THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. EDITED BY THE VICE-SECRETARY OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. VOLUME THE SECOND. 1846. PART THE FIRST. PROCEEDINGS OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. LONDON : LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. PARIS :--FRIED. KLINCKSIECK, II RUE DE LILLE; BAUDRY, 9 RUE DU COQ, PRES LE LOUVRE ; LEIPZIG, T. O. WEIGEL. NEW YORK :--WILEY AND PUTNAM, 161 BROADWAY. SOLD ALSO AT THE APARTMENTS OF THE SOCIETY. M DCCCX LV I. OF TH~ 0 FFI CE R S OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. ELECTED FEBRUARY 1846. PRESIDENT. Leonard Homer, Esq. F.R.S., L. & E. VICE-PRESIDENTS. Sir P. Grey Egerton, Bart. M.P.F.R.S. Robert Hutton, Esq. M.R.I.A. Sir R. I. Murchison, G.C.S.S.F.R.S. & L.S. Rev. Prof. Sedgwick, F.R.~. SECRETARIES. William John Hamilton, Esq. M.P. John Carrick Moore, Esq. FOREIGN SECRETARY. Sir H. T. De la Beche, F.R.S. & L.S. TREASURER. John Lewis Prevost, Esq. COUNCIl, • J. S. Bowerbank, Esq. F.R.S. G. B. Greenough, Esq. F.R.S. & L.S. Very Rev. Prof. Buckland, D.D.F.R.S. D. Sharpe, Esq. F.L.S. Charles Darwin, Esq. M.A.F.R.S. Marquess of Northampton, Pres. R.S. C. J. F. Bunbury, Esq. F.L.S. Prof. Owen, F.R.S. & L.S. Hugh Falconer, M.D.F.R.S. Samuel Peace Pratt, Esq. F.R.S. & L.S. Prof. Daubeny, M.D.F.R.S. & L.S. Lieut.-Col. Sabine, R.A. For. Sec. R.S. Prof. E. Forbes, F.R.S. & L.S. Henry Warburton, Esq. M.P.F.R.S. VICE-SECRETARY. Professor Ansted, M.A.F.tLS. CURATOR AND LIBRARIAN. Mr. J. De C. Sowerby, F.L.S TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page AUSTEN, R. A. C., Esq. On the Coal-beds of Lower Normandy 1 BINNEY, E. W., Esq. On the relation of the New Red Sandstone to the Carboniferous strata in Lancashire and Cheshire .... 12 . Description of the Dukinfield Sigillal% . ...... 390 BLACK, J., Esq., M.D. Observations on a Slab of New Red Sand- stone from the quarries at Weston near Runcorn, Cheshire, contain- ing the impressions of footsteps and other markings ..... 65 BOWERBANK, J. S., Esq. On a new species of Pterodactyl, found in the Upper Chalk of Kent .............. 7 BROCKEDON, W., Esq. On a method of forming the dust of Graphite into a solid mass ............. 31 BaowN, Richard, Esq. On a group of erect Fossil Trees in the Sydney Coal-field of Cape Breton ........... 393 BUCH, Leopold yon. Notice Of a new family of Crinoidal animals, called Cystidea ................. ll BUCKLAND, Very Rev. Dr. On the ocem'rence of Nodules (called Petrified Potatoes) found on the shores of Lough Neagh in Ireland 103 BUNBURY, C. J. F., Esq. On some remarkable Fossil Ferns from Frostburg, Maryland,colleeted by Mr. Lyell ....... 82 • Notes on the Fossil Plants communicated by Mr. Dawson from Nova Scotia .... ............ 136 CHARLTON, Mr. W.J. Notice of the discovery of the Tusk of an Elephant in the gravel near Rochester ......... 32 COOPER, --, Esq. On the occmTence of Coal in Formosa 81 CUMMING, Rev. J.G. On the Geology of the Isle of Man . 317 CUNNINOHAM, John, Esq. On some Footmarks and other impres- sions observed in the New Red Sandstone quan'ies of Storton, near Liverpool ................... 410 Cuteh. Notice of an Eal~hquake and probable subsidence of land at 103 DARWIN, Charles, Esq. An account of the Fine Dust which often falls on vessels in the Atlantic Ocean .......... 26 - . On the Geology of the Falkland Islands ....... 267 DAvis, J. E., Esq. On the Geology of the neighbourhood of Tre- madoc, Caernalwonshire ............. • 70 DAwEs, J. S., Esq. Observations upon Sternbergi~e ..... • 139 iv TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page DAWSON, J. W., Esq. Notices of some Fossils found in the Coal folanation of Nova Scotia .............. 132 DICKINSON, Jos., Esq. On the strata called' Jackstones' at Merthyr Tydvil .................... 131 EVEREST, Rev. Robert. Remarks on the Level of the Pirmus Har- bour near Athens, and of the country adjacent ....... 32 FITTON, W. H., Esq., M.D. A Stratigraphical account of the section from Athel~eld to Rocken-end in the Isle of Wight ..... 55 FORBES, Prof. Edward, and Lieut. T. A. B. SPRATT, R.N. On the Geology of Lvcia ................ 8 GiiPPERT, Prof. On Amber, and on the Organic Remains found in it ..................... 102 HUNT, T. C., Esq. On the Geology of the Island of St. Mm,d's, one of the Azores .................. 39 LOGAN, W. E., Esq. On the Packing of the Ice in the river St. Lawrence; the occurrence of Landslips in the modern deposits of its valley ; and the existence of Marine Shells in them and on the mountain of Montreal ............... 422 LY~.LL, Charles, Esq. On the Age of the newest Lava Cun-ent of Auvergne, with remarks on some Tertiary Fossils of that country 75 Notice on the Coal-fields of Alabama ........ 278 ~. On the Newer Deposits of the Southern States of North America ................... 405 --. On Footmarks discovered in the Coal-measurcs of Pennsyl- vania, U. S ................... 417 MANTELL, Dr. Description of Footmarks and other imprints on a slab of New Red Sandstone from Turner's Falls, Massachussetts, U. S., collected by Dr. James Deane of Greenfield, U. S .... 38 ~. Description of some Fossil Fruits from the Chalk formation of the South-east of England ............ 51 ~. Notes on the Wealden strata of the Isle of Wight, with an account of the bones of Iguanodons and other reptiles discovered at Brook Point and Sandown Bay ........... 91 . On the Fossil Remains of Birds in the Wealdcn strata of the South-east of England ............... 104 MORRIS, John, Esq., and D. SHARPE, Esq. Description of eight species of Brachiopodous Shells from the Palaeozoic rocks of the Falkland Islands ................ 274 MORRIS, John, Esq. On the subdivision of the genus Terebratula. 382 MORRIS, John, Esq., and J. PRESTWlCH, Jun., Esq-. On the Wealden strata exposed by the Tunbridge Wells Railway . 397 MURCHISON, Sir Roderick I., G.C.S. On the Superficial Detritus of Sweden, and on the probable causes which have affected the sur- face of the rocks in the central aml southern portions of that kingdom ................... 349 OWEN,. Dr. David Dale. On the Geology of the Western States of North America ................. d33 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page OWgN, Professor. On the supposed Fossil Bones of Birds from tile Wealden ................... 96 • Description of an upper molar tooth of .Dichobune cervinurn, from the Eocene marl at Binstead, Isle of Wight ...... 420 PRATT, S. P., Esq. Geological position of the Bitumen used in Asphalte pavements ................ 80 PRESTWlCH, Joseph, Esq., Jun. On the Tertiary or Supraere- taceous formations of the Isle of Wight, as exhibitecl in the sections at Alum Bay and White Cliff Bay ........... 223 PRESTWICH, J., Esq., Jun., and John MORRIS, Esq. On the Wealden strata exposed by the Tunbridge Wells Railway . 397 RENNIW, George, Esq. Notice accompanying a specimen of a cal- careous band in the plastic clay from the bed of the Thames . 260 RosE, C. B., Esq. On the occurrence of a fossil petro-tympanic bone of a Whale from the Crag near Ipswich ....... 32 SEDGWICK, Rev. Prof. On the Classification of the Fossiliferous Slates of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Lancashire ; being a sup- plement to a paper read to the Society March 1'2, 1845 .... 106 SHARPE, Daniel, Esq. Contributions to the Geology of North Wales .................... 283 SHARPE, Daniel, Esq., and J. MORRIS, Esq. Description of eight species of Brachiopodous shells from the Palaeozoic rocks of the Falkland Islands ................ 274 SMITH, James, Esq., of Jordan Hill. On the scratched bouhters and rocks of the coal-field of Scotland ........... 33 On the Geology of Gibraltar ........... 41 SPRATT, Lieut. T. A. B., R.N., and Prof. E. FORBES. On the Geology of Lycia ...... : ............ 8 STRICKLAND, I~I. E., Esq. On ~o species of microscopic shells found in the Lias ................ 30 STUTCHBURY, Samuel, Esq. Description of a new species of Plesio- saurus in the Museum of the Bristol Institution ...... 411 TAt}ART, Edward, Esq. On markings in the Hastings sand beds near Hastings, supposed to be the footprints of birds ...... 267 VICKARY, Capt. N. Geological report on a portion of the Beloo- chistan Hills .................. 260 WILLIAMS, Rev. D. On the circumstances and phmnomcna pre- sented by the Granite of Lundy Island, and of Hestercombe in the Quantock Hills, compared with those which characterize the Gra- nites of Devon and Cornwall ............. 68 LIST OF THE FOSSILS FIGURED AND DESCRIBED IN THIS VOLUME. [In this list those fossils, the names of which are printed in Roman type, are not described for the first time at the pages referred to.] ameofS ooies I Fo atioo* I Locality IPage PLANTS. (8.) ~lbies Benstedi, Mantell. P1. ii. f. 2 .... L.G. S ............. Maidstone ......... 52 Carpolithes Smithive, Mantell. P]. ii. U. Chalk ......... Kent ............... 53 f. 3. Peco.~teris elliptica, C. Bunbury. P1. Coal-measures ... Frostburg, Mary- 84 ,:n. land, U.S. Peeopteris emarginata. P1. vi ......... Coal-measures ... Frostburg, Mary- 84 land, U.S. Sigillaria .................................... Coal-measures ... Dukinfield ....... 392 Ditto .................................... Ditto ............... Cape Breton ...... 395 Stigmaria ? P1. viii. f. 2, 3, 4 ......... Carb. sandstone... Malagash, Nova Scotia. Zamia Sussexiensis, Mantell. Pl.ii. f. 1. Lower greensand. Sussex ............ 51 FORAMINIFERA. (2.) Orbis inflmus, Strickland ............... Lias ............... Gloucestershire... 30 Polymorphina liassiea, Strickland ...... Lias ............... Gloucestershire... 30 MOLLUSCA.~_Pteropoda. (5.) Cresei~ gracillima, Sharpe. Pl. xiii. f. 5.] Silurian ............ [ N. Wales ......... I 314 obtusa, Sharpe. P1. xiii. f. 4 .... [Silurian ............ IN. Wales ......... 1 314 primveva. P1. xiii. f. 2 ............ [ Silurian ............ ]N. Wales ......... l 314 veutrieosa, Sharpe. P1. xiii. f. 3. Silurian ....... ..... N. Wales ......... 314 Theea Forbesii, Sharpe. P1. xiii. f.
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