HARYANA SCHOOL SHIKSHA PARIYOJNA PARISHAD (Regd. Under Societies Registration Act, 1860) 3rd& 4th Floor, Sector-5, Panchkula-134109 Shiksha Sadan, Tel: 0172-2590505, 2586026(F) I E-mail: Website: www.hsspp.in From State Project Director, Haryana,.Panchkula. To All the District Project Coordinators, HSSPP, Haryana Memo No. KW 3/14- 2015 ICT (1) Dated Panchkula, the .2 11 I 0.7).\,01i Sub: Disbursement of pending salary of Computer Faculty engaged in the month of September 2015. This has reference to this office Memo of even no. dated 15.01.2016 vide which the salary of 2213 numbers Computer Faculty for the period from 09.09.15 to 31.12.15 was released by releasing the amount District Wise through DPCs. Subsequently, a number of complaints were received from Computer Faculty & Lab Assistants for not having received their salary. Accordingly, reports in respect of joining of the Computer Faculty and Lab Assistants, whose salary was pending for the period from Dec 2015, was sought from the District Education Officers (DEO's). 09 th Sept. 2015 to 31 st The reports received from the DEOs have been scrutinized and accordingly salary of 2558 (i.e one month salary of 2212+ five months salary of 346) Computer Faculties is required to be transferred to the schools through DPCs. An estimated amount of Rs. 3,84,97,218/- is being transferred to the account of concerned DPCs as per the enclosed Annexure 'A'. The DPC's are directed to transfer the salary amount of Computer Faculty to the concerned Schools as per list of Computer Faculty/ Schools District-wise as per the enclosed Annexure 'B'. It is the responsibility of the concerned schools to disburse the salary of Computer Faculty as per their actual attendance during the period for which salary is being released and deposit the surplus/excess amount in the account of concerned DPC. The details of accounts of the DPC's is enclosed as Annexure 'C'. In pursuance to the instructions/clarifications issued vide this office Memo of even no. dated 19.09.2015, the salary is payable only to Computer Faculty who had worked on contract basis through the Service Providers (namely M/s Bhupindra Society, Transline Technologies Ltd. and Shriram. New Horizons Ltd.) prior to the cancellation of contract with the Service Providers on 22.03.2015. The DPCs are directed to ensure meticulous compliance of the above intrctions for early release of salary of Computer Faculty. This may be treated as most urgent please. Encl: As above /--e-q‘ H.R.Satin a Chief Project Officer (ICT) For State Project Director, HSSPP Haryana, Panchkula CC to: All the District Education Officers in the State Block Education Officers in the State 3. Concerned Principals/Heads of Schools 2.1-d 5T4iT 1.-1 zi-r4-47 razes cif zra 2fa e „pr AAA COMPLETE ICT BANK DETAIL OF DPC OFFICE Sr. DPC Office Name of Account Account No. Name of Bank IFSC Code Bank Code No 1 Ambala DPC HSSPP ICT 3513921665 CENTRAL BANK OF CBINO280375 375 AMBALA CANTT INDIA AMBALA CANTT 2 Bhiwani DPC HSSPP ICT 3513922240 central bank of CBINO280403 Bhiwani india 3 Faridabad DPC HSSPP 3513923640 central bank of CBINO282223 FARIDABAD india 4 Fatehabad DPC HSSPP ICT 3513922998 central bank of CBINO282553 2553 FATEHABAD india 5 Gurgaon DPC HSSPP ICT 3513924327 CBOT CBINO281026 28 Gurgaon 6 Hisar DPC HSSPP ICT HISAR 3513924973 CENTRAL BANK OF CBINO280404 280404 INDIA 7 Jhajjar DPC HSSPP ICT 3513926175 central bank of CBINO283568 3568 JHAJJAR india Jind 8 DPC SSA Jind 3513925751 central bank of CBINO280411 16 india 9 Kaithal DPC SSA Kaithal (ICT) 3513926798 Central Bank of CBINO280383 383 India Kaithal 10 Karnal DPC HSSPP ICT Karnal 3513927689 Cental Bank of CBINO280381 0381 India, Karnal 11 Kurukshetra DPC HSSPP ICT 3513927827 central bank of CBINO281203 136016002 Kurukshetra india 12 Mewat DPC HSSPP ICT NUH 3513929336 Central Bank of CBINO284754 0'4754 (MEWAT) India 13 Mahendergarh DPC HSSPP ICT 3513928377 Central Bank of CBINO281171 016 Narnaul India (Mahendergarh) 14 Palwal DPC HSSPP ICTPalwal 3513930817 central bank of CBINO283626 india 15 Panchkula DPC SSA/RMSA 3513929802 Central t3nk of CBINO282439 2439 India Sector 10 Panchkula 16 Panipat DPC HSSPP ICT 3513930465 central bank of CBINO280382 Panipat india 17 Rewari DPC HSSPP ICT 3513932270 CENTRAL BANK CBINO280401 123016002 REWARI OF INDIA REWARI 18 Rohtak DPC HSSPP ICT 3513931447 Central Bank of CBINO280395 395 Rohtak India, Rohtak 19 Sirsa DPC HSSPP ICT SIRSA 3513932848 Central Bank of CBINO280406 00406 India Sirsa 20 Sonipat DPC HSSPP ICT 3513933217 Central Bank Of CBINO280396 396 Sonipat. India 21 Yamuna nagar DPC HSSPP ICT 3513933874 central bank of CBINO280377 135016002 Yamunanagar india Annexure-B Sr. School Name of Computer Name of Earlier School Name District Amount Salary period No. Code Faculty Service Provider G.S.S.S Rakhi ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 1 1 Ambala 47333 Ugala Rani Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 G.S.S.S Mandeep ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 2 1 Ambala 47333 Ugala Singh Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 3 Panjlasa 2 Ambala NEERAJ 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd G.S.S.S B.C Bazar Deepika ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 4 4 Ambala 47333 Ambala Cantt Sharma Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 G.S.S.S B.C Bazar Payal ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 5 4 Ambala 47333 Ambala Cantt Gupta Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 Gsss Bakra Market ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 6 5 Ambala Neeru Goswami 47333 Ambala Cantt Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 7 GSSS Rangia Mandi 6 Ambala Ruchi Gupta 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 8 GSSS Baldev Nagar 8 Ambala Shalu Kandel 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd G.S.S.S Neha ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 9 9 Ambala 47333 Premnagar Aggarwal Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 GSSS PAWAN ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 10 10 Ambala 47333 ADHOYA KUMAR Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 11 GSSS Ballana 12 Ambala Nitika 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd G.S.S.S ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 12 12 Ambala Priyanka 47333 Balana Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 13 GMSSSS Barara 13 Ambala NARESH KUMAR 47333 Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 14 GMSSSS Barara 13 Ambala Ram Niwas 47333 Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 15 Badhouli 14 Ambala MOHIT VERMA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 16 Bhurewala 15 Ambala ANJALI SAINI 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 17 GSSS BIHTA 16 Ambala PRIYA SHARMA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd G.S.S.S ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 18 17 Ambala Sangeeta 47333 Bharog Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 19 GSSS Boh 18 Ambala Meena 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 20 GSSS Dheen 19 Ambala Rajiv Kumar 47333 Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 21 GSSS Ghel 21 Ambala Mukesh Kumar 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 22 GSSS GOKAL GARH 22 Ambala Virender saini 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 23 GSSS JALBERA 24 Ambala Rajwinder Kaur 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 24 GSSS Kesri 25 Ambala Prabhjot Kaur 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 25 GSSS Mullana 28 Ambala Diwakar Sharma 47333 Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 GSSS Mohri ShriRam New 26 29 Ambala Jasdeep Nain 10000 January, 2016 Bhanokheri Ambala Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 27 Naraingarh(Boys) 30 Ambala DEEPAK WALIA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 28 Naraingarh(Girls) 31 Ambala DEEPIKA ARORA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd Annexure-B Sr. School Name of Computer Name of Earlier School Name District Amount Salary period No. Code Faculty Service Provider ShriRam New 29 GSSS Nahoni 32 Ambala Parveen Kumar 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 30 GSSS Nahoni 33 Ambala Bharti Dhiman 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 31 GSSS PATHRERI 33 Ambala Ravi Shankar 47333 Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 32 GSSS PASIALA 34 Ambala SWARANJEET KAUR 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 33 GSSS SHAHPUR 35 Ambala KANCHAN LATA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 34 Gsss Sambhalkha 36 Ambala Parveen Sharma 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 35 Shahpur Nurhad 37 Ambala MANISH KUMAR 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 36 GSSS Samlehri 38 Ambala Diksha 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 37 GSSS Samlehri 38 Ambala Shikha Sharma 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 38 GSSS SAHA 39 Ambala CHAHAK SHARMA 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd G.S.S.S Nisha ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 39 40 Ambala 47333 Shahzadpur Sharma Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 G.S.S.S Neha ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 40 40 Ambala 47333 Shahzadpur Gupta Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 41 GSSS ZAFFARPUR 42 Ambala Shekhar Chauhan 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 42 GHS Sherpur 45 Ambala Sumit Mohil 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 43 Bara Gaon 46 Ambala SANDEEP KUMAR 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 44 Kathemajra 47 Ambala POONAM 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 45 Bhareri Kalan 48 Ambala MANJIT KAUR 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 46 Ambli 50 Ambala RAHUL SINGH 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 47 GHS GANESHPUR 52 Ambala SOHAN LAL 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 48 Akbarpur 53 Ambala KAMAL KANT 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ABHIMANYU ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 49 GSSS FATEHGARH 54 Ambala 47333 CHOPRA Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 ShriRam New 50 GHS Banoundi 56 Ambala Deepak Gupta 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 51 Gghs rajouli 57 Ambala Bhavna 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 52 Nanhera 60 Ambala SHANKY 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 53 Fatehpur 65 Ambala MANJU 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd GHS SHARANJEET ShriRam New 09.09.2015 to 54 MDF 68 Ambala 47333 KAUR Horizons Ltd 31.01.2016 A/CANTT ShriRam New 55 GGSSS Baldev Nagar 69 Ambala Niecey 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd ShriRam New 56 GSSS Alipur 70 Ambala Bhawna Sharma 10000 January, 2016 Horizons Ltd Annexure-B Sr.
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