Where You Read It First Monday, November 30,1992 Vol XXV, Number 54 THE~ TUFTS DAILY SUPERMAN IS DEAD Education test results show seniors’ skills Somerville and Medford students are in lower middle of statewide norm Photo by Anni Record; No more leaps in a single bound. Look ...it’s not a bird, it’s not a plane, and it’s not even Supermal Polar Bears ice Jumbos, 7-6 by ROB MIRMAN Fumbles notwithstaidhig. the On the sixth punt of the half. Ihly Ediloiial Board Jumbos dominated early play, senior Todd Roinboli must have Galway. Ireland -- Acr Lingus shutting down the Polar Bears’ found the only solid spots on the Flight 132 was full of Jumbos. attack arid running well in soupy field. as he cut and ducked his Polar Bears. and wild anticipa- conditions. “We were getting six, way to the enclzone during his 37- tion. But this iiftemooll. Flight seven yards apop on the ground,” yard touchdown punt return. 133 will bring home a herd of said sophoinore wideout Chris An ecstatic Tufts celebration disappointed Jumbos. asTufts left Mikulski. “and that’s the way we drew a flag for unsportsmanlike Pcarse Stadium yesterday with a were gonna play it -- running all conduct. Tufts Athletic Director mud-covered,rainsoaked 7-6 loss. game.“ RoccoCarzo wasn‘t disappointed Defense and mud dominated The Jumbos ran to a scoreless in the Jumbos’ unsportsmanlike the hard-fought loss. but it was tie at halftime. and while they celebration. saying, “You’re the Jumbos who stopped them- were in the locker room. the rain damned if you do, you’re damned selves in the first half. Despite strengthened. “The first half if you don’t. You can’t hold back success running the ball. Tufts wasn’t bad .” exphi ned Curt in. that kind of celebration.” head coach Duane Ford rcdiml. “You could m‘ake a cut. The sec- The Jumbo show of emotion “when you boil it all down, we aidhalfyoujusthadtorun stmight turned more sour when freshman tiad our opportunities to score [in ilhed.“ Ronnie Bronstein’s line drive ex- the first half].“ Both teams ran straight ahead tra point attempt was blocked. Junior Brian Curtin spcar- -- into each othcr -- as the second The uiisportsmanlike conduct headed Tufts‘ first scoring threat, half began. Neither team could penalty was marked off after the ruhhing five times for SO yards in get anything going and the squads kickoff, pushing the Polar Bears a 63-yard drive. Unfortunately. traded punts. all the way to their 48-yard line. Tufts gave up the ball on the Freshman Mark Sloilkus was The Polar Bears took advan- Bowdoin one-yard line on a forced to punt froin deep within tage of the spot, driving to a first fumble on the snap from center. his own zone several times. and goal situation on the Tufts And the very next drive ended on “Stonkus did a great job of punt- two-and-a-half-yard line. But for the Bowdoin 22-yard line as ing the ball out of those situa- Curtin fumbled away a pitchout. tions.” said Ford. see FOOTBALL, page 2 City of Medford defeats Tufts in an Appeals Court case by CHRIS STRIPWIS enforce “reasonable regulations Svmerville did not recognize the successful court appeal. require parking to be on the sane llaily Editorial Board concerning the bulk and height of differences between the residen- The University has 20 days lot or within 200 feet of a struc- The Massachusctts Appeals structures in determining yard tial and campus sections of the froin the Nov. 18 ruling to appeal ture. Court has ruled in favor of the sizes. lot area, setbacks, open cities. There are different uses the decision. “I don’t think the neighbors City of Medford in its appeal of a space, parking, aid building cov- and functions for the land on a Rubel stated that the Univer- want a garage back there,” Rubel recent L,md Court decision be- crage requirements,” according campus.“ Rubel said. sity is currently unsure of what said. tween the City arid Tufts Univer- to a recent article in the Medford Forex,unplc,Rubelargucdthat course of action it will take. “If we do end up back in court, sity. according to Barbara Rubel. kmscripl. parking at Tufts should be based “In the meantime. we still want the University isn’t interestedin a director of communitv relations. “Before 19x8. Mcdford and on the nuinher of students. not on a good zoning situation with prolonged legal battle with the The ruling. which was released the square footage of buildings Medford. We feel thezoningover- City. We’ll still have cordial rela- by Medford Mayor Michael J. that the City employs Lt’; a gauge lay districting we reached with tions with the City,”Rubeladded. McGl ynn last Monchy, supported the City on all four issucs in ques- tion, said Rubel. The Appeals Court declared Inside that the City’s plans for zoning. Features............................. p. : parking. and development specif- Dean Knable hosts students at he ics on the Tufts canpus are suit- house for Thanksgiving, and a review o able. said Rubel. a local Japanese restaurant. University officids have ar- . gued that the school’s develop- Arts ................................ p. 5 ment rights are protected under The Omni Theater offers two neu ihe Dover Amendment. which nausea-inducing movies, and ‘Young “invalidates zoning ordinances Turk’ is nothing out of the ordinary. that prohibit or restrict the use of Sports .............................. P. land or structures for educational Next-day coverage of the Tuft! purposes on laid owned or leased Bowdoin football game from Galwa! Dai/y file pht by a nonprofit educational corpo- Ireland, and IOU 0’ NFL action. ration,” but allows the City to BarbaraRubel page two THE TUIWS DAILY Monday, November 30,1992 rHE TUFTSDAILJ Patrick Healy Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor: Paul Horan Associate Editor: Jeff Geller, Elizabeth Yellen Production Managers: Julie Cornell. Michael B. Berg NEWS Editors: Caroline Schaefer, Stephen Arbuthnot Assistant Editors: Chris Stripinis. John Wagley Wire Editor: Joel Goldberg VIEWPOINTS Editor: Jessica Foster FEATURES Editor: Rob Mirman Assistant Editor: Massa Bayrakdar ARTS Editors: Elin Dugan, Madhu Unnikrishnan Assistant Editors: Matt Carson, Nadya Sbaiti SPORTS Editor: Phil Ayoub Assistant Editors: Doug Katz, Marc Sheinkin PHOTOGRAPHY iditors: Anni Recordati, Tabbext Teng, Julio Mota histant Editors: Tara Kernohan. Matilde Pereda PRODUCTION Layout EditowLori Ruben, Dirk Reinshagen, Jamie Fink hphics Editors: John Pohorylo, Chris Capotosto Classifieds Editors: Stephanie Romney, Jennifer Rich Copy Editors: Elana Vatsky, Cheryl Horton, Michael Agulnek Larry Azer Executive Business Director Letters to the Editor wu Business Manager: Gizem Ozkulahci SADD works to stop take a pledge not to drink and drive during of JacksonGym when we yelled, “LEAVE Office Manager: Alyssa Soracco the holidays. Every time a pledge card is ME ALONE!”.I realized the strength Receivables Manager: Lyle Mays drunk driving today signed, a ribbon will be tied on the “Tree within each of us is no small force. ‘ Subscriptions Manager: JL McHenry To the Editor: of Life” located on the Campus Center I wish that every woman at Tufts could Drunk driving is the number one high- patio. We hope everyone will take a mo- have been at this workshop -- and I ask way safety problem in the United States. ment to stop by and sign apledge and help myself why the gym was not filled with The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, publishe us make this holiday season a little safer. people? I feel that every woman would londay through Friday during the academic year and dir Every 22 minutes someone in this country ibuted free to the Tufts community. ThcDaily is entire1 is killed in an alcohol related car crash. benefit from the skills we were taught, and udent-run; there are no paid editorial positions. TheDail Add to these deaths the 345.000 Ameri- Amy Dunlap 5’93 from the feeling of power and control that i printed at Charles River Publishing, Charlestown. MA. President, Tufts SADD comes with knowing that you can defend TheDailyislocatedatthe backentranceofCurtisHal1 i cans who suffer crippling and other seri- ‘ufts Cniversity. Our phone number is 16171 627-3091, ous injuries in alcohol related car crashes your own life if necessary. I ask women: lusiness hours are 9:OO a.m. - 6:OO pm.. Monday throug each year and drunk driving becomes the aren’t we tired of feeling defenseless and ‘riday. and 1:OO pm. - 6:iIO p.m. on Sunday. Women’s self-defense being hindered by that feeling in so many Subscriptionsare $25 fora full year. Ourmailingaddrrs most frequently committed violent crime j:TheTuftsDaily.Post OfficeBox 18.Medford LMA0215: in the United States. workshop a success instances of our lives? I hope that this ubscriptions are mailed in weekly packages. Statistics say 65 out ofevery 100 people To the Editor: letter spurs women to take the initiative to The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by enroll in a self-defense class at Tufts (se- iajority of the editorial board. Editorials 3re established b will be in an alcohol related car crash in I would like to thank the Women’s rotating editorial board designated to represent a mjorit their lifetime. In fact. these crashes are the Collective. Phi Sigma Sigma.Alpha Omi- mester-long or quickie),or in another pro- feditors. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned. Individ gram (suchas Model Mugging in Boston). a1 editorsarenot necessarily responsible for, orinagreemw numberone killerofpeopleourage( 15-24 cron Pi and Alpha Phi for sponsoring the fith,the policies and editorisls of The Tufts Daily. yearolds). Please help us rum these statis- Women’s Self Defense Workshop that was Tufts should seriously consider offering The content of letters, advertisements.
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