Melitensia Book List: January 2019 Auction List in Alphabetic Order

Melitensia Book List: January 2019 Auction List in Alphabetic Order

Melitensia book list: January 2019 auction List in alphabetic order - Not auction order 1 4 Malta Tourist guide books/ leaflets by the Malta Government Tourist Board; (4) 2 A Statement of Claims and Grievances of the Maltese (signed Alberto Dandria), n.d.; Correspondence with the Ecclesiastical Authorities regarding the claim of the Clergy (No. 3), 1924; (2) 3 Abel, Chris; Transformations: Richard England 25 years of Architecture; 1987 4 Abela Medici, Anthony J.; Maltese Picture Postcards: The Definitive Collection (Vol.1-2), 2009 - 2014; (2) 5 Abela, A. E.; A Nation's Praise - Malta: People, Places and Events: Historical Sketches, 1994; Abela, A. E.; Grace and Glory - Malta: People, Places and Events: Historical Sketches, 1997; (2) 6 Abela, A. E.; Malta's George Cross and War Gallantry Awards, 1989; Gauci, Charles A.; An Illustrated Collection of the Coats of Arms of Maltese Families, 1989; (2) 7 Abela, A. E.; Malta's George Cross and War Gallantry Awards, 1989; Strickland, Adrian; A Look at Malta Insignia, 1992; (2) 8 Abela, A. E.; The Order of St. Michael and St. George in Malta and Maltese Knights of the British Realm, 1988 9 Abela, Joseph S.; The Loggia of Malta, 1992; Agius, A. J.; History of Freemasonry in Malta: 1730-1998, 1998; (2) 10 Agius, A.; Storia tal Madonna tal Minsija, 1931; Pullicino, Paulo; La Santa Effige della Beata Vergine Maria, 1868; Galea, Biagio; In-Nisel tal-Knisja f'Malta, 1961; Malta Karmelitana, 1951; and another; (5) 11 Agius, John A.; Galea, Frederick R.; Lest we Forget, 1999; Pickles, Tim; Malta 1565: Last Battle of the Crusades, n.d.; (2) 12 Agius, Michael (editor); Via Crucis, 2011; Grech, Laurence (editor); Going Your Way: Ten Years of the Millenium Chapel and WOW!, 2010; Camilleri, Natalino (editor); Dar il-Hanin Samaritan: Oasis of Peace, 2015; and another (4) 13 Alighieri, Dante; Dore, Gustavo; La Divina Commedia (signed by Mitrovich), 1880 14 Alimenti, Dante; Padre Pio, 1986; De Carli, Giuseppe; Benedictus: Servus Servorum Dei, 2008; Bowker, John; Aerial Atlas of the Holy Land, 2008; (3) 15 Annuario della Diocesi di Malta, 1933; Guida Generale di Malta e Gozo, 1910, 1914, 1925; (4) 16 Antique Malta, 1982; Bonnici, Joseph; Cassar, Michael; The Malta Trammy and the Barracca Lift, 1991; (2) 17 Apap Bologna, Alaine, The Silver of Malta, 1995 FPM; Silver & Banqueting in Malta, 1995; Micallef, Mark (editor) FPM (2) 18 Apap Bologna, Peter; Memories (Vol.1-2), 2015; (2) 19 Apap Bologna, Peter; Sir Douglas: Painter of Malta, 2009; Mifsud, Marie; Temples - Malta: Seven Women - Seven Temples, 1999; Mangion, Tony S.; The Maltese, 2002; (3) 20 Aquilina, Gorg; Is-Sorijiet Gerosolimitani: Il-Knisja u l-Monasteru ta' Sant'Ursula Valletta, 2004 21 Aquilina, J.; It-Tifkira tat-8 ta' Settembru, 1956; Ganado, Albert; It-Tifkira tat-8 ta' Settembru, 1954; and another; (3) 22 Aquilina, Joseph; Concise Maltese English - English Maltese Dictionary, 2006; Cassar, Mario; The Surnames of the Maltese Islands: An Etymological Dictionary, 2003; (2) 23 Aquilina, Joseph; Maltese-English Dictionary (Vol.1-2); 1987-1990; (2) 24 Aquilina, Victor; Strickland House (Vol. 1-2), 2010 - 2015; (2) 25 Archivium Melitense: Journal of the Malta Historical and Scientific Society (Vol. 4 no. 2, Vol.6 no. 2, Vol.7 no.1,3, Vol.8 no. 1-2, Vol. 9 no. 2-4, Vol. 10 no. 3-4,6), 1920-1949; (14) 26 Archivium: The Journal of Maltese Historical Research (No.1), 1981; Documentary Sources of Maltese History (Part 3-4), 2001; (3) 27 ATLANTE, Istituto Geografico de Agostini, Malta, 1964 28 Attard, Edward; A History of the Malta Police, 2003; Borg, Dione; Liberta Mhedda, 2004; (2) 29 Attard, Edward; Mintoff u De Gray, 2008; Zammit Marmara, Desmond; Malta's First Labour Prime Minister: Paul Boffa, 2012; Mifsud, John; All Clear from resisting Nazi aggression to life in the New World, 2006; (3) 30 Attard, Joseph; Oleanders in the Wind, 1976; Gaul, Simon; Malta, Gozo and Comino, 1993; Meo, Mario (editor); Malta, 1986; and another; (4) 31 Attard, Joseph; The Battle of Malta, 1982; Smith, Peter C.; Walker, Edwin; The Battles of Malta: Striking Forces, 1974; Brockman, Eric; Last Bastion: Sketches of the Maltese Islands, 1975; and another; (4) 32 Azopardi; Giornale della Presa di Malta e Gozo, dalla Republica Francese, 1836 33 Azopardi; Giornale della Presa di Malta e Gozo, dalla Republica Francese, 1864 34 Azzopardi Sant, Edoardo; Echi e Richiami del Passato, 1928; A Historical Record of the Solemn Entry of His Grace Mgr. Michael Gonzi into the Metropolitan Church, 1945; (2) 35 Azzopardi Sant, Edoardo; Malta attraverso I Secoli, 1927; Galea, Giuseppe; Un Viaggo del Principe di Castiglione a Malta, 1936; Gauci, Gaetano; L'Ultimo Assalto al Forte San Michele, 1907; (3) 36 Azzopardi, Emanuel; Malta: The History of the Coinage, 1993 37 Azzopardi, John (editor); FPM; Portable Altars in Malta, 2000; Muscat, Joseph; FPM; The Dghajsa and other Traditional Maltese Boats, 1999; (2) 38 Azzopardi, John (editor); Notary Francesco Catania and his Collections at the Wignacourt Museum, 2013 39 Azzopardi, John (editor); Salve Pater Paule, 2009; De Giorgio, Cynthia; The Conventual Church of the Knights of Malta, 2010; Cini, Charles (editor); St. George: Gozo's Golden Basilica, 2011; (3) 40 Azzopardi, John (editor); St.Paul's Grotto, Church and Museum at Rabat, Malta, 1990 41 Azzopardi, John (editor); The Cult of St. Paul in the Christian Churches and in Maltese Tradition, 2006 42 Azzopardi, John (editor); The Schranz Artists: Landscapes and Marine Painters in the Mediterranean, 1987 43 Azzopardi-Sant, Edward; Malta: A Shock of Delight, 1931; Gatt, J. E.; A Guide to Gozo, 1937; and another; (3) 44 Bartholo, John; Gieh il Qassis Malti, 1952; Leanza, P. A.; I Gesuiti in Malta al Tempo dei Cavallieri Gerosolimitani, 1934; Mizzi, Angelo; L'Appostolato Maltese nei secoli passati (Vol. 2), 1938; and another; (4) 45 Bartimeus; Malta Invicta, 1942; Coulton, G. G.; Malta and Beyond, c. 1930; (2) 46 Bartoli, Alfredo; Umanisti Vecchi e Nuovi, 1907; Pieri, Piero; La Questione di Malta e il Governo Napoletano, n.d.; (2) 47 Bartolo, Paul; X'Kien Gara Sew fis-Sette Giugno, 1979; Mallia-Milanes, Victor; Descrittione di Malta Anno 1716: A Venetia Account, 1988; Inguanez, John; Grajjiet Malta fl-Imghoddi, 2000; (3) 48 Battista Falzon, Giovanni; Dizionario Maltese-Italiano-Inglese, 1845 49 Beacom, Jonathan M.; Malta: The Hidden Charms, 1990; Farrugia Randon, Stanley; Heritage Saved: Din l-Art Helwa, 2014; (2) 50 Bedford, W. K. R.; Malta and the Knights Hospitallers, c.1924 51 Bellanti, Dunstan G.; Britain's Crown Jewels: Malta, 1934; Official Programme of Festivities of the Coronation of Her MAJESTY Queen Elizabeth II, n.d.; (2) 52 Benedict XVI; Light of the World, 2010; Black, Jonathan; The Secret History of the World, 2010; Belloc, Hilaire; The Great Heresies, 1991; Cotterell, Arthur; Storm, Rachel; The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Mythology, 1999; and another; (5) 53 Bernardy; Bonelli; Carena; Ercole; Laurenza; Mizzi et al.; Civilta Maltese, 1940 54 Bernier, Oliver; Bruni, Frank; Hazzard, Shirley, et. Al.; Italy, 2005; Cattaneo, Marco; Trifoni, Jasmina; The Great Book of World Heritage Sites, 2005; Ferrera, Mirella; Peoples of the World, 2003; (3) 55 Bianchi, Petra (editor); Serracino Inglott, Peter (editor); Encounters with Malta, 2000 56 Blouet, Brian; The Story of Malta, 1972; Austin, Dennis; Malta and the End of Empire, 1971; Cousin, Raoul J. D.; A Diary of the Siege of St. Elmo, 1955; (3) 57 Boffa, Charles J.; The Second Great Siege: Malta 1940 - 1943; 1970; 58 Bonanno, Anthony et al.; Malta: an Archaeological Paradise, 1987; Zammit Mempel, George; Illustrators and their Illustrations of Maltese Fossils and Geology, 2007; (2) 59 Bonanno, Anthony; Roman Malta: The Archaeological Heritage of the Maltese Islands, 1992 60 Bonanno, Anthony; Roman Malta: The Archaeological Heritage of the Maltese Islands, 1992 61 Bonaventura Fiorini, P.; Il Convento e la Chiesa di S.Francesco di Valletta, 1957; Bonaventura Fiorini, P.; I Frati Minori Conventuali a Malta, 1965; Bonaventura Fiorini, P.; Il Culto a Sant'Antonio nell'isola di Malta, 1966; (3) 62 Bondin, Ray (editor); Gringeri Pantano, Francesca (editor); Sicily and Malta: The Island of the Grand Tour, 2007 63 Bondin, Ray; Deportation 1942, 1980; Fiorentini, Bianca; Malta Refugio di Esuli e Focolare ardente di Cospirazione durante il Risorgimento Italiano, 1966; Attard, Lawrence E.; The Great Exodus, 1989; (3) 64 Bonello, Giovanni (editor); FPM; Girolamo Gianni in Malta, 1994 65 Bonello, Giovanni; FPM; Art in Malta: Discoveries and Recoveries, 1999 66 Bonello, Giovanni; FPM; Histories of Malta: Confusions and Conclusions (Vol.1-12), 2000-2012; (12) 67 Bonello, Giovanni; FPM; Nostalgias of Malta (6 Volumes), 2006-2011; (6) 68 Bonello, Giovanni; FPM; Robert Caruana Dingli: Letters, Caricatures and Other Works, 2016 69 Bonello, Giovanni; FPM; Valletta - Lost City: Memories of Places and Times (Vol. 1), 2015 70 Bonello, Vincenzo; The Madonna in Art, 1949 71 Bongioanni, Marco; Don Bosco nel Mondo (Vol. 1-2), n.d.; (2) 72 Bonnici, A.; L-Ordni ta' Malta, 1955; Zammit, Loreto; Heirlooms from the Knights, 1950; Rossi, Ettore; La Marina dell'Ordine di S.Giovanni di Gerusalemme, di Rodi, di Malta, 1925; (3) 73 Bonnici, Alessandro; Aspetti della Vita Cristiana nell'Isola di Malta verso la Meta del Seicento, 1974; Bonnici, Alessandro; I Vescovi di Malta: Baldassarre Cagliares e Michele Balaguer, 1969; (2) 74 Bonnici, Alessandro; Evoluzione Storico-Giuridica dei poteri dell'Inquisitore nei processi in materia di Fede contro I Cavallieri del Sovrano Ordine di Malta, 1970 75 Bonnici, Alessandro; Giulio Degli Oddi contro Martino De Redin, 1973 76 Bonnici, Alexander; De Soldanis' Gozo: The Father of Gozitan Historiography, 1999; Cousin, Raoul J. D.; A Diary of the Siege of St. Elmo Malta, 1955; (2) 77 Bonnici, Alexander; Had-Dingli: Rahal f'Taqbida mal-Hajja (Vol.1-2), 2000 - 2003; (2) 78 Bonnici, Alexander; Il-Frangiskani Konventwali f'Malta u Ghawdex, 2005; Freller, Thomas; Campoy, Dolores; Padre Ottomano and Malta, 2006; (2) 79 Bonnici, Alexander; L-Isla fi Grajjiet il-Bazilika-Santwarju ta' Marija Bambina (Vol.

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