OF'PROCEEDINGS NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION WINTER MEETING PLENARY SESSION AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Washington, D. C. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1996 ACE - FEDERAL REPORTERS, INC. Stenotype Reporters 1120 G Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20005 (202) 347-3700 NATIONWIDE COVERAGE 800-336-6646 63478.0 1 W/sjg NATIONAL GOVERNORS' ASSOCIATION * * * WINTER MEETING PLENARY SESSION AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J.W. Marriott Hotel 1331 Pennsylvania Avenu , N.W. i:, r, Grand Ballroom , Washington, D. C. Sunday, February 4, 1996 , I , I 9:10 a.m. I I I I \ i t I ACE-FEDERAL REPoRTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202-347-3700 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 2 DAVe om 1 PRO C E E DIN G S 2 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: I'd like to have 3 everybody come in and be seated. 4 I'm certainly delighted with all of the 5 governors and their staffs and spouses who have made 6 this trip to Washington, D.C. I'd like to just say 7 good morning to the governors who are here so far, 8 the distinguished guests who are with us today, as 9 well as who will be with us throughout the 10 convention, and ladies and gentlemen. 11 And I also certainly would like, on behalf 12 of all the governors, to welcome our newest member, 13 Governor Paul Patton of Kentucky, who was with us 14 yesterday. 15 We had a chance in the Governors Only 16 session to welcome him. But he's here. Paul, 17 congratulations. Thank you very much. 18 (Applause. ) 19 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: I would now like to , I 20 call to order the 1996 Winter Meeting of the National I I I, 21 Governors Association. And I would like to call upon L II 22 the Vice Chairman, Bob Miller, for a motion for the ,IIi t! ACE-FEDERAL REPORTERS, INC. I Nationwide Coverage 202-347-3100 800-336-6646 41().684-2S50 Cr63478.0 3 DAVe om 1 adoption of the rules of procedure for the meeting. 2 GOVERNOR MILLER: I move to so adopt the 3 rules of procedure for the meeting. 4 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: Is there a second? 5 GOVERNOR SCHAFER: Second. 6 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: Seconded by Governor 7 Schafer. 8 All in favor of that motion, signify by 9 saying aye. 10 (Chorus of ayes.) 11 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: Opposed, no? 12 (No response.) 13 GOVERNOR THOMPSON: The ayes have it; the 14 motion is granted. 15 Part of the rules that we have just 16 adopted require that any governor who desires to 17 submit a new policy or resolution for adoption at 18 this meeting, we'll need a three-fourths vote to 19 suspend the rules. And those proposals have got to 20 be submitted to Jim Martin by 5:00 o'clock on Monday 21 afternoon. I " 22 Is Jim here? Jim is right over here. ACE-FEDERAL REPoRTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202-341-3700 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 4 DAVe om 1 Just so everybody understands the 2 procedure, for the edification of every member here, 3 policy by the National Governors organization 4 requires a two-thirds vote, if in fact you have 5 received the policy 15 days before the commencement 6 of a national meeting. 7 So, every policy that is adopted by the 8 NGA requires a two-thirds vote. That requires 9 bipartisanship. If there's any policy that is 10 submitted within the 15-day period, or at the 11 convention, it has to be submitted by 5:00 o'clock on 12 the day before we vote, which is the final day of the 13 plenary session, which will be Tuesday. And that 14 requires a three-quarters vote. 15 So those are just two simple rules that 16 everybody can understand. And that is how we have 17 operated for years. 18 I would like to start out this morning by 19 just giving a little bit of an overview of the next 20 several days, to give you an idea of what I hope to 21 accomplish. Every American supports a strong, robust 22 economy with our new job opportunities, and access to ACE-FEDERAL REpORTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202·341-3700 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 S DAVe om 1 education and health care. A better economy means a 2 higher standard of living for all Americans. 3 But there are some very tough issues 4 facing us today, such as the budget deficit that S looms over public debate. We know we must make some 6 fundamental changes, but we are faced with some tough 7 choices. We no longer have the luxury of the status 8 quo. 9 But as I personally look around this room 10 today, I see tremendous potential -- men and women of 11 vision, of commitment, an~ of keen determination to 12 face those tough choices. 13 As leaders of state government, we know 14 the realities of, not only the federal government, lS but all levels of government are in a period of long- 16 term fiscal constraint. Budget battles are fought, 17 not only in Washington, but in every statehouse, 18 county courthouse, and city hall of America. 19 Tough choices are being made every day. ! I 1 20 The states are making those tough choices, and making I \' 21 them work in your individual states. 22 What does this fiscal constraint mean for ACE-FEDERAL REPORTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 2OZ-M1-3700 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 6 DAVe am 1 government programs, Washington, as well as our own? 2 It means major reforms in programs that are not 3 working, endless welfare dependency, four-score of 4 federal education programs, and 50 state educational 5 programs that come up short on performance in a new 6 competitive world. 7 Over 163 government job training programs 8 without measurable results, and a Medicaid program 9 that continues to grow at double the rate of the 10 economy, with the expectation that it will eventually 11 absorb 25 percent of state budgets by the turn of the 12 century. 13 And most state budgets right now have 20 14 percent of their budgets allocated to Medicaid, and 15 Governor Voinovich is even higher. 16 It means eliminating regulations that 17 interfere with economic growth and consumer choice, 18 regulations that go beyond the law and stifle state 19 and local innovation and problem-solving, laws and 20 regulations that are never reviewed for their cost- 21 effectiveness, and laws and regulations where 22 benefits don't exceed their costs. ACE-FEDERAL REPoRTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202-341-3100 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 7 DAVe om t I' t 1 Tough choices mean that we must all have a 2 true commitment to government, a government that 3 serves all the people. 4 Governments at every level must test what 5 they do against how well they serve their people. 6 They can no longer just look at themselves and the 7 special interest groups that support the status quo 8 in government. 9 This meeting has two main goals. First, 10 can we come together as governors in a bipartisan 11 way? And of course in this city that has not been 12 the way for quite some time. But hopefully, we will 13 be able to show the way as governors in a bipartisan 14 way, to help solve the partisan differences in 15 Washington, particularly on Medicaid, welfare reform, 16 and job training. 17 Second, can we learn from each other on 18 how to develop the most effective programs, so that 19 we can become stronger leaders in our states? That 20 to me probably is just as important as the first one. 21 Let me stress that it is my intent as 22 chairman to reach across the aisle to our democratic ACE-FEDERAL REPORTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202-317-3700 800-336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 8 DAVe om 1 governors to help resolve differences in domestic 2 policy. We have a lot more common ground than 3 differences. I have, and will continue to work with 4 my Vice Chairman Bob Miller, who has been a delight 5 to work with on all issues; and with Roy Romer on 6 Medicaid and Tom Carper on welfare. 7 We need to be a calming and stabilizing 8 influence here in Washington, D.C. I don't think we 9 can wait as governors two or three more years to 10 restructure Medicaid, employment, and training, and 11 welfare programs. We need flexibility to run more 12 effective programs tailored to our individual states. 13 We all know that if Congress and the 14 President do not reach an agreement on Medicaid, 15 employment and training and welfare, it's going to 16 place tremendous pressure on us as governors, and on 17 our individual budgets. 18 And why do I say three years? If they do 19 not resolve these differences this year, we will be 20 going through an election. And after the election, 21 it will either be President Clinton, or a Republican 22 president. And then there will have to be the ACE-FEDERAL REPORTERS, INC. Nationwide Coverage 202-347-37(1) 8()().336-6646 410-684-2550 Cr63478.0 9 DAVe om 1 submission of a federal budget, which all of us know 2 will take at least nine months to complete.
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