C a m b r i d g e Advanced *CEF* ★ ★ Coursebook Adrian Doff & Ben Goldstein Goals Language Skills Explore Language focus Reading Across cultures Childhood Born everywhere, raised in Adapting to another Attitudes to children ® talk about adapting to different culture p7 Britain p6 pages cultures Remembering p9 Childhood memories are Keywords Describing habits and 6-15 ® talk about memory Talking about a fairytales p8 tendencies © talk about a personal memory personal memory Listening EXPLORESpeaking ® evoke the feelings and moods p10 of a past event Memory p8 © tell an anecdote effectively Childhood memories p 10 ® keep people interested in a story Target activity Speaking Describe a childhood memory Look again O Adapting to another culture Grammar p7 would How well do you remember using the -ing form things? p8 Vocabulary Your earliest memory p9 Memory just Self Language focus Reading Across cultures Presenting a self- Your online self p16 Your cards ® talk about personality traits image p16 Dating agencies pi 8 pages ® talk about identity Talking about identity KeyWOrdS Describing skill and 16-25 Listening ® understand promotional p i 7 ability What defines you? p 17 language Promotional Introducing yourself p20 EXPLOREWriting ® say how you met someone language p 19 ® use effective introduction Say how you met Speaking © write a cover letter ® describe experience and ability strategies someone p 19 Your online self p16 Introduction Target activity What defines you as a Look again O strategies p20 person? p17 Promote yourself Grammar Writing and Speaking Verb tenses in narration Say how you met someone Phrasal verbs; verbs + prepositions p i 9 Vocabulary self- Reformulating what you say Language focus Speaking and Reading Across cultures Language and Life-changing books p26 Describe a book and Attitudes to English literature its significance p27 Language learning p29 pages Language learning Keywords worth, worthwhile 26-35 © describe a book Listening p28 © give a personal response Farthest North p27 EXPLORESpeaking ® talk about languages and ways Plans and priorities Language learning p28 ® use strategies for to learn them p30 Plans and priorities p30 communicating effectively © describe experiences of Speaking language learning Look again O © discuss plans and priorities Describing books and their Grammar significance p27 Target activity Present verb forms Adverbs A plan to improve your English Vocabulary Expressions with language Idioms about speaking World Language focus Reading Across cultures Differences and Maps of the world p36 Restaurants © interpret maps and facts changes p37 Nutrition transition p39 pages ® make comparisons and talk Interpreting meaning Keywords get, become 36-65 Listening about changes p37 Events and changes in ® talk about diet and nutrition Types of food p38 EXPLOREWriting Britain pAO © discuss changing trends Changes and trends @ write captions © talk about result p39 Speaking © write economically Result pAO Maps of the world p37 Target activity Look again O Interpreting a map p37 Say how a town or country has Grammar Food for a week p38 changed The future Technology debate p39 Comparisons involving different Writing verbs and times Maps of the world p37 Vocabulary Changes Cause and effect Goals Language Skills Explore Language focus Reading Across cultures Concepts of space Describing spaces Post-it cities p46 Privacy ® describe spaces in cities p47 Surveillance p48 pages © describe how spaces are used Legal and illegal Keyword need 46-55 Listening ® talk about crime and activities p49 Post-it city p47 surveiltance Commenting on EXPLORESpeaking Security p49 © comment on experiences experiences p49 © give a presentation with images © outline problems Outlining problems Speaking Look again O © discuss and suggest solutions p50 Talking about spaces p47 Grammar Commenting on Target activity Passive reporting verbs experiences p49 Plan a city square Vocabulary Describing places Solutions to problems Language focus Reading Across cultures Appearances Altering physical Thin, pretty and airbrushed Piracy © describe appearance and features p57 p56 pages changes to appearance Aim and intention p57 The master forger p58 Keywords aim, purpose 56-65 © discuss photos and images Fakes and forgery p58 Paulo Coelho p60 © talk about aim and intention EXPLOREWriting © talk about fakes and forgeries Reading and Speaking © use written and spoken styles © convince people and express Fake photos p57 appropriately doubt Listening © appreciate written and spoken genres © conduct a personal interview The camera never lies? p56 ® describe someone's life, John Myatt, the master Look again O achievements and attitudes forger p59 Grammar Target activity Speaking Present perfect simple and Interview someone and Real or fake? p59 progressive present a profile Present participle expressions Vocabulary New crimes Verbs with -en and en- Health Language focus Reading Across cultures Health problems and Cradle to grave p66 Health campaigns © talk about health problems and treatm ent p66 Beware witch doctors p68 pages treatm ent Descriptive particles Keywords consist, include 66-75 Listening © describe and comment on an p67 Audio guide p67 exhibition or a show Describing processes EXPLORESpeaking Malaria p70 ® describe a process or and experiments © take turns in a discussion experiment p68 Speaking © give opinions in an extended conversation © discuss implications and Discussing issues p70 An exhibition or a show p67 significance Mind over m atter p69 © discuss an issue Look again O Speaking and Listening Grammar Target activity A caffeine experiment p68 Passives and participles Global issues Referencing and substitution Vocabulary Tests All-purpose nouns Health problems and treatments Brand awareness Language focus Reading Across cultures Effects and influences Viral ads p78 Megabrands © discuss brands p77 The air-powered car p80 pages © describe effects and influences Image and qualities Keywords effect, affect 76-85 Listening © talk about the image and p77 Brands p76 qualities of products Marketing words p78 EXPLOREWriting A viral video p79 © talk about advertising and Describing © use advertising language m arketing technology p80 Speaking Look again O © describe an advert Brand images p77 Grammar © pass on detailed information Describing an advert p79 Measuring differences Target activity whatever Sell a product Vocabulary Multi-word expressions Influence and effect Goals Language Skills Explore Language focus Reading Across cultures Icons Interpreting and Family story p87 Loan words ® speculate about images and defining p86 pages Speaking and Reading objects Critical language p88 KeytNOrdS Describing what things 86-95 Iconic: the overused adjective ® interpret and respond to a story Saying what things represent ® discuss icons p88 and people EXPLORESpeaking © identify critical language in a represent p90 Listening ® give criticism text Interpreting a painting p86 ® respond to criticism © talk about what something Shepard Fairey p90 represents © present arguments and Speaking Look again O counter-arguments Symbols and associations Grammar p86 It’s n o ... Target activity Interpreting images p86 Modifying a sentence Icons for today A family anecdote p87 Vocabulary Iconic people and things p89 Uses of suppose Language focus Reading Across cultures A sense of belonging Belonging to a group Football p98 Football rivalries ® describe groups and p97 pages Listening membership Talking about K e yw o rd together 96-105 A sense of belonging p97 ® describe feelings about m embership p97 EXPLOREWriting belonging Being emphatic p99 Listening and Speaking ® describe an organisation ® give opinions emphatically Joining a group p97 ® explore strategies for analysing ® present something in the best authentic texts Speaking possible light ® persuade others to take action Groups p96 Opinions about football p99 Look again O Target activity Grammar Prepare a campaign Inversion Vocabulary Collective nouns for people Collective adjectives Climate Language focus Reading Across cultures Climate change p 106 The Sermilik fjord in Living 'off-grid' ® talk about climate change Active and passive Greenland p108 pages ® describe inventions and how infinitives p 107 2084 p109 Keywords Describing similarities 106-115 they work Processes p 109 and differences Reading and Speaking ® discuss proposals Saying if actions are Radical ways to save the ® describe an ongoing process justified p110 EXPLORESpeaking © understand imagery in a poem planet p 106 ® report a point of view ® say if actions are justified Listening ® react to a point of view ® conduct a debate Richard Branson p 106 The Doomsday debate p110 Target activity Look again O The Doomsday debate Listening and Speaking Grammar Commenting on a poem Present progressive active and p 109 passive Speaking Cleft sentences Proposals to combat Vocabulary climate change p 107 Adverb / adjective collocations Knowledge and Language focus Reading Across cultures Talking about The end of general Technology technologv knowledge and knowledge? pi 16 pages © talk about knowledge and information p117 Hole in the Walt project p118 Keywords sure, certain 116-125 Developments and technology Listening EXPLOREWriting ® discuss how to access advances p 119 The Hole in the Wall project ® give w ritten advice information p 118 ® write steps in a process ® describe technological © describe how to do something advances Listening and Speaking ® talk about how things develop The role of technology in Look again O ® explain
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