THIRTIETH YEAR, NO. 1617 CANADA’S POLITICS AND GOVERNMENT NEWSPAPER WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2019 $5.00 Senate to ditch Phoenix in January p. 5 The Kenney campaign con and the new meaning of narrative: PCO clerk Budget puts off transition: what pharmacare reform, but Lisa Van Dusen feds say it takes the fi rst p. 9 to expect p. 6 ‘concrete steps’ p. 7 News Politics News Parliamentary travel Tories block some House Outspoken Liberal MP committee travel, want to stay in Ottawa as election looms Wayne Long could face Half of all committee trips BY NEIL MOSS that have had their travel he Conservatives are blocking budgets approved by THouse committee travel, say contested nomination some Liberal committee chairs, the Liaison Committee’s but Tory whip Mark Strahl sug- gested it’s only some trips. Budgets Subcommittee A number of committees have Liberal MP had travel budgets approved by Wayne Long since November have the Liaison Committee’s Subcom- has earned a not been granted travel mittee on Committee Budgets, reputation as an but have not made it to the next outspoken MP, authority by the House of step to get travel authority from something two New Brunswick Commons. Continued on page 4 political scientists say should help News him on the Politics campaign trail in a traditionally Conservative Ethics Committee defeats riding. The Hill Times photograph by opposition parties’ motion to Andrew Meade probe SNC-Lavalin aff air Liberal MP Nathaniel BY ABBAS RANA Erskine-Smith described week after the House Justice the opposition parties’ ACommittee shut down its He missed a BY SAMANTHA WRIGHT ALLEN The MP for Saint John- probe of the SNC-Lavalin affair, Rothesay, N.B., is one of about 20 motion as ‘premature,’ the House Ethics Committee also deadline to meet utspoken Liberal MP Wayne Liberal MPs who have yet to be as the Justice Committee defeated an opposition motion Long could face a fi ght for nominated. calling for it to examine the scan- party goals that O The Hill Times his seat from within his party, Speaking to on is still awaiting a written dal that’s been hounding the gov- would guarantee after he didn’t meet an October March 14, the fi rst-time MP said submission and documents ernment for nearly two months, deadline to complete party goals his independent streak comes and to invite former justice minis- his candidacy, and needed to protect incumbents naturally, but a couple local from ex-minister Jody ter Jody Wilson-Raybould to share hasn’t heard back from contested nominations, political scientists say it may also Wilson-Raybould on more of her side of the story. and hasn’t heard back about an about an extension. extension. Continued on page 14 the same topic. Continued on page 13 News Legislation Senators crack down on ‘culture of delay’ in access-to-information regime Publications Mail Agreement #40068926 Changes the Senate Legal BY CHARELLE EVELYN The amendments approved by mem- rently allows information holders to delay bers of the Senate Legal and Constitu- responding to a request for a “reasonable Aff airs Committee is enators say they are trying to tackle tional Affairs Committee during a pair period of time” if there are so many docu- proposing to Bill C-58 Sthe “endemic” culture of delay in the of meetings March 20 and 21 include the ments to sort through that responding to federal access-to-information regime as establishment of a 30-day limit to exten- the request within 30 days would “unrea- include a 30-day limit to they propose changes to a bill meant to sions beyond the initial 30-day window sonably interfere with the operations of overhaul the system, C-58. But the Upper government departments and agencies the government institution,” or if consulta- extensions beyond the initial Chamber’s sponsor of the government have to respond to access-to-information tions are necessary with other organiza- 30-day window government legislation says “delay tactics” are at play requests. Anything beyond those 30 days tions. as the committee studying the bill gears would require prior authorization from Conservative Senator Claude Cari- departments have to up for its third week of line-by-line delib- the information commissioner. respond to requests. eration. The Access to Information Act cur- Continued on page 12 2 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27, 2019 | THE HILL TIMES launch their new book, The Art of Diplo- The event, hosted by Independent macy: Strengthening the Canada-U.S. Senator Ratna Omidvar and the Centre for Relationship, on April 30 at the National International Governance Innovation, will Gallery of Canada. look at the council’s report, A Call to Ac- Mr. Heyman was former U.S. president tion: Transforming the Global Refugee Sys- Heard on the Hill Barack Obama’s second and fi nal envoy to tem. The report has 55 recommendations to Canada, serving in the post from 2014 to attract political support in enhancing the 2017. world’s refugee and internally displaced by Neil Moss The Heymans’ book looks into the im- persons systems. portance of diplomacy and spotlights the Mr. Axworthy was a Liberal MP from importance of the Canadian-U.S. relation- 1978 to 2000, and served as minister of ship. transport, employment and immigration, ‘Snitch’ Scott Reid mocked Former prime minister Jean Chrétien labour, and foreign affairs in the govern- called the book “very original.” ments of Pierre Trudeau and Jean Chré- “The Heymans model what it means tien. He has appeared before the House to be progressive in politics,” Mr. Chrétien Foreign Affairs, and Immigration and on U.S. late-night talk show said. Citizenship Committees. The book was also positively reviewed The free event will take place at the Late-night host by former Obama senior adviser David Wellington Building in room 325 from 5:30 Jimmy Kimmel, Axelrod. to 7:30 p.m. Light snacks and beverages right, cracked “Bruce and Vicki Heyman give us a will be offered. jokes at the behind-the-scenes look at what diplomacy expense of Scott is really about: relationships,” he said. Reid, left, after Tickets to the event are being sold for Philippe Hallée named the Tory MP $20 or, for $30, tickets come with a signed wrongly accused copy of the book. new Senate law clerk and Justin Trudeau of eating a bagel parliamentary counsel in the House Andrew Leslie out of of Commons Philippe last week. The action, recovering from Hallée has Hill Times fi le worked as photograph shoulder surgery the director and photograph of legal courtesy of Liberal MP Andrew Leslie has been operations Wikimedia absent from the House this month as he at the Privy Commons recuperates from shoulder replacement Council surgery. Offi ce since Mr. Leslie announced the surgery on 2016. Facebook, saying that he will return to clip of Conservative MP Scott Reid ac- Equal Voice, Famous 5 Ottawa, Women in Photograph work in April. cusing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Communications and Technology, and the courtesy of A LinkedIn of eating a bagel during last week’s mara- Canadian Women’s Foundation. Andrew thon voting session was put in the spotlight It will be hosted at the Sir John A. Mac- Leslie will by late-night host Jimmy Kimmel who donald Building on April 8 from 5 to 7 p.m. return poked fun at the Tory MP. RSVP is required, and space is limited. to work Philippe Hallée is set to become the “You’re not getting a bite now, you Government photo identifi cation is needed in April Senate’s newest law clerk and parliamen- bitchy little snitch,” Mr. Kimmel quipped. to enter. following tary counsel on April 22, the Senate Com- “What a tattletale.” surgery. mittee on Internal Economy, Budgets, and Mr. Trudeau admitted to eating a choco- The Hill Administration announced on March 25. late bar, but not a bagel. APTN broadcasts ‘fi rst’ Times The law clerk and parliamentary coun- “How do you confuse a chocolate bar photograph sel is the main legal adviser to the Senate. with a bagel?” Mr. Kimmel asked. “Bacon is NHL game in Cree, Romeo by Andrew Mr. Hallée will work with Senate Speaker round in Canada, are their chocolate bars Saganash says he has Meade George Furey, Senators, and Senate com- round there, too?” mittees in assisting their parliamentary Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, who Mr. them beat functions. Reid also accused of eating in the House, “Mr. Hallée’s extensive knowledge and tweeted that the Conservatives were “get- Romeo experience have earned him high respect ting owned on prime time.” Mr. Reid also Saganash in the legal fi eld and I am confi dent that called out Canadian Heritage and Multi- says he Before his election in 2015, Mr. Leslie he will serve the Senate with the utmost culturalism Minister Pablo Rodriguez for was part was a lieutenant-general in the Canadian professionalism, integrity, and dedication,” breaking House rules. of the fi rst Forces, serving for nearly 35 years from Mr. Furey said in a statement. broadcast 1977 to 2011. Mr. Hallée was previously the director team that Second annual Women on called an He took his seat in the House of Com- of legal operations at the Privy Council NHL game mons, after defeating three-term Conser- Offi ce, where he has worked since 2016. the Hill shindig on April 8 in Cree in vative Orléans, Ont., incumbent Royal Prior, he worked for the Department of 1988. The Galipeau with 59.7 per cent of the vote. Justice, including as the chief legisla- Hill Times Mr.
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