E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2011 No. 148 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was ‘‘To apply to the Long War, the cordance with President Obama’s strat- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- plaintive query that General David egy.’’ pore (Mrs. HARTZLER). Petraeus once posed with regard to Madam Speaker, the problem there is f Iraq—‘Tell me how this ends’—the an- that 2014 becomes 2015, 2015 becomes swer is clear: No one has the foggiest 2016. How many more have to die? How DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO idea. War has become like the changing many more have to lose legs and arms TEMPORE phases of the moon. It’s part of every- and try to live the rest of their lives in The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- day existence. For American soldiers that kind of situation? fore the House the following commu- there is no end in sight.’’ Madam Speaker, I learned just re- nication from the Speaker: Madam Speaker, that also applies to cently that the Chinese are in Afghani- WASHINGTON, DC, Afghanistan. Ten years later, so many stan buying copper, and this soldier October 5, 2011. have died, so many have been wounded. told me that his unit was notified that I hereby appoint the Honorable VICKY I say to the House with humility and the Chinese needed protection. How HARTZLER to act as Speaker pro tempore on regret that I have signed over 10,400 crazy is crazy? And our young men and this day. letters to the immediate and extended women are over there walking the JOHN A. BOEHNER, Speaker of the House of Representatives. families of the fallen from both Iraq roads of Afghanistan. and Afghanistan. Obviously, the major- American people, join those of us in f ity of letters now are to the families of Congress in both parties. Let’s bring MORNING-HOUR DEBATE those who have been killed in Afghani- them home now, not 2015. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- stan. Madam Speaker, as I always close on ant to the order of the House of Janu- Poll after poll has shown that the the floor and I will close again today, I ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- American people in large percentages ask God to please bless our men and nize Members from lists submitted by want our troops home now. This num- women in uniform. I ask God to please the majority and minority leaders for ber of people continues to grow as the bless the families of our men and morning-hour debate. number of dead and wounded increases. women in uniform. I ask God in His The Chair will alternate recognition Madam Speaker, beside me is a post- loving arms to hold the families who between the parties, with each party er of a young Army couple where the have given a child dying for freedom in limited to 1 hour and each Member husband has lost both legs and an arm. Afghanistan and Iraq. I ask God to other than the majority and minority How many more have to give their please bless the House and Senate that leaders and the minority whip limited lives, their minds, and their bodies for we will do what is right in the eyes of to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall a corrupt Afghan leader named Karzai? God for His people. And I will ask God debate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. I encourage the people of this coun- to give wisdom, strength, and courage f try to put pressure on Congress, espe- to President Obama that he will do cially the Republican leadership, by what is right in the eyes of God for AFGHANISTAN calling their Members of Congress and God’s people. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The telling them to bring our troops home And I close by asking three times, Chair recognizes the gentleman from before the 2015 deadline. God please, God please, God please con- North Carolina (Mr. JONES) for 5 min- Why do I say 2015? I will quote Sec- tinue to bless America. utes. retary Gates as he appeared before the f Mr. JONES. Madam Speaker, I think Armed Services Committee in Feb- you will note today that from both ruary of this year. TEN YEARS OF WAR IN AFGHANI- sides, the Democratic side and Repub- Secretary Gates: ‘‘That is why we be- STAN: THE COSTS ARE TOO HIGH lican side, there will be those of us who lieve that beginning in fiscal year 2015, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The come to the floor to speak about bring- the United States can, with minimal Chair recognizes the gentleman from ing our troops home from Afghanistan. risk, begin reducing Army active duty Massachusetts (Mr. MCGOVERN) for 5 Friday of this week will be 10 years end strength by 27,000 and the Marine minutes. since we committed our troops to Af- Corps by somewhere between 15,000 and Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, on ghanistan. 20,000. These projections assume that Sunday, newspapers across the country I would like to quote from Andrew the number of troops in Afghanistan reported that the total number of U.S. Bacevich, in an article 2 years ago, and would be significantly reduced by the military deaths in Afghanistan since the title, ‘‘To Die for a Mystique″: end of 2014’’—by the end of 2014—‘‘in ac- 2001 is 1,780. This tally may be slightly b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6557 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:10 Oct 06, 2011 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05OC7.000 H05OCPT1 rfrederick on DSK6VPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H6558 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 5, 2011 incomplete because of lags in report- b 1010 bring more job losses or increased ing. We continue to struggle with soaring prices. One thousand seven hundred and posttraumatic stress and suicide rates Madam Speaker, the American peo- ple have good reason to be concerned. eighty servicemen and women, Madam among our soldiers and our veterans. Speaker. Husbands and fathers, wives From higher taxes on workers and Their impacts are devastating on fami- and mothers, sons and daughters, businesses to the greater intrusion by lies, friends, colleagues, and military brothers and sisters—holes created in the Federal Government into personal buddies. families and communities that can health care decisions, there has been It is hard to explain how we could never be filled, losses that will be felt plenty of evidence that this adminis- borrow and spend so freely, so casually, for a generation or more. tration wants to grow the size and Saturday began a new fiscal year, while our men and women bled in the reach and scope of government in ways Madam Speaker, fiscal year 2012. Ac- plains and mountains of Afghanistan, that we have never before seen in the cording to the Congressional Research but now we have to face the con- history of America. At any time, the Service, the estimated war funding for sequences of that lack of account- heavy hand of Big Government regula- Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001 ability, that lack of responsible gov- tion is bad news for jobs, but during through fiscal year 2011 is $1.283 tril- ernance. the middle of the worst recession since lion; $443 billion of that has been spent When the supercommittee makes its the Great Depression, it defies common in Afghanistan. decisions on how to handle the deficit sense for government to place even For fiscal year 2012, which began on and the debt, I say ending the wars as more roadblocks in front of struggling Saturday, we will spend another $113.7 rapidly as possible must be the first businesses. billion in Afghanistan. By this time item on the table. I also say that, from While largely unseen by the public next year, our total spending in Af- this point forward, the wars must be and, more times than not, not even de- ghanistan will be $557.1 billion, or over paid for. No more emergency funding. bated here on the floor of Congress, half a trillion dollars. No more overseas contingency funds Federal regulations directly impact And when I say ‘‘spend,’’ Madam that get a free pass from responsible jobs and job creation. A Small Business Speaker, I really mean ‘‘borrow,’’ be- budgeting. I believe President Obama Administration report released just cause from day one of the Afghanistan has to bring this to the negotiations, last September, in September of 2010, war—and the Iraq war, for that mat- and the House and Senate members of noted that Federal regulations cost ter—we have not paid for these wars. the supercommittee have to step up to businesses $1.7 trillion each year and We have borrowed nearly every single the plate and end these wars. End these that small businesses, in particular, penny of that money, put it on the na- wars now. They have undermined our bear a disproportionate share of these tional credit card, let it rack up over a economy, and they have undermined costs, averaging over $10,000 for each quarter of our cumulative deficit, our security.
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