Fife NHS Board Date: 23 January 2019 Enquiries to: Mrs Paula King Tel: 01592 643355 Ext 28976 AGENDA A meeting of Fife NHS Board will be held on WEDNESDAY 30 JANUARY 2019 at 10.00 AM in the STAFF CLUB, VICTORIA HOSPITAL, KIRKCALDY TRICIA MARWICK Chair 10:00 1 CHAIRPERSON’S WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS TM 2 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS TM 3 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – W Brown, F Elliot TM 4 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 28 TM (enclosed) NOVEMBER 2018 5 MATTERS ARISING: NHS FIFE PARTICIPATION - (enclosed) REQUESTS 10:10 6 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT 6.1 Chief Executive Up-date PH (verbal) • Annual Review Public Session 15 February 2019 6.2 Integrated Performance Report Executive Summary PH (enc) 10:30 7 CHAIRPERSON’S REPORT 7.1 Board Development Session – 19 December 2018 TM (enclosed) 10:35 8 IMPLEMENTATION OF BOARD ASSURANCE HW (enclosed) FRAMEWORK 10:45 9 DUTY OF CANDOUR UPDATE FME (enclosed) 10:55 10 AUDIT SCOTLAND OVERVIEW OF NHS SCOTLAND CP (enclosed) 11:05 11 BOARD AND COMMITTEE DATES 2019-20 CP (enclosed File Name: Board Agenda 013019 Issue 23 January 2019 Originator: Paula King Page 1 of 2 11:10 12 STATUTORY AND OTHER COMMITTEE MINUTES Statutory 12.1 Audit & Risk Committee dated 13 December 2018 (enclosed) (unconfirmed) 12.2 Clinical Governance Committee dated 16 January (enclosed) 2019 (unconfirmed) 12.3 Finance, Performance & Resources Committee dated (enclosed) 15 January 2019 (unconfirmed) 12.4 Staff Governance Committee dated 18 January 2019 (enclosed) (unconfirmed) Other 12.5 Communities & Wellbeing Partnership dated 5 (enclosed) December 2018 (unconfirmed) 12.6 Fife Health & Social Care Integration Joint Board (enclosed) dated 20 December 2018 (unconfirmed) 12.7 Fife Partnership Board dated 13 November 2018 (enclosed) (unconfirmed) 11:15 13 FOR INFORMATION: 13.1 Integrated Performance Report – November and CP (enclosed) December 2018 14 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 15 DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Wednesday 27 March 2019 at 10.00 am in the Staff Club, Victoria Hospital, Kirkcaldy 11:20 BREAK File Name: Board Agenda 013019 Issue 23 January 2019 Originator: Paula King Page 2 of 2 Fife NHS Board 4 MINUTE OF THE MEETING OF FIFE NHS BOARD HELD ON WEDNESDAY 28 NOVEMBER 2018 AT 10.00 AM IN THE STAFF CLUB, VICTORIA HOSPITAL, KIRKCALDY Present: Ms T Marwick (Chairperson) Dr F M Elliot, Medical Director Mr P Hawkins, Chief Executive Ms R Laing, Non-Executive Director Dr L Bisset, Non-Executive Director Ms D Milne, Director of Public Health Mr M Black, Non-Executive Director Ms J Owens, Non-Executive Director Ms S Braiden, Non-Executive Director Mrs C Potter, Director of Finance Mrs W Brown, Employee Director Mrs M Wells, Non-Executive Director Mr E Clarke, Non-Executive Director Ms H Wright, Director of Nursing Mrs C Cooper, Non-Executive Director In Attendance: Mr A Fairgrieve, Director of Estates, Facilities & Capital Services Ms J Gardner, Chief Operating Officer (Acute) Mr M Kellet, Director of Health & Social Care Dr G MacIntosh, Head of Corporate Planning & Performance Ms E McPhail, Director of Pharmacy Ms B A Nelson, Director of Workforce Mrs P King, Corporate Services Manager (Minutes) 95/18 CHAIRPERSON’S WELCOME AND OPENING REMARKS The Chair welcomed everyone to the Board meeting and reminded Members that the notes are being recorded with the Echo Pen to aid production of the minutes. These recordings are also kept on file for any possible future reference. The Chair congratulated: the Haematology/Oncology day unit, which has retained the prestigious Macmillan Quality Environment Mark following a recent review of its services for cancer patients and their carers. The award recognises excellence in the field of cancer information and support and takes into account the experience of people using the unit, as well as the policies and procedures used in its day-to-day running and its overall environment; Jenn Grant, School Nurse Practice Teacher, on becoming the Programme Leader for the Postgraduate Diploma Person Centred Practice (School Nursing) Programme. The School Nurse service works with children and young people and their families to assess and identify unaddressed health needs in order to provide and implement evidence-based interventions that support the health and wellbeing needs of the school-aged population; File Name: Board/Minutes 112818 Issue 1 04/12/2018 Originator: Paula King Page 1 of 8 Review Date: 1/8 1/287 a Health Visitor team from Kirkcaldy Health Centre, which was runner-up in the category of Co-production with our families and services at the National Quality Improvement Awards. The Chair advised that: Dr Chris McKenna has been appointed as the new Medical Director of NHS Fife. Dr McKenna will take up appointment from 1 March 2019. Interim arrangements will be put in place prior to that time to ensure a handover with Dr Frances Elliot, who will retire from her post as Medical Director in April 2019; Ms Ellen Ryabov has been appointed as NHS Fife’s new Chief Operating Officer (Acute Services), who will take up post on 28 January 2019, succeeding Ms Jann Gardner, who has been appointed to the role of Chief Executive, Golden Jubilee National Hospital; Mr Simon Little resigned from the Board as Non-Executive Director at the end of October. The Chair thanked Mr Little for his contribution to the Board during his tenure, in particular for his Chairmanship of the Audit & Risk Committee and latterly the Integration Joint Board. The Annual Review with the Cabinet Secretary will be held on 3 December 2018. The previous format involving the Board’s attendance has, for this year, been replaced with a private session involving the Chair and Chief Executive only, but a public-facing event on annual performance is planned for early in the New Year. 96/18 DECLARATION OF MEMBERS’ INTERESTS Mrs Cooper declared a potential interest under item 105/18, as her daughter is a litigation solicitor involved in a number of such cases. 97/18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Graham. 98/18 MINUTE OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 26 SEPTEMBER 2018 The Minute of the previous meeting was approved as a true record. 99/18 MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising. 100/18 CHIEF EXECUTIVE’S REPORT (a) Up-date In terms of regional delivery the number of work streams for the acute work has been reduced, to bring the focus in line with some of the performance issues. It is hoped that a further update will be provided at the next Board meeting in January 2019. File Name: Board/Minutes 112818 Issue 1 04/12/2018 Originator: Paula King Page 2 of 8 Review Date: 2/8 2/287 Action: P Hawkins (b) Executive Summary - Integrated Performance Report (IPR) Mr Hawkins introduced the Executive Summary. Executive leads and Committee Chairs highlighted areas of significance within the IPR, in particular: Clinical Governance Hospital Acquired Infection (HAI) Staphylococcus Aureus Bacteraemia (SAB) – NHS Fife was not yet on target to meet the standard by the end of this year. A report on SABs would be provided to the next Clinical Governance Committee, which would further analyse the data. Complaints – the completion rate of Stage 2 complaints was noted as 43.5% which was still below target. The Patient Relations team have worked closely with Acute Services and the Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) and performance was sitting at 73.9% for this month, which is a significant improvement. Finance, Performance & Resources NHS Fife Acute Division - Performance around the key targets of 4-Hour Emergency Access, Cancer 62 day Referral to Treatment, Patient Treatment Times Guarantee (TTG), Diagnostics and 18 Weeks Referral to Treatment were highlighted. Performance around the Patient TTG has been challenging and the focus has been to try and maintain patient flow throughout the entire system. The specific challenges in Ophthalmology and Orthopaedics are being addressed, with improvement work in Ophthalmology to develop a new theatre (planned to open in early 2019) and a number of different approaches are underway in Orthopaedics to try and improve performance. Health & Social Care Partnership (H&SCP) – In terms of Delayed Discharge, Fife sustained good performance to the end of August. Although the position subsequent to that has been more challenging, the number of delays is beginning to reduce again. The main pressure point is around securing care at home capacity and work is underway with external providers to give confidence about securing contracts over the longer term. Performance related to Smoking Cessation is behind target but plans are in place, with a particular focus on areas of deprivation to more actively promote the number of quits. There has been an improving position in respect of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), although the service is still being challenged by the continuing high number of referrals despite investment in training, etc, to promote lower tier support in schools for children and young people with mental health concerns. Detailed discussion has been held through the Integration Joint Board (IJB) governance committees and the Board’s sub committees around Psychological Therapies, which is undergoing a significant redesign with an emphasis on the community. A trajectory File Name: Board/Minutes 112818 Issue 1 04/12/2018 Originator: Paula King Page 3 of 8 Review Date: 3/8 3/287 has been produced with a view to meeting the target by the end of this financial year. Financial Position – The position to 30 September 2018 reflected an overspend of £1.696m. At the half-year point, the reported year-end forecast is an overspend of £3.466m, that recognises the assessment and estimate impact of the risk share agreement.
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