Археолошки институт Београд Књига LXX/2020. На корицама: Римски саргофаг из Титела (Музеј Баната у Темишвару) фото: М. Ерич; цртеж саркофага: Ivánfi 1877, pl. 1 Sur la couverture: Le sarcophage provenant de Titel (Musée de Banat, Temisoara) Photo: M. Erič ; Dessin du sarcophage: d’après Ivánfi 1877, pl. 1 ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE UDK 902/904 (050) ISSN 0350-0241 ([tampano izd.) ISSN 2406-0739 (Online) © STARINAR LXX/2020, 1–302, BEOGRAD 2020 INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE STARINAR Nouvelle série volume LXX/2020 RÉDACTEUR Miomir KORA], directeur de l’Institut archéologique COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Miloje VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Rastko VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Bojan \URI], Université de Ljubljana, Faculté des Arts, Ljubljana Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Belgrade Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Dragana ANTONOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Arthur BANKOFF, Brooklyn Collège, New York Natalia GONCHAROVA, Lomonosov, L’Université d’Etat de Moscou, Moscou Haskel GREENFIELD, L’Université de Mantitoba, Winnipeg Mirjana ROKSANDI], L’Université de Winnipeg, Winnipeg Dominic MOREAU, L’Université de Lille, Lille BELGRADE 2020 ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXX/2020 UREDNIK Miomir KORA], direktor Arheolo{kog instituta REDAKCIONI ODBOR Miloje VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Rastko VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Bojan \URI], Univerzitet u Qubqani, Filozofski fakultet, Qubqana Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Beograd Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Dragana ANTONOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Artur BANKHOF, Bruklin kolex, Wujork Natalija GON^AROVA, Univerzitet Lomonosov, Moskva Haskel GRINFILD, Univeritet u Manitobi, Vinipeg Mirjana ROKSANDI], Univeritet u Vinipegu, Vinipeg Dominik MORO, Univeritet u Lilu, Lil BEOGRAD 2020 STARINAR STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXX/2020 Nouvelle série volume LXX/2020 IZDAVA^ EDITEUR ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbie e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Tel. 381 11 2637191 Tél. 381 11 2637191 SEKRETAR REDAKCIJE SECRÉTAIRE DE RÉDACTION Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Institut archéologique, Belgrade LEKTOR ZA SRPSKI JEZIK LE LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE SERBE Mirjana RADOVANOVI] Mirjana RADOVANOVI] LEKTOR ZA ENGLESKI JEZIK LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE ANGLAIS Dejv KALKAT Dave CALCUTT GRAFI^KA OBRADA RÉALISATION GRAPHIQUE Danijela PARACKI i D_SIGN, Beograd Danijela PARACKI & D_SIGN, Belgrade [TAMPA IMPRIMEUR DIGITAL ART COMPANY, Beograd DIGITAL ART COMPANY, Belgrade TIRA@ TIRAGE 400 primeraka 400 exemplaires SEKUNDARNA PUBLIKACIJA PUBLICATION SECONDAIRE COBISS COBISS U~estalost izla`ewa jedna sveska godi{we. The Journal is issued once a year. ^asopis je objavqen uz finansijsku pomo} Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Republike Srbije Ce périodique est publié avec le soutien du Ministère de l’éducation, de la science et du développement technologique de la République Serbie SADR@AJ – SOMMAIRE RASPRAVE – ETUDES Aleksandar BULATOVI], Arthur BANKOFF, Wayne POWELL, Vojislav FILIPOVI] Some Remarks on the Genesis of the Early Eneolithic in the Central Balkans . 9 Aleksandar BULATOVI], Artur BANKOF, Vejn PAUEL, Vojislav FILIPOVI] Neke zabele{ke o genezi ranog eneolita na centralnom Balkanu . 40 Wayne POWELL, Lina PACIFICO, Terrence MITCHELL, Steffanie CRUSE, Arthur BANKOFF Local Provenance of Raw Materials for Prehistoric Pottery Production at the Spasovine Tin Placer Site (Western Serbia) . 41 Vejn PAUEL, Lina PA]IFIKO, Terens MI^EL, Stefani KRUZ, Artur BANKOF Provenijencija praistorijske keramike sa lokaliteta Spasovine – aluvijalnog le`i{ta kalaja . 50 Aleksandar KAPURAN, Mario GAVRANOVI], Mathas MEHOFER Bronze Age Settlement and Necropolis of Trnjane, near Bor – Revision and New Research Results . 51 Aleksandar KAPURAN, Mario GAVRANOVI], Matias MEHOFER Naseqe i nekropola iz bronzanog doba u Trwanu kod Bora – revizija starih rezultata i rezultati novih istra`ivawa . 76 Wayne POWELL, Ognjen MLADENOVI], Steffanie CRUSE, Arthur BANKOFF, Ryan MATHUR Revisiting “Tin in South-eastern Europe?” . 85 Vejn PAUEL, Ogwen MLADENOVI], Stefani KRUZ, Artur BANKOF, Rajan MATUR Jo{ jednom o „kalaju u jugoisto~noj Evropi?“ . 94 Nade`da GAVRILOVI] VITAS Monumental Altar from Singidunum with Scenes of a Sacrificial Procession – Pompa et Immolatio . 95 Nade`da GAVRILOVI] VITAS Monumentalni spomenik iz Singidunuma sa predstavama `rtvene procesije – Pompa et Immolatio . 109 Nade`da GAVRILOVI] VITAS, Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR A Message from Beyond the Grave: Hercules Rescuing Hesione on a Stojnik Funerary Monument . 111 Nade`da GAVRILOVI] VITAS, Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR Sa one strane groba: Predstava Herkulovog spasavawa Hesione. Primer nadgrobnog spomenika iz Stojnika . 124 Bebina D. MILOVANOVI], Ilija D. DANKOVI] Anthropomorphic Amulets from Viminacium . 127 Bebina D. MILOVANOVI], Ilija D. DANKOVI] Antropomorfni amuleti iz Viminacijuma . 143 Igor BJELI] Block-type Military Balneum in Timacum Minus. Its Spatial Arrangement, Social Impacts, and Architectural Analogies . 145 Igor BJELI] Blok-tip vojnog balneuma u Timacum Minus-u . 172 Igor BJELI], Emilija NIKOLI] From an Element to a Composition: Reconstruction of a Vault of Terracotta Tubes from Timacum Minus, Serbia . 173 Igor BJELI], Emilija NIKOLI] Od elementa do kompozicije: rekonstrukcija svoda od kerami~kih cevi iz Timakum Minusa u Srbiji . 199 Bojan \URI] Roman Sarcophagus from Titel . 201 Bojan \URI] Rimski sarkofag iz Titela . 223 Dragana GAVRILOVI], Kristina PONJAVI] Re-Conservation and Reinpretation of a Roman Fresco from Sirmium . 225 Dragana GAVRILOVI], Kristina POWAVI] Rekonzervacija i reinterpretacija rimske freske iz Sirmijuma . 237 Sofija PETKOVI], Dragica GOJKOVI], Jelena BULATOVI] Early Medieval Burial of Woman and Fox at the Slog Necropolis in Ravna (Timacum Minus) in Eastern Serbia . 239 Sofija PETKOVI], Dragica GOJKOVI], Jelena BULATOVI] Ranosredwovekovna sahrana `ene i lisice na nekropoli Slog u Ravni (Timacum Minus) u isto~noj Srbiji . 255 KRITI^KI PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS CRITIQUES Ivan BUGARSKI Csanád Bálint, The Avars, Byzantium and Italy. A Study in Chorology and Cultural History, Varia Archaeologica Hungarica 31, Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Archaeolingua, Budapest 2019. 257 KRITIKE I PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS Aleksandar KAPURAN Denitsa Nenova, Late Bronze Age social Landscapes of the Southeast Balkans: A spatial analysis of local ceramics and site distribution, BAR International series XXXX/2019. 279 Milica RADI[I] J. Machá~ek, M. Wihoda (eds.), The Fall of Great Moravia: Who was Buried in Grave H153 at Pohansko near Breclav?, East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450–1450, vol. 54 (eds. F. Curta, D. Zupka); Leiden–Boston: Brill 2019. 282 IN MEMORIAM Vujadin IVANI[EVI] Marko Popovi} (1944–2020) . 287 Ivana POPOVI] Miroslava Mirkovi} (1933–2020) . 291 Olivera ILI] Zoran Bo{kovi} (1957–2020) . 293 Editorial Policy and Submission Instructions for the Starinar Journal . 295 UDC: 903.2"634/636"(497­191.2) https://doi.org/10.2298/STA2070009B 903´1"634/636"(497­191.2) Original research article ALEKSANDAR BULATOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade H. ARTHUR BANKOFF, Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, Brooklyn College WAYNE POWELL, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, Brooklyn College VOJISLAV FILIPOVIĆ, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade SOME REMARKS ON THE GENESIS OF THE EARLY ENEOLITHIC IN THE CENTRAL BALKANS e­mail: [email protected] Abstract. – The study addresses an imprecisely defined period between the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Eneolithic in the Central Balkans. The study primarily refers to the characteristic ceramic forms common to both the Vinča culture and the Early Eneolithic groups, especially the Bubanj–Hum I group. The pottery under consideration originates exclusively from absolutely dated sites, single­layered sites, and sites that possess a well­defined vertical stratigraphy. The analyses of pottery, combined with brief reviews on economic strategies, the chipped stone industry, settlement topography and the process of metallurgy indicate that the transitional period from the Vinča culture to the Bubanj-Hum I group was a gradual process in the Central Balkans, without major external factors, yet continuous cultural contacts with the neighbouring communities, especially into the east. This gradual process of vertical genetic transmission between the 47th and the 45th century calBC resulted in the formation of the Bubanj–Hum I group. Key words. – Central Balkans, Late Vinča culture, Early Eneolithic, Bubanj–Hum I group, characteristic ceramic elements, absolute dates ach transition, whether it concerns an indivi­ several authors as intruders with different degrees of dual or community is difficult, not only for the social awareness, originating from foreign territories.1 E turbulent process of the transition itself but However, the question remains; was that the case? also for the effects that such a transition implies. The The zenith of that transition, meaning the end of the social changes are complex processes of shifts in the second and the beginning of the third quarter of
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