CENSUS 1991 'PARTS XII 'A & B VILLAGE '& TOWN DIRECTORY SERIES -7 VILLAGE & TOWNWISE GUJARAT PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT GANDHI NAGAR DISTRICT DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK N. R. VARSANI of the Indian Administrative Service, Director of Census Operations, Gujarat AdalaJ VU\) is situated ill Adalaj Villa/?e oJGandhilla!?ar taluka. It is at a distance oj 15 k.m. Jrom Gandhinagar town. This ancient step well popularly known as 'Adalajni Vav' was built in 5amvat year 1555 (1499 A.D.) by Rudbai or Ruda Rani daughter ofRaja Venu and wife ofRaja Virsing, a Vaghela Rajput, at an estimated cost ofRs. 5 lakhs. It was built by her to commemorate the name oj herfalhel: For this purpose she had called 7 masons of the Vanzara Community. Some of the broken idols and coins were discovered when the step-well was cleaned recently. This step-well is a unique specimen ofarchitecture with a huge and artistic edifice which allows one to reach the edge of water howsoever deep it may be, by a flight of steps. The entire structure is underf?found and has storeys laid one upon another and a number of chambers of one behind anothe/: This step-well is considered the best in Gujarat among the different step-wells. (Tracing by 5hri A. A. Saiyad 5,: Draftsman) I CENSUS OF INDIA 1991 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications - Census of India 1991, Series -7 Gujarat are being published in the following parts: Part No. Subject Covered I-A Administration Report - Enumeration I-B Administration Report - Tabulation II-A General Population Tables, - A Series I1-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract III-A General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-1 to B-10) Ill-B General Economic Tables - B Series (Tables B-ll to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (TahJes C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables - C Series (Tables C-7 to ColO) V-A Migration Tables - 0 Series (Tables 0-1 to 0-4) V-B Migraf ,\ Tables - 0 Series (Tables 0-5 to 0-13) VI FertiJi Tables - F Series VII Table! on Houses and Household Amenities VIU Speci II Y.,bJes on Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes IX-A Towfl Dif'!:C!.ory IX-B SUM y R('ports on Selected Towns IX-C Surv, y Reports on Selected Villages X El.... }gJ1Ipbic Notes and Special Studieson Scbeduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XI Ce~:JS Alias State Government PublicatiOl"" D~trict Census Hand Book XIJ-A ViUap' llnd Town Directory XII-B Villa! and Townwise Primary Census Abstract Note: ,1 All tbe maps included in this publication are based upon survey ofIndia map with the pennissiolll I of the Surveyor General of India. 2 @ Govemnlent of India Copyright ( 1993 ) ERRATA DISTRICT: GANDHINAGAR Page No. Particulars Col. No. For Read 88 Ga ndhiusgar District tolal 16 1,33,736 1,33,184 83 Gandhillagar District Rural 16 79,135 78,583 TaJuka Rural 114 III Motera 35 75 19 121 I1I Motera 46 1 CONTENTS Pages toreword 3 Preface 5 Map of District Facing page 7 Important Statistics 7 Analytical Note and Tables 12-44 (i) Census concepts and definitions 12 (ii) Brief history of district and the District Census Handbook 16 (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract 20 (iv) Physical aspects - Highlights on the changes in the jurisdiction of the district 21 during the decade and any important event on geographic and geophysical aspect (v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic 22 resources " (vi) Major soci~hind cultural events, natural, economic and administrative 28 developments during the decade (vii) Brief description of places of religious, historica)or archaeological impor~ 29 tance and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district (viii) Brief analysis of data of Primary Census Abstract, Village Directory and 32 Town Directory based on inset tables PART - ,A VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECfORY ;TION - I VILlAGE DIRECTORY 45 - 68 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in the Village Directory 46 Gandhinagar Taluka/C.D. Block (i) Taluka/C.D.Block map Facing page 47 (ii) A1phabeticallist ofviJIages 48 (iii) Village Directory 50 Appendix I Taluka/C.D. Block wise abstract of educational, medical and 6~ other amenities ApPendix II Land utilisation data in respect of census towns 66 Appendix III Taluka/C.D. Blockwise list of villages where no amenities viz. 66 educational, medical, post and telegraph, marketlhat, com­ lUunication and power supply are available Appendix IV ' List ofviJIages according to the proportion of Scheduled Cas­ 67 tes and Scheduled Tribes to total population by ranges Pages SECTION - II TOWN DIRECTORY 69 -78 1;2 Explanatory nQte and list of a:bbreviations used in the Town Directory 70 13 Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV-A) 72 Statement I Status and. growth bistory 72 Statelnent II Physical aspects and location of towns 1989 72 Statement III Municipa I' Fina nee 74 Statement IV Civic and other amenities 1989 74 Statement IV-A Civic and' other amenities in llotified,sluUlS 1989 74 Statement V Medical, educational, recreational and cultura).faci1ities 1989-0>,­ 76 Statement VI Trade, commerce, industry and banking 1989 76 14 Appendix Towns showing their outgrowths'with population 1991 78 PART - B PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT 79 - 121. 15 Explanatory note and list of abbreviations used in Primary Census Abstract 80 16 District TaJuka/C.D. Block Primary Ce~us Abstract 81 17 URBAN / VILLAGE PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT (i) GandhinagarTaluka/C.DiBJock 87 18 Appendix Total, Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Population, 105 . Urban Blockwise. 19 District, Taluka/C.D. Block, Town Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract. (i) SchedUled Castes Primary Census Abstract 111 (ii) Scheduled Tribes Primary Census Abstract 117 , FOREWORD Publil'illion of the District Census Handbooks to meet Sclllle of the requirements of thl' Revised Mini­ (DCHs) was initialed aftcr the 1951 Census an(.l is con­ ilium Needs Progr(lllllllc. Similarly, inforllliitiorr on ilp­ tinuing since then with som~ innovatiolls!ll1odifka lions proadl to the village was a Iso provided for the first tillIe after cilch deccnnial Census. This is the most valuilblc in the Villnge Directory so as to give an idea ahout the ~ distril't level publiciltioll brought out by the Ccnsus Or­ numher of 11l;l{'cessihlc villagl~s in caeh di-stricl. III case or ganisation on hchalf or each State Govt./Union Tcrritory Town Direl'tories also keeping in vie\\! thl' rFlluirements administration. It i/lter-alill provides data/informatioll on or the Minimum Nceds Programllle, iI Statement IV-A on somc of the hasil' dcmographic and sociO-ccollomic eha r­ slums was provided so as'to enahle tile planners to chalk acteristics and Oil the availability of l'crtilin important oul the programmes for. providing het1cr civic and olher civic illtlcnitics/faeilities in each village and town of the il menilies in the slullls., In this statement detilils on civic r~spectjve districts, This puhlication has tlms proved to he and olher amenities were reported for the slums ot:Clilss of immense utility to the planners, administrators, I and Class II towns. ApilTt from this, one column on the ilG-tdemicians and researchl'fs. Schrdulcd Castes and Scheduled Trihes population and another on ildult literacy clilsse .... /cenlres were added in The scope or the DCH wa:;; initiilliy confined to Statements [V and V respectively. certain important cenSllS tables on p0l!ulatioll, economic and socio-cultural aspects a .... also the Primary Census The manner of presentation of the DCBs for the Abstrat'! (peA) of e/Kh village anu IOwn (ward-wise) (if 1991 Census is by and la rge the same asfollowcd ill 1981- Ihe district. The DCHs puhlishcd allcr tllc 1961 Census However. the format of PC;:A bas been restructured containcd (I desniptivc account (If the district administra­ slightly in {he 1991 Census f(lr tbe bend'it of datil users. tive statistics, census tahles and Village a lid Towll Direc­ Nine fold industrial classification of main. workers hilS tories induuing; PCA. After the 1971 Census, two palts of been given ilS agilinst rour-fold industrial dassifieatioll the District Census Handbooks (Part-A comprising Vil­ presented in the 1981 Census. In addition to' this, thc sex-wise population in the O:~ age group' has a,lso been lage lind Town Directories and P~;'--B comprising Village , induded in PCAfor the first time with a view to enahling and Town PCA) were rc,Jeased"in all the States and Union da.t<t users to compute more realist1c literacy mte as all Territories. The third Pa rl (C) of the District Census Halld­ children helow 7 years or age have heen trc1tted as il­ hooks comprising adminisrrnlive statistics and district litemtc <It the time (lfthe 1991 Ce14sus. It is expected that census tables, which was also to be hrought out, could not the ahove lltelltioned _ modifications will help the plan­ be published in IlIany States/UTs duc to considerable ners in CQ:t.~iJ.lg out more effective developmental delay in compilation of relcvant lllateriai. IiI ll)~l some p TO gra llllt1t: new features alongwith il!e rcstntcturing (If the formats of Villilge and Town Directory were introduced ill the DCHs. C?nc of tile most important innovations in the 1991 These Wl'fe published in two parts for each district after, Census is the Community Dc;vclopmcnt Block-level the 1981 Census. Whik Part-A compri .... ed VilIagc and presentation of d<lta in the Village Directory and PCA Town Directories, the PCA of villages ilud towns (ward­ instead of the traditional TahsillTaluka/PS level presenta­ wise) inclu,ding Scheduled Olsle and Scheduled Tribe tion.
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