Bibliothèque Nobel 1907 Bernhard Zweifel Rudyard Kipling Geburtsjahr 1865 Todesjahr 1935 Sprache englisch Begründung: in consideration of the power of observation, originality of imagination, virility of ideas and remarkable talent for narration which characterize the creations of this world-famous author Zusatzinformationen Sekundärliteratur - Helmut Singer & Herbert Hager, A Selection from English Literature 1500 1950, S. 102 (1960) - Angus Wilson, Introduction to Kim - Jim Zwick, The White Man's Burden" and Its Critics - James McG. Stewart, Rudyard Kipling: A Bibliographical Catalogue (1959) - Charles Carrington, Rudyard Kipling: His Life and Work (1955) - Roger Lancelyn Green (ed.), The Readers' Guide to Rudyard Kipling's Work (1961) - Kingsley Amis, Kipling and His World (1975) - Angus Wilson, The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling (1977) - Harold Orel (ed.), Kipling: Interviews and Recollections (1983) - Norman Page, A Kipling Companion (1984) - Martin Seymour-Smith, Rudyard Kipling (1989) - Sukeshi Kamara, Kipling's Vision (1989) - Thomas N. Cross, East and West: A Biography of Rudyard Kipling (1991) - W.J. Lohman, The Culture Shocks of Rudyard Kipling (1990) - Ann Parry, The Poetry of Kipling (1992) - Zohreh T. Sullivan, Narratives of Empire (1993) - Helen P. Bauer, Rudyard Kipling; A Study of the Short Fiction (1994) - Carol Greene et al., Rudyard Kipling; Author of the Jungle Books (1995) - Stuart Murray, Rudyard Kipling in Vermont (1997) - Peter Hopkirk, Quest for Kim (1997) - Gunnar Ahlström, Kleine Geschichte der Zuerkennung des Nobelpreises, Coron -Verlag Zürich - Raymond Las Vergnas, Leben und Werk von Rudyard Kipling, Coron-Verlag Zürich - Werner von Koppenfels, Faszinieren, aber auch zutiefsst anstössig, NZZ (2015) Film - Plain Tales from the Hills, 1974, dir. By John Huston - Soldiers Three, 1951, dir. By Tony Garnett - Wee Willie Winkie, 1937, dir. By John Ford - The Jungle Book, 1942, dir. By Zoltan Korda, 1967 (Disney Productions) - "Captains Courageous": A Story of the Grand Banks, 1937, dir. By Victor Fleming - Kim, 1951, dir. By Victor Saville Werkverzeichnis The Maltese Cat 107.0025e Belletristik My Sunday at Home 107.0025e The Devil and the Deep Sea 107.0025e The Tomb of His Ancestors 107.0025e .007 107.0025e In Black and White 107.0014e The Judgment of Dungara 107.0032e William the Conqueror 107.0025e The Brushwood Boy 107.0025e The Ship that Found Herself 107.0025e Bread upon the Waters 107.0025e A Walking Delegate 107.0025e The Bridge-Builders 107.0025e Haunted Subalterns 107.0032e The Last Relief 107.0009e Haunted Subalterns 107.0009e The Last Relief 107.0032e Haunted Subalterns 107.0019e Bitters Neat 107.0032e As Easy as ABC 107.9999 Bitters Neat 107.0009e An Error in the Fourth Dimension 107.0025e The Judgment of Dungara 107.0020e Bitters Neat 107.0019e 1 / 8 10.02.2021 Bibliothèque Nobel 1907 Rudyard Kipling Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0884 1880 - 1889 Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0884 The Big Drunk Draf [1880] 107.0011e Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0021e The Big Drunk Draf [1880] 107.0020e Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0032e The Big Drunk Draf [1880] 107.0900 Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0012e The Big Drunk Draf [1880] 107.0032e His Majesty the King [1888] 107.0884 Quartette (with A., A. and J. Kipling) [1885] His Majesty the King [1888] 107.0970 Venus Annodomini [1888] 107.0032e His Majesty the King [1888] 107.0021e The Phantom 'Rickshaw [1888] 107.0009e His Majesty the King [1888] 107.0012e At Howli Thana [1888] 107.0880 His Majesty the King [1888] 107.0032e At Howli Thana [1888] 107.0032e The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0032e At Howli Thana [1888] 107.0020e My Own True Ghost Story [1888] 107.0021e The Strange Ride of Morrowwbie Jukes [1888] 107.0884 The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0019e The Strange Ride of Morrowwbie Jukes [1888] 107.0021e My Own True Ghost Story [1888] 107.0009e The Strange Ride of Morrowwbie Jukes [1888] 107.0032e Lispeth [1888] 107.0008e The Strange Ride of Morrowwbie Jukes [1888] 107.0009e Lispeth [1888] 107.0885 Venus Annodomini [1888] 107.0008e Lispeth [1888] 107.0882 Venus Annodomini [1888] 107.0885 Lispeth [1888] 107.0032e The Phantom 'Rickshaw [1888] 107.0884 Lispeth [1888] 107.0019e Venus Annodomini [1888] 107.0019e Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0885 The Man Who Would be King [1888] 107.0884 Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0882 The Man Who Would be King [1888] 107.0009e Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0884 The Man Who Would be King [1888] 107.0021e Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0019e The Man Who Would be King [1888] 107.0032e Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0032e The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0884 Wressley of the Foreign Office [1888] 107.0009e The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0885 My Own True Ghost Story [1888] 107.0884 The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0882 By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0885 The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0019e A Wayside Comedy [1888] 107.0032e The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0009e A Wayside Comedy [1888] 107.0013e Venus Annodomini [1888] 107.0882 A Wayside Comedy [1888] 107.0021e The Story of Muhammad Din [1888] 107.0032e The Drums of the Fore and Aft [1888] 107.0884 Consequences [1888] 107.0032e The Drums of the Fore and Aft [1888] 107.0021e Consequences [1888] 107.0882 The Drums of the Fore and Aft [1888] 107.0012e Consequences [1888] 107.0885 To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0884 The Other Man [1888] 107.0008e To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0885 The Other Man [1888] 107.0882 Three and - an Extra [1888] 107.0882 The Other Man [1888] 107.0885 To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0019e The Other Man [1888] 107.0032e The Taking of Lungtungpen [1888] 107.0885 The Other Man [1888] 107.0019e To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0009e Consequences [1888] 107.0008e The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0011e Three and - an Extra [1888] 107.0019e By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0884 The Phantom 'Rickshaw [1888] 107.0032e A Wayside Comedy [1888] 107.0884 Three and - an Extra [1888] 107.0032e By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0019e The Phantom 'Rickshaw [1888] 107.0021e By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0032e Watches of the Night [1888] 107.0008e By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0009e Watches of the Night [1888] 107.0882 On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0885 Watches of the Night [1888] 107.0885 On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0884 Watches of the Night [1888] 107.0032e On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0882 Watches of the Night [1888] 107.0019e On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0009e Beyond the Pale [1888] 107.0008e On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0019e Beyond the Pale [1888] 107.0885 On the Strength of a Likeness [1888] 107.0032e Beyond the Pale [1888] 107.0882 The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0884 Beyond the Pale [1888] 107.0032e The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0885 Beyond the Pale [1888] 107.0019e The Madness of Private Ortheris [1888] 107.0882 Consequences [1888] 107.0019e By Word of the Mouth [1888] 107.0882 To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0032e The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [1888] 107.0885 My Own True Ghost Story [1888] 107.0032e The Three Musketeers [1888] 107.0032e To be Filed for Reference [1888] 107.0882 The Three Musketeers [1888] 107.0019e Baa Baa, Black Sheep [1888] 107.0970 The Three Musketeers [1888] 107.0011e 2 / 8 10.02.2021 Bibliothèque Nobel 1907 Rudyard Kipling Yoked with an Unbeliever' [1888] 107.0008e In the House of Suddhoo [1888] 107.0885 Yoked with an Unbeliever' [1888] 107.0885 The Broken-Link Handicap [1888] 107.0032e Yoked with an Unbeliever' [1888] 107.0882 The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [1888] 107.0882 Yoked with an Unbeliever' [1888] 107.0019e The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [1888] 107.0885 Yoked with an Unbeliever' [1888] 107.0032e The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [1888] 107.0008e His Wedded Wife [1888] 107.0008e In the House of Suddhoo [1888] 107.0019e His Wedded Wife [1888] 107.0885 The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [1888] 107.0032e His Wedded Wife [1888] 107.0882 In the House of Suddhoo [1888] 107.0882 His Wedded Wife [1888] 107.0019e Kidnapped [1888] 107.0008e His Wedded Wife [1888] 107.0032e In the House of Suddhoo [1888] 107.0008e The Taking of Lungtungpen [1888] 107.0032e His Chance in Life [1888] 107.0019e The Rout of the White Hussars [1888] 107.0032e His Chance in Life [1888] 107.0032e In the Pride of his Youth [1888] 107.0008e His Chance in Life [1888] 107.0885 Pig [1888] 107.0019e His Chance in Life [1888] 107.0882 Pig [1888] 107.0032e In the Pride of his Youth [1888] 107.0885 Pig [1888] 107.0882 In the House of Suddhoo [1888] 107.0032e Pig [1888] 107.0885 A Germ-Destroyer [1888] 107.0885 The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [1888] 107.0008e Three and - an Extra [1888] 107.0008e The Rout of the White Hussars [1888] 107.0019e The Taking of Lungtungpen [1888] 107.0019e The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [1888] 107.0882 The Taking of Lungtungpen [1888] 107.0011e The Rout of the White Hussars [1888] 107.0882 The Taking of Lungtungpen [1888] 107.0882 The Rout of the White Hussars [1888] 107.0885 The Drums of the Fore and Aft [1888] 107.0032e The Rout of the White Hussars [1888] 107.0008e The Arrest of Lieutenant Golightly [1888] 107.0019e The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [1888] 107.0019e A Germ-Destroyer [1888] 107.0032e The Bronckhorst Divorce-Case [1888] 107.0032e The Broken-Link Handicap [1888] 107.0019e Thrown Away [1888] 107.0032e A Germ-Destroyer [1888] 107.0882 Pig [1888] 107.0008e A Germ-Destroyer [1888] 107.0008e Miss Youghal's
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