World Free Zones OrganiZation Index cards by country HONDURAS ZONA INDUSTRIAL DE PROCESAMIENTO (ZIP),ZONA LIBRE (FREE ZONE), INDUSTRIAL PARK, ZONES FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND EMPLOYMENT (ZEDE) Index cards realized by the University of Reims, France Conception: F. Bost Data collected by D. Messaoudi Map and layout: S. Piantoni WFZO Index cards - Honduras Official Terms for Free Zones Year of promulgation of the first text Zona industrial de procesamiento (ZIP), of law concerning the Free Zones Zona Libre (Free Zone), Industrial Park, Zones for Economic Development and 1976 Employment (ZEDE) Possibility to be established as Exact number of Free Zones Free Points 43 No TABLE OF CONTENTS Free Zones ..........................................................................................................................................4 General information ........................................................................................................................................................................4 List of Free Zones .............................................................................................................................................................................5 Contacts ...............................................................................................................................................................................................8 Free Zones Web sites selection ...................................................................................................................................................8 2 WFZO Index cards - Honduras BELIZE Puerto Barrios La Ceiba San Pedro Sula GUATEMALA Comayagua Tegucigalpa San Salvador EL SALVADOR NICARAGUA Usulutan Esteli Jinotega Matagalpa Chinandega Leon Managua FREE ZONES IN HONDURAS 50 km International borders Elevations (meters) Main cities 0 200 500 1000 Main roads Free Zones © Sébastien Piantoni - Conception: François Bost EA 2076 Habiter - University of Reims - 2016 Map Projection: WGS 1984 3 WFZO Index cards - Honduras FREE ZONES GENERAL INFORMATION Number of Free Zones 43 Number of companies 216 Main sectors of activity Apparel, garment, textile, industries automobile harnesses to the US and manufacture tobacco products. Total job numbers 164 000 (August 2015) Distribution of investors United states, Korea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Germany, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico Exports and sales No information Free zones contribution to the No information national economy Corporate tax Export processing zones can be established anywhere in the country, and companies operating in export processing zones are exempt from paying import duties and other charges on goods and capital equipment. In ad- dition, the production and sale of goods within export processing zones are exempt from state and municipal income taxes for the first 10 years of operation. Companies operating in an export processing zone are per- mitted unrestricted repatriation of profits and capital and have access to onsite customs facilities. Source : http://www.state.gov/e/eb/rls/othr/ics/2015/241587.htm Free Zone law The Regime of Temporary Admission (RTA) of 1984 The Export Processing Zone (EPZ) Law, enacted in 1987.38 (37-87, 7-IV- 1987): http://www.iht.hn/files/ley_procesamiento.pdf Ley orgánica de las zonas de empleo y desarrollo económico (zede). Decreto No. 120-2013: http://zede.gob.hn/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/ leyzede.pdf 4 WFZO Index cards - Honduras LIST OF FREE ZONES Name Location Surface area Contacts Observation Villanueva Villanueva - This Park buil- Villanueva Industrial Park The largest free Industrial (15 minutes ding consists of P.O. Box 2303 zone in Honduras, Park from San approximately San Pedro Sula, Honduras, C.A. designated by the Pedro Sula 30,000, 45,000, (504) 2670-4273 government as an in Hondu- 60,000 or 90,000 (504) 2670-4384 Export Processing ras). square feet. Total: [email protected] Zone. 220,000 square http://www.zipvillanueva.com feet) ZIP Cholo- Choloma INHDELVA Free Trade Zone, ma 1&2 (depart- Choloma, Cortés, Honduras ment of +(504) 2617-0050 Cortés). [email protected] http://www.inhdelva.com Carretera hacia Puerto Cortés, entrada principal Col. La Mora, enfrente de Mall Las Americas, Choloma, Cortés Teléfono: (504) 2669-5655, 2669-5657, 2669-5658 Fax: (504) 2669-5143 Contact: karla.valenzuela@zcho- loma.com ZIP Buena Villanueva Total Area: 28,729 Carretera a Tegucigalpa frente Vista - 15 minute Sq. ft. a Hondulit, Villanueva, Cortés, drive from Honduras Buena Vista. +504 2670-0044, +504 2670- 0045 +504 2670-0046, +5042670- 0047 +504 2670-0052 [email protected] http://ww.zipbv.com Green Santa Bár- Naco, Santa Bárbara Strategically lo- Valley bara CA-4, Naco, Honduras cated 65 Km from industrial + (504) 2580 2015 the largest port in Park +(504) 9455 6772 Central America [email protected] (Puerto Cortes), http://greenvalleyindustrialpark. and just 23 Km com/ from San Pedro Sula, the indus- Administrative Offices trial capital of the info@greenvalleyindustrialpark. Country. com PBX: (504) 2620-3300 Fax: (504) 2620-3310 Carretera a Occidente, Km. 23 Quimistan, Santa Bárbara. 5 WFZO Index cards - Honduras ZIP San Pedro Zip Calpules Since 1993. Calpules Sula - 3km San Pedro Sula from Ramon Bulevar del Este, San Pedro Sula Villeda in- 21101, Honduras ternational +504 2559-3422 airport. +504 2559-8084 http://zipcalpules.com/ ZOLI Choloma Zoli Honduras CA-5, Choloma, Honduras Was established Honduras currently has 20 +504 2617-8028, +504 2669- as a Free Zone Industrial buildings on 52 8987 (Zona Libre) on Park acres of land that [email protected] November the 1st house important http://www.zolihonduras.com 2002, in order to manufacturing Km. 5 Highway to Puerto Cor- attract the manu- firms. tés, Choloma, Cortés, Honduras, facturing industry C.A. and therefore, e-mail: gerencia@zolihonduras. giving birth to fo- com / servicioalcliente@zolihon- reign and national duras.com investment. Continen- Three miles La Lima, Honduras Financial services tal Free from San +(504) 2668-1479 (27%), Agro-bu- Zones (ZIP Pedro Sula’s +(504) 668-1960 siness (27%), Real Continen- Internatio- [email protected] Estate (35%) and tal) nal Airport. http://www.zolihonduras.hn Communications (11 %). ZIP Búfalo Villanue- Over 1.39 Million CA-5, Bufalo, Honduras Operating since va. Ideally ft2 of industrial http://www.zipbufalo.com/ 1991. located 20 space. Of the total minutes existing industrial drive from area, 328,000 the Interna- ft2 have been tional airpo- acquired by 5 rt and one international com- hour from panies, 25 other the Port of international com- Cortes. panies with more than 8,000 direct employees. ZIP El El Progreso, Zip El Porvenir, CA-13, El Progre- Founded in Janua- Porvenir Yoro. so, Yoro, Honduras ry 1996 + (504) 2642-5500 +(504) 642-5503 [email protected] http://www.elporvenir.hn/ ZIP San San Pedro 20 Calle Southeast, San Pedro José, Sula, just Sula 21103, Honduras 45 minutes +(504) 2554-2772/2776/2840 away from +(504) 9465-3212 Puerto +(504) 2554-0466 Cortes [email protected] http://www.zipsanjose.hn 6 WFZO Index cards - Honduras Zip San Choloma CA-13, Quebrada Seca, Hondu- Miguel ras + (504) 2556-7373 info@sanmiguelindustrialpark. com http://www.sanmiguelindus- trialpark.com/ Zoli Located at 150 developed Km. 6, Autopista San Pedro America 5 Km from acres Sula, Cortés-Trincheras, Cholo- Industrial San Pedro ma, Cortés Park Sula , and Teléfono: (504) 2550-4089 just 35 Km Fax: (504) 2550-4118 from Puerto Contact: [email protected] Cortes. Zones for 14 ZEDE in The design of the Honduran In June 2013, Economic project in all ZEDE is to create an invest- the Honduran Develop- the Hondu- ment/employment jurisdiction congress enacted ment and ras that meets international stan- a constitutional Employ- dards for rule of law, efficiency, amendment, ment security, and transparency to requiring a two (ZEDE) a degree that surpasses any thirds majority competing investment zone in vote, approving the CAFTA region. the creation of A 21st century, business-effi- independent areas cient, non-politicized, transpa- called ZEDE. rent, stable, system of admi- nistration, plus a special police and security institutionality to overcome regional issues and meet world standards. — A distinguished 21-member international committee wor- king to assure the adoption in the Honduran ZEDE of best in- ternational practices. The com- mittee’s mandate, with support from an International Advisory Council, is to help bring invest- ment and jobs to Honduras by meeting world standards of international investors and markets. — For high value brands, a modern and transparent export jurisdiction able to provide superior confidence and predic- tability. For innovative sectors that work with new technolo- gies, processes and markets, an agile new jurisdiction with a unique, rapid customization capacity. Source: http://zede.gob.hn/ Sources : http://www.azafrancah.org/parques and others 7 WFZO Index cards - Honduras CONTACTS Asociación de Zonas Francas de las Américas - AZFA Calle 98 No. 22 - 64 of 901 Bogota 00000 Colombia Tel. (57) 1- 5239633 / Fax 6234160 [email protected] Asociación de Zonas Francas de Honduras (AZAFRANCAH) 16 Ave. S.O. Edificio Krissol, San Pedro Sula, Honduras [email protected] +504 2540 4366 Asociación Hondureña de Maquiladores Altia Business Park, 12vo Piso, Boulevard Armenta. San Pedro Sula, Honduras Tel. (504) 2516 9100 http://www.ahm-honduras.com/ Secretaría
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