If) 01 Seroing The State rJniversit1! of Iowa and tl.e People of Iowa CitJl :~=O=U~S~~~LO~~IB~~~-~.~II~ve~C~e n~~~a~C~o~p~y _________________________________~--~--------~~ 1e~m~~~r-o~r~A~~~~~'~a~t~~p~r~e~~~ __~ A~P~Le~ru~~~'d~\_\'I~re~a-n-d-p-h-o-to---se~,~I~=-________________________~------~----------~l~o w~a ~C~'t~y~. ~[a~.~, ~sa~I~WM~a~y~. ~J~u~~8~, ~I~~-7 Get ,The End of a Long, Long Trail ski . • • o ons are conditioned for II Is silly for an)'. the champion of a better than the • Icolmpara,ble confer. coached or had teams from e .p #I • Irar counlry and in the ambl. boy to win, be or West," he said. , AHorneys, only Iowa or Wis­ Student Leaders classified as a the coming Big I " Minnesota with ,. Congressmen must be reo with eVen Talk To Loveless a positlan other tcam By JIM DAVIES Speak Out 11.111 r... on ell) E~lIur WA HINGTON 1,1'1 _ ew mov(' Berger's char. "A spl!Cial es. ion of the legl lature will d finlt iy be callcd, prob. limed at avin G/ WiUiam S. Gi. " Why is it Jbly about Sept. I," Gov. lIerschei [.oveles told two SUI studen rll rd from trial by a Jopan . e college Friday, -:ourt den'lo!X'd Friday in Congr '5 day [ saw lII' s,lid h(' W'l. calling th!! legi lature tOGether for the pcciCic pur md In ~ accused soldier's home Irlll'lcrnan in the -' pose of providin for capital need. town, wearing seven of the tote Institutions, Rep, Jame A. Haley ID-Fla.l at various meets ! Bill Teeter, L2, president of the introduced a rc olution . kina thl' coUege football S I tudent CouncH, and Larry United Slate to rewn, Id r i German Paper highly controvcrsial agreemcnt to with a wrist Popofsky. A3 , vice'president, went let J pan try the Ottolwa, III . soi. toul~hd llwn scored lto D!! tololnes \0 talk with th a proCession· I O\'l'rnor and registe. SUI student' di r on II charae of fatally hoot· ,ng a Japan woman , Tells Progress concern over [.ovcle~ , recent veto The re~lution wouldn't b bind. of a General Assembly bill appro· ing on the government but would priating $16,059,000 for state In Ii· ('xpr th nliment of lh Hour. Of Theologians tulions. Girard, 21. aprciali I Sc. I~ c· The SllIt!! Bo rd of nell nll was cu d of cpu. in Ih dcath o( th Thr~c SUI thl'ologlans arc demo to r~cciv(' $tO,975,000 to admlni ter Japan woman on an I\rmy firine onstraling to Germ n audiences a l lowa's high r educational in mu· range la I Jan. 30. The I ue i religious application of a malhe tlons. whl'th r he hould be tried by U.S. matical law. according to a clip- SUI': . hare _ $3.739,200 _ was Army court m rtial or, a tilt' go\,· 'li ng [rom lhl' Hamburger Frem· to be u. ed for a new Law building, crnment greed earll('r Ihls week, enblatl which ju t reached the a Pharmacy building, and n oddl. by a Japan. court. I 'UI campu . lion to the Main Library. In Ottawa, a fund in Girard ' IX', , Th axiom' parol lei hnes are At th lime of the \'cto, thc Stu. half was started a a citizen com· ~t l Pbal0 straight lines which me t In thl.' ; d('nt Council regIStered a strong mittl"C piano d to ny to Washing· NEARLY 1,100 SUI STUDENTS completed their college careers Friday in Com· cher deliv~red the charge to the graduates and confarred the degrees. The Inlloit . As applied by a German I prote t and SUI Pre idrnt Virgil ton Monday with a prote. t to th(· mencement exercises in the Fieldhouse, Here they listen to the main speaker, proof positive - the diplomas - were distributed after tho ceremonies. journalist to ,the SUI Schooi of He· M. lIanchl'r and oth r University of. White Hou. () alnt the gon'rn· II i th I f II I m('nl's dl'cision, W, Howard Chase, a 1932 SUI graduate. Later, SUI President Virg il M. Han- g on' 111('5 0 our rc g ous Ifici Is eltpr . I'd d ep concrrn, President 1::1 nhow r told a orientation ml'ct in the in[nite, [.o1'Cll' . wa Interc ·tl'd In the neW8 confcrl.'nee 10 t W~ncday Thl' newspafl('r article r ports r a. on th student. come to . ce thi country would sc thol justice how Prof Robert Weich ICatho'l him since he [l.'lt it was th' Iii I· was done In Girard's co ' Breakthrough IUnion Money Used Iic l, Pror. George Forell IProtes· ialure who had failed the students At Camp Whittington, 'Japan Gi. Chase Tells Grads tnnll and Prof. Jo'r dcrich Borg '1 by not con idcrlnll the con :qu 'nco rard Friday d nied Jap n .• char. buhr IJewi h I stood sid by side I ell of pr lnting what thl! governor ges thaI he ('nticed Ull' wumun e Discovered in F G- I oe n a crowded Presbyterian Church C(lnsidercd an unworkablc taK bUl. scrap collector. Mrs. aka Sakal, In Hamburg recently to. explain I T!'Hcr aid it was Lovel as' veto 46, onLo the firing range belore Iir· Peace Is Deman drng of MS or I.r. 5, rnners the SUI program in Inter-re1igiou of the bill which lucused the stu· Ina a blank riOc cartridge from 0 Ca~se n truction. dents' attention on the subject of rcnad launcher. Girard laid the By JIM DAVIES I world on [lie basis of their econom· WASIJINGTON fA'! - A convicted pro~litlltr dl'~crib('d as thl' "girl It goes on to say that the Iowa Icapilal I!lCpcnditures and the unl· shooting was IIccid ntal »011, 'own City UII.. , ie seaworthiness Dnd credit-worthl- PHlLADELPHIA (A'I - A Russian friend" of Jaml!s G. Cross, international pre idl'nt of the Baker. Union, thl'ologians "rcprc ent professlon- versity's need for buiidlng fund, As Ih d bate rag d on In Con· A fundamental shift in our inter. nes~" and not on the, hypothetIcal born medical researcher announc· rcfu~ed to say Friday whelhcr Cross bl'at her up in a row over a dia aily lhelr faiths in an objectively Since official so urces limate gr and elsewhere ov~r thl' decl· Dational; diplomatic, and economic baSIS that we a~e bUYing thClr love cd Friday he has "100 fl('r cent mond ring, cicnLific and subjectively religiou ', that by anowlng the sale tax to r· slon to turn Girard over to Japan- policy is needed to "maintain and Cor us and their hatred for Cam· reasort to believe" a micro-organ· Testimony at a Senate investigation of th' union jumped to [.0 An· sense. The sludents have every op- turn to two fl('r cent, the stale will esc courts, II balLery of AIlll'ric(ln munism," ism she had isolated previously geles wilh statements by and about portunity to inrorm themselves 10 e 14 10 15 million dollar yearly attorneys sought to allay lhe cun · expand democracy and the dignity 00' f lti Ii' h ' If' d" d th t ' f "W H d Ch t Id More could be accomplished at IS the cause 0 mu p e sc crOSlS t e "glr nen - an a umon about confc~ion olher than their tn income, T~ter asked why lhe fu Ion OI'Cf wbo's who among COUll' ~~eanung stude~7::t SU;~ridOay less expense by these means, I (MS)' "goons" there beal up a 14-year. own, thu gaining a unique expcr· governor had vetoed the tax bill, \ e1. • morni ng. ,Chase said" lhan- by "the [~enelic ,Miss Rose, R. Ich~lson said the old boy. Rough Going ience - namely, that the tragic Lov I ss said h thought the tax "AU concernl'd loday announ~ 'd Chase president of Communica- current policy of attempting tOl dlscovery will permit researchl'rs Mrs, Kay Lower, a comely but separation of the religion mu t bill - as it stood - to be lnequit· they arc working toward a sln"ie lions C~unselors Inc New York meet Communist strength wherev. throughout the world to concen· nervous 26-year·old brunette with SUI Grad Gets Away- not necessarily cau e haired and abie for a number of reasons and goal - thc best interest of William In and a 1932 grad~ate ~f SUI, spok~ ~r"t he Comunists choose to display trate now on the immunization and a bloodsbol left eye. look the Fiftll 0 I 4 M'I oluarrels, but can givc ri e 10 reo lhat he lold the legislature thal he Girard as a rcpr' entativ!' of Ihe on "The Brink of Peace" at Com. It. cure of the disease, Amendment on whether she knows I n y I es ~fl('ct, veneration and iove." wouid veto the bill If it was pre. American GI In his rclation wilh mencement exercises in the Uni- He concluded by teHing the grad- As far back as 1951 , Miss [ehel- Cross and whether he beal her up, Alvin ~ush, Wellington, Kan ., Bargebuhr is quoted as saying. scnled Lo him in an unacceptable I the Army," a iawyer's staleJn nt versity Fieldhouse, uates they were assembled at an son said she had succeded in i60- But she said "I imagine so" ~h.o recPlv('d a dcgre~ from SUI "The Ulrce of us are tanding be.
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