|axwSbei11>gtargemd,lom1 th thilfl p of the ’ The gsyt brandwoocalpiedorlodo andmanybaelafilgflle Ihis was e pmoe cam _ pLil3liClfl10\Nfll)0LIUi'lEbflfl1<5II)l€iI1€ll111flfB(I'§II1€S. oerré in 2004 mobilisw lm? m§ ended wifljl a ASl1efie1d-basedwn)wrote;’RBSishe1pi1agforoe opm thecarbonfionfie:;fi1a11dI1gcone&1p1ojeolsinNigrefia,fl1e “mapnmaezoaagahsadog ameoe Caoa11dV‘Ja1es.Itsinvoluer11e1Iti11AngolanandN@anofl 2005 and tried oo shut it down. Howelra‘ the local oouncil fieldsenoom-agesoonupfionandc1)nflict,whilegaspmjeosfiom toldflmepofioeflaeyhadnoixltentiontodosethecanap tl1eArabiar1Gxflftotl1eGulfofM@ciwfi11eaw1m1vi1‘omnental wl1ichwasonc0m1<:il1a11d.1astsmnm@protestsatfi1e destrucfion. fictoiy focused on the Israeli boodirmlt of Lemnom RBS-l\Iafl/NH publidy p1UH1Dt@itS&lffiS'Tl1€Oil&.G&S whicl1kiHedova*1000civilians;thmwasarooftop Banl<f'.Theyp10videfl1e&1anria1fuelfl1aIisaccele1@c}imate ocrzumfion and two blockades oft1"e gem. dmangewnhcnxtflmmeloatastooflmadgasoorpol-ationsdae In 2005, EDO 1*/BM an-empxm to quash the pmjectswou1dnothappenItisestimawdfl1atin2006tl1eba11k ca1npai$1v\ritl1a11i1l_'gm<1ionm1de1‘theProtectionfiom providedover$10bfl1iontofoss|'lfuels-more1l1anfive1i1n$lhat tM@ )witl1tllehelpofnoto1‘iops apti- p1ovide£lto1m1ewablee%lRBSp1'ovlcleoilco1';xJrafio11swi1:l1 prowt lam/ye‘ Tilnofily Lawsonfiutteimden. The Inglmmon 1oans_tobw1Llnewn1a$ivelyeo>logicaflydmin1er1ta1d1111ing' , collapsegzlayearlz-1te1;o0stri11gEDOm*o11n»rLl£1mn"1oosm plpeln1esandoilm1ke1".~xAndd1rou@1AviationGapital,RBSf$ and will} oompensauon awmtledto the pmm a11lmest2o1am1d1evm'nx>repla!1eB~a11dca.1bona1fias1ue%11s-511m Dm1r1gfl1eca1npa1gr1over40pmtestem_havebeen fl1eskies.Fmmtl1eNigerDeli;at:ofl1eAmfic,fiomtheNorthSmto a:nested_vvitl1tl1_evastmajorityr$u1fingin‘2$mlsornot fl1eMddleEast,RBS1oanep1ayal€yro1ek1f0rdngopenfl1enew evengo1ng§:otnaLTwoprotamrsspm1ta orgmnd caybon_fionne1;‘_~11id1oor1u'bmtoe11v'n'omne1ml¢le511u<1ion, beforehavmg casa at them dro;§>e£i Smce the d1e1aIn¥reptom1ofmd1ge11o\1speopl@m1dh1omeaseda>nflidaaossfl1e HDh@Mhmmvfi onaancleigfl: P 'I11edayofac:1ionw*ascai1alby1l1elU1{Rising'lk1e other rshaveresig1edeandEDONIBMhavebeen Networkatfi1'1syvwsCa1npforGi111aoeAo1bn: fomedtocloseamajorsectionoftha%'busi1w. e risingfide.org.uk smashedo.org.uk C M C 2 0 0 7 Publifisnh gqoduycmeodwina rUeKpor1:s E Spade); August 12 - late Saturday mm a field close to Haaflaqow r | fl 11%; Go to ease ._. fizdyszedia , org . oi: e r ruxljae qufiddyaectlaedarid dwiw beingjUS“t8@U11Efl‘$fi'0m ,AA5 .¢,1i»a she 'PLa1.rlz;s::* 1..i.ni:; at the ‘top of the page y wdofioe ittooktlxepolioetwohomstofindfliesifie. - and follow the instructions. It‘s easy. The n@:tcf:g£ao1ed1an300peopleconfi11uedto §a1npFor_'_teAa5or1mprepa1eforavved<ofooganp_aa fafledflle Don‘t hate the media - become the media? wrist 1@slation. Climaw mmpfls and loml maidens mponded _ DAY 1: Afoa a p1‘$S confemloe and an o ‘ mtixig, die first round of worksh took plaoe. The evening saw a b1-id Around 7.30pm, approzdrna thirty police, backed‘? oficers in riptfi1;_e11wed filfi camp widaout warning in an amernpttoraiditw fliezrharidsm angpr-mmmsfomiedahuznanbaxmand blocked the police, before peacefullywoordngdiam ofifllfi DA? 2‘: ‘Workshops kicked ofi covming a wide range lzopim incl"ud5m low-web sacnltabon, nuclear powa chrnate chalfi and flobal Justice, decamaiism enag; awaoon and chmate dianim mtroducoon to mmaculture, and movanait builcfing.
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