LIBRARY V NEW JERSEY STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE • TRENTON :r STATE K; VOL. LXXI. No. IE STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT TRENTON, NEW JERSEY TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1957 Dr. West Is Honored By State; Several Members Students Presented Library Now Bears His Name Of Faculty Leave Achievement Awards Previously announced faculty retire­ Frederick M. Raubinger, Commissioner of Education for the State of ments have become effective this James Maloney and Rosemarie Garossino Receive New Jersey, announced today in assembly that the library building of the month. Vernetta E. Decker, who has Trenton State Teachers College will be named "The Roscoe L. West Library." held both the positions of Director of Stout Awards The State Board of Education at its meeting on June 5, 1957 approved the Student Life Department and Dean of new name. Students, will leave after 31 years of James M. Maloney, a senior English- service. William F. Andreas, Head of Library Science major, is the re­ Department of Health and Physical cipient of the Kate D. Stout Scholar­ Education, will retire after 27 years ship of $365 for graduate study. The of service to our college. Resigna­ Annie F. Stout Scholarship of $130 for tions have removed from the present graduate study was awarded to Rose­ faculty George L. Ackerman, Assistant marie Garossino, a senior Business Professor II of Physical Education; Education major. The Stout Scholar­ Mrs. Olga G. Gorelli, Assistant Pro­ ships stem from funds left by the fessor II of Music; Patrick D. Hazard, sisters who were both active in the Assistant Professor of English; Miss field of education. Kate, a graduate Ann E. Voss, Assistant Professor of of State, was a Supervisor of Student Library Science; Miss Joan Colvey, Teaching at the State Normal School. Assistant Professor II at Lanning Annie was Principal of Lambertville School; Mrs. Rosemary Hausdoerffer, High School. Demonstration Teacher at Lanning; Miss Dorothy M. Ingalls, Demonstra­ •• tion Teacher at Lanning; Mrs. Mar­ garet T. Strucker, Demonstration Teacher at Lanning; and Miss Helen E. Margoczy, Demonstration Teacher at Lanning. Mr. Hazard has been granted a two- i year post-doctoral fellowship in De­ Rosemarie Garossino partment of American Civilization Wandell B. Secor Memorial Prize at the University of Pennsylvania. (Alumni Association)—For excellence Teachers College, Columbia, has ac­ in Mathematics—Alice Schuster. cepted Miss Dorothy M. Ingalls as a Gamma Sigma Nu Prize—For out­ graduate student. standing accomplishments in leader­ New positions have been accepted ship—$25 to Mary Jane Bill. by Mr. Ackerman in Southern Ocean North Jersey Alumni Association County Regional High School, Miss Service Award—For the greatest con­ Voss as Supervisor of School Library tribution to the life of the college in Service in the State Department of matters of service above self—$25 to Education, Miss Colvey in Ewing Lea Belle Jordan. Township, and Mrs. Strucker in Philomathean Sigma Beta Prize— Trenton schools. Four outstanding contribution of tal­ Because of resignations, S.T.C. will ent to college programs—$25 to Mar­ Oj see Mrs. Gorelli leave for family rea­ James M. Maloney jorie J. Browning. i/fr. Jm/y Ajfimw^wm/M& sons, Mrs. Hausdoerffer for home Apgar Society Book Award—To a duties, and Miss Margoczy to be The Stout Scholarships were pre­ ROSCOE E. WEST FUND married. sented this morning at the annual senior science major on basis of Awards Assembly by Dr. West. Other scholastic standing and promise of be­ coming an outstanding science teacher /ml,lit //e j/w/fn/ /m/w scholarships awarded at this time Wapalanne Awards were as follows: -—William D. Guthrie. i/i'fft/f/i /J/ft/f- /far/en ^(//fyy/ Presented Today Elizabeth A. Allen (Society of Re­ Other Awards Include tired Teachers)—$100 to Erna E. Membership in American Associa­ Bergefelder, $50 to Marjorie Ann tion of University Women (State Di­ /tfr/v fx/ew .(>/ fya///f(f/,f'.^ fami/tp- Scholarships were awarded in Diggs. vision AAUW)—Elizabeth J. Zellers. assembly today to students going to Atlantic City Branch, American Bessie S. Clark Award—To a senior Camp Wapalanne, the New Jersey Ae/mtv y,ear& /M^iiy/fty/adeyJif/y Association of University Women— social studies major who has con­ State School of Conservation in Stokes $300 to Audrey Mae Kisby. sistently shown genuine concern for State Forest. These scholarships Ms human affairs, both national and in­ were awarded on the basis of grades Isabelle De Valliere (Mercer County ternational—$25 to Dorothea Bueschel. and interest in the type of work pur­ Council of Parent-Teacher Associa­ Delta Kappa Gamma Award—To the fwrn1/930 /<y/,957 sued at Camp Wapalanne. The tions)—$75 to Carol Lee Colender, $75 senior woman who shows greatest amount of money that is made avail­ to Joyce M. Martin. promise of success in teaching—$25 able for these summer scholarships Catherine Nutt Hickman (Sigma to Mary Jane Bill. depends on the contributions given Sigma Beta)—$25 for study in Library Gamma Sigma Prize—To a junior by the various campus organizations. Science to Nancy G. Hatter. for excellence in English—$25 to Camp Wapalanne offers a succes­ George M. Lamonte (New Jersey Joseph R. McQuade. sion of opportunities to teachers-in- Library Association)—$300 to Nancy Claudius Hammond-Anthony D'Er- This gift plate will appear in the front of all books purchased training to gather background for G. Fullmer. rico Award (Sigma Tau Chi)—For through the Fund. wiser use of the out-of-doors in edu­ Music (Alumni Association)—$75 to outstanding athletic ability—$25 to cational programs. Courses start on Douglas C. Beavers. Joseph N. Herzstein. June 15th and continue through June New Jersey Bell Telephone—$300 Kappa Delta Pi Book Award—To 25th. The following courses are being Students Honor President West to Evelyn R. Humphries, $300 to the sophomore student ranking highest offered at this time: Field Biology, Siegfried Haenisch. in scholarship—Anne E. Atwater. Water Safety and First Aid, Camping Cornelius B. Kennedy Award (Theta With $1,000 Library Book Fund Education, School Arts and Crafts, Marianna G. Packer (Women's Nu Sigma)—To a man outstanding in Conservation of Basic Industrial Ma­ Health and Physical Education Club) student activities, scholarship, and terials. Of the thirteen students who —$50 to Cornelia Didur. At the Awards Assembly on June 11 that he had made excellent experi­ character—$25 to Merlin B. Coslick. have applied for the scholarships this not only many students received well- ences with a similar fund established Juniors Win Scholarships Mary H. McLees Award (Elemen­ year, nine are interested in the Field earned honors, but also the retiring in Bard College with which he was RCA—To encourage teaching in the tary Club)—To an outstanding senior Biology course, two in the Art course, President of the college, Dr. Roscoe connected prior to coming to Trenton. field of science—$800 to Jay C. Neary, elementary student—$25 U. S. Savings Bard College Library was thus en­ and one in the Water Safety and First Bond to Marilyn M. Johnson. L. West, was presented with a unique Aid course. Applicants this year were $250 to Margaret F. Lex. gift, a special book fund of $1,000 for abled to purchase many important and Phi Epsilon Kappa Awards—To out­ Barbara Sixt, Dot Williamson, Doris The previously announced Student stimulating works which added to the standing men in the Health and Phys­ the library. Turner, Rosemarie Starck, Catherine Cooperative Association Scholarships The students had voted at the last excellence of the collection, enriched ical Education Curriculum—(1) Leon Gurth, Lenny Kotler, Carole Woolley, for summer study abroad were assembly in April to establish this the academic experience of many stu­ R. Emmons Book Award—Alfred W. Jackie Bloomer, Bette Lewis, Sybil awarded to Nancy Lou Kondla and fund as a fitting memorial to the dents, and enhanced the reputation of Robert L. Holmes. The Exchange Schroeder, Jr.; (2) Richard H. both the library and the college. He Friedlander, Eileen Flanagan, Jule Engler Book Award—Harry W. Bald­ outstanding services which Dr. West Murphy, and Marie Martin. Students for 1957-58 are Anne E. At- had rendered to the college during his believed that, just as at Bard, the orig­ water, who will go to Dundee Training win. inal fund of $1,000 voted here in The Scholarship Committee con­ Mary A. Shoemaker Memorial tenure of twenty-seven years. The sisted of Dr. Cruise, Dr. Hausdoerffer, College, Scotland and John H. Gibbs, library had been chosen as the re­ Trenton should be enlarged upon by who will study at the University of Award—To a senior Elementary Edu­ voluntary gifts from friends of the Dr. West, Dr. Crowell, Dr. Botts, and cation student for excellence in sci­ cipient of the fund because of the Miss Decker. Dr. Cruise is attending Saskatchewan, Canada. library and the college, as occasion ence—$25 U. S. Savings Bond to strong interest that Dr. West had Several prizes and other awards the camp session this year. Geraldine J. Bednarski. shown in its development. The fund arises. were also presented at this time. These $1,000 will be spent during Women's Health and Physical Edu­ is not to be used for the books which They are as follows: the regular budget of the college the next two years. The Librarian cation Club Book Award—To a Health Charles D. Clarkson Book Award should provide for the library, but will be assisted in the selection of You will have a better and Physical Education woman for (Alumni Association)— To an out­ only for outstanding works that will suitable sets by a committee consist­ vacation if you go to the contribution to the department—Do­ standing Business Education major- still be significant when this century ing of Dr.
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