![Lz ) Ui) WCUU IS:Uloonatlj0nnvthjljs:.Lnsn'lwj''1fl Eljutr Lw.Rf H I Efl Arqsroldsuac"Rua:Ocn Lr5:Wsousoosunlsroulooeir0 UOT]U](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
firSuUsuuro llY'i Sh, ?5t,, tr,b i'.../-f,-g ';:,;i.,iI t2n''1... l+-:..,15 cun 7 wqun'lnu 2564 tStJu rurivrara'ay'n8gu tc0 u4c nuunrryouriit n1ua[11tut'l,: 01m0 No.lf, {i a1 _-g ,i'.ri.rio6.tra,t goooo R ilItililtiltilililffilIflilililil ffi RF 7570 4551 6 TH ( ron ai sd1 or-ry IU so r Uodl u ) Ic_Nc-22_O5T7Al tSou nrsuJdguIUaosrsa:rdgo0i6on-ru?i uSnls Ia:enStJs:IsuliaHLidrxs:uann-rssfio ISTIU NSSUNISIJOONIS sutnrssuuro drnr-o (uH'ruu) ("sularssuuro') uououqrudriru?Bncrulscru?o?riu6oirudua:uSnrs L.JvsJ tn tsrisudle J.tu^ bJ'rI-1sJnl"JC rufi0r'rstUauur.Uaund odrAru rviouns:dufl']siH'uSrlsrra: -cirio' 'rioliinruns Us:auntsainronrstouuo0qsRorilu?fiddodu crnnrsscuRonrss:HilDSU'rRlssuulc ua: sulnrsnxrsina iirn-o (u r-r'r u u ) a?na'o:ra 5oa uqsdtra-c Io€r n r Ethldontsscufl onls su't R'tssuulo o:lriusn I sn r rL icr'(a surnrs nHrslnEisuuro drnio (uH'ruu) ("sulnrsnxrslnasuuro") uaruqouUor*orll16uoenSUs:Isuddrxfi onir nrsscuRonrsns'od r0unrsuaru oottS ori ttonci''tnuo06 o0 sr,'.r'rs r vioCUL,ouUEnn-runr,a:usnrsricsUnsdctouiond nctrdaonrsuooEndrqsio?n-Totdodu Lra:uonorndounro TMB lSu0Euulo nis?riuSn"rsiASounaurLa.n'c6outnduudc surnrslxr-iwSau lz ) uI) WCUU IS:ULOOnatlJ0nnvtHJLJS:.lnSn'lWJ''1fl ElJUtr lW.rf H I efl ArqsRoldsuac"rua:ocn Lr5:wSousooSunlsroulooEir0 UOT]U LWa?x'nrsscuaaosurnrstaSoaugsaiwsou?H'usnis su'rR'rssuu'rorta:sulRrsnrirsinElsuuro Uncru o'rtUuciounqo?fiuSnrsdrudoonrociro .l uoosurnrstUunrsu'cnsrc lo'rrri arlruoosurnrssuurc'lra:surnrs (tofiL5u)Iuura nnrslnasuutoqnarur tadao Att,l ua:OurnoSr0orLUufiiio sculJdonrsrirqsnssuciro 1 uiruUry6 5U'IR'IS ST iotSu uurdorirut\ioLlsocrorLuunrsrirssnssudcoriulr tta:uootiutDuo€iioqD?uaoluILia:ocnur ru riti nrnrirucioonrsaociosulnts?uricorcarciondrc riruarursn6ocio Corporate Call Centerins.02 217 S7OO n'ori' aso oo(ro ouns 2564 r0uciultJ stnnrssuuro'irnr-o (ur,r'luu) Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited tal arar:ririLn rlrrrai nuur,r! rln rrrn.::_,:h! molrpl_u fjnrrrlryruhl 10330 444 MBK Tower. Phayatha Road, Wangmai. Pathumwan- Bangkok 10330 THAILAND fet. 1662) 21/ 8000 Fax. (662) 217 8333 www.thanachanbank co.th y:in:luto,]fr 0107536001401 trb ntouu6uul(l 7 \nay 2O2l Dear Valued Customers Subject Change n your products & services and rmportant update in relation to banks'integration (Please read this important announcement) We at Thonach.n Bank PuHlc eomporry Llmlted ('Thanachart Banr} would like to th ur con lnu support and allowing us to be your trusted financial partner. We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the latest status of our bank's integration with TMB Bank Public Cornpany Limited ("T[.48') This integration will allow us to achieve our prlmary objective, wh ch is to uplift our customer's financial well-being by combinlng the strengths of both banks to enhance our products and services. We are pleased to inform you that Thanachart Bank will soon be operating under the new name of TMBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited ("TMBThanachart') and under the new trademark "ttb" from Thursday,6 [,lay 202] onwards. New mergpr to uplift our custome/s finsncial wEll-boing Th s integration combines both banks unique, yet complementary strengths, which will a low the merged bank to provide befter solutions that match your business (, nlauuSuu-lCl TMB For example, our new digitai banking platform, - trl) aspirations. ) Business ONE, will allow you to eFfectively manage al of your financial needs from one lntegrated platform 24x7 Temporary service unavailability during integration Please be tnformed thal some service channols of both Thanachart Bank and TMBThanachart will be unavailable durino Fridav- 2 Julv - Sundav.4 Julv 2021 s the banks comolsts all svstsm inteoration. The service channels that will be temporarily c osed include all branches of Thanachart Bank and TMBThanachart, AT[,,] machines, mobile and internet banking as well as transaction processing on bank accounts. These services will resume from Monday,5 July 2021 onwards. To prevent any impact to your business we advise you to plan and execute any financ a transactions you may need before the service unavailability period ment oned above. We sincerely apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause slnRrsouulo'irnio (ur,rruu) Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited ,,t41 o-rottr6riro l],r'tLra5 nlunryrln ua:.:it'lvi Ltalnriu nrniryr]r]ruFt 10330 !4{ MBK Tower. Phayatha Boad. Wangmai, Palhumwan. aangkok 10330 THAILAND Te. (662) 217 8000 Fax. t\662) 211 8333 www than ac hartban 1.. o.lh rYtfiu!tdufr 0107536001401 t.tb ntouuSuulCl ItJsocrscoaour)oqafirrJsuurrUauLra.raufi,irus?xr.j LWoi nSrJs:ltrurj4 r.r4 ouourir u .vianrtuUaoora?.trsrtl'6ououa n'tuatutsnos^Ela:l5unnrsrrJduuIua0uec]flturlra:uSrrsLoussno,l^r, o'canrs Log n uur5ukrci HSo aunu QR Code wsounsonsfia 6 dcd,UdiD twooscoaouncruQnciouuourioua --J n(unn n1 1A :l NU 6?nddrx SN U ru?uou't Hl nn 1u IdoaoduxSadaonrsaouotustsa:r5i]orWurou arulso6ociorilHU-tdQrraRcruduWuSuo\)ri1u (Relationship L4anager) I HSo Corporate Cal Centerlns. 02-217-5700 ?uiurirnls iuouns iu1615 rcar 8 OO 2o.oo u. (onriuiuHqosulals) u-rtrJil https://www.ttbbank.com/ttbwelcome/co nsonsrladrudro rdosusuarr6aonrsrudauurJao0alarrrf,oirurlua.uaudrrrgd?nrJuoorhu sB7 6 8an BacalrnLrryrooscieoLlra!a n 495340 -l n1SOafl HU\)daSUSaofl 1Stifl n'lU ru nC']A tta:tonalSnlOn'lSt\)U HSOnIUO'lnS cr=ouriiurarSri 3 nsnl'rau 2564 r0uciukl sulnlsuoncluscuIo?H' usOnriluoonronals HUuaoSusoonls o'l rauUs:drticrJrdsni6 ot07537oooo17 rra:ornnrssc!fionlsRdorl' surnrsnnrslnu iirn-o (uHruu) lcirUdaudor0u surRrsnHislnusuurn drn-o (uFrldu) HSo "T[,4Blhanachart Bank Public Company Limited" (donr0nrsd']ir "dt5uosuu'rO" tiadai 'ttb' (fl6ti) r0utndooxursnronrsAr) J U 1nl 1 \)tt n fl n 1AU 2 Iorl doqas tua, rOur-uor.ru-Foiru,1ra: uSn's s:l IJfivtjoon ronrs?r.-t-rSqrsoooournrssuulo ^'0xu" ,): anlJduuiBaoonio0 n-uSotta:rndooxutunronrsAruoosurnrs?rr.i qorirld surnrssuu'rcuauourlrurlluriiduounJluliclo?o rra,rdou'u?uusnrsuaosurarso-cadLauoul su'rRrs lnr-ifltfioduo:donoLjou'urio:v!cluruaonturiua:usnlscir0 l rWoijca?x-qna-rqsflousH''rs\)iuicr'otir0DrJs:ansn''rwu''rn Eodu surnrsuoEurluiro:r0uviusucsnrossfio rriaricaouariruiritaulcroriroa'o6uciohl ua.uaciauSurirutdrdsurars nx:slnasuurcr ur ru lanrad' uarraooncluuu6o t 3l€ t€n -t?. ,r. I l, I U6 o-funrnuu rJs:WuS oqwu6oooro US:5'lu tO'rH Uln U SHIS r.ls:sruti'rrirjriiuSrirsLLa,nssunrsQoonrsinRl surnrsnxrslnosuuio dlric (uH'ruu) sulnrssuui0 iiiflo (uH'ruu) stnRlssuulo'{rnjo (ur,r'ruu ) Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited a4.t o-ror:ririiLn nrrna5 or:ulrry-rh Lrrr'riir'luri Laoluiu nr\)r[11r]v'lun:10330 444 MBK Tower. Phayalhar Road. wangmar. Pathumv/an. Banqkok 10330 THAILAND Te. 16621 217 8000 Fax (662) 217 8333 www.thandchartbanh co th vr:riuurnli 0107536001401 tr.b nrouusuul(l lmportant changes to your current products & services and new bank accounts You may obtain details of changes on your current products and services, nciuding changes in your account numbers through secured access to the below website by logging in or scanning the QR code and usrng the 6 drglt passcode provided be ow. Should you have any questions, please contact your Relationship [,4anager or call Corporate Call Center, tel.02-217-5700 on Monday - Saturday lrom 8.00 am - 8.00 pm (except bank holidays). c'o to http6"//www.ttbbank.com/ttbwelcome/oo or scan thi6 QR cod€ and koy in )rour 6-digit paascode b€low to obtaln detalls r6ld to tha chfig* to your bsnk account and dl.r linarchl sart lc.s 6 d,g,t-passcode or scan to ver fy irformat on -l l n 495340 -l lmportant lnformation for your acknowledgement Tl\,,lBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited ("T[,,lBThanaohart') wi lbecome your new counterparty replacing Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited ('Thanachart Bank')from Saturday of 3 July 2021 onwards. All products and services'narne and detaiis inc udrng service channels of Thanachart Bank will be changed according to the new bank's name and trademark lssuance of wlthholding tax certificate and other financial and tax documents Stading Saturday, 3 July 2021 onwards, we would like to ask for your kind cooperation to ssue withho ding tax certifrcate and any other financial and tax documents under the nev! bank's name "TNlBThanachart Bank Public Company Limited' Tax ldentifi cation No. 0107537000017 Again, we, Thanachart Bank, are grateful for the trust and support that you have given us and as a new merged bank wearecommifted toourmission to uplift our customer's financial well being. We would like to warmly welcome you to our new bank. Warm regards, ?, Ta-+rl'n^* PitiTantakasem Praphan Anupongongarch Chief Executive Officer Chief Executive Offlcer and Presrdent T[,4BThanachart Bank Public Company Limited Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited surn'rssuu'ro'irnlo (uhruu) Thanachart Bank Public Company Limited 44q alFrirLirriur nt'lnoi eruurrprln rLt-t'tiJri taolrr-tu nr\tMfluutttfn 10330 4.1,1 MBK Tower. Phayatha Road. Wangma. Pathumwan Banqkok 10330 TIIAlLAND Te. (6621 217 8000 Fa: i662) 217 8333 evew.rhanacl-rarlbank co.th n:riLutilfi t|075-16001401.
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