r ’ ■ ", .' '' ■ ... t / ' ■ ■ '1 " - n . \ PAGB TWELVl RATURDAY; SEPTEMBER 28.1987 AYorage Daily Net Press Run *1110 Weather iiaitrt;(Bt?r ^Ettming Hi^ralb . For tlw Week Eaded Sept. 21, 1852 Pereeast of D. a Woataar.BoMsa •'■ -V your border itemizing size, color sary to have a conference room Not aa root "tanlgbt, ehaaoe of and blooming perlixl of perennial for the principal teparate from the Overheated Evening Concert GENERAL 12,583 light rain. t«w la mid 4at. Oc- A boutl^own plants. Add notes, too, for revi­ regular office. eaaloaal light rain ear'iy Tneaday, Heard Along Main Street sions which must be made next .^Member of the Audit cloudy, cooler by afternoon. High Illlng explained that the i‘'eon- A watched pot never bolls, t By Marine Band zreau of (Xrralatton >ni»BiF 'IClub will hold • card spring, such as moving those tall ference room” to which the specifi­ but an umvatched cake some­ TV SERVICE 60-85. lit at > o'clock at the And on Somo of Manchester'$ , Side Streets, Too chrysanthemums to the back of cation sheet referred was actually times bums. Manchester-—‘A City of Village Charm S&, the border; and, at the same time, the principal’s office. Ha explained, At least, that’s what Mra. Features Soloist N% SEsSSnoa^I^ taking'a number of rooted- stems the principal should have room to Anthony Makiilis of 131 Sum­ TEU Ml 1-6482 Board of Directora of Man* Double lademnity •fsonal changes. At Manchester for the driveway border. have four or five people In his of­ mer St. found m i yesterday. William Jones,' baritone, will be VOL. LXXVI. (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN,, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30. 1957 (CtaaaUlod A«verUalng nn Pago 18) PRICE FIVE CENT» aUr WATBB will meet at the Bvely. fall, it's the same story. Memorial Hospital, the type of ac­ With a diagram ,^to aid you, you fice for a conference. Mrs. Jane A cake in her oven got a lit­ the featured soloist on the U.S. ne of the preaident. Mra. *'I’1I take the Yankees in seven,” cident treated ts a good barometer. can avoid putting the apricot Stuck, secretary of the Board of tle too well dotie, ajid smoke Marine Band concert Wednesday iirctta Oapie, Box Mt. Dr., Ver- a local man said to anothdr fel­ For instance, during the sum­ "mum” in front of the salmon Education, pointed out the size of prompted her neighbors to .call evening at 8:15 at the Manchester IlOn^^onday at 8 p.m. Plana for low as they discussed the coming mer, feet punctured by nails, legs phlox. the principal’s office in the senior in a fire alarm. High School auditorium. He will Me ran iralr will 1m made. World Series one morning this slashed by glass in swimming Keep a garden calendar next high school as a horrible example (Companies 1 and 2 answered sing ’’Largo A1 Fadtotum” from 55 P* erish week, holes, bug bites of all kinds, and year, too, noting when each plant of a tiny office. the call, found some smoke and "Barber of Seville,” by Rossini. C h ild re n ^ St. John’a Church "They'll be lucky to win n't all," chunks of flesh hacked off by axes or shrub is at its peak. With cal­ General Manager Richard Mar­ soot, but no damage. The complete program for the _ n reminda^that Sunday School the second replied. "Ms, I'm tak­ were treated along with fingers endar and diagrams on hand, your tin' ended the discussion saying 'lo cake, either. evening as announced by Harold BttMtona for five aeaaon will be ing the Braves. And I wouldn't, be smashed by baseballs. Now a armchair planning in January as that the only thing wrong with Crosier, chairman of the Rotary In Pakistan reaumed tomorrm^ follo\«’inf . the surprised to see them win four trickle of fall blood (you can take each new catalogue arrives in the Edson Bailey’s office is, ”He hasn’t Club coramltjee which has made /' . 8:S0 Maaa. \ straight,” that any way you want to) Is'be mall will not be in vain. got enough room to swing a short all plans for the appearance here X / "I've got two dollars that says ginning to flow. Football Injuries length of rubber hose." Seminars Sunday of the "Presidents’ Own” baqd, will Farm Loan Bill Rail Cr'ash they won’t.” to shoulders and legs, a couple of Did Yoii Ring also Include a cornet trio with PINE \ Mra. John MToaek. attorney, 62 "Well, .maybe not four straight. spills off of horses, and one injury The new country home owner Bargain Basement James Taylor, (Jharles Kautz and Rlllcreat Rd. will take pkrt in a But I'll bet you the Braves win At Center Church telaviaion broadcaat on the eourta from a storm window falling on a Waa slightly .perturbed when the They say bargains are where David Johnson rendering "Bolero,” PHARMACY s ta te C ap ito l, Hartford.t»>«««y *t tho okpeiM# of all th« Karachi, Pakintan, Sept. 30 e! the Series.” patient’s head, are being treated. telephone company employe told you find them. by Walter Smith. on Oct. 24 over Station WTUJ.'TV. Just then, a third man. who 864 Oeater 8 t—-TeL MI 8-8814 Sept. 30 (^P)—Gov.(A>)-Gov. Ribicoff (JP)—Fifty-five peraons were Channel 3. Tbia la one of a aeries There la no closed season for him that, If he wanted a phone in­ We have here a ticket to a One hundred and seventy-five Opening with "The Star Span­ payeri would be reported burned to death and overheard' the conversation said, auto injuries or falllng-out-of-bed stalled. it would have to be on a drawing a t the O.A.R. Fair which delegates from ' Manchester’s gled Banner,” other numbers by today, vetoed the farm loan firinifted ‘ and ipeclal claas.' of prt^ama on America’s cultur­ "I'll take that bet.” promises a ton of coal, a half-bar­ the complete ensemble of 83 pieces ' Ribicoff alao eaid that the farm­ at least 170 injured last night al heritage reviewed in the light fractures. party line. After a brief argument, Protestant churches will assem­ PINE LENOX bill, passed by the special ses- "I'm betting with him. not the local man accepted that fact rel of flour, and a box of 10-cent will include the march from "Sym­ iion of the Republican-con­ ers would be getUng the toena "at when a passenger train of modern trends put on by the you." came the reply. Then the ble tomorrow afternoon at 3:45 about one half of what they would Vnlveraity of Hartford. Calendar ^jwry and placed his order for such serv­ cigars to the holder of the lucky phonic Metamorphoses,” by Paul PHARMACY trolled Legislature, terming it crashed into a freight in West Braves' supporter, pointing to the Newspaper officiss git. all kinds ice. Ucket. to attend seminars under the title Hindemith: "The Coasair,” an coal the atate." Pakistan. 1 newcomer, told his mate, "Don’t of requests for Information. The cost of the ticket is one "The Bible and Our Day,” spon­ overture, by Hector Berlioz: inter­ 288 E. Oeater St.—MI 8-0888 a measure “frought with fu­ Queitloned about tbia by re­ ever bet with this guy.” A few days later, while sitting cent Reports reaching Kantchi said COrp. Myles J. O'Reilly and We had one yesterday that had In his home with ,s few friends, sored by' the Manchester Council mezzo and march from "Folk Song ture danger.” porters, the Governor eaid the 58 the engine and five care of the pas-; Pfc. John. T. O’Reilly, sons of Mr. "What do you mean?” the third us guessing. The woman came up The date on the ticket April of Churches. The seminars wiU be Sqjte,” by Ralph Vaughan Wil- ‘’Tho conzequenrez of thtz bill million bond lazua probably would man said. "Didn’t I pay off on our the new phone gave out with three IMS. senger train were wrecked in the i nd Mrs. My lea O'Reilly, French with the answer herself and was short rings. After a brief pause, in Center Church. llans: and a symphonic portrait, can haunt tte ztato for years to carry-"2*» per cent Intereet and collision. The freight was stopped i May Try to Remove H^Bolton, are now both at home, bet last year?” We’ve also got a ticket to a ball Four outstanding authorities "Tulsa,” by Don Oillis. come.” the Governor, a Democrat, that the cost of administering the "Sure you .did,” came the sar­ obliging enough to tell us so later. three more rings were heard . at Oambar station, 18 miles from ■ the Itm time they have been home Seems she received a letter from' game up in Buffalo, a grandstand will lead the four seminars. Dr. "March for Brasses," by Edwin said In the'brief veto m eesi^ ad- loan program probably would Montgomery. ' to getnbc^ three years. C o r p. castic answer. then three more . and three seat. William Bradely, teacher, author, Franko Goldman: Mass from dresaed to SMratary of State Mil­ amount to another 'a per cent. "As a matter of fact, if I re- relatives up in Nova Scotia. They more. The passenger train was en route j M^ea ORMUy la being discharged are planning a visit here. In the let­ The ticket coats .SO cents, the lecturer and professor at the "Fiesta Mexicans,” by H.
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