EDUCATION PROFILE FOR THE STATE/U.T. OF WEST BENGAL PRINTED ON 18/01/96 COMPILED BY PLANNING & MONITORING UNIT ^ Li0CUMErjfAT?0!V 'J E N F R f ilatioml Instituie of K j jr •’■looal Planning nnd •‘dmimstr :Uon. 1 7 -B , Srj Aurobiudo Mari;, New Delhi-ilOOlG Q\ Q^Ql DOC, No ....... ... .V.r l l i L D a te ....................... INI 1 ^ 9 6 - 2 0 0 2 (3) .. Obviously, the strategies adopted so long are incapable of taking us to the desired goal of UEZ. The expediences of the past years clearly point to the fact that the strategies need be backed up by a holistic planninc.and management approach which views the task of achieving UEE in its totality. The District Primary Education Programme (DPEP) is- an alternative strategy based on holistic planning to achieve UEE by removing disparity across gender, disadvantaged groups, and regions and improving the level of learning. 1.1 SCENE OF BASIC EDUCATION IN THE DISTRICT —---------------------------------------- —r— --------- The district of Murshidabad has qualified for DPEP bccause of its alarming backwardness in educational achievement.in all its aspects. The educational scene in the district can be set as follows : Literacy Rate 1981 1991 (Per cent) Total ; 24.89 38-28 Male ; 31.75 46.42 Female : 17.75 29.57 Rura 1 O b viously the district of Murshidabad is way behind the state^ level achievement in r e s p e c t of literacy. The female literacy in particular. is .shockingly low. If we look across the rural and urban p o p u l a t i o n of the- district (4 ) the picture of gender inequity becomes all .the more glaring. The fact that the rural female literacy is as low as 21% mu^t be viewed in the context of the predominance of tne rural population (90%) of the district. Year : 1991 Literacy profile in Mursnidabad District Male Female Total Rural 43.68 26.77 35.52 Urban 69.12 52.12 60.80 The situation pertaining to primary education in the dis trict is summarised with the help of the following data : Year : 1991 Total Population (in lakh) 47.34 Rural 42.41 (89.6%) Total S.C. Population(in lakh) 6.35 (13.05%) Total S.T. Population (in* lakh) 0.61 (1.2%) Sex ratio 940 per 1000 male Percentage of Muslims to total 58.4 population (1981 census) Against the backdrop of the above demographic picture, the following educational indicators of the district l^ay be looked at. (5) Year : 1995 No. of Primary Schools ' 2 9 97 Rural 21 M Urban 2bU No. of Teachers 10113 Male Female T r ained U n trained T rained Untrained 5337 3074 987 715 Let us now look at the enrolment position in the d i s t r i c t ; Year Total Enrolment Enrolment Growth Rate 1989 3 , 4 4,829 1990 '3,65,556 6 % 1991 3..88.920 6 % 1992 4 , 3 0 ^ 8 2 9 10% 1993 5 . 0 0 . 9 1 5 16% 1994 5 , 0 1 , 8 9 0 As is evident from the above table, the growth rate in enrolment has been erratic over the years . The maximum growth in enrol>nerit was witnessed during the year 199J and probably it was du*? to spin-off effect of Total Literacy Campaign 'TLC) launched in 1992. (6 ) Taking into account the number .of children in the age-group (5 - 11 years) in the district we can tiow compute the GER for 1994 as follows ; Overall GER 11,29 GER in urban schools 106 GER in rural schools 75.4 Female GER for rural schools 74.97 Male GER for rural schools 76.65 The degree of divergence in GER is very high across the Blocks. There are seven blocks having more than 90 per cent while five blocks are. found to be lagging behind the district average with less than 70 per cent GER. Blocks with GER Blocks with GER greater than 90 less than 70 berhampore, Jalanqi, Kandi Nowda, Suti-I & II, Murshidabad- Jiaqanj, Bhagwanqola - II, Nabagram, Raghunathganj-I 4 II Samserganj. Out of seven municipal towns, four are found to have GER less than 100, viz. Jangipur, Jiagan^-Azimganj, Dhuliyan, Beldanga. Of these, Beldanga has the lowest GER (72%). 'I’ D probe the educational scene further, we can have a look 3t other educational indicators, ’.lerhampore Hlock (7) is sndowed with the highest number of schools (lb4) while in Bhagwangola II and Suti -I lilocks the number of schools li; the lowest (69). The overall p^jpil - teacher ratio in the district is around 54 which is much above the desired pupil - teacher ratio of 40 : 1. The quality oL Education obviously suffers because of the fact that as many as 11 blocks are seen to have pupil - teacher ratio greater than 60. In eight of the remaining 15 blocks, the ratio varies from 40 to 50. The school profile of the district in primary education sector is given below : Total No. of Schools 2997 Number of Schools : with one room 534 with two rooms 934 with three or more rooms 1259 with no room 270 with one teacher 99 f with two teachers 885 with three teachers 1050 with 3 or more teachers 963 The number of schools in the rural areas of the district is 2737 while the nu-nber of villagers is 19^7. The density of population is naturally not uniform across the villages. The d 1 s t r i l)u 1 1 on of villaqe> bv population range is as follows : itJ) Range of pbpulation No. of villages - 2 0 0 165 201 - 499 312 500 - 1999 947 2000 - 4999 370 5000 - 9999 144 10003 - above 19 As is evident, the largest group of villages belong to the range of population between 500 - 2000. Indeed, more than 68 per cent villages in the district have a population-size ranging from 500 to 5000. If the norm of providing one school for a habitat of 500 is to be adhered to^ it is amply clear that the distribution of schools across the villages is far from optimal and need- b a s e d . With the above mentioned infrastructural facilities for primary schooling available in the district, the present enrolment is 5.01 lakhs. We can ha/e a closer look at the enrolment scenario. Year : 1994 Total Enrolment 5 , 0 1 , 8 9 0 M a l e 2 , 6 1 , 3 2 4 F e m a l e . 2 , 4 0 , 5 7 0 Total S.C.Enrolment ^ 77 , 0 6 0 Male 4 2 , 6 4 5 Female 3 4 , 4 1 5 Total S.T.Enrolment 5 , 9 1 3 Male . bJ'y . Female 2, 374 Set against the poDuIation i n the specifi,c age-group (b-11 y e a r s ) , t'le dat.j on eni';>im^nt c-iven above wouiu throw lig^L on, the two main problems of primary education in the district - viz. low access and low retention. The number of children in the primary school - age cohott: for different years since 1991 and the respective level of enrolment are given below : Population in the Primary Enrolment school age-cohort (5-11 yr.) ^991 5,68,817 3,88,920 ^992 5,84,744 4,30,829 1993 6,01,117 5,00,915 1994 6,13,139 5,01,890 1995 6,30,000 5,14,736 It is obvious -that more than one lakh -children in the relevant age-cohort are not able to reach schools. These children are precisely the clientele of Oisti;ict Primary Education Programme. To conclude the overview of Primary Education in the district, w e give, below the i n f o r m a t i o n on ICDS centres operating ' in the district. In all, 2 1 1 1 No. of IC05 centres are .it present In operation in 14 blocks o^ the district serving about 54116 No. children in the (10 aqe-group of 4 to 5 years . Th^se centres otferincj various health and r e l a t e d servi c e s act as spr i ncj-boa rds for p r i m a r y education. The table below gives the aata on suer, centres and their beneficiaries. I.C.D.S.Centres, target group and beneficiaries. / Block No.of Children in No.of ICDS age-group(4-5 years) Centres B e r h a m p o r e 6484 22U Beldanga-II 3813 155 N o w d a ‘ 3561 144 D o m k a l 5408 > 100 K a ndi 3451 162 '* Bharatpur-I 2791 106“'' Bharatpur-II 2753 100 K h a r g r a m 4789 168 B a r w a n 4255 ib5 N a b a g r a m 3461 216 L al g o l a 4469 164 Raghunathganj-I 2563 ISO _ Sut i - I 2413' S a g a r d i g h i 4305 173 TOTAL : 54516 2111 I J.J.; i n f^NAGEMENT OF PRIMARY EDUCATION CURRENT ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE Tne Organisation for managing and running the Primary Education Sector in the district is given below with the help of following diagram State School Education Directorate West Eengal Board of Level (Director of School Education) Primary Education (President) I D i s t . District Inspector of Schools, District Primary School Level (Primary Education!' <— Council (Chairman with (Secretary to the District othnJr members d u l y no«i- Primary School Council)- One post nated by the State Govt.
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